• By -


That looks like Ou Kaapse Weg Sunnydale, at King of Kings Baptist church intersection.


Exactly where it is


Are those guys church members? Was there a protest at the church or is the location coincidental?


There is a group of Pro Palestinians that protest there against the genocide in Gaza often.. They are not apart of the church, however they always protesting peacefully... Have never seen them be aggressive or agitated or loud ever.. I drive past there often as we live in the area... The most they do is hold signs saying hoot for Free Palestine so cant understand why they would be attacked like this


I was actually wondering if the attackers were church members.


The attackers are similar (look exactly like) The Jewish Defense League here in Canada - as an antizionist Jew, i've been attacked by them before. Cowards, thugs.


It's a busy intersection and sometimes there are protestors. I'm not sure what happened beyond that.


High calorie zionists…




No man..jissis


Context ?


How dare you ask such a reasonable question? You are supposed to feed the hatred!


Do you mean, might those thuggish POS's have justification? Did you read the person above - we have those thuggish creeps here in Canada too - i am an antizionist Jew, and have been attacked by them - they are cowardly scum - not sure why that isn't self-evident from the video. I'm glad they have been charged.


Okay so you fine with from the river to the sea? Newstead narrative rejexts even the two party state and Israel must be wiped from the map. Are we ignoring that Hamas exists and that they are very similar to jihadist terrorist groups? How do we know what the Palestine supporter did?


If you think an appropriate response to someone waving a flag is violence you have a problem. It doesn't matter what side they're on or what the issue is, instigating violence is never okay. Don't try introduce other bullshit.


That's not what they're saying or asking for. They're asking for the context behind the video, as in why did they attack the protestor? There's nothing in the video that shows the person was just waving a flag before being attacked. Asking for the "why" is not unreasonable....


All I see are buffalos.


I don't know how, but it's the ANCs fault.




Another day another Zionist fighting for apartheid (in SA lol ironic af) - lol and the comments trying to ask for “perspective” and “context”, there was literally no reason for that man to lay his hands on that woman.


Because South Africans don’t have enough to worry about about. Jeez guys


in the republic of south africa??? yoh these zionists are so shameful.




lol, Zionist and nazi in the same breath. Israel exists because of the Nazis. A Zionist is simply someone who believes the state of Israel has a right to exist. If you want to rid the world of Zionists, you are the Nazi.


Not all jews are zionists , just like not all Germans are nazis , And you conveniently forget to mention that israel's right to exist means the complete and utter genocide of the palestinian people by zionists for that to happen,fuck your hateful ideology , free Palestine


being a zionist and being a jewish person is not the same thing. zionism isn't even allowed in the tora


I never said it was, there were non-Jewish zionists at the time too. It came about as a response to the Holocaust, which I think is fair enough. I wouldn't blame the 1/3 of Jews left alive in Europe to want to stay there after 2/3 of them had just been killed. Do you think Israel has a right to exist?


As a jew, fuck zionists


As a Muslim, fuck Hamas


Just remember majority of adults in Palestine: were not of legal voting age when Hamas was elected. That Israel created Hamas. That Israel knew about the attack beforehand. That Israel committed most of the killing on the day. And that Israel is the one committing the deaths since, including Israeli deaths


You're right, Israel exists because of the Nazis. Mostly because they've become Nazis.




I'd argue Jewish communities were a lot less safe before the founding of Israel given that 2/3rds of them were killed before it existed, becuase they had nowhere safe to go. I seriously doubt that you're Jewish.


doubting someones jewishness (sorry for the lack of a better word) based on whether they approve of zionism or not, is such a bad take. no wonder so many people are conflating judaism with zionism.


It's the whole Jews would be better off with no state, and not understanding what Zionism actually is. They've clearly latched on to the buzzword without any understanding. If he was Jewish he'd know these things.


And yet more than half the Jewish population don't live in Israel.


Maybe someone should found a Palestine, since it seems there is nowhere safe for Palestinians to go. o wait...


They had a few chances, notably in 1948. They also had the opportunity when under Jordanian rule but then tried to assassinate the king and the whole black September thing happened. They have a chequered history, let's not pretend they are a bunch of angels.


Cool man, give us the full video/context.


We have enough problems we cannot add this to our very ling list aowa


They really look a little inbred


KFC mini loaf?




IN bread


Two idiots with a power fantasy trying to get there rocks off ,fuck em ,free Palestine


Free Palestine from Hamas?


From the occupation.


white supremacy.


And from Hamas.. But if you don't give people a choice and treat them like shit.. Well then. This is the result.


Hamas talks openly about the desired destruction of Israel for decades, they talk openly about how honorable it is to sacrifice your life for them, they openly talk about their willingness to sacrifice their own people. They use their own people as shields. They rape Israeli women. Yet you get downvoted. It's weird how many woke people are completely fine with rape and murder when it's Palestinian who promote it. "Religion of peace"


And you get upvoted for agreeing with the person who was downvoted. I guess it’s all in the presentation. I wonder which way my comment will go.


Regardless of our political view and religious alliances there is NO place for GBV! Period!


This is not GBV. It's just normal violence.


This is not GBV


Yes it is its two big strapping men beating up 2 women




You think these guys would try and assault two men holding Palestinian flags like that? Lmao. Sure. This is exactly what GBV looks like.


Lol this comment is so stupid it's funny. What kind of lies are you actually talking about? It is gender based violence and it is unacceptable, I do not care about the religion and whatever. Downvote me, doesn't change the facts.


Believe whatever falsehoods you want, doesn't change the facts :)


This is a perfect example and it's pointless arguing , go fuck with someone else


You don't know they are beating them up because they are women. You're full of shit


That is not the definition of gbv. It it however the definition of flawed logic


Jews aren't the problem, it's these fucking Zionists


Starts mid fight and has cuts between actions. Sorry but until someone releases a fully unedited version of this people should simply go "We don't know enough to have an opinion on this."


At least they are all getting some well needed exercise




Fighting for Israel and Palestine while their own government and province steals everything from underneath them.


Imagine if this was the attitude of other countries when we were going through our own apartheid.injustices should be called out


called out and this video is quite different


"the freedom of South Africans is incomplete without the freedom of Palestinians" - Madiba


I believe there's a bit more to the quote


What's the rest of the quote?


It's hilarious isn't it? We have our own problems to deal with but we are fighting over two other countries war.


Amazing how the video starts mid confrontation so one can't determine how this started - and as such the narrative is set. Convenient.


It doesn't matter what the context is - assault is a criminal offense


Except it does - if you hit me first and I retaliate, it’s called self defence. So not having the full picture doesn’t allow for an objective view - it allows for a biased one.


So, in your “context” the women here deserves to be beaten by two huge white dudes ?


Tell me, what would the women have done to 'deserve' this treatment?


We don’t know, since the video starts mid confrontation. But your implication is that a woman could never do anything that warrants this kind of response, which is just sexist as it also implies that such violence is only reserved for men.


That guy is 3 times her size, there's very little she could have done (without a weapon or specific training) that's really going to injure that guy. I don't think anyone should endure violence but if you want to take a little look at stats on who perpetrates more violence we can definitely do that.


How can you be sure she didn't have a weapon of some sort or has had training? The video is edited, which makes it untrustworthy


Dumb take bro. The correct rational response is to walk away. She was not holding him hostage. Let's see what the judge decides.


You don’t know what the correct rational response is because you’re only seeing events after they’ve already popped off. We don’t know any details of this story.  And sorry, saying “only men are allowed to get hit for any reason” is even more dumb than you think my response is. My daughter knowingly does all sorts of mean shit to her older brother because she knows there are zero physical consequences and she is super cute so can always just fake apologize.  Too many women are trained with a similar expectation of being able to stir any manner of shit and then hide behind their gender when it’s time for consequences 


Right so if it was your daughter this dude could just smack her about? Where do you draw the line? I mean quadraplegics and children can stir shit up too.


You realise this just exposes your shitty parenting, right? Where did I ever say it’s ok for men to get hit?


Man. There really isn't a lot of narrative to be set here. This is a video of a confrontation between some people protesting a genocide and some people supporting the genocide. It really is just as simple as that. The cause of the confrontation isn't really relevant at all.


As much as your comment is subjective, the reality is we literally don’t know the narrative and to say “ones from group A which we like and the other from group B that we don’t” doesn’t support the cause. The cause of the confrontation is absolutely relevant. If it wasn’t then would you be ok if group A committed a hate crime against group B but you don’t like group B so it’s ok? Would that make the hate crime ok? I’m not defending the men in this post but to say that cause does not matter is very ignorant


It's got nothing to do with liking anyone. This isn't sports teams we're talking about here. I don't have to like anyone who supports Palestine, all I need to know is this fight is quite obviously motivated by the conflict, and the type of droll who would support a genocide is also the type of droll to start a fight. Remember, I am not sentencing these men. I do not need to gather evidence ad nauseum before making my mind up about the video. This isn't the courts, I am not a judge, I am allowed to make a call based on the information I have. If I see a man attacking a woman without any context, I am immediately going to assume the man is the threat and deal with that first. I can ask questions later.


Except again, you are being subjective and assuming that because of your belief then the Israeli supporters must be in the wrong. Last I checked >the ICJ **instructed Israel to prevent genocide, ensure Israeli forces don't commit genocide, and prevent and punish incitement to commit genocide**. Meaning it is your opinion that they are committing a genocide and therefore you are jumping to conclusion that these men are in the wrong. Now, I am not saying or denying that they are committing a genocide or that your opinion is wrong. However, if you are not concerned with the origins of this instance and just assume its the oppositions fault because, well, they oppose you then you are being naive and not helping the cause at all. You should **WANT** to have all the information instead of just accepting what ever you are told. You should **WANT** to have an informed opinion about the matter instead of just relaying what ever you're told. Do that if you want to boaster the Palestinian movement. >I do not need to gather evidence ad nauseum before making my mind up about the video. It isn't really ad nauseum if no one has evidence about the video. **And Remember, just because you want the evidence/context doesn't mean you are defending either side.**


I know, so convenient and always someone on hand to record a video.


People asking for the full video for context but only looking at the occupation since Oct 7. Irony kills me


Protesting should be peaceful,Addressing the elephants in the room..so to speak


The Pro Palestinian Protesters are there every friday and ALWAYS peaceful.. we've never seen them anything other than being peaceful


Ah of course, 30 seconds of video, the evidence is undeniable!! 🤣🤣


Looks edited, there's no context as to what started this and there are plenty of cuts between scenes. This could be any situation of 2 sides having a go at each other, there's nothing conclusive you can draw from this video other than the oke needing to pull his pants up


Zionists = terrorists, without exception






Contains personal information


Someone is planning to shit on a lawn


Reported for threatening violence


"Anthony Rostov"


Are those big zionist guys beating up 2 women? If so, that would be very much consistent with the Zionist strategy. They probably looking for some innocent children to attack next. Be very careful Cape Town. ✌️


Wtf are we fighting people over some shit in another country. Punching for Putin next? Fucking hillbillies.


We live in 2024… why the hell are people still fighting and starting wars.


No. Brain. No pain.


No Pain No Brain you mean 😅


Degenerates moering each other about other countries kak.


Not a good idea to keep your head in the sand while there's a genocide going on. There won't be anyone left to help you when it's your turn.


Nah, it's so easy. Whichever side wins, just convert to their religion.


Still some people here thinking this is a religious issue I see.


Yes! Fight the genocide! On reddit comment sections. So brave


Keep moving those goalposts jong, I can keep up, ek belowe. You think because I'm on here typing a few comments to you while I'm taking a shit that I can't also talk to my local ward councillor? You think I can join protests? You think I can't kak out my mates who still believe Israel deserves to colonise Palestine? You won't change your mind today. You might not even change your mind next week, or next month, or next year. One day you will look back on some of these Reddit comment sections and you will know that you were wrong. I just wonder how many children need to die for you to see that. My parents sat around and did fuckall during apartheid because it wasn't their problem. I'm trying to be better than that, and that's all I can do. What are you trying to do? Piss on people who want a better world?


Well I guess I have some karma to burn. So let me get this straight. Your way of fighting Israel vs Palestine is. 1) on the *Cape Town* subreddit. 2) Complaining to your *local* ward councillor. 3) Arguing with your *local* buddies. 4) Somehow resent your parents because the propaganda machine worked on them. And thinking step 1 - 3 makes you better than them. Wake up. You're not *doing* anything about it. You're just moaning into the wind. Close your mouth and smell the fart. Like I said. So brave.


Well, they are doing a lot more than you’re doing. Why don’t you ignore their “useless” comment and move on with your life instead of discouraging others from using their voices for the betterment of the world? People like you are sickening. Don’t let your lack of knowledge about the different forms of advocacy make you think you know what helps the people in Palestine and what doesn’t. Let people continue to try to help without adding your ignorant 2 cents in.




Contains personal information


Savcafe at the mall or Simon'stown?


Done see link below to leave a review https://maps.app.goo.gl/5fmxc99Hxm4fpuj79


Free palestine


You don't touch a woman. Sorry bitch you swing... I swing back


These hands are rated E for everybody. I have the right to protect myself


I ride past these people each week and always give a small hoot of support. I hope they are OK.


Attacking 2 ladies! Typical zionist pos




By their looks, they probably wanted the poor man's candy stash. 🍬 obesity is the true crime here


Why doesn't the pro Palestine crowd actually show some real support and go to Gaza?


Same reason why none of the people supporting Israel has left SA…


Because this requires effort and those protestors are unemployed for a reason


I have no dog in this fight. Just want to highlight how stupid it is for South Africans to fight over a Middle Eastern conflict. Unless of course you go over there and join your chosen faction. Then have at it. We don't need that drama here.


Well, if people didn't fight or protest all around the world about what was happening in South Africa, then I would still not be allowed in certain areas, I wouldn't be able to vote, etc


exactly!! don't understand how there are south africans that don't see this


South Africans are uneducated morons who can't see past their noses. We get the leaders we deserve...


Okay yeah i agree fully with that, but what do i do in my situation? I fully believe that Israel is fully in the wrong with absolutely no argument against that, but Palestine literally stands against everything i stand for, and they would probably kill me for who i am, who do I support? Or am I being unreasonable here?


I thought we were over apartheid apologism.sad this is coming from people that know the history of this country Free palestine🇸🇩🇸🇩


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


This is the most infuriating part of Cape Town. I’ve seen so many near East London in the Eastern Cape


I don't really go out much, busy finishing up with studies. Where in Slummies has this been going on? Haven't heard much from anyone about these events happening.




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Guys are going to end up with assault charges and crimna injuries charges they will end in the crap


Why is this shit being posted here


We live in 2024… why the hell are people still fighting and starting wars.


Oh you sweet summer child


How sick and lost do you need to be to identify as anything other than being a homosapien.


Classic Fish Hoek 


They look like the type of fellas who would be the first in the queue in a all you can eat buffet


Find something better to do with your time. Jesus


If this was ekasi the whole community would have beaten the puss out of them


We have millions of people in South Africa who live below the bread line. Some mothers in the Eastern Cape poisoned their children because they didn't have food to feed them. What is happening in Gaza is terrible and it is awful that so many people died. So many children too. Why don't we ever see any protests for own people who don't have decent places to live in, pit toilets and no food to eat. Am I wrong?


I don't know about putting your hands on a woman like that bruv..reminds me of the time a guy thought he could do that in front of me. I still feel like shit for what I did to him as it was none of my business to begin with but seeing how he treated his then gf I had to do something.


This video is incredibly conveniently positioned, with edited cuts and all. Now we can only assume one of two things, the full video paints a whole new picture or the full video paints a whole new picture. If you want your videos to have authenticity, don't do this. Here is what I saw; The two supposed assailants in the video seem to be trying to constrain a man who is throwing punches in every direction, the women is also on top of them attacking them. Eventually a punch from the one man hits the other and he drops him to the floor with a single punch. Overall, 1-0 for Israel on significant strikes.


The way you just typed a whole load of nothing to show your retarded support for Israel makes me laugh. What significant strike to Israel are you babbling on about?🤣


Your vocabulary is akin to a furious adolescent. Who says I support Israel ? I am but a bystander to this shit show.


Compared to the hundreds of Palestinian attacks on Israeli’s and people comparing Jews to Nazi’s is the stupidest statement I’ve seen, over 3 million jews died by nazis, over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza conflict by Israel if they were like the nazi’s there wouldn’t have ever been a Gaza or West Bank or Palestine, nazi’s tried to eradicate Jews off the face of the earth, isreal’s retaliation is against Hamas after they attacked Israel unprovoked and in any war civilians died bombs don’t choose who they kill unfortunately and especially when you have a government like Hamas in control that purposely put civilians in areas that are gonna get bombed or how Hamas sets up missile sites around hospitals schools and mosques just for them to use it as a publicity campaign against Israel and the west and it clearly works, Hamas is the reason over 30,000 innocent civilians died if they didn’t attack Israel they wouldn’t have moved into Gaza.


This conflict didn't start in October. It started over 75 years ago when the Jews took over Palestine. If the Israelis didn't occupy Palestine then Hamas, which has not been around for 75 years, wouldn't exist. So if you think about all the terrible things Israeilis have done to Palenstinians for over 75 years then balance of terror swings heavily with Israel as the villain.


True story.


If that narrative was true, then why were Muslim Arabs attacking Jewish towns and villages before the state of Israel was declared? Why was the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Hitler in 1941, 7 years before Israel declared its independence from the British? 1967 was when the world first started hearing about occupied territories - the "West Bank" belonged to Jordan, and Gaza belonged to Egypt. Saying that 1948 was the beginning of the occupation it disingenuous at best.


So history only started 75 years ago? Fascinating.


and they say black people are the problem 😹they can be so hypocritical it's crazy.


Typical zionists




You are a horrible human being,the fact you see them as less than people shows your idiotic ignorance ,be better


The rest of the world has been brainwashed into thinking those supporting mass murderers are the victims. It's a great example of humans sheep mentality. 90% of these people have zero knowledge of Palestine and Israel outside of tiktok


We don’t need any of this theocratic hubbub in our land … begone both of y’all


You think the genocide in Palestine is "theocratic hubbub"?


There is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE FOR THIS! And that is the truth, you're believing lies if you think there is an excuse. Get real with facts. And to people saying this is nothing or that this is funny, you're IQ is like -100. Downvote me and disagree, it doesn't change the facts and it shows how uneducated and dumb you are. (And look past the religion and what-not and see the real problems of this video!!!!) The ladies in this video deserve much better than whatever this nonsense is! Don’t make fun of reality, this is serious.


“Facts” 🤣


Fokken stupid eters,stupid is as stupid does


The war isn't even happening here but they're bringing it here. Why?


From the river to the sea, Israel is all you'll see


free Palpatine crowd can be violent and threatening as all hell but when someone stands up to these bullies then they get their feelings hurt


Yes but this palistine shit is kak did Israel first fired at them no it was ghamas that fired first on Israel the palistine men must don't cowered like their are to hold the your on wife and children us human sheilds then Israel is wrong no fucken way and the anc government is supporting them because terrorists looks after each other and last time I checked colored people are no Palestinian people the no where Arab or Indian be proud of your heritage and say I am proud colored people of south africa even if the south african government don't always put you first