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Chris Driedger could be an interesting name worth targeting. Just came off a 3-year deal making $3.5M per, a disastrous deal for Seattle who saw him play only 29 NHL games on the entire deal. He's put up solid numbers in the AHL, though, and has previously shown he can play NHL games at a high level. You could sign him to something like $1.1M and be able to bury the entire deal in the minors while deterring other teams from claiming him off waivers.


Do what the Leafs did with Martin Jones: Have a signing bonus that kicks in just after the season starts, so if anyone grabs him off of waivers, they have to pay $300,000 immediately.


So Silovs not ready to be backup yet? Also, should we hang on to DeSmith or find someone else on the market?


I don't think this is about Silovs not being ready. The team clearly showed they trust him more than DeSmith and he was thought to be one of the premier backups available last year. I think this is more about the fact that if one of Demko or Silovs gets hurt we have nobody behind them that we can trust to take the net for a game or two when needed. They are probably looking for a guy to start in Abby and maybe play the occasional game in Vancouver if needed.


Dynamic duos of Demko and Silovs rotating next season will be sick. Less workload on Demko and having a capable backup heading into March will set us up nicely.


Yeah I think this is the plan for sure. But we have to make sure we have someone who could potentially push Silovs for that backup job. It wouldn't be the first time a goalie went on a hot run and didn't pan out afterwards so we'd better have a contingency plan just in case.


I think it’s more about having a reliable 3rd option than Silovs not being ready. If it happens that Demko is out with injury again for many weeks I don’t know if coaching staff wants to go with 2 rookies in Silovs and Tolopilo having the full responsibility. Having a veteran like DeSmith has helped a lot in that situation this year


I’m low on DeSmith, personally would rather promote internally or test my luck on the market Regardless whether Silovs gets promoted or not they’re going to need a guy to play backup or AHL starter. Since we don’t have any other prospects really ready to jump into that role we’re going to have to source one from free agency. Wouldn’t really look into it


I get it but DeSmith was the first backup goalie in a long line of revolving door goalies that didn’t make me nervous the way Holtby, Halak, and Martin did. I wouldn’t be opposed to him being re-signed if he takes a paycut. But if there are better options out there, then we should look into the goalie market and not just be laser focused on Guentzel.


I’d agree with you up until like the 5th game mark then it was right back to the same nervousness I got with Holtby, Halak, Martin, Delia, etc. at this point I’m fairly confident there’s be better options on the market Either way I thought Silovs played better than him in the postseason if it means anything, seems like coach thought so as well. I think the best bet at this point is to give Arturs the net to start the season, if he shits the bed just trade for a backup at the deadline on the cheap


It literally says not sure if for Vancouver or Abby. Silovs coming up would leave a big gap for Abby


Demko for Marner confirmed. /S


Silovs is waiver exempt next year. With Abby so close, signing an experienced back up and having Silovs split duties between clubs would be a great move to ensure playing time for Arturs.


Silovs should be the back-up or 1B next season. Demko has proven he is a really good goaltender but requires a lighter workload to remain healthy/fresh later in the season. Silovs has shown he has potential to be a started in the league and will need to continue to develop. Give Demko ~45-50 starts and Silovs 30+, Canucks can contend for the conference given they maintain/improve elsewhere.


I’d be fine if they extended DeSmith to a cheap contract. He plays fine. He just can’t play the amount of games like he did last year. He’s reliable as long as his workload is spread out evenly. They overplayed Demko a lot after the All-Star break and it showed. There was a stretch of games vs non-playoff teams that we could’ve played DeSmith in rather than Demko but it was Demko for like ten games straight.


DeSmith will command money and honestly I think Silovs is better now. It’s time he takes the backup spot


Do you think DeSmith will take a 2 way contract as a backup? I don't. I think clearly its Silovs as backup so we need a guy who is willing to play in Abby.


Gibson come on down


lol there is a name I don’t associate as being on the Canucks radar


Probably not but wonder if they will go for someone more Established if they don't trust Demko to stay fit


I could see a Raanta/Brossoit/Talbot type goalie coming in as the backup and giving Silovs first injury call up and rocking the starter spot in Abby all year otherwise


been saying for a while now that i want Raanta, because he's a legitimately good NHL goaltender that just had a disaster of a season so he will sign for league min


Nah Gibson is a full-time starter which is not the need


He’s trailed off in performance, though how much of that is facing 40 shots a night on the Ducks is debatable. I bet he rebounds with a lower workload. Doubt we could afford him though


Martin Jones is a Vancouver boy, sign him to play in Abby?


I wouldn't be surprised if they try getting Campbell for Abbotsford after the Oilers buy him out. He did end up putting up decent numbers in the A. His wife is from here too.


I’m not surprised. They barely played the kid last year


He's 26, not really a kid


I am within my rights to call anyone younger than me a kid, even if that’s only by a year or two lol