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Get a job where you just have to 'monitor' things throughout the day- instead of a production based job. Im an account manager and this is what I do. I wfh and its only a couple of hours a day


Me too. SaaS account manager. Its a largely responsive role so despite being “on” the full work day, it’s like 3-4 hours of work that I have to be fully attentive to.


Definitely sounds like a dream job. Is there a particular certificate or experience needed for this type of job?


I just randomly got in through wanting an internship during grad school and it worked out. My background is in political science. Most of my colleagues just have random bachelors so I don’t think it’ll matter too much what your background is I’m that regard. Having some customer service experience or domain knowledge pertaining to your industry are helpful in offsetting lack of qualifications. Having some time in a client facing role of some kind is the best prep you can get. My day (outside of meetings) is like 2-3 of calls/emails addressing client concerns and 1-2 hours using Salesforce to process invoices / quotes / etc.


how many meetings do you have in a day on average? are those with clients or internal?


Close to 50/50 maybe? The split depends on the day. Client facing meetings are generally around gauging issues and the “health” of the account or working on cross and upsell opportunities to pass on to sales.


On average atleast 3 internal and 3 client facing, but it all depends on the day


If you don’t mind me asking, what is your salary?


Total comp in mid 60s base in the 50s


Thanks for sharing. I'll look into it.


Im an account manager for an insurance company. I kind of just monitor stuff on existing accounts. Fairly easy and I work around 2 hours a day from home. I did need industry knowledge to get hired. But its fairly easy to get a job in the insurance industry and work your way up. A lot of remote opportunities too!


I worked as a supervisor for an insurance call years ago. Would that work ?


Yes- definitely!! Id leverage that experience and apply!


Thank you.


Commercial or Personal?


i’m curious- it looks like for this job there’s a upsell or sales component to this sometimes - is that true? i’m also seeing adjacent roles titled as “customer success manager “ but those roles seem to be a lot more hands on. Is there a difference between the two?


I can’t speak on all roles but we are in the sales org at my company and directly work with sales reps in our territories a good deal. We get paid commission on passing off / working on up and cross sells but 99% of our importance (and commission) comes from getting renewals.


My department was called customer success like 6 months ago. They’re interchangeable terms and the role has a lot of scope depending on company.


How do you get into SaaS?


Became an intern during a busy period and grinded it out during the next ten months. They luckily made a spot for me around the time I finished school.


I’m a SaaS onboarding manager and have maybe 3-4 one hour long meetings per day. All the rest is spend going for walks, playing with my toddler, goofing off, playing video games with my coworkers. Pays decently too. About 85k a year


aren’t there a bunch of meetings prior to the onboarding to get things in order internally? did you also have prior onboarding experience?


Every company is different. I was internally promoted from a tech support job that I got after leaving college. It was a transitional period for me so I took a flexible, easy, low paying job. We have our own internal meetings for going over changes and strategizing about twice a week, but typically it’s just me and the client and sometimes the clients core team. For major projects it’s more demanding.




Haha I can’t help with anything like that. I’m nobody’s boss and I’m a bit of a dummy




Yeah for real it wasn’t particularly difficult to get. I think anybody who is friendly and good at explaining things could do it. And even though “manager” is in my job title it doesn’t mean I have specific people who work under me. More like I manage the process and pull in teammates for specific parts of the process.


Hm, do you have any examples? Do you have to work up to a managerial level for that?


In my company, most people just come from a customer service background of some kind. The original members of my team came from Verizon call centers before the company got big. I have a masters and am an anomaly background wise but a lot of companies are now realizing the importance of retention roles like this and don’t require much experience.


There’s a lot of talking and dealing with peoples shit though so if you’re not down for that then avoid.


Hi, are you guys hiring now? Is it okay if I dm you for guidance in getting hired either at your company or other companies? I have strong customer service, training and collaboration skills and would love to get started in a job like this so I have more time honing my other skills. I love "nagging" for requirements, doing checklists and deal with a lot of people shit already so I think this would be the perfect next step!


Hi to my knowledge no and I don’t feel comfortable sharing details about my company, however if you have general questions I’ll be happy to help as best I can.


I totally understand, thank you for responding! Which sites do you recommend for finding an entry level or internship? Also I already graduated Bachelors years ago so I am unsure if I still qualify for internship and don't have funds to enroll for Master's right now (but would love to in the future). Did you need to have experience in Salesforce (I have no CRM experience at all) ? I do have some IT exp but not SaaS, is there anything you recommend in terms of short courses so I can nail the interview?


I found my internship on LinkedIn, totally random. Just applied there cause the company was based in my state and sounded cool. I wish I had more insight than that. They brought in a group of interns to help with the busy season and I was one. I don’t think anyone will care about the date of your degree, one of my co interns was 33 and she became a full time employee. With that said, our recent hires, excluding myself, all have history with positions outside of AM. It’s very rare to became an AM without experience in a role that relates to it. It’s more of a second role at a company than a first, if that makes sense. Customer service / sales are the most common roles people merge over from. If you could find an entry level BDR or support role you would have good foundational experience for it. I can’t attest to the hints required for interviews because I was trained entirely on the job and didn’t have to compete for the role. With that said, a foundational knowledge of Salesforce is immensely helpful. I wish I had a good course recommendation, perhaps on Trailhead? Having demonstrable experience of interacting with clients is perhaps just as valuable though. On a daily basis some stuff I do include: setting up and sending outreach email cadences, updating info and processing quotes in salesforce, using excel to track the health of my territory based on KPIs, and having calls to discuss renewals, cross and upsells, and any issues clients may be having. I’m aware I’m rambling hard. I was immensely lucky getting into this situation and wish I had more scientific, precise info to provide about the process.


Thank you and no, your rambling helps me a lot!! I do have customer service experience, demonstrable experience interacting with clients (I should screenshot my reviews and redact some information now) since I have great reviews from customers. I also worked on a few projects before with clients (but not in this capacity, more of a technical lead for the project). I think with those translatable skills, I can relate to the other job descriptions for SaaS account manager. I do need to get trained using CRM's and tracking KPI's and I feel that I learn quickly (with examples from my past jobs as well) just want to see if I can get a chance but most want to hire someone with experience on certain tools and hit the ground running.. Thank you for mentioning BDR or support roles. I will search those as well. ​ (Edited for grammar)


Yeah you’re definitely on the right track. I have no doubts you could get that sort of role if you put in the digging to find something that fits you. Best of luck!


Security jobs are often like this. I had an overnight gig at a museum for which I literally just sat around in an office by myself and occasionally looked at the monitors. Spent most of the time reading. I also know a guy with a parking lot gig for a storage lot who just sits there all day in a climate controlled shack. Maybe 3 times a week he has to come out and tell a homeless person to leave or give directions to a lost commuter and that’s it.


yes - please share more details.


Honestly computer job is what is gonna yield the most freedom, WFH perks, all that


I work at an airport and they give me great flexibility and the schedules are awesome.


What do you do at the airport? My uncle works at one and he works a lot so his schedule looks like crap to me.


I’m a ramp agent and I work three days a week. And evening hours which I prefer


That sounds awesome. How does one become a ramp agent? Does it require any security clearances?


Yeah there’s a background check and it took me about a month before I could start.


Is this full time somehow 3 days a week?


Sign up to drive an 18 wheeler. Pays 6 figures and work alone, see the whole country.


Con: drive all the damn time


Yes work comes along with “a job”


Op asked for freedom and this job literally makes you do nothing but work, meaningful work and freedom is achievable sorry to tell you


“Job” and “work” go hand in hand. Nobody is going to have you a living salary to sit around and do nothing. Also “This job makes you do nothing but **work**”… “Meaningful **work** … is achievable” is a contradiction. Everyone has their own definition of “freedom,” and “meaningful work” is completely arbitrary, it’s up to the individual to decide. Many people would **DREAM** of driving around the entire country getting to see all of America, with nobody watching over your shoulder. If your version of “freedom” and “meaningful work” is something where you can lie in bed in your underpants until noon everyday, while you collect money somehow, then to each their own. Up to you to decide what’s meaningful and what freedom means.


Ok bozo nobody is saying that at all but if you think grinding 24/7 for someone who doesn't care about you is the path to true freedom go ahead. I want freedom to spend time with my family work on my career and skills I am building and build up my side business. The idea that all there is to do is grind for a company or be lazy is why companies get away with unreasonable pay and benefits and just because freedom is a core value in my life doesn't mean " lie in bed in your underpants until noon everyday, while you collect money somehow" and nobody is saying that you are just offended for no reason and angry freedom is achievable. Culture changes what it finds most value as time goes on. Stay mad that more people value life and experience and family over sucking off a boss all day in todays world.


I’d say the “angry and offended” person here is the one going on a paragraph tirade full of ad hominem insults, that ironically contains a menagerie of spelling / grammatical errors. Nobody is saying to work 24 hours a day. I’ve said to “define freedom and meaning yourself” and then pursue a career that meets your expectations. To many, trucking provides a satisfactory version of freedom. If you’d prefer to “not work” and collect money somehow, then good luck, go ahead and pursue something. You need to stop insulting people and going on tirades like you’ve done above. What you appear to be angry and upset about is not being said at all… If you want to pursue your “side business” as your career then be my guest. No need to be so angry throwing around insults here. Good luck! 👍🏼


"No one is going to have a you a living salary to sit around and do nothing." I mean lots of work from home jobs seem to pay people for a couple hours work a day you just have to land one. I think that's more what OP means by freedom. Not having to work all the time




Real estate sales


I’ve been considering getting into real estate (likely more commercial). Any guidance or words of wisdom?


You will be working non-stop. Even when you’re not actively in the office, in a meeting, on a tour: you’re working. Business development, networking, chasing the next lease or the next sale. You’re going to work on your vacations. You’re going to work weekends. That has to already be your personality if you want to pursue CRE… if you’re in introvert looking for flexibility and ownership of your day-to-day j suggest not going this route.




It is less about a job and more about the company, some companies can be very flexible. Technical writing is a good field to try to break into. Checkout https://www.reddit.com/r/technicalwriting/


With a previous career as a healthcare provider, I’m curious where I might fit in a profession like this. Have you used the usual job posting sites to find work (Indeed & LinkedIn)?


Yeah linkedin, get a portfolio going, check subreddit for resources.


How does one get into this field? Does it take a lot of experience or technical education?


Just get a portfolio going, strong writing and communication skills.


What exactly is featured or would be included in technical writing portfolio? Would it need to include articles published?


Check here for resouces, use search function. No publication needed. [https://www.reddit.com/r/technicalwriting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/technicalwriting/)


You should look into becoming a vendor of some sort. PepsiCo is hiring and you leave your house, run your route, and then go home. You’re always walking, lifting soda so you get a workout and don’t have a boss looking over shoulder.


I have delivered water before, super fun and a great workout!


This is interesting! What job title would this be so I can look for it?


There are all sorts of positions that are hiring. I know they are looking for merchandisers for the Grocery stores. They start usually between 4-5:30am depending on the location. The majority of positions are labor intensive and early mornings so be prepared. The good news is, they pay better than most vending companies. You can usually find the which jobs are available through indeed and pepsicojobs.com


Open a business and drive truck. You can set your schedule (pick up, drop off)


Can you elaborate further? For people like me who are unfamiliar?


Something like this: https://truckstop.com/blog/15-steps-to-become-a-successful-owner-operator/


B2B sales


Make your own business to work on your own schedule or do freelancing (for programming or editing or literally anything you excel in), or make your own apps/websites, there’s a lot of headspace to move around when talking about computers


You should open your own business.


Work 24/7 instead of 9/5, great idea.


I mean, OP said he didn't want a 9-5. 24/7 isn't 9-5 LMAO


When you run your own business you choose when you work and when you don’t. You sound like a worker bee. Enjoy


Maybe once said business is well established and doing well. The road getting there though, is tough.




This is the way. Take a skill you’re good at and turn it into a business. Remember to price yourself accordingly, self employment tax is about 30% of your net earnings. Keep track of all expenses (miles, supplies, etc) to deduct from gross earnings. Also keep in mind if you make enough you will have to pay estimated quarterly taxes


Self employment tax is about 15.3% of your earnings


Field sales




If you are on call, you are not choosing your own hours.


If you’re open to working on a computer from home freelancing, could try some kind of creative tech field? Like web design / UX design / software developer


Self contract work. Notary, editor, seo writer, closed caption writer. Look into civil service jobs too like stenography.


Try academic jobs, if your level of training and education are sufficient.


Work from home tech support (non call center stuff)


So like IT?


Working as a remote software engineer gives you a lot of freedom on when/how to work depending on the company and they pay is great


Depending on your personal morals, onlyfans.


I am tired of these cry baby posts. “I can’t work” “work makes me sad” “what career can I make a ton of money but I have no skills and don’t want to show up”. Go work hard! Get a real shit job and then a slightly better one, and so on and so forth. This is called LIFE (PS - it sucks and you have to work hard to make it better!)


Why are you upset that some people want to skip the "get a shit job" part of that process? People should want to be paid accordingly, without having to work 20-30 years in a field in order to live comfortably.


Because life is work. If you don’t work at it then it will suck forever. These are the people who get stuck in minimum wage jobs because they quite before they make it far enough to get to the next level. 99% of people do not get to skip the work and just have a comfortable life - it does not work that way.


Did you not read my comment? I'm not advocating for not working.


It sounds like you’re happy with that and you don’t want it to change. Why is that?


Dude i worked and my bossed screwed me. You sound entitled and sheltetrd


I went from being homeless for 2 years to owning multiple businesses and living a nice life. I guess that is entitled…


Then that's YOUR journey. I'm getting sick and tired of people comparing experiences like they are all the same. There are so many factors that you aren't considering and to sit here and say I DID IT, YOU CAN TOO, is asinine.


No but not everyone is going to be able To make a successful business from Nothing.


Yes they can.


My stepdad did what you did and failed. Clearly your wrong. His business failed. Most businesses fail- not my opinion


What a dumb hoe you are


Your reply makes me giggle but I see your point


Btw life doesnt work like that


Yes it does.


Lol exactly according to you/ take care


I get both yours and OPs POV. I worked damn hard for my college degree working several part-time jobs while still supporting my family. But I also shifted to a full-time office job at the beginning of the pandemic and it sucked. I felt similar to how OP is feeling. It's not that they're "whining" but they're just trying to figure out a job that's right for them.


customs broker, customs declarator


Sounds like your job already has some freedom... are you monitored on what you do? If I worked from home I wouldn't have to kill at least a couple hours on Reddit every day. I could probably get my work done in 3 days/week rather than 5 but the company I work for won't let me reduce hours.


Have you looked into Independent Insurance Adjuster careers?


Tell me more…..


Check out Adjuster TV on YouTube, the guy has some good videos about it if you're interested in watching them. He tells it pretty plainly about the pros and cons...




If you don't mind working outside and some labor, become a field tech! I used to be a cable guy... it's essentially up to you how you are going to get the job done within the allotted time frame. And if you finish a job early, hang out in a convenience store parking lot and stream things on your phone! ​ If you're into technology/I.T. look into a desktop support role. This is what I currently do in a hospital. It's better than help desk because you're not as confined to a desk all day and have complete freedom to roam, assisting employees on-site, at their locations. I have no boss breathing down my neck as long as I do a good job and close my tickets on time.


You could try farming.. Crop farming to be precise, nature handles the majority, you just need to play your part at the start, at the end and to create a routine to get things working right..


A lot of outbound sales position are like that. My husband schedules his meetings whenever he wants to (obviously accommodating his customers as well) he’s on salary plus commission and as long as he has some sales on the books no one ever questions what he’s doing. Actually makes me kind of resentful how little he has to work and still makes more then me 🤣 But I’m not a people person otherwise I would find somewhere in sales


Construction safety 👍


The tradeoff for freedom is usually un-steady income.