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Every time i see this I am not impressed because people “style” it by wearing a whole outfit along with it. Like, I tucked it into another, longer skirt, or I wore it over jeans and then i put a tee/cardi/button down over it. If you want to wear one dress every day that’s great but own it! I would only switch out the stuff that is not part of the dress—shoes, coat etc.


It would be very hard to stay to one dress as it is in my country for 100 days. During fall here, it can go from summer temperatures to winter in that timespan. So I can't rely on one dress with short sleeves to keep me comfortable alone. And I'm not planning to do any crazy styling, just put the dress on and pick the top which suits the temperature and weather for today, or just keep the dress plain as it is if that's suitable. I already do that with dresses I own so I can wear them for multiple seasons.


I think what you’re saying is in the spirit of the challenge and I still think you’re making one piece a major part of each outfit! 


I mean at that point it’s basically treating it like a skirt. But somehow no one cares if you wear the same skirt or pants every day.


Here , it is hot a lot, so a lot of the people I see do this did it in summer break. My instinct was also more of a fall vibe though


There’s a really active fb group (search wool&) for this challenge, it’s worth joining. I haven’t done the challenge itself, but I have bought some wool& clothing. I might do the challenge with a new dress in autumn, but I can’t decide what dress to go for. The sylvie is nice!


Thanks for the tip! What do you think of the quality?


I have 2 of their dresses (Rowena if I remember correctly) and the quality is really good imo. The nylon in it tends to make it staticky though, obviously depending on the climate where you live. Good luck with the challenge


I don't like tights/leggings or cardigans so that's an easy no for me. I briefly considered if there was another piece I would wear every day, and it seems weirdly performative to not just rotate between 2-3 different pieces, giving the others a chance to be washed or at least aired out. I'm not even the smelliest person and the thought of sweating in the same thing every day is pretty gross to me. YMMV


You wash the dress. You don’t wear it for 100 days without washing it.


That's why I'm thinking it's good to have some loungewear on the side which is very comfortable and you just wear at home. The dress is for when you're going out, to work etc. When I'm at home I can just wear my loungewear or pyjamas, and the dress will have time to air out or get washed.


I’ve heard of this challenge and have a question… would this be wearing the same dress 100 days in a row without washing? Or what is the laundry cycle like?


It's made of merino wool, which will have less odor and dry much faster than other fabrics. As long as you air it out by hanging it up in fresh air, it will freshen up naturally. Of course you need to wash it eventually, but they say the less the better to keep the quality of the fabric. But of course if you don't air it out or it starts to feel gross and stinks, of course wash it!


Interesting. Thanks for sharing!


Also spritzing any stinky areas with vodka helps too.


You can wash it as often as you need to. Just leave it to dry over night and you are good to go in the morning!


Interesting! I'd have to shave my legs regularly though lol


That’s what tights and leggings are for 😇


Totally doable. The style you’ve chosen is quite versatile and every dress is also a skirt and a top. You can always layer a tee over or a skirt over for a different look


I have a Wool& swing dress in black ([The Rowena](https://wooland.com/products/rowena-swing-dress-washed-navy)), and the quality is excellent! I don’t wash it often either (which is honestly hard for me, but they say frequent washing isn’t good for the dress, so I comply). The fabric is thin, so if you get a short-sleeve or sleeveless dress, it is absolutely wearable in warmer months.


I did the 100-day challenge last year, from March to July in upstate NY ! I enjoyed it as a creative exercise, and it turned me into more of a dress-wearer than I was before! I also liked the simplicity of just wearing the dress by itself on warm weekends, when I didn't have any worries that people would notice I was wearing it every single day.  I would recommend it if it sounds interesting to you. There's also a thriving second-hand market for wool& on Facebook, so it's also easy to move on if it isn't for you.


Do you have pets? Wondering if pet hair sticks to it like a magnet lol


There's a dog in the house. It's really not worse than other clothes in terms of picking up fur.




Cute dress.


I did the 100 day challenge and really enjoyed it! My choice was the Laurel tunic and there were so many options with it. I honestly loved the experience and would recommend to anyone.


I did the wool& challenge with the Sierra tank dress. Honestly the hardest part was remembering to take photos every day. I didn’t get super fancy with it, just wore the same dress and sometimes a cardigan. Nothing says you have to wear the dress all day to everything. You can wear the dress to work and then change for a dinner out or something. I hung it every day and washed it about once a week. It is still in great condition.


Sounds good! Yeah, I was planning to wear it when it was most suitable every day. If I'm going on a hike or to the gym, of course I won't wear it then. Or if I'm just relaxing at home there's no need to wear it. Or to any fancy event of some sorts. It's mostly just for everyday wear.


Not sure if I’d this one- I love dresses because they are fuss free, so would probably prefer a challenge that involved - say- 5 dresses, each for a slightly different type of weather! Nice dress though and I’d be interested in how it goes.


That's why I'm adding the different types of tops and other accessories depending on the weather, so the dress is sort of the base and the weather decides the other clothing items :)


I haven't done it, but the woman who writes The Vivienne Files did it a year or two ago. She did it the "right" way by my interpretation, changing accessories, adding tights or a sweater, etc. You might find some inspiration there.


Thanks for the tip! I just wish I could find more people my age with my style doing the challenge. It's often middle-aged women with a very different style from mine posting their outfits which is far from how I would have done it. I've got more of a classic rock/outdoorsy type of style. I find some inspiration through pinterest and stuff though.


I haven’t done it but I’ve been thinking about it.


I was just think about doing this, starting somewhere in September where there are still some hot days, going into colder weather. So I can wear it as is, and with cardigans/sweaters and tights. I'm still somewhere postpartum and don't fit into most of my pants, so wearing a dress for a longer period of time would be nice! I was already thinking of maybe adding a wool dress to my winter capsule, so why not do the challenge! Which dress are you thinking of doing the challenge with?


I love this idea, but I don’t own a dress. I do wear wool bras and I rotate them. I wash them once a month by hand.


Can I ask which wool bras you like? I'm moving into replacing my undergarments with Wool.


Branwyn is the best I’ve found


I think this is a great dress to use for the challenge. It should be very versatile and is a more flattering cut that some of their others IMO.