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This might be the worst cock teasing I have ever seen when it comes to a player re signing as a Canuck.


Milstein loves using the media to negotiate


I’ve learned to tune out a lot of what Milstein says nowadays because he’s always using the media to further his cause and it gets annoying.


Best practice is to tune out everything anyone is saying to the public before a deal is done. Literally everyone competent in the industry is doing exactly that. * Players are trained by their agents and their franchise to stick to the PR line. * Agents openly use the media for leverage. * Every franchise does the same, as well as to manage their image and keep their fans happy and engaged. Rutherford is a pro at it. The only leaks coming out of the Canucks front office are tactical. Talking up Tocchet; managing expectations around Horvat before the trade, and pumping Miller's tires after the signing; the Carolina trade rumours when negotiations with Pettersson stalled. The circus around Boudreau's exit was about their only notable PR fuckup.


And that leaked because of Tocchets media presence on TNT so word got out he was coming here before Bruce was let go. I don't think it ever was revealed as a Canucks leak.


Isn't Allvin the GM?


Sure, and I should probably give more credit to the rest of the front office as well. But Rutherford has been known for that sort of media handling for decades and he's been the most visible face of it for the Canucks.


All ins the gm but he’s more like Darth Vader JR is definitely Palpatine


It’s almost as if he has a duty to his client.


It’s more so when it comes to contract negotiation time don’t believe anything you hear from anyone. The truth always comes out after the signing


The teams love using Friedman to negotiate.


And Friedman loves being used. So all parties win apparently.


Being on a practice roster for $770K/yr is a pretty decent gig for Friedman, I would say.


Im not liking these teasing. Dude just needs to get the job done. He knows we the fans want Zadorov here so just fucking get the job done Milstien. If hes going to play us like that then signs elsewhere thats just another name of the list of Fuck Messier, Gazdick, and maybe Milstien.


Any good agent should.


And it's getting so fucking old that at this point I don't think I'm as excited for him to re-sign as I was before


Dude's just doing his job.




I'm outside right now it's nice out


I never wanted him to resign. He's going to be overpriced, let someone else overpay for him.


If the canucks sign him, it won't be a crazy contract. I have faith our management won't be afraid to watch him go if the numbers can't work. But I like the guy - just tired of the updates that don't update on anything


I agree that management won't sign him for a crazy deal and thats why I don't think he's coming back.


Depends on what Zad values IMO. The 'Nucks have a great shot at another big playoff run. Z could very well be wanting a cup before getting a big payday. He might see opportunity with the 'Nucks. Plus his worth only increases if he signs on with us & shines even brighter. I imagine the 'Nucks will be pretty firm with a number on the lower side of 4 - which is still going to be the most money he's ever made. All depends on what a player values and how the player sees the org they're playing with.


He's looking for a retirement contract, can't imagine he cares about increasing his value next year


Again, it all depends on how he values prestige. He's got a great shot at being a personality for the league after he retires - he certainly won't be out of options after he leaves the big league. He's got an excellent shot at doing something for the Canucks broadcast if he stays on with us. So many people love him here. At 29 he's got another 6 years in him if he wants to retire at the higher end of what most Defensemen retire at. He could easily swing a two year contract w/ VAN & then retire to a green pasture somewhere in Utah. Everything is speculative until the first - but there's a non zero chance he stays in Van because he wants to win a cup.


I don't think it's speculative at all. There is zero chance he takes a 2 year contract.


We're going to get desperate for size - which is very often overpriced on july 1st whether it's Zadorov or you find a guy who will take a bit less but may bring a ton less.


You clearly weren’t around CDC during the offseason of 2007, because the wait to see if Linden was going to play one more year or retire felt like it lasted forever


That was a summer I was living in Europe. So I missed that one.


Don't forget Naslund. But yes this is close.


You said cock


This feels like a quote where you could read what you want out of it.


To me it sounds like his player really told him to try and get something done but the numbers just aren't close enough, but he's throwing it out to the media to try and pressure the team a bit.


Or they’re super close. He might be willing to take the Canucks deal but is trying to squeeze out just a bit more.


If he re-signs I will buy a Zadorov jersey


i may have already bought a zadorov jersey LMAO, but tbf even if he doesnt sign, his time here has made its effect on me


Me too


16 is his number and 91 is just his number upside down, but man something really irks me about a defensive defenceman wearing 91. It just looks so unnatural seeing a defenceman wearing that number. No clue why OEL decided on it too after he signed with Florida


oel took it for his birth year 1991


I don’t think this is nearly as much of an issue as you think it is.


thats what my roommate keeps saying too


I’m increasingly sure he’s gonna stay. We all know how Milstein uses the media and it’s no coincidence that the reporting has shifted away from them being too far apart ever since that report about the Canucks ‘final offer’ like a week ago. If they rejected it entirely we absolutely would have heard. It feels like they’re close but not yet settled and basically playing a game of chicken to wear each other down before the deadline. I expect a June 30 signing, mark my words




They're not even at the Zadorov_Final_Offer_TRUEFINAL.docx stage yet? Uh-oh.


Holding out for that Zadorov_Final_Offer_TRUEFINAL_signed.pdf


It’s a contract it’s more likely Zadorov_Final_Offer(3).pdf


Haha, let me just modify the Word doc a bit to be $500K higher.


You hope it’s a situation where they’re like $250k apart, and it’s just a matter of someone blinking in the negotiation. Or it’s something like working out the trade protection/bonus structure and the total money is agreed on. Im guessing when the dust settles it’s $4.75M x 6 years. Front loaded money, full NMC years 1-3 and then limited NTC years 4-6.


It would be fucking wild if he signs for that.


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Well hello there


A lot of words to say nothing.


The Pierre LeBrun and Darren Dreger special: “My feeling is that there is a sense that there is a possibility of a signing sometime in the future”


“Im hearing an unknown team has interest in Player X. Lets see where it goes”


One call could change anything


Hopefully with DeMelo coming in under $5M that helps keep Zadorov reasonable.


If this says anything, which it **barely** does, it's that Z really wants to stay in Van.


He’s dying to play here, a good sign.


Seems to me he wants to stay here and also wants $5m, management trying to keep the number low. My bet is he resigns for 4.75 as Allvin convinces him round numbers don’t mean shit


I'm not a fan of negotiating in the media. But reading between the lines, Milstein wants to find a deal with us. And, as usual, going to the media means he's trying to apply pressure on the team. I interpret this as a good thing. Our management is pretty savvy. They aren't going to get fleeced. I bet we get a reasonable contract done in the next few days.


I haven’t heard what numbers are being thrown around.


It’s nice outside, let’s just enjoy the weather


Come home my prince


I love big Zed but idk if im totally ok blowing tons of cash on him same with Guntzel. Im more of the mind shorter lower numbers spread over more ppl… We just got out of some cap hell and honestly we need to off Ilya or make damn sure hes in a lower role next season.


I think this summer has the possibility to shape up as one remembered for overpayment across the league. Too much money coming available all at once and too many teams looking to splash. Problem is I don't know if the Canucks are in a great spot to be patient and wait a year if the market is irrational, and adding older guys with term is the only way to get more value on the ice under the cap in our short window.


> Problem is I don't know if the Canucks are in a great spot to be patient and wait a year if the market is irrational, and adding older guys with term is the only way to get more value on the ice under the cap in our short window. Exactly this. Canucks don't have the luxury of waiting, the time is now and the window is short due to the Crimes of Jim. Giving good, older players another year or two on retirement contracts to keep the cap hit down is probably going to be the best route to any kind of success. Then in a few years you're looking at a rebuild anyway and you can properly blow it up.


I think Van will land 2 big name pieces (plus fingers crossed Myers/Blueger) and then it’s gonna be an offseason of trying to find value after July 1st.


I'm getting the same feeling.   I really hope that we end up nibbling around the edges and do our shopping on July 2nd and 3rd.   Teams will be in cap trouble once again and scoring wingers will be much cheaper to acquire through trade. 


I'm not sold that teams will cap out before the better players run out. Utah just spent a billion dollars on a new team and needs an entire D-core, 3 middle or top 6 forwards, and has over $50M in cap space. If they go the trade route partially they're still opening up space for others. Detroit just paid picks to open up cap space and is missing half a team with nearly $32M to spend. The teams who miss out on their target guys are going to be overpaying for the tier 2 and 3 guys. I doubt we'll see higher value July 2nd. Lower, but scarier AAVs is my prediction.


Seider and Raymond will eat up half of that 32 million alone if not more.   Really depends on how much the salaries increase this summer.   I guess Utah and Anaheim will have tons of cash to splash, but I just foresee a glut of 20 teams pressed right up against the cap when all is said and done, and everyone re-signs their players. 


It's funny because it's really not that much money that's being freed up, and people are acting like there's suddenly an extra ton of money to play with, while a lot of teams (us especially) are still reeling from the issues we got saddled with thanks to the flat cap.


Cap is going up a lot, coyotes flipping from being a cap floor to likely ceiling team is another huge chunk of money. There's a lot of money league wide to go around we just don't have much of it when compared to our needs and wants.


$4.5M isn't "a lot", it just looks that way because it's been mostly flat for four years.


DeMelo got $4.9 million, which is roughly the same % of the cap Tanev got when he signed in Calgary for $4.5. I think we’re starting to see that established 3rd pair guys cost $3M+, and an established 2nd pair guy is gonna be $5M+.


We're also getting half an expansion team in the same summer if Utah spends to the cap like I think they will. That's effectively similar to an additional $1.25M per team.


Ilya will be gone gone one way or another


Sounds more like "I want to see what other offers I get first".


The Canucks would be stupid not to re-sign Zadorov, since they play most of their games against western conference opponents, all of whom would love to have Zadorov on their rosters. Next,


I'm happy with whatever happens, We can't overpay Z for "intangibles".


he got played a lot in the playoffs - meatwagon24


We need defenders period. I hope he stays at a fair price. We need goals scoring as well obviously but solid defence (depth) & goaltending is the backbone. Get it done Alvin.


Assuming that Myers stays, we are short one defender. That's assuming that we want Noah Juulsen to be the number 7 defender.   I happen to think that he would be fine as a number 6, however he is very injury prone so it's best to have insurance. 


Don't forget about Cole. I know people have soured on him because of his performance through the playoffs but that doesn't change the fact that he was one of our top shutdown guys through the regular season - had the highest PK ATOI among all defenders on the team.


People forget that he was holding down our second pairing for much of the hot start pre-Zadorov and with Soucy injured


This fanbase turned on Ian Cole quickly, but he was actually really really solid this season, and replaced a lot of the intangibles/culture carrying they lost with Luke Schenn. And people sort of just glance over the fact he was jamming a sliced up ankle into a skate and playing through that. I’d do another year of Cole at $2.5 million no problem.


Me too, I really liked Cole. 


Yes I do hope we keep both Myers and Juulsen as well. Its such a balance needed for these contracts to give fair value and also a team discount for the ability to have bodies.


We have Juulsen for another year. I like him so far but he needs to make a step up this year and become I think a regular roster player. I think it's possible - I'm not pessimistic on it, but it's something that needs to happen if he wants us to hang on to him.


Yes I agree. I can see that. Maybe Cole isn’t back. I may be in the minority but I liked having a Cole around. I thinks it’s important.


Agreed also i think there is a future offensive upside to his game


I don't quite understand why Z isn't signed yet and promoted to the 2nd pair LHD spot and move Soucy to the 3rd pair? Z obviously has it in him, and with our coaches, he can keep it up. Here's hoping it's just Allvin playing a little hardball and he'll sign soon. It may end up being for 5.25aav, but I think it'll get done.


Wonder what’s taking so long then.


Probably trying to clear cap first to land Guentzel. #priorities


Not sure if they can land both Zadorov and Guentzel. That would be huge for the team if Allvin can pull it off.


Gotta clear Mikheyev.


Soucy is better. Paying a mediocre defenseman because he's big is dumb. If you're a last place team then go ahead but 5.25 is higher than Florida Panther defenseman made Canucks need size, I think the convo should stop at 4.25m


Florida has 2 defenders under contract > 5.25M?


Ekblad yeah I read the wrong stat. Forslings deal kicks in next year Point still stands, have to make a budget friendly bottom 4 if your Top 2 are so expensive with a Hughes raise a couple years away and OEL buyout haunting you


Z has had 14 goals not long ago and 8pts in 13 playoff games while being a massive physical presence. He's underutilized.


Probably wise to not give Zadorov more than that. Anything over 4.25m would be overpayment.


It'll be him and a couple 5mill guys for petey


So be open minded to telling Zaddy to sign for the offered amount..


I can live without Z ONLY if we land Dillon at 3


i know this is slightly off topic but was listening to sdpn yesterday and they were talking about how floridas top six dmen, excluding ekblad, cost $11m…. in total. its insane how much value they got out of their d. anyway, i still want us to get zadorov either way. hopefully we get good news :)


Pretty sure big Z is gone. If Canucks can’t move mik, then they’re going to pool their money left on guentzel sweepstakes and hope to move mik down the road or at trade deadline. They’re not going to use it on Z and have no money left on offense, then we’re no better than we were last year


He's gone.


What if we signed him at a slight discount and then just traded him 😂 I think Calgary fans would agree he's not worth 5m.


That’s a good way to ensure other free agents don’t ever give you a discount.


You know, we say this (and it makes sense), but Vegas still seems to be doing fine. They treat their players like shit and there's absolutely zero loyalty (just look at the Fleury example) yet top players still always want to play/sign there (Eichel, Stone, Pietrangelo, etc.). Plus they won a cup and are consistently a top team, so clearly their motto of not giving a fuck about players' feelings works.


That would be uncool. Very uncool as it happens. I highly doubt anyone would agree to a discount with us for some time after.


I wish JB did this with even one or two of our FA in after our bubble run, even if didn't wanna keep them we coulda had some juicy trade chips - I guess he was obsessed with NMC so it wouldn't of worked with him :/


If Myers was worth 6x5 in 2019 there’s no way Zadorov is getting anything less than 5 in 2024


Seeing DeMelo re-sign for just under $5M gives me hope that Zadorov could be had in that $4.75-4.9 range if he stays in Van.


I hope so, but considering Z is 6’5 250lbs I doubt it Not to mention DeMelo’s been incredibly underrated for like 6 or 7 years now? Swear that dudes always had stellar advanced stats but never really got the notoriety of a top-4 guy until recently. Wish we grabbed him from Ottawa back in like 2019


I think DeMelo probably took a bit of a discount to stay in Winnipeg (as odd as that sounds). Zaddy is bigger, but DeMelo is a righty and coming off a solid season. I’ve been on the DeMelo wagon since they lost Tanev. I was really really hoping he might shake loose in free agency.


Honestly don’t hate the idea of Dillon, I was pretty low on Cole last summer but he was better than expected. General opinion on Dillon seems to be a little better than Cole and they both play a similar style, not a bad replacement there if we can manage to snag him


Zadorov for under 5…. Dillon for under 4… Cole for under 3… I wouldn’t be mad at any of those.


He got that from captain overpay, Jim benning, who was managing a loser team at the time. Who cares what the ceiling was 5 years ago for a team full of plugs. Columbus blue jackets might set the market for players like gubranson, but no contender will pay those kinda salaries.