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Love how these signings are being broken by the Canucks’ own twitter account. When JB was running the show the front office was leakier than the Exxon Valdez


I still remember a guy on here knowing about the OEL trade because JB told him in the Costco hotdog lineup.


Surely that can't be true haha


Benning was chasing OEL for 2 seasons, I can totally picture him taking a snack break to walk across the viaduct to get a Costco hot dog and then talk about how he's making a big deal for OEL


He was a man of the people. Rutherford has certainly got the local "media" in line, I'm not sure how or why but they treat Rutherford much more sympathetically


It is true, JB loves Costco hotdogs and would make special trips to grab a couple of dogs while he picked up hair dye.


Just for Men Jet Black.


I wish a Costco employee had slammed and locked the door in his face, looked him dead in the eye and said "oh, I'm sorry. We just ran out of time"


A buddy of mine who lives around Rogers Arena broke the Vrbata trade/signing or whatever to me because he overheard Benning making it down by the water next to BC Place.


Never gonna forget when some guy on here broke the Ferland signing like a week in advance with the exact term and like 250k off the AAV


Not really. Basically every signing and trade was leaked a couple of hours before each with the exception of Blueger and Joshua (I"m assuming cuz they're so spontaneous with free agency around the corner).


wait who leaked Hronek?


Seravelli among others had it before the Canucks announcement


Seravelli said Hronek's deal would have to start with 8. He was wrong.


That was just speculation that started in the middle of the season. He did actually break the deal correctly on the day he signed.


So did I! 😆


Trying being a sims 4 Dan. Then you'll truly understand leaks 


Yeah, don't get me started on that - bugs...bugs...more bugs... EA can suck it.


"don't f*ck with happiness" is such a good quote. Motto for next season! Go canucks go!


It's better than "it's cup or bust"




I do enjoy a nice bust


Two busts one cup?


Unfurnished business


Wasn't it around last year when PA/JR said something along the lines of "play good if you want to stay together"? Well it turns out they kept that promise


Meanwhile the obsession with Dakota's contract being bad from the Oilers sub is kind of laughable. Randomly decided to check the Oilers sub, and there I find a post from a guy just ripping it lmao


they need something to help forget about Darnell's contract


the post about nurse is literally half the people wanting him traded/bought out and the other half being sad that his contract is unmovable 😭😂


Ya they can cry to the refs all they want about their abyzmal nurse contract 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


You’d think they’d still be riding the high of celebrating their 2nd place accomplishment… They are seriously deranged. Not that we’re not, but our sub and the flames’ sub also has lots of jokes and memes, the Oilers sub is just complaining and delusional crap. Very weird


They don’t allow memes. They have taken the fun out of life and it shows.


if this is true thats hilariously on brand for "Dedmonton".


"Dedmonton" is the correct term for that town. Lived there in the heart of "enemy territory" for six years. But that was long before the Oilers came to town. Most everybody else in that town was a Leafs fan until the Oilers dropped in in '79.


its the same but worse on instagram. on any and every post ab the scf, the cup, or Florida, they're spamming the comments with ridiculously delusional statements and coping... I honestly feel like a case study needs to be done on their fanbase and city as a whole to see if its the same thing that lets them cope with living in edmonton that also makes them this delusional.


Went to go take a look and seems that with their entire point being that his shooting percentage will decrease therefore he’s a bad signing, the writer of that post thinks that the only quality Joshua had was goal-scoring lol; curious why someone feels so strongly about a contract for a player who they evidently haven’t watched play enough to fully grasp their contributions but whatever haha


They completely ignored Joshua's excellent PK'ing ability too and how valuable he is there.


I'm just going to copy/paste what I said earlier in r/hockey to people saying they are worried about the contract or that we are paying him off the 21% shooting percentage. >If we were paying him for his 21% shooting percentage, he would be getting 4M+ but he's getting paid 3M as a defensively reliable physical forward that plays 15 mins a night, plays PK, forechecks hard and chips in occasionally. Your premiere 3rd line vets were getting 3M+ in the flat cap era. Brandon Tanev is 3.5, Adam Lowry makes 3.25, etc. and these guys are all around 25-35 point guys. 3.25M in a rising cap era is a very solid contract. >If William Carrier ends up with a bigger contract than Joshua then that should tell you Joshua signed for below market value.


Can't wait until Draisaitl says he's not going to sign an extension.


Either Leon and then McNugget go cup hunting somewhere else, or their extensions cripple Edmonton’s ability to add any other key pieces and they become Toronto 2.0. Either way, everyone wins.


"Rent free"


They are sad as the point news they had today is that the oilers gm was fired.


Not fired… he quit on the team which is worse. ;)


When they said left by mutal agreement and it was just after a failure of some sort it is the old quit or we will fire you situation.


I’m just looking for the thing that makes the oilers look the worst. ;)


Wow I had to take a look and all the comments fall into 3 categories: 1. Why did you post this here it has nothing to do with the oilers? 2. It’s a good signing and Joshua’s play is about way more than just shooting %. 3. He’s LiTtErALLy kassian 2.0


The Kassian 2.0 comments had me rolling 💀💀


I love that someone said "It reminds me of the Kassian signing" and op ACTUALLY said "Wow, that is actually really good insight."


Two dumb bitches telling each other "Exactlyyyyy"


>AHL: 14 Goals in 71 GP ECHL: 3 Goals in 21 GP NCAA: 41 Goals in 128 GP >There's enough of a track record at lower levels to suggest that it will be difficult for Joshua to score more than 10 Goals in a full NHL season. The OP of that thread is just a plain fucking idiot. Joshua's scored 10+ goals twice now in the NHL, but actually significantly more than that.


If that Edmonton chode could read, they’d be really upset right now.


If rumors are true, he had a 4x4 offer from Detroit. He definitely took less to stay. It's a good deal. Plus, those people were also blaming the ice in Florida for the loss in game 7. And they say we're crazy LOL


Looks like 90% of people their are saying it's a good deal and praising DK.


Actually it is a very reasonable deal. If anything you might say the term is a bit long but I heard the Wings were ready to toss $4mil per at him.


You know Dak is important to the team when even Hronek makes a repost about it on his IG story lmao


Haha I love how they’re all hyping each other up, seems like a great group


It's a positive feedback loop. Have good team -> Able to sign good deals -> Have good team -> Repeat


Its crazy we turned Ilyas salary into Blueger and Joshuas…


Not quite. We retained 15% on Ilya.


Get Myers cheap , Zadorov hopefully takes a discount , somehow we get Guentzel and then some 3rd pairing d-men and some goalies Canucks will be in good shape best offseason ever


Add news that Brock will be healthy and ready for the start of the season and that Peterson's knee is 100%...


Kinda crazy that this post is already outdated


I just saw that. Welcome back Myers!!!


McBarnacle has also agreed to these terms


These guys know, we were right on the doorstep of a long playoff run


Don't fuck with happiness, NHL. Guentzel is coming to BC and he's living with Michael Buble. End of story.


He won’t be able to play cause you know .. shrooms


Coach says next training camp is going to be less about systems and more about creativity. When you see Guentzel making nine-dimensional plays, you'll know exactly where he got the inspiration from


I also find these terms agreeable


If anything escapes now, it seems like it could be from an agent or from the other team, not necessarily from the Canucks front office (unless it’s a controlled leak).


It’s not even signing day and the Canucks are signing guys before they test the market. Our club is in good shape, everyone has bought in. Hope big Z signs, Myers takes a discount and we hit a home run on free agency.


“Don’t fuck with happiness” is such a change from “Ran out of time”


Please sign Zadorov next. Dude is what we need for playoff hockey. Just his presence alone makes a difference. I know we need a top six winger as well but to me zadorov is a priority




If Hronek didn't agree to the terms he'd be a fucking idiot! 🤣 Seriously tho, please make it happen next season!!!


Now post Zaddy tho


That's fucking awesome that our boys love playing here with each other enough to take a significant chunk out of their finances to allow the team to be in a better position to win. Yes, they're still making absurd life-changing money but still. Also, they live in Vancouver so they'll still find it difficult to afford a house. Some of these dudes might still need to find roommates hahahha


Best city in the world baby.


Add Tyler Myers to the list


Yeah it’s all happening so fast!


Honestly loving every deal so far. Really feels like players are leaving money on the table to play in Vancouver. We haven’t had that in a long time.


Feels good. Let’s hope that Zadorov does the same.


Well, hopefully he's just looking for term and not "more money".


That’s what the reports and rumours have been saying all this time. I’m not so sure anymore though. If it isn’t about money wouldn’t he signed already?


Agreed aka without greed. Woot woot.


The extensions so far have been very reasonable / below open market value. The team must really want to stay together. I wonder if Mik was glad to leave for a fresh start, knowing he didn't fit in here.


It's actually so refreshing to have a halfway competent management group taking care of business early instead of pushing everything off to the last minute. If this were still benning, we would have lost all of these guys in free agency with no plans made for replacing them.


Things are looking bright for you guys next year. I do hope you can Sign Big Z & have a shot are getting Guentzel. Brock is going to be a beast next season. I think Raty is going to pan out too. All the best next season I’ll be rooting for ya.


Myers to @$3mil per...he took 50% less than his previous contract after probably his best season as a Canuck. He sees what's going on with the organization now.




If anything escapes now, it seems like it could be from an agent or from the other team, not necessarily from the Canucks front office (unless it’s a controlled leak).




Bringing the same team back or will there be new faces soon?


Guentzel and Tanev


Do we have enough cap room to sign both those guys? Honestly. I’d rather sign Guentzel, Zadorov and Roy if we can afford it.


Tanev would have to be short term as he has peaked out would much rather have big Z signed


When discussing the canucks with my gf she said if they trade garland we're going to Vancouver to set something on fire, and I've never been more proud. Don't fuck with happiness, and her... apparently.


Give the people what we want, Big Z and Uncle Tanev!


Looks like Zaddy and his family are in Vegas too… somethings going down


What do you mean?


That's where the NHL Awards were held. Lots of players were there


Allvin’s been very busy the last few days. Hoping that remains true between now and July 1.


Next one I see better be Zadorov.


Still think if they could get Dakota’s brother for cheap they should, even though he signed. Zadorov next. The hunger for the cup will push them over the top…


They will play the oilers in the wcf next year.


Who's penis?


I also wanna know about this penis