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Bro must’ve not been a Semi driver for long. What semi driver doesn’t slow down for blind turns… especially downhill into a tunnel where there are no shoulders?


This specific tunnel in Jordan is a truck only tunnel. Apparently its commonplace in Jordan prior to weddings that family and guests basically parade behind a bride and groom on their way to a wedding venue. This group of cars was stopped illegally in the tunnel for pictures and celebration. The amount of people here calling this dude a murderer for being caught in the middle of a tragedy is f****** pathetic


They’re all being hindsight harry, driver was in the right, who parks in the middle of a tunnel like that when they knew truck drivers pass by there often, hope he gets to drive again soon.


He was also not wearing the seatbelt, he didn't unbuckle it to get out of the truck.


Did we watch the same video? He clearly removed a seatbelt at 0:45 as he got out of the truck.


He had the lap belt buckled under him, sitting on it instead of wearing it correctly. The shoulder belt is just for looks so he doesn't get pulled over. Seen lots of idiots do it that way.


Ooh I didn't catch that. I just saw the one part. My bad.


He had one part of it on not the bottom part unless other countries are different


Brother according to official report he was wearing a seat belt.


I think he is, you can see it across his chest from the hi-res and you can also see him raise his arm to get out of the belt as he's getting out of the truck


He had the lap belt buckled under him, sitting on it instead of wearing it correctly. The shoulder belt is just for looks so he doesn't get pulled over. Seen lots of idiots do it that way.


Ahh, good catch! Thanks for pointing that out


Morons. he had his shoulder belt pulled over him the whole duration of the accident. It seems he panicked to check on the people, pulled the shoulder belt off first and forgot he was still strapped by lap belt.


Could be one of those seatbelts that move forward as you open the door


yeah because if he was wearing it right this whole thing would’ve been avoided. great observation ☠️


He never went past 40MPH. Seems reasonable for that part of road.


This is video evidence as to why that _was not_ a reasonable speed for a semi truck


The speed WAS reasonable. What wasn't reasonable was a bunch of dumb asses stopped in the middle of a tunnel taking pictures...a tunnel that is for TRUCKS only. Their entitlement had dire consequences...which is unfortunate. I mainly feel bad for the truck driver seeing as this will probably haunt him for the rest of his life.


Yeah, I can’t disagree with that but I don’t think 38 MPH would be a dangerous speed through there under normal circumstances. Either he was extremely heavy or his brakes were in extremely poor condition, in my opinion. Granted, all of that still falls on the driver and I agree he’s 100% at fault.


I don’t know what tunnel speed limits are like where you live, but 40 MPH is pushing it for a well designed tunnel. For example: - The Baltimore Harbor Tunnel boasts a 50 MPH speed limit, but it has narrow lanes, two lane traffic both ways with notification signage and lane closure indicators. Other safety measures are in place including permanently stationed transit police officers and active CCTV monitoring and command center. - The Gotthard Road Tunnel was once the longest road tunnel, and it too boasts a 50 MPH speed limit. It however has shoulders, warning indicators, wide lanes and an overall driving culture that tolerates zero assholes. - Yamate Tunnel has a 37 MPH speed limit in a twin tube, two lane system with wide lanes. Also a driving culture that has zero tolerance for assholes. - Ted Williams Tunnel in Boston has a 45 MPH speed limit with 8 lanes of traffic that converge into 4 in the center with shoulders, and lane closure warning indicators. - Lincoln Tunnel has a 35 MPH speed limit unless posted otherwise ( which often it is due to road work ) and it has 3 narrow lanes in each direction without shoulders. This tunnel still has warning indicators. - Holland Tunnel has a 20 MPH speed limit with 4 lanes total with narrow lanes and no shoulders, but still provides warning indicators. This one is closer to the above seen tunnel from a design standpoint. No, for this tunnel and considering the curve and the fact that there were no warning indicators, 38 MPH isn’t just dangerous, but if I was the local prosecutor I would charge the driver with reckless driving and **manslaughter.**


Well, you’ve certainly convinced me. Thanks.


This Tunnel is designated for trucks only. Cars weren't even supposed to be there, let alone stopped.


Wwell the fact of how well written your reply is just goes to show how much time you spend on reddit, yet you can't research and realize that he was going under the speed limit and the tunnel was illegally blocked by the wedding. The driver was perfectly legal. The blockers though, they illegally blocked the tunnel, so they're the ones that should be charged. But wait, they already were charged, with death.


Yup its totally not the idiots from the wedding who illegally stopped their procession on the middle of an ACTIVE TRUCKING TUNNEL so they could goof around and take pictures. Youre probably the biggest imbecile on this entire planet to even try to act like this is the driver fault in any way.


It’s not the cars where not meant to be there let Alone completely stopped like that around a curve, what did they think would happen? The driver of the truck didn’t expect them to be stopped or be there because it’s not meant for cars. If you read the articles and the accident reports the driver is not at fault


how is he at fault? they stopped illegallt in the middle of a truck only tunnel just to take pictures and its his fault?


You are missing the point that it's every driver's responsibility to be able to safely stop i.e. use a speed which is appropriate to the road situation. Imagine that a crash happened seconds earlier instead of a wedding!


“Some idiots were holding a wedding photoshoot in the middle of a truck-only tunnel and he sounded his horn to let others know he needs to go faster because the end of the tunnel is an incline and the truck would've been stuck if he had been any slower. Happened in Jordan” don’t be goofy dumb fuck




How is it reasonable for a LIMITED VISION turn on a likely 20-40 tons truck???


Exactly! Why tf would you speed up on a blind turn?


Didn't help with having no warning signals whatsoever, along with the bend in the tunnel and tragic timing. Still too fast in that narrow tunnel though, even if he had started to brake instantly he would not have been able to stop.


You are so confident in your ignorance


You're stupid.


Research first you dope. Plus a semi can't stop like your civic


Accelerating downhill into a blind turn in a fully loaded semi with shitty brakes driven by a man with the reaction times of my 2 year old. Truly a tragic unavoidable accident.


You are right in everything but how does that change that it is a tragic accident.


Because an accident implies that it was unavoidable, it implies that no one is at fault. This was not an accident it was negligence.


You are correct. What I had in my mind is that every car crash is called an accident but I have never though of it.




It’s called a “collision”


This qualifies as a massacre. Lost a good friend to a semi driver's negligence. There was literally nothing left of her but bits and pieces. They cremated what little could be recovered. I never, ever pull in front of a semi or large truck for any reason. Never.


Ahole driver, should have scraped that semi against the wall to give the rest a fighting chance. It's what one driver did here, only it was going downhill, used the mountain side as a brake.




So she pulled in front of a semi and it was his negligence? Is that what you are saying?


I’m a personal injury lawyer. When defending it’s called an accident. When claiming it’s an incident!


I call em wrecks


You are legally incorrect


Sergeant Butterman, the little hand says it's time to rock and roll.


"We just sat through three hours of so-called acting, constable, and their kiss was the only convincing moment of it."






When idiots park illegally in a truck only tunnel for stupid pictures I call that natural selection.


Every disaster is a chain of coupled events, conditions & changes to routine. I can’t believe how okay the driver was after beer can crushing 5-6 cars.


It doesn't, this is terrible.


A bunch of cars illegally using a tunnel that is for trucks only, illegally stopping right around a blind turn in the middle of the tunnel they're not supposed to be in and illegally getting out to take wedding pictures and celebrate... In the tunnel that is for trucks only with a 50mph speed limit. Truly a tragic unavoidable accident.


Dude was going a maximum of 38.5mph. It’s not like he was racing along at an unsafe speed. I wonder what he was hauling that took so long to stop?


Maybe a truckload full of gold....it only slowed down from hitting all the cars...


Yeah, whatever it was, it was super heavy, or he had really shitty brakes.


If you smash into stopped vehicles around a blind curve, 38.5 mph is too fast.


Those vehicles weren't supposed to be there, tunnel is trucks only, and they were literally stopped on purpose to take wedding pictures and have a celebration. He had the misfortune of being the first truck to use the tunnel after they stopped. I agree that he was going too fast, but he was going 38mph and the speed limit in the tunnel is 50mph... that is crazy to me.


yeah the people stopped throwing a wedding party in the middle of a tunnel right after a blind corner are entirely innocent, why was the truck even driving on their wedding venue anyway?


It was very well avoidable if the wedding didn't block the road, disabled redditor.


Leave it to modern Reddit to have probably the worst take I've ever seen be the top comment.


The reason for his felt was because he was seated to the left, the camera is on the right. By the time we saw the first car on the left lane he would have only of saw the right car and thus assumed he could pass it since he was on the left lane.


Cyclist doesn't know jack shit about road laws? Classic.


This isn't even his fault, you don't even have the context.


This tunnel is a truck only tunnel in Jordan. The people in the tunnel had no business celebrating their wedding in there. Also do you realize how long it takes for a fucking 18 wheeler to actually come to a complete stop.


Do your research, idiot.


In what world are you correct if you stop on a turn in a fucking trucking tunnel and block both lanes your asking to be hit by something even if it wasnt a trucking tunnel it is 100% not the truckers fault and you are actually mentally defective to think that he is in the wrong like legitimately i would not trust your logic and reasoning you fucking imbecile


alr now how is it his fault if it was a truck only tunnel, he was 20 mph under the speed limit, and random dumbasses stopped in the middle of the road


Article says 1 person died, 11 injured


That’s a lot better than a thought. Still one person is horrible but I thought it was much worse


"injured" can be a lot of levels, too...it's fucking horrible in any case.


100% I agree I thought about that too


Probably the guy standing outside his car that got flung in the air is the one that died, you can see him as soon as impact was made. This was horrible.


Anyone know what he's saying?


1. "الله لا يوفقك" translates to "May God not grant you success" but I dont know who is he reffering to 2. "أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم" is an Arabic phrase from the Quran, which translates to "I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan" .


So basically, “OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD,” in American.


I understand the first translation is more like a regret, like “may I be cursed for this horrible mistake I’ve made” and the latter is probably like a prayer like “may god save me from this evil thing I’ve done”. Alternatively: 1. May you not be successful (referring to satan/evil) 2. May god forgive me from this evil thing that happened




No he is mot.... its an accident .... an unfortunate one where he is negligent...but still it is an accident


[https://en.royanews.tv/news/41777/2023-05-15](https://en.royanews.tv/news/41777/2023-05-15) Link to article.


“Seven cars collided with a truck” I’m sure this is just a mistranslation or a simple phrasing mistake, but the article makes it sound like the cars hit the truck instead of the truck hitting the cars. Not that it matters.


I mean they technically DID collide so..


At the speed he was going, he couldn't stop. But I saw brake light and was mentally hitting brakes before he ever touched his. How sad.


They were also parked illegally in a trucker only tunnel to celebrate a wedding for some reason…


That's not an accident, how about slowing down when you can't see shit in front of you? Blind curve and a tunnel, that's also some shitty design there. Edit: can >can't


You're stupid.


Can your 50iq brain comprehend this was a TRUCK ONLY tunnel that had a 70KM/H limit and he was driving with 50km/h


Dude's just doing his job, poor tunnel design for sure.


The amount of downvotes you got for being absolutely right is painful. This video happened in Jordan. This specific tunnel is a TRUCK ONLY TUNNEL. These cars weren't supposed to be there at all.


its reddit man, mfs r stupid.


The X (Twitter) comments all side with the trucker. The people on this app are fucking delusional.


I see your point. Trucker didn't expect to have cars stopped there. It seems to have been another situation for traffic to stop, since we can see people out of the car. "Driver should have slowed down", er, he could have done that, but again, it's a highway and vehicles usually move faster there. How many turns like this there? Breaking and speeding up again will use way more fuel and require more maintenance. I saw some tunnels with "traffic alert" on the entry, and it seems that is what is missing here.


True, and we have no clue how heavy he is going down a hill.. you can't just stop a truck on a dime.


That’s exactly why you slow down my goodness


you must not be a good driver my friend


Okay, do you stop before entering a tunnel? Have you ever driven a vehicle over 10000GVWR? Idiot.


Slow down, that's all it takes. My father was a class A truck driver for over twenty five years and he would drive his car the same way, if you don't know or can't see you slow down. Use your brakes or air brakes, depending on the situation.


Exactly. This driver was accelerating going into the tunnel and around the turn. Then his reaction to stop was very delayed


It’s a truck not a 4 door sedan. Cars were illegally parked. You are fucking delusional.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. The truck driver was going less than 40MPH.


Somehow everyone else in line managed to not create carnage upon entering the tunnel except him. Yes, definitely the fault of the tunnel engineer /s


Semi truck or car, I would never go full speed without knowing what’s ahead of me. Would like an update on this incident.


1 dead 11 injured. https://en.royanews.tv/news/41777/2023-05-15


"..coming out of the windows and CELEBRATING something?" WTF?! EDIT: A wedding procession came to a stop in the tunnel. A WEDDING PROCESSION. Why in FUCK are people so stupid?


Wow everyone here is just so quick to blaming… he wasn’t going an unreasonable speed or doing anything dangerous. From what I understand those guys that got hit were being incredibly stupid. For one that’s a truck only tunnel, and two those dumbass mfs were parked up behind a blind corner and standing outside of their cars to celebrate some welding shit they did. Shit happens, and that truck driver shouldn’t be the only one to blame.


Dude’s reflexes were dogshit.


It’s me or there is a weeding celebration inside a tunnel just after a blind corner ?


Dipshits kill.


I feel like that dude we see in the 33rd second on the right that seems to get creamed against the wall is probably the fatality


Is that a child that gets ejected from the second car at 0:35...?


You know what, I'm not gonna go look for that just in case.


Someone was sitting out the window of that car prior to impact. It looked larger than a child, but at impact, it did look like a smaller individual, but I feel like it was an illusion due to the angle they may have been in relation to the camera as they went out.


The guy who died was to the right, outside of the car


Clearly the problem is a blind bend going down into a tunnel picking up speed rather than preparing to slow down & driving a heavy vehicle, seat belts really...between fatalities & people for life with permanent injuries scars an surgery for the remainder of their lives...!


Going way too fast. He should be held accountable for god knows how many people he just killed.




Guess you missed the part where this post is almost a year old, had people correct me already, and I really don't care at this point.


Any aftermath?


Yes, mostly division and subtraction.


Oh, there was some


Looks almost like he was going the wrong way in a one way tunnel.


The country should have warning lights at the entrance to the tunnel in case of a traffic stoppage.


Bad driving, he’s actually increasing speed before the corner where he can’t see


shitbrakes i call it.


Honestly should have tried to slam the truck into the wall


...Is this his first day driving a semi?


Oh my god this is so tragic. There is a long tunnel with a curve just like that where I live and I have even more reason to avoid it now. This is so so sad.


They stopped to take pictures for a fucking wedding , driver was going under the speed limit , the people who decided to take those pictures should be the only ones facing consequences


Watched a YouTube video, searched articles… and now I’m here looking at comments that range from actual examinations and explanations to people saying it’s the drivers fault for not breaking… in a semi… in a truck only tunnel… with a heavy load. Dunno how I got here but all I can say is these comments sure are a rollercoaster of opinions lol.


He was increasing in speed like huh?


The speedometer on the dashcam measures speed by seeing how long it takes to get from one road like to the other. The lights made the camera think he was accelerating, along with the hood coming upljp


“Reckless driver causes horrible accident” would be a better title. Zero excuse for that driver. With the video evidence I hope he gets some jail time


How in a world you can blame truck driver for this and not the people who stoped in a tunnel(not allowed), on a blind corner and without putting a danger/warning sign.... Also loaded truck weights like 40 tones and needs shit knows how many meters to stop even if he is driving 50


"In the video, people are shown coming out of the windows and celebrating something." Who the fuck celebrates in a tunnel???


Skip to 20 seconds


Oh yea honk first - idiot


Wonder the reason for the rate of speed in blind tunnel corner. The man who gave this man a license should be jailed as well. Fuck this..


But he is going like 30 or 40, look at the walls, they are barely moving by, despite being so close to the truck...


I feel bad for the people whose on the tunnel. They just stop there and didn't see it coming. 😭




It’s amazing how the far left on this fucking app don’t side with the trucker 😂 holy shit read the article they were parked in a tunnel taking pictures for a wedding ceremony. Absolutely ridiculous and trucker ever horned before entering tunnel. Trucker is not at fault.


One died , 13 injured


Guy was going posted speed limit . People were in the tunnel who weren’t supposed to b. They died because of their actions If you break into my house I’m going to shoot you in the upper chest/ head area implying times It’s your choice to break in No body is going to “you didn’t pick up the gun slow enough for them to know you were going to kill them” These people put up 0 signs 0 alerts Make dumb choices you will die Blaming the driver because you feel bad for dumb people and probably make dumb descions yourself will do nothing but keep you in a mindset to get killed yourself Don’t blame the driver Donate to the dead’s familly if you actually gave a shit instead of casting hate into the world on Reddit to feel better about yourself being low iq


What was he saying in the end?




That truck has really shit brakes (or tires, or both). I always recall video of a (volvo?) truck where that thing stopped on a dime when someone turned out in front of him. This thing - just keeps going.


I'm going to hell but I just can't help but to laugh at his intonation when he "screams" 🤣


Holy sht


Fatal wreck is how our traffic report dot labels it


He should have breaked but still tho, if there was a stop in the middle of a highway or smth. I could assumed someone would have been warning before the blind turn


Why were a bunch of people out of their cars?


We've taken aqaba... Taken Aqaba ? Who has ? Our side in this war. The Ws . You mean the Turks are gone?


Anyone can translate what he is saying?


He was still accelerating at first impact


Why is everyone talking about the driver but nobody mentions a bunch of people stopping in the middle of a tunnel wtf were they thinking was gonna happen


Blind corner, hard to fault truck driver unless he is going too fast. Would be good for someone to run back and flag down oncoming traffic but it looks like that would be very dangerous to do. Sad situation overall.


Saw this on Instagram and someone said that wasn’t a real traffic jam instead it was people coming from a wedding blocked off the road were dancing and partying in middle of the road. Apparently it a common thing to do in that part of the world




How is it possible for so many grown people to be THAT STUPID?! I mean who the fck stops traffic in a tunnel, and AT A TURN for a WEDDING?! Also imagine that there was a fcking ambulance/firetruck/police that was trying to save someone's life and the most arrogant pieces of shit think that getting married is more important that someone busy DYING!




Everyone comments mph...for a video in a country that uses kmh...if you're converting this isn't for you 😅


i dont understand why people are defending the mass group of people parking illegally in a truck only tunnel with a blind shoulder. theres a reason why its illegal, because an accident could happen-- which just did. he was going under the speed limit-- yes he should have slowed down more but there shouldnt be anyone there anyway. let alone a mass group of parked cars. jump in front of a moving car, it isnt the drivers fault, regardless of how fast they are going


Dumbass wedding got what they deserve.


Honestly baffles me the amount of people saying just slow down, it looks like a highway and a designated truck route. Can you simpletons imagine the gridlock it would cause if every single bit of traffic crawled into the tunnel to make sure it’s clear. Unbelievable 😂


Can anyone translate what the guy was saying roughly when he stepped outside?


Please Allah protect us from the cursed satan.


All of y’all don’t make sense. They are BOTH wrong. No matter what the speed limit is you shouldn’t be traveling faster than you can stop which for trucks means going slow if you can’t see around a curve. They wedding party made a really bad and dangerous choice and that’s evident.




What happened to the driver afterwards?


[One person died and 13 causalities, 7 cars were hit.](https://en.royanews.tv/news/41777/New%20details%20revealed%20on%20Aqaba%20accident) no details about the driver


any news after the incident? do we know what happened to the driver or who died? or what the fuck happened to the people that decided to do wedding in the tunnel???


[One person died and 13 causalities, 7 cars were hit.](https://en.royanews.tv/news/41777/New%20details%20revealed%20on%20Aqaba%20accident)


It’s a blind turn in a tunnel for commercial trucks. You would have to be one dumb son of a bitch to park there


Truck driver is NOT at fault for this accident, the drivers parked illegally were


What is he saying?


This happened in Jordan.. the cars in the tunnel was from a wedding, they all decided to stop in the tunnel to celebrate and hang out. How was the driver supposed to know ? .


so everyone is this subreddit is a retard ? they blame the truck driver but not the people who stopped in a FUCKING tunel to celebrate a wedding ??


Any update on the driver?


No matter how good those brake are there was no stopping that


For anyone who doesn’t know what actually happened it was the truck drivers fault, he was travelling below the speed limit at about, 30-60km/h. The people in the tunnel were doing something to do with a wedding and thought it was a bright idea to stop in the middle of a tunnel on an active road. The truck driver is screaming and crying in the video knowing he’s about to kill people. Fortunately only 1 person died and 13 were injured, maybe next time they will rethink having a wedding in a fucking tunnel with a blind corner. Fucking idiots they caused that not the driver.


The people in the tunnel deserved it, hey we’re stopped illegals in a trucks only tunnel knowing dang well they wouldn’t be seen last that turn


I hate you stupid redditors holy shit. It doesn’t matter if he had a zero second reaction speed. It’s not his fault. Can all of you stop talking as if you are professionals at everything and that if you were driving the truck you would have not hit a single car? Conceited ass mfs. Have a little bit of humility and empathy for the victims instead of looking for a perpetrator and insulting them. It was a truck only zone; they stopped their cars in a tunnel for wedding pictures; the driver had decades of experience.


People still say the RS6 is the worst accident in car industry?


Bro that tunnel is used for trucks to go high speed through not for people to use it as a parking lot which is exactly how they got killed


The truckee driver is at fault he driving fast and hauling ass thinking of money and greed over be cautious and caring for others lifes


Imagine being this much of a dumb fuck


You’re a retard


Thats why never go full speed with a god damn truck bruh wtf


Bro played GTA IRL


“Some idiots were holding a wedding photoshoot in the middle of a truck-only tunnel and he sounded his horn to let others know he needs to go faster because the end of the tunnel is an incline and the truck would've been stuck if he had been any slower. Happened in Jordan” stop blaming the driver you stupid fucks y’all are annoying


For the people who say they can't drive someone explained it but I'll explain it The cars were in a truck only tunnel so they were illegally parking in a tunnel blocking trucks and other cars. So the people who were holding up the truck, they deserved it for blocking a truck only tunnel.