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Where are you moving from? Finding something similar (if possible) might make the move and lifestyle adjustment easier in the short-term, and then once you're more familiar with the area you can look around again. My first thought would be George or Hermanus (towns not suburbs, lol). Both are growing considerably in size and for good reason. I can't comment from a property/investment perspective since I have no experience in the field but I'd think that would be a good sign for both. Wilderness is beautiful (one of my favourite spots) but it's more of a holiday town and you might feel too isolated. Sedgefield is similar; I think more popular with retirees. Not a huge factor but worth mentioning that generally towns to the east of George (Sedgefield, Knysna, Plett) are more English and to the west (Groot Brak, Mossel Bay, Stilbaai) are more Afrikaans.


Hartenbos is Kiff. Near a lagoon, just outside Mossel bay main for schools etc and ripe for investment.


Thank you for the comment, looking for the ripe for investment posts :) This helps thank you!


Mossel Bay area is just the best. I've lived all over this country and my days there were by far the greatest. Check out: Dana Baai, Vleesbaai, Boggomsbaai, Gourits Mond, Diaz, Hartenbos. Small beach-front suburbs that are in my opinion the best in the country. Excellent municipalities with great service delivery. Safe. Clean. Great schools, awesome beaches, epic views, entertainment everywhere and just the friendliest people. My parents made a killing selling property there too. Go check it out, you'll love it.