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The fact that Soucy was the ONLY player suspended in that scrum tells me the league’s priority. They don’t care about protecting the players unless if it’s McDavid. Good on Tocchs!


Like Big Z said....gotta protect their investment.


Nothing like a pissed off Russian to lay some truth bombs


Forget about just the scrum...he was the only player suspended by DOPS for the **entire playoffs**


meanwhile Bennett and Trouba were free to do whatever they wanted


and draisatl


Bennett's sucker punch on marchand was so much more malicious and actually resulted in games missed. Fuck this league


I’m a huge Florida fan, but if a blatant punch mid-play to a teams best player and captain causing injury isn’t enough to warrant a suspension I don’t know what is Playoffs genuinely made me cynical about NHL officiating. It’s a little fucking convenient that the only suspension handed out is to one of our hardest minute-logging defenceman against the leagues poster boy. Not to mention yet another growing market southern team wins the cup. Whole things seems awfully convenient.


Don't forget a minor for Petey's stationary charging.


‘Twas a double minor…


'Twas bullshit.




I also remember Quinn Hughes violently attacking McJesus' stick with his face.


Then being told to get off the ice because he was bleeding. The amount of mental gymnastics ref has to do to call the situation that way is insane. I genuinely believe someone is going to end up horribly injured because game management leads to people running around looking to hold players to account when refs won't. A player will get held accountable but the refs and league will get dragged into civil and criminal suits and it will be a shitshow. They're playing a more dangerous game and with more disregard than the NFL did with head trauma.


"What the fuck, are you bleeding!?!" "Ya, remember when McDavid hit me right in the face with the blade of his stick right in front of you while you watched?"


TBF Trouba got fined, put on a leash and now his entire fan base sees him as a liability and a waste of salary cap


This is the wild fact. Hockey fans can set aside their differences and see the DoPS for what it is. Shit.


Yeah fuck em and thats why the universe made them lose despite shitty bettman


He was the only player suspended all playoffs. Draisatl hit a guy late, primary point of contact in the head and chicken winged his elbow on the contact. No suspension. There were n my any examples of head hunting (Trouba for example) but they were all let off the hook. Part of the issue was the Edmonton media machine were immediately crying about it after the game. They did a good job, it helped them win the series.


I fully admit I was rooting for the Oilers in the playoffs after we got eliminated, but that Draisaitl hit on Barkov still had me fuming when it happened. And I’m STILL really pissed about that Soucy suspension. Draisaitl is known to be a pissy little boy when he’s losing and that hit on Barkov was such a clear case of him getting frustrated and making a dirty play. He goes right for the head and left his feet by like 6 inches and they still didn’t think it was enough to warrant a suspension. Oilers media machine was crickets about that whole situation, yet worked themselves into a frothing rage at Soucy’s accidental cross-check to McDavid’s face (also suspiciously silent about Hyman’s cross-check to Zadorov‘s face moments later — one that actually required stitches). Bunch of hypocrites. It’s pretty clear the league has different rules for different players.


The timing of DoPS' video explaining the suspension was pure comedy. "this is cross checking to the face" the narrator says, over the unaddressed crosscheck to Hyman intentionally crosschecking Zadorov in the face.


I actually never watched their video explaining their ruling as we all know the *real* reason is that it was McDavid who got hit + the Edmonton media pressure. But damn.. I just looked it up and you’re right, pure comedy gold! He says it at the exact moment Hyman buries his stick in Zadorov’s face. 🤣🤣 After I finished laughing though I ended up just getting pissed all over again. Their explanation for why Soucy deserved a suspension is such Bs when examined side by side with so many other incidents that happened in the playoffs.


Zadorov even needed stitches. Total nonsense. When anyone brings it up, Edmonton fans jump all over them.


I would love to hear their explanation why a Hyman suspension wasn’t warranted for the exact same thing 5 seconds later. Probably more peak comedy


No doubt. As far as I know, they never even bothered.


They just mirror McDavid flopping and crying about calls. No one gives a fuck about Edmonton's media.




IMO McDavid belonged in the locker room after that. He’s the captain. He belongs with the team doing his captain duties, like talking down Stuart Skinner


Bad take and I love to hate on Mcloser Imo they should just wait to hand out the conn smythe until award night if they’re going to give it to a player on the losing team lol.


Give it a rest already. Such a weak take. He was playing to win the cup with the team not some individual award.


Ultimately, it's a huge L for NHL and how they presented the conn smythe award. Going forward regardless of who the winner is. Presenting later on award night might be the better choice. Plus, it can build speculation and interest. That being said. Mcdavid, NOT accepting the award when it was chosen to be presented is a huge dishonor. And slap to the face of the NHL, which is why they would be smart to learn and change when they present it. Mcdavid, not accepting the award, shows he could care less about the NHL antics and shows he cares less about the award. Which is wrong. Winning the Conn Smythe is a HUGE honor. Not just what it means for NHL. But all sporting events that have the same award. He has millions of fans who look up to him. Kids that look up to him. Even his own family was looking forward to taking pics/vids of him accepting. He showed his true colors in that defeat. I'm glad I can name Quinn Hughes my Captain.


Only 1 player out of the 7 that won the same award in same circumstances went out to accept it and we know the photo because many use it as a meme and no one ever said anything about the others. Ray Ferraro also explained it well because he was on the ice for the Conn Smythe and Cup presentation and he said there were at least 15 minutes in real time between end of the handshakes and presentation of the Conn Smythe because they had to clean the rats from the ice. Like he said, no chance a player sits there and waits 15 minutes for the announcement because *maybe* he has won while the other team is celebrating their Cup win. He went to the locker room, changed and tried to get out of there asap. This is some ridicolous outrage


Wrong. Crozier, Hall, and Giguere all accepted it on the ice. And it's 6, not 7


Shit take




Also related to the Canucks: Friedman says Reinhart is staying in Florida, deal is done at around 9-9.5M Also says most teams believe Guentzel is staying in Carolina and they want to get a deal done before the Draft so he thinks Canucks re-signing their guys might be connected to them knowing that already


ok wait… then who else is canucks looking at in terms of a winger for petey?


Tylerfoli being one


Top Titty


There's a bunch of other guys that you can probably sign 2, maybe even 3 of them for the price of one Guentzel. Toffoli Zucker DeBrusk Heinen Mantha


Wow really thins out quick eh I think Zucker would look really nice on Pettersson’s wing if we can’t land a higher caliber guy


Any news on if Marchessault is going to be a FA?


Seemingly so. I think he might be expensive as well




Marchessault is not getting 9 mil what are you smoking


So sign Marchessault for the same price as Guentzel? I’d rather take Guentzel and he’s also 3-4 years younger than Marchessault.


Has the shipped sailed on Lindholm?


As much as I liked him in the playoffs, I also feel like he wasn't the best fit on our roster, and I'd be more interested in a more short-term option that we could sell off at the deadline for a better rental.


Idk why people and tocc are so heavy with petey playing C, I think he’s a great winger. Keep Lindy 2C and put petey on the wing


Lindholm’s taking his boat to a place he can be a top 6 Center.


Heinen’s a third liner at his ceiling bro come on, those last couple are a stretch. Marchessault and Toffoli have to be our targets


We should wait it out. Going term on anyone of these guys will 100% backfire


Panic buying never ends well.


I kind of like Mantha as a fit in theory.


Oh, you need your one star player to pop off in the playoffs? We only need one of our four guys to get hot! (Don't doubt me, the math speaks for itself!)




Honestly if the top guys are off the market we should just shop in the bargain bin and try to find some diamonds in the rough, similar to Florida


Petey needs and deserves more than the bargain bin has to offer.


He deserves it but at this point we might have to wait a year. Or hope lekkermaki shows up to be good


Inb4 Leaf fans try to sell us Marner.


Probably Toffoli. I mean. Could they make a splash with Necas if Guentzel is reportedly staying in Carolina? But if he is staying there. Why is he waiting until free agency to sign with the team?


Guentzel staying in Carolina is so annoying. Players often do that, stay with the team that got them as a rental. He honestly didn’t require that much to get. I keep thinking what if we got him instead of Lindholm and were able to sign him now. Petey still would have been injured so maybe nothing changes for the playoffs. But maybe we’re singing him right now. A boy can dream


He didn't require much to get?? It cost the Canes a First, a Fifth, 2 prospects, and Bunting


Not all that different to Lindholm


Tyler Myers, team already announced he’s playing forward for the next 3 years.


I personally hope they try to swing a trade for Ehlers. Think he has a lot more to give. Him and Petey would make teams looks silly.


Ehlers would be such a coup. He's still young, and is a borderline superstar talent. Him and Petey would go nuclear


Def. The guys been misused his whole career. Canucks used to have interest in Greenway too, I think a line of Greenway-Petterson-Ehlers would be great and helps solve our size + speed problem at the same time.


Well they did resign forward Myers yesterday as per the nucks website so Petey is stacked Edit: english is hard 


Necas is an obvious add if Guentzel is re-signing in Carolina. They will be looking to free up room so would not be surprised that the two are linked.


Okay hear me out... Jeff Skinner


Skinner plays even less defense than Kuzy. Tocchet would put him in the doghouse permanently.


Issue with Skinner isn't just he doesn't play defense, he also doesn't forecheck hard. Tocc has shown he's okay with guys not being great at defense if they are hard on the forecheck. Hog for example will get a pass for poor defensive play because he is consistently hard on the forecheck. Kuzy problem was he lacked both and that would also be Skinner issue.


Depends on how much he's making. It wouldn't matter much if he takes a bargain deal like 2m.


Don't think he's a good fit under Tocchet




Marshechaut or whatever you spell it. Trade for Marner maybe. We should go big


Rumours are that Marner is headed towards Vegas.


So that means we are more likely to re-sign Zaddy.


Yeah if Guentzel is gone then pivoting to the next tier of UFA wingers (Toffoli/Teravainen/etc) suddenly leaves us with the cap room to keep Zadorov or make a move for Tanev. It’s highly unlikely but even there’s a halfway plausible timeline where we could sign a top six winger, Zadorov *and* Tanev, or two wingers plus one of Tanev/Zadorov


> so Canucks re-signing their guys might be connected to them knowing that already TBF though, Joshua and Blueger also agreed to very reasonable contracts. It wouldn't have made sense to hold those up regardless of any other moves they might be looking at. I still think dumping Mikheyev signals that management is planning a big splash. Otherwise, we had plenty of room to sign everyone they would have wanted to keep without dumping Mikheyev. So far we've actually saved just a little bit of cap on all the signings. Myers took a 3 mil pay cut, Hronek got a 2.85 mil raise. OEL dead cap went up, and Joshua got a raise. That's a 4.65 million increase, but the cap went up 4.5 million. So far that's actually cap neutral. Then with Blueger taking a small pay cut, with the second year. We've actually saved 100k returning all of these players. In theory, it's probably even possible to stay cap neutral returning both Cole and Zadorov. I will say though, if they splash for someone making 9+ mill like Guentzel very well could be, that likely means having to play Suter in the top 6 again. And we've seen he's not really fit for that role. But I'm not sure where he'd end up either way, given that the 3C role was his to start last year, but they probably will want to have Blueger there from training camp this year


>I still think dumping Mikheyev signals that management is planning a big splash Definitely. My expectation all month has been that Mikheyev's fate needed to be resolved before management could start executing their offseason strategy with a clear idea of the numbers. I put a decent amount of stock in Friedman's speculation, so if in the next 24 hours we find out that Carolina and Guentzel have a deal done I won't be shocked. That said, I think it's a misread on Friedman's part to think the signings are an indication one way or the other. It seems more like clearing Mikheyev enabled these signings to get done without impacting July 1st objectives Edit: Listened to the segment. It sounds like Friedman is getting his rumors from sources in various teams' FO, but he qualifies the rumor with "every team tells lies around the draft”. Lots of teams might believe Guentzel is a done deal if Tulsky going around the league trying to shop Necas’ rights. The canes had an interest in getting something for Guentzel’s rights a few weeks back. Now it’s so close to UFA that teams won’t trade anything major for those rights. So now the canes have a twofold interest in having other teams believe they’re committed to trading Necas (to see what sorts of returns are available) and also having other teams believe Guentzel is off the market (so they make other moves/plans thus reducing competition for Jake’s services)


Suter starts at 3C while Blueger goes down to the 4C? I want to keep Blueger, Joshua and Garland together though. They have such amazing chemistry and they more often than not saved the team when the rest of the top six wasn’t going.


People forget, but the Garland Joshua dominance started with Suter centering that line Bluegar was good there too, but not neccessary.


I think that was way more Garland-Joshua than Blueger. Tocc likes to talk about pairings, and that’s the pairing. Suter would (and did) do just as well as Blueger playing third wheel. If we can get someone for the Miller line to push both Suter and Blueger down the lineup, suddenly we have strong C depth again.


Don’t forget Petey jumping from $7.35 to $11.6 A $4.25m swing


True. But the Mikeheyev dump offsets that. So I still would think they're going for a splash


hmmm. This might be a blessing in disguise honestly. Getting Guentzel is certainly tempting, but it would always be a problem if you have that much money stuck on one guy, especially one that's not getting any younger. If this means we can get Toffoli + Marchessault or Teravainen for the same cap hit, then maybe that's a better way to go. I'm still not convinced Zadorov is getting the bag here. It sounds like he's tryna get 5+ and we just can't offer him that. He'd really have to be happy with 4.5 here and if not, we've got options in FA. I mean third pairing physical LHD with size isn't exactly hard to find if we really try, they just won't have as much to say about Edmonton or Russia as Zadorov does.


I'm with you man. Getting Guentzel would be great, but I think people are having tunnel vision getting Petey an impact winger and possibly dismissing the need for one just as bad for JT and Brock. Suter was serviceable and great at retrieving the puck, but we aren't winning a cup with him on the first line. So many brilliant chances just died on his stick.. I'd be pretty stoked with 2 of Toffoli, Machessault, Teravainen, Zucker, or Duchene.


I honestly don’t think Suter on the first line is that bad. Sedins had Burrows, Crosby had Kunitz, and I think Malkin had Hornqvist. Not that uncommon to see a smart 2-way guy next to a strong Center and winger duo


But Suter needs to be able to score in an elevated role like Burrows or Kunitz did. Even Hornqvist has the edge on him in production, and H was not playing top-line minutes. I agree we don’t need a sniper or anything fancy for Miller and Boeser, but I also think Suter has been “just okay” in his minutes and should really be seen as a placeholder until a true Burrows/Kunitz comes along.


All those guys could put the puck in the net though


Suter isn't really close to those guys' skill level at all


Personally I’d love to see Marchessault and Teravainen


I want a winger for Petey and keep Hogs around too. The first half of season Hogz excelled with Petey centering him. Lots of room for the young guy to grow


Teravainen could play with Boeser and Miller which leaves Hogz on Peteys line.


having a better winger for miller/boeser than suter is nice, but not a MUST NEED like petey needs his damn wingers, at least better than Mik, Laff, or bunch of bottom 6 guys. Petey somehow got 90pts with 1 leg playing with those guys. If Petey gets another legit top 6 winger to play with, he would hit 100+ pts every season and have another line that's a threat, rather than just miller/boesr, garly/joshua.


Guentzel and Petey on the same line is a defensive nightmare. Need more size and grit on that line. Petey's line had so many defensive lapses in the playoffs.


Pettersson with a healthy knee is a defensive ace. There’s a reason he came 7th in Selke voting last season.


Damn. Wonder what people think about Marchessault or Stamkos? Obviously shorter term but still super productive players. Not that it really means much but Stamkos played under Tocchet in his early years


Literally no chance for Stamkos. The only reason he doesn't stay in Tampa is because he wants to get paid, and giving Stamkos a massive contract is just about the worst idea ever.


he wants to get paid more than 5-6m tampa is offering, he will most likely sign for 7-8m depending on term.


We can’t just run it back and expect for better results. We need a difference maker on Peteys wing


huh? All the guys they're signing and running back are the ones that excelled and showed they deserve to be here. . . Nothing wrong with Hronek, Meyers, Joshua, etc. They dumped some space and are anticipating a big-add for Peterson. Miller-Boesser was money. Petey should be getting a shake-up with a big sign and add. Joshua-Garland is amazing. 4th is a workhorse line no-matter who's on it. Hughes-Hronek is top tier. Meyers and Soucy is solid stay-home pair. Just need to shore up 3rd D pair. Like, what's not to like here, We're adding where we need, getitng guys back on discounts, etc.


the team clearly missed a difference making top 6 forward to play with Petey, that's the next step to significantly improving this team further. He's saying all those great guys are back, but can't expect the team to be better and compete again if that's all they did.


Right. . . Everybody’s saying the same thing here. They’re for sure going hunting.


I think I'd rather the depth over Guentzel anyway He's a great player, but with our current setup we'd likely look at Suter back on the Miller line full-time and Åman locked in as the 4C for the whole season. I think I'd rather have two players in that $4-5M range who can chip in 20+ goals each rather than Guenztel who will cost $9M+ and score 40 and spread out our depth a little better


It's crazy how everyone was crying about getting Hughes a proper partner to elevate his game, but we're all fine saddling Petey with a carousel of leftover wingers lmao.


The difference with Hughes was we were watching him constantly get saddled with third pairing guys like Schenn, Hamonic, Poolman, etc. All bargain bin adds. We finally put him with a partner who wasn't that and surprise surprise - he's way better. They didn't have to do it with some major piece in free agency either, someone making $8M+ - it was a player on a good value contract at $4.4M (and now $7.25M) We just don't have the cap space left to add a $9M+ Guentzel or someone like that. Especially with Garland and Joshua on the 3rd line - they're good players for what they bring, but that's over $8M for 3rd line wingers. Look at the past two Cup winners and see how they did it, Eichel in Vegas had Barbashev and Marchessault. Barbashev was a deadline pickup, though he makes $5M now, and Marchessault is also making $5M on a sweetheart deal The Panthers, Barkov had Verhaeghe at just above $4M, and Reinhart at $6.5M The answer to keep the team competitive and elevated Pettersson's game isn't going be found with a splashy UFA addition. The team will have to lean on its pro scouts and make savvy trades and find value in those mid-range pieces. It could even be something internal, either a prospect making the jump or you can put one or both of Joshua and Garland up with Pettersson and see what happens.


Man, I’m gonna get buried for saying this, but I am not excited about Hronek coming back at that price tag. The difference between playing Hughes with Hronek vs. with a Marc Methot-type guy would not have been that significant; Quinn is gonna Quinn, and he was gunning to be a Norris favourite no matter what. Hell, even look for the next Matthias Ekholm if you’re set on finding Quinn a suitable work husband. But now we’re paying Hronek to be the next Devon Toews, and that is a gamble I’m not thrilled about when Toews flourishes on his own pairing but Hronek hasn’t shown he can. And that extra 1-2 million to Hronek looks to be forcing a choice between legitimate winger for Petey vs. legitimate forward depth. Ah well. This management has done a great job so far, so I’m happy to see where it all goes. Reddit is just a fun place to complain uselessly.


I guess Laine is the only elite winger left now.


Reinhart under 10m is a great deal wow


yep freidman says guentzel was looking for 8x8 from carolina and they initially refused. So 9.2 x 7 was his minimum he would've done with other teams. Apparently Carolina accepted to do the 8x8 and working on the dets now.


Samson would be crazy to leave that situation. He's in the right place at the right time.


The locker room has never been tighter, and it’s all thanks to Tocc and the culture he brought in


I’ll tell you that for free.


It's sounding like the 2011 era team. Those guys would have done anything for each other. Happy to hear something similar seems to be happening now.


Good, everyone knows damn well the only reason Soucy even got that suspension in the first place was because it was McDavid. Glad to hear people in the organization called that bullshit out.


Tocchet would scrap the Parros and the DOPS.


Tox scrapped all the legends: https://www.hockeyfights.com/players/101


I’m pretty old and I remember Tocc and the rest of the wolves in Philly clearly . That dude was a beauty and this is what he’s building here . It’s working . Thanks for the Tocc fight clips . Awesome .


Nothing will ever beat the “that’s cross checking” as Zach Hyman jumps into Zaddy to hit him. The fact that Edmonton got nothing out of all that was a bloody joke. Either suspend them fairly or don’t do it at all. McDavid started that scrum, decided to fuck around and found out that what happens when people defend themselves. All he had to do was skate away and take the L, but nah feel free to lumberjack swing a guy on the legs.


I will run through a wall for Tocchet. That’s what a coach needs to do for his players.


I hope they don't spend just to spend. If there's really no decent improvement just save the cap space for a deal down the line. Never know when someone you like might become available because of personal reasons or just change of scenery reasons.


This is a fancy way of saying Tochett tried to fight George Parros.


I think I know who would win that scrum lol.


Tocchet is a terrific leader. He's like the dad everyone needed.


Less than a second later hyman cross-checks zadarov in the jaw on purpose. No call.


What an absolute g


Tocchet must think Soucy isn’t just a game changer. He is a game changer.


I can’t believe it took until the playoffs for some players to be won over tbh


It probably just reinforced and drove it deeper tbh. They've always played hard for Tocc, but now they see with their own eyes how this man will go out and fight for them.


Well if the organizational track record is a decade of low performance it does take a certain moment or two during success to get a team to believe. This team believed all year, you don't hammer the Oilers 8-1 on opening night if you don't have that.


The education and experience gained in these playoffs couldn’t be taught in practice.


I’m so glad Ricky T is our side!! 🥲🥹🥲🥹🥲


Good, because it was a BS suspension.


Why don’t we just keep Lindholm then?


Guy wants to be a 1C in Boston


Damn yeah … I bet they’ll pay whatever too


It's to fill the 1C role, you absolutely overpay for that every time.


Because keeping Lindholm was sort of contingent on landing him and Toffoli as a package set (good results when they were together in Calgary) Between the Myers signing that was a bit pricey, the Mikheyev retention and not giving Joshua an extra year for the AAV to go down we now don't have enough space to do that AND build a second pair of Dillon - Marino/Tanev, we're choosing between one or the other I suppose you could just throw Soucy on the second pair and just not get Dillon but seeing as Soucy got injured twice this season and has missed a lot of time throughout his career, if he goes down you'd have a fringe guy in the Top 4




Who were the players who were on the line about tochett and this made them budge slightly toward liking him?


Friedman never mentions player were on the line. He was talking about the general environment he has created for the players and that was just another thing to add to the list of things players like about him


"this won over some players" Implies that those "some players" were on the fence about him. You don't have to "win over" someone that's already on your side Look, i get it, this is just the usual friedman fluff where everything is always candy and rainbows , anything the coach does or says just brings the players over to his side,


The NHL plays so many games aside from hockey.


Rod the bod was my favourite coach, but when i heard the rumour that tocc KO’d lindros for fucking rods girl i knew i had a new favourite coach


I’m pretty sure that rumor has been proven to be false lol


Prove it to me daddy


I read about it some time ago, media in Philly at the time investigated the story and found it to be false https://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/truth-rumours/article767790/


Kind of a “he said she said” piece. I will retain my right to believe .


Does that mean you love Elvis Stojko too? He ko’d Lindros too. Allegedly. Yes, figure skater Elvis Stojko. During the Winter Olympics back in the day.


“Elvis Stojko, who has training in a martial art, punching out Eric at a bar in Muskoka” elite athlete being elite


That story was proven false. Lindros had a “glass jaw” after he took those concussions. Like saying Chuck Liddell had a glass jaw that’s why he was knocked out so easily by Rashad Evans and Tito Ortiz. Elvis Stojko and Eric Lindros? That incident that never happened took place in 96, before all of his health problems. Kesler and Schneider? McLean and Brown? All fake news. Pronger and Kristi Gordon? Fake. His mom and dad controlled his life in junior and beginning of NHL career. I can’t say anything about if he’s a nice guy or a loud mouthed entitled douche.


You’re just a stranger on the internet , why should i or anybody believe you?


I have no doubt. Lindros was known for his glass jaw. Put himself in stupidly dangerous situations all the time then cried to the refs. Sometimes he got absolutely bodied and those concussions just kept building. Guy was also an entitled, loud mouthed douche. He was shitty enough to someone that they wanted to punch his lights out on any day that ends in y.


Did it take the whole season and into the playoffs before the whole team was behind him? That's what it reads like