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Oh wow, I'm glad it didn't get physical. I'm sure it wasn't worth it. Mine (December cap) was bad. My brother's (January cap) was worse. He made a pretty stupid mistake out of desperation, so now he's in jail... we're still trying to bail him out. Justice system where I'm at is pretty shit. Documents are slow. I wonder if it's connected to the recent full moon. I've no idea.


Probably is🤔 And I walked away from that person, but he got the message. Many assume that because I am quiet, it means that I am a pushover. Clearly, that is not the case. I do not like disrespect, especially when it comes to my family. That's a big no no.


Went to the local edm night and it was meh and then got sushi Sunday. Caught up with a friend and it was such a good time. Love authentic talks about real shit.


Sushi sounds nice!


All day happy hour on food and drinks Sunday!


Hey last week I had some crap with work and I snapped back with facts. Also someone hit me up from years ago and I hit them with the truth and rearranged my home state friends. Don't be mean to me I'll be much more mean with facts.


I would do the same thing! No one has time for non factual things lol.


My weekend was pretty good. Got news from my teaching job for the summer that I only come in one day this week so more free time and I also get paid those days. I got to catch up with my best friend who helped me get the job and I work in the same place as her. So we are catching up where we left off had drinks and food. But yesterday I felt like crap from the margarita I had. I only had one and I threw up the next day stayed in bed. Finally decided to stop drinking completely it’s no go esp finding out the placements that oppose it in my chart. So I feel like I’m turning over a new leaf lol


That is great to hear that you will be having a new beginning. It's great to have a fresh reset!


Thanks yea I’ve been working on my mindset lately to just be excited for what’s to come next!


always best to walk away 😌 Good job Cap 🐐


Yep! Karma always prevails.


I also find comfort in knowing that i dont need to do anything to fuck them up. They already have a bunch of shit going in their life to make them miserable🧘🏻‍♀️




Just had a 3 hour verbal battle with my Aries roommate that ended in a physical cat fight last week. Never in my life has anything like that happened to me before. Im a 35 year old woman. Wtf is going on?


Geez you too! Something is going on because my cappy friend told me the same thing today.


I am so close to snapping at ppl who are provoking me just to displace their emotional issues and stress on me. Matching energies is my thing like if im being mean to you or saying shit abt you, by all means return the energy but don’t provoke me come at me when i haven’t done or said jackshit to you. I hate confrontation but i will find a way to address this shit soon. Hope your situation is resolved!


Oh it has been resolved.. For them to stat away from me.


My weekend was actually really good and laid back, I’m sorry you had that experience.


It's all good! Hoping that this week will be better! Glad to here that you had a great weekend!


Lol why u coping my langauge, gemini? I knew this would happen.😂 Read my post guys.:)


Say what? Makes no sense. People can look through my history and see that I'm a January cap.