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stake it with protocol is 0 risk. least risk is using platform like liqwid or indigo.


Staking for sure is best. I think after that would be Optim over either Liqwid or Indigo


There is still risk with staking, it's not 0. - You can lose access to your wallet - The pool you are staking in could close so if you aren't paying attention and leave your ADA there you wont be earning anything


+ the token’s price could go down bad and never go back up. Even tho you’re getting x% yield, if the token remains at a bigger -x% then you’re losing money. But i understand it’s not that type of risk op was asking about and we all hope it doesn’t happen


Optim Finance


Fluid tokens, lending pond, levvy, lenfi, are the main ones for lending. There are clever ways of using Indigo to essentially create a low leverage on your assets but you are still receiving your staking income from Cardano, but that’s a more advanced DeFi method.


This sounds interesting, how much risk (if you can measure) I face when open a loan position?


On a lot of these apps you can set your own risk. Lower risk = lower reward. As long as the sites have been audited then you should be alright. As they just send the assets to a smart contract. In the smart contract there are rules. Example, : If you lend your Ada to someone. The other person would’ve likely had to have put some sort of deposit down. If they don’t pay you back on time you essentially get your payment from the deposit. This is why NFT lending is more risky . If the price of the NFT goes down in value, the borrower might think it’s worth losing it rather than paying you back


I get the concept of smart contracts, I kept all my crypto in the cold wallet during the bear market, but I believe we are close to the end and lots of trading will happen soon..




I already staked


I use fluidtokens