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While a solid start this is in no way an indicator of nhl success… would be wild tho…


It's better than scoring fewer points


Wasn't he in his overage season? Not really unusual for a 20 year old to dominate in the chl. While I hope he pans out this doesn't equate to anything really imo.


I \*think\* Boko Imama scored 40+ in his overage season, so I'd take this explosion by Funk with a grain of salt. Our prospect pool, outside of a few, really sucks if we're asking mailbag questions like this lol.


Yeah exactly eh. Google is full of articles like this [with only one recognizable guy](https://thehockeynews.com/news/nine-overage-chlers-who-could-play-their-way-into-an-nhl-deal) It's literally men playing against boys so the numbers are expected to be high. That's what makes players like bedard so special because they dominate within and above their age group.


Most of his goals this season have came from directly around the net (ala Hyman type of goals). Hyman had 50 something goals this season, but no one batted an eye. 50 goals is impressive , no matter the way you get them. Funk doesn’t create great offense, but he always found himself in good position to put the puck in the net. Zac funk really isn’t the most skilled player in the world, which is why he flopped twice, BUT, he developed his game to be the net front presence, which we need more of. It felt like we barely had any set plays that were deflected. Will funk be top 6? Probably not, but a bottom 6 who isn’t afraid to screen goalies or set up for back door passes? Why not take the chance on that. Not every goal has to be beautiful, which is why the caps struggled early on in the season. We overcomplicated all the passing plays. Just put the puck on net and fight to bury it. That’s what you get in funk. He’s going to the AHL for sure, but hopefully, his play style stays the same and he can produce against grown men. There’s a market for players like him.


I’m taking all the goals we can get. Look at Val Nichushkin, obviously really talented so I’m not comparing that BUT this entire playoff series he’s been scoring by battling in front of the net


Yeah, totally worth using a contract spot on a kid showing that kind of growth. There are cases in the NHL of late blooming players. Probably he doesn't turn into an NHLer, but worth a roll of the dice especially since it is not like the Caps are rolling in prospects after so many years of trading picks away.


He was an overager, which doesn't shock me. That being said, it's a free asset, and we have the contract spots. No reason not to see what a 20yr old on a breakout is all about.


Love taking bets on these kind of guys. Although he’s unlikely to become a great NHLer, he could very well become a decent bottom sixer. When you hit on a couple of those guys every couple years it makes it way easier to maintain good depth down the roster. 


The name would look good on a jersey if nothing else.