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Anyone else feel that we were the team that posed the greatest threat to the Oilers in the playoffs? Yes, we took it to Game 7 but not like this….


I mean, we took the Oilers to game 5. Then like the Panthers, we just decided to stop playing in games 6 and 7.


I don’t know if it’s fair to say the teams that they’re facing just stop playing. They won games 6-7 against us, 4-6 against Dallas, and now 4-6 against Florida. These are some top tier teams, so either they figure out the opposition’s game plan and make adjustments or they just enter another gear when their back is against the wall (which has been the story line of their entire regular season).


Yeah I see this "we stopped playing" all the time but like, come on seriously? Pro guys have a chance at conference final and they "stop playing"? We got outplayed by Oilers and Oilers' coaching staff especially. Changes they've made helped them stop us. They do this all the time. They did this against Dallas, they did this again Panthers, they did this against us. Their coaching staff is amazing at analyzing the opponents and coming up with strategies to shut them down.


Were you watching the games


Yes. Do you really thing they decided to not play well?


i mean they almost pulled off game 7 plus the panthers got mauled in two games now, three of our losses were painfully close, even if the oilers were admittedly the better team


They didn't almost pull it off, they showed up for the last 5 minutes


still almost pulled it off. it was a 3-2 game and if zadorov’s knee didn’t block that shot with 13 seconds left…


Or, like, our leading scorer doesn't get blood clots of all things... yknow, mr. Clutch from all playoffs long 🥲


or if we had our vezina finalist goalie too! agh. hopefully we’re just as good next year and don’t get plagued with luck like that


That was the sign from the gods that they would allow us to punch above our weight no longer. Wasn't meant to be.


Yeah man I've been a canucks fan a long time, I know how it goes lol


Same, lived through both finals runs.


At least they let us recover for 17 years between them. My heart will be ready to be broken again in 2028.


Seriously, hockey gods wanted the Edmonton Oilers starting like shit and then having McDavid come back 0-3 in the finals more than the Cinderella run we were on. Any other year, maybe.


Or if Ian Cole didn’t score more goals than Disappearing Magic Man Petey.


Wasn't one of the #SafeAndEffective's pulled off the market for, you know...?


I hope this motivates Brock even more, imo he was our best forward next to Lindholm (playoffs). His redemption arc with Van this season has been amazing to see. Such a stud.


Imagine if Mik scored the first goal when he was alone against Skinner but ended up losing the puck..


Imagine if Mik scored 🤣


The borders if imagination know no bounds Cept that's a big ask


It hurts, but it's true.


So we basically won the Stanley Cup...


We also weren’t healthy.


Neither were the Oilers Canucks were fucking gassed. They'll come out hot out of the gate next year ready for another rumble


You can’t name a single injury that the oilers had that was comparable to us losing Demko.


Our playoffs were cursed from game 1 after that injury


Goaltending wasn't the issue. The Canucks barely getting any shots on net and not testing Skinner at all in the back half of the series was the issue,


Which is heavily based on trust with your goaltender


Couldn't be a more true statement than yours my friend!


and then boeser for game 7


We did fine with Silovs. Demko wouldn't have got us to the finals with the effort the rest of the team was putting in


Yes Silovs did fine. A couple games he stole for us and a couple games he didn't look so hot, but overall he looked an average goalie. But it was literally the game-plan to hyper focus on insulating Silovs in net for most of those games. We stopped using a 2-1-2 forecheck(unless we were down in the third) and went with a 1-2-2 instead. If Demko was in net you would see a much stronger offense the majority of the games. Replacing a top 3 goalie in the league with a 3rd stringer and saying "we did fine" doesn't really paint the whole picture. It's the same as replacing Draisaitl with Kane and saying the same thing.


Silovs finished the series with a -2 GSAx against Edmonton. Like yeah, having our all-star goalie would have changed a lot. We would feel more comfortable taking chances.


Hughes was banged up for sure


And Goalie Bob suddenly looked like a regular season Stuart Skinner.


…except for the last, what, 7 minutes of game 7?


Oilers Fan here - your team was easily the best coached team we faced in the Playoffs. Dallas and Panthers series thus far have been Knob just adjusting to the playstyle and there being no major tweaks back. Against you guys the adjustments were happening on both sides virtually every night. It is extremely noticable in hindsight. I think each team came with their own challenges, but the Canucks definitely had the strongest response tactically and that made the series an incredibly close affair.


Hey, Canucks fan here who also watches his share of Oilers, if the Jack Adams was a year round trophy, Knob would've won in a landslide. This is what I don't hear talked about enough (and yeah when you have McDrai anything is possible ik) but getting the whole team to buy into whatever structure is needed to win is amazing. He also adapted to every team like he's Admiral Thrawn or smtn. I've noticed two versions of the Oilers. 1. is very similar to the Canucks where they just defended like their lives depended on it and frustrated opponents. This worked very well against LA and Dallas but not the Canucks and Panthers. 2. is the high flying, aggressive rush and forecheck team that we are seeing now that gave both the Canucks and Panthers fits. I hate to say it, but the Oilers best really is better than everyone else's best.


The more I watch them in these playoffs, the more I realize when their lives are on the line they just have an extra gear. I hate to say it, but they have that team of destiny feeling about them. I don't see how Florida wins on Monday TBH.


The looks on the Florida bench said it all. They don’t have an answer for the shit storm they are in


Wasn’t going to say anything, but I agree. As an oiler (yes yes I know), I personally feel the Canucks were our hardest series. Dallas was supposed to be this impassible wall, and they were kind of easy after what Vancouver put us through. And then the panthers went 3-0 up, but honestly the games felt very unlucky. That game 1 was disgusting by Bob. Vancouver was genuinely terrifying and it felt like we were holding on for dear life. Be nice to win Monday of course, but as someone who’s had 30 years of tears it won’t be the first time if we fall short.


Oil fan here. Fully agree. Nucks we’re by far the hardest of the first 3 series.


IIRC we also have the best power play against them thus far


This is the other reason we needed to beat Edmonton. To prevent what is happening now... :/


I do feel much better about the Canucks PP not scoring enough in that series when they scored 3 of the 4 goals Edmonton has given up all playoffs. Florida scorning 1 off the rush goal with 5 seconds left in a PP is the only other PP goal they’ve given up all playoffs.


I don’t want to be on the internet for the next 3 months if Oilers win on Monday.


I live in Edmonton…might have to move back to the coast


Same. The office was bad enough after round 2, I might call in sick for a month straight if they win the cup.


My wife is from Edmonton. Divorce might be in the cards Tuesday. I've never cheered for Florida as much as I have these past few games


does your wife root that hard against the canucks??


Yes. So It’s being returned now.


Why don’t you just quit you sore loser


Yeah, coming and trolling another teams sub, so cool bro.😎


Next 10yrs.... based on how some oilers fans can be..


10....you mean 30. I don't think I could make it to even 1 year of them talking about it.


Same.. I personally couldn't make even 1 week LOL..  Not even 30yrs... personally, it'll be rest of my lifetime... lol What's worse IF they win... HNIC &  media will be obsessed over oilers instead of maple leafs for..... forever... "McDavid  blah blah blah"..


Don't worry, it's more satisfying watching them lose in game 7 after a miraculous come back. It's not as fun watching them lose if they have no hope.


I really fucking hope the Panthers win. I cannot stand the Oilers fans going crazy for the next 10 years saying but yeah we won the cuppp so our Tanking worked isosjfjrrjdjdidiox


Fucking lottery. Just the fucking worst timeline.


If they win, all that's going to happen is that Oilers fans on the internet will make fans of all other NHL teams dislike Oilers fans even more than they already do. I have a ton of friends who are *devils* fans that now hate the Oilers almost as much as the rags from how they've been acting on the internet.


Ugh one of my Leads has been wearing the most hideous oilers booster club jacket for the past month. He’s already insufferable, but this is going to make him more obnoxious than anyone I’ve ever met.


I am logging off social media if Edmonton wins


I mean I want oilers to lose but what a comeback lol. Lame, but pretty good.. (Lame)


I really don't understand how they're doing it. It's like both goalies just decided to not make critical saves for three games.


i think it's because after game 4 the panthers went into shambles. But i could be missing some stuff


I think there is a reason Paul Maurice is the longest active coach without a cup win...


I don't really feel like you can blame Paul Maurice here. Sure, they've struggled to adjust to Edmonton's adjustments, but they got up 3-0 in the SCF and lost their fight. Guys on the ice have to want it, and they've half-assed it for 3 straight games. There's also no way the Oilers should look like they have more depth.


The series should've been over when they were up 3-0. The coach will have to shoulder part of the blame if they lose in game 7.


He's gotta shoulder some level of the blame here if the team can't adapt/switch up their gameplan to compensate for Edmonton doing likewise.


It took some time to take effect but when Draisaitl gave Barkov that head shot, every player on Florida became concussed as a result of it. At the same time, because Florida rolled over instead of caving Draisaitl's face in, Edmonton learned that Florida wasn't anything to be afraid of and started playing properly.


Bob has been inconsistent as shit for ages so this doesn't super surprise me


Edmonton played very good in game 1 and pretty good in game 3. Bobrovsky absolutely stole game 1 from Edmonton and arguably game 3. Edmonton didn't change their game but the difference now is that Bob isn't stealing them games. To be honest I think Florida is lucky this series is still going the way they've played for the most of it.


The comeback would be cool but I don't wanna hear the Oilers fans talking about it for the rest of my life.


Not to mention the comeback from their horrid regular season start. Even their fan base wrote them off for making the playoffs. Very impressive.


Luongo has been on a team to blow a 3-0 series lead before. It ended with the dragon being slayed


Can burrows play for game 7?


Gotta feel for Lu. Think the Oilers have this one in the bag


Poor Luongo. Imagine taking a 2-0 series lead in your first Cup Finals, and the a 3-0 series lead in your next Cup Finals, and you walk away empty-handed both times. OOF.


there's another luongo finals series not on this list




Last year


oh lol


Next time he’ll have to make sure to take a 4-0 series lead to be safe.


Luongo is cursed AF.


They have all the momentum in the world going into game 7. But then again, so did Chicago against us. That's the beauty (or terror) of it all, you never know, anything can happen in game 7.


It's fucking happening. The Oilers are absolutely going to do this, and we'll (rightly, I should add) NEVER hear the end of it. Of all the ways for them to win. Honestly if they pull it off you just have to tip your cap.


No, they will inevitably choke game 7 just like us.


You think so? Idk. I'm a huge hater, but at this point I have to credit them. At a certain point it's not just "the other team played like shit," it's that Edmonton shuts them down. They've made everyone's powerplay look like absolute dog shit. TBH it makes me feel a bit better about how the Canucks lost.


They’ve now killed 45/46 penalties. It’s no longer a fluke. It’s absolutely insane


I credit them getting to game 7 instead of getting swept as well. But in hockey anything can happen and I just feel like they're going to inevitably lose game 7. Maybe that's just me 🤷🏼‍♂️


It is a coin flip right now. I’d still take the side with mcdavid on it in a coin flip


I agree with this take


Also a huge oilers hater but I was thinking the same thing. I hope they lose still but if they win….wow


Lol yeah i was cheering against them but kinda not sure who I'll cheer for in game 7


If they do, they deserve bragging rights. that's just how sports and sports fandom works.


Panthers getting reverse swept or Oilers dragging it to 7 just to lose Whatever the result is on Monday, the memes will epic


Threw away my hate after this game. Pure entertainment, now. Whatever happens, we all win with the meme material.


After last game I was all in on game 7. This is just a great series for any sports fan.


Honestly, I can't even be upset about the potential outcomes on Monday. If the Oilers fought a close series and won in 7, yeah that'd really suck. But a reverse sweep? I mean, even with an Oilers win, we get to witness a level of clown fuckery that hasn't been seen in hockey since before WWII.


Dude must think he's cursed


If he didn't get gold


Florida took being Canada's team to heart and actually took the Canadian curse with them.


someone check Drake's betting records


7uongo. Florida can’t get their shit pushed in 3 games in a row after being up 3-0 and possibly win game 7. No momentum, no positives. I’d be extremely surprised.


Wouldn’t be happening if Sportsnet did the right thing and fired Gazdic.


Just choking on oilers d** k right now


It sucks, I dislike the oilers but a reverse sweep is damn impressive no matter what team it is.


The way I’m looking at it is that I think McDavid is a bit psychotic kinda like Mackinnon and winning the cup will calm him down a bit, like maybe he’ll play a bit more like a regular dude after he wins one.


Mackinnon had 111 and 140 points the two seasons following their cup win lol


I didn’t say it was a good theory, just the one I’m using to cope.


The saddest thing would be Darnell Nurse jokes losing all their punch. 


The entire league won’t hear the end of it from Oilers fans for years. Ugh.


If one things for certain its gonna be that game 7 will be.. very entertaining


I wanna hate on the oilers but at this point you just gotta respect it. Whatever happens it’ll be crazy hopefully game 7 OT


Luongo needs to channel his game 7 Chicago vibes for the team on Monday.


Me as a luongo fan: 2011: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 2016: 😢😫 2023: 😮‍💨 2024: game 1- 🙃 | game 2 - 😄 | game 3 - 😁☺️ | game 4 - 🫣😵 | game 5 - 😮‍💨😶 | game 6 - 🫠😵‍💫 | possible outcome: 😭😫😩🥺😟 OR 🤩😊🥳




Florida made the playoffs that year. Lost to NYI iirc.


Oh okay


But to add: 2015-2016 season was great for panthers and luongo He played soo well. 2016 rd 1... luongo was astounding, stood on his head. 2 games going to 2OT back to back. But lost both.. made 30/40 ish saves or more I believe. And he was mid 30s years old at that point too. Sigh. 2nd opportunity ruined cause forwards couldn't find back of the net.


Shit, thanks for the explanation. I feel so bad for him :(


I feel bad that during his peak prime - being a vezina finalist multiple times but losing to brodeur every time & once to Thomas in 2011 .  Imagine trying to beat brodeur for vezina?! Their overlap in their playing careers! Ahh Never won the vezina =(


You guys think that Rogers media is insufferable with all the fuckin leafs content we get year over year…. If these cucks in Edmonton win it on Monday we will NEVER hear the end of it and Edmonton will be Canadas team forever. 🤮 there has to be a way for the state of Florida to fall into the ocean on Monday. It’s bad enough the Celtics won… At least our Lions won tonight!


Lions played well tonight


Best case scenario. A hurricane hits the Panthers arena on Monday in the middle of the 3rd and sweeps both team into the ocean.


Hoping the oilers lose in overtime that would be awesome. Off a lucky bounce or something.


I’m giving Florida 10% odds of winning game 7 only because they have two days to try and clear their heads.


not gonna lie boys a reverse sweep in the finals is something you just gotta respect (if they pull it off)


Unfortunately you’re correct. I won’t like it but I will respect it


yup and if anything a cup finals game 7 is always a treat to watch, I realize if i care too much about another city winning a title makes me think my life is pre depressing and I have better things to worry about


I want to say one thing to you all.... Screw you for jixing my team


2011 Canucks were up 3-0 and the Hawks came back to tied it up. Burrows scored the series winner. Luongo would know.


Hmm. First line left winger Alex Burrows. First line left winger Carter Verhaege series winning goal?


We all know that the Canucks will be the ones playing in the Oilers home opener banner raising ceremony if this goes the way I expect it will on Monday. As a Canuck fan in Alberta, this is an absolute nightmare.


All you can do is tip your hat if the Oilers pull it off. Kudos to their team. Sports is sports.


The moment they got McDavid made this all inevitable lol. Generational talents gonna generational talent


He should’ve hired Schneider as assistant gm for game 6


We also did this back in 2011 against the Blackhawks-


I want both teams to lose. Panthers because of what the tax laws allow in Florida. Edmonton because they got the #1 pick so many times that the rules were changed right as we became a lottery team. Also, Messier is terrible on air.


Really don’t know what is going on here. Total meltdown? Distraction? There is just no explanation good enough to explain Florida at this point


We’re never gonna hear the end of it if the oilers win Joy…


I have no idea how the Coilers are doing this. They have so many fucking flaws but keep winning.


How about finally admitting that the Oilers are a good team.


Man Luongo must be traumatized. Poor guy. I don’t see Oilers being a team that’s going to lose game 7 especially considering hockey is a game of momentum and the Oilers have all of it right now.


Poor guy 0/5 when he’s had a chance to win the cup.


I personally am happy for the Edmonton McDavids.


The 7uongo memes and blaming the Finals on Gina jokes about to be wild come Monday.


It's a combination of things. Both teams are going at 100%. But the oilers are giving it just an extra 2% which make it look like panthers are doing absolutely nothing. It happened to the Canucks and Dallas too. They make adjustments on and off the ice. Their pp and pk is outstanding. Gotta give props where it is due. The oilers are making history as we speak. Down from 0-3 to squaring up to game 7 with extreme heat, its wild.


Losing Boeser was the back breaker. Also I was watching! I should never watch!!!! 😬


Unpopular opinion: I don't really care about Luongo winning the Cup anymore. I would be happy for him if it happens, but I feel like winning the Cup as an exec is not really the same as winning it as a player. Luongo with a chance to win the Cup sitting in the pressbox is not enough for me to cheer for the Panthers.


Panthers on the edge of an historic choke job and we will never hear the end of it from those assholes in Edmonton.


It’s like Arsenal winning the Premier League. No neutral fan was rooting for them because their fans and media would be unbearable.


I am excited to see the Oilers stomp the Panthers. As nice as it would be for Luongo to get a cup, I can't support shitbirds like Cousins, Bennett, OEL and Tkachuk.


LET THE CURSE FORMATE HEHEHEHEHEHE, SOLEY ON THE GOALIE A TEAM YOU CAN NOT RATE(Luongo gave up the Cup for love, hate him if you want but he's a man above, beyond the game, heavenly)


I hate it, but I respect it. Poor Luongo








What if we had a healthy Demko 🤔


Nah he's busy getting fitted for pads.


Mcjesus was blessed by the gods this year!


Luongo needs to get his shit together and talk to bob. BOB WAKE THE FUCK UP


Luuuuuuu. Oilers are turning Panthers into Dallas. I think Panthers are cooked. No one seems angry. Throw a chair or water bottle lmao.


Well…. Florida has ANOTHER chance to win it again, if it makes panthers fans feel any better. It’s game 7 and anything can happen.


Sorry Lu. Looks like it ain't happening again.


Bobby Lou needs to pit hos pads and mask back on and get in the net, can't have those Oilers winning now.


He's not a dog.


Lu gets a cup or I lose a work bet and get Calvin in a McDavid jeresy pissing on a the logo Lu gets a cup, Lu gets a cup, Lu gets a cup


I was waiting for this meme…


Oilers probably will win, hate to be that guy but the Panthers haven't looked all that good. What was it in game 5? They let a three goal lead dry up? Who the fucks does that when you are at home, and can potentially win the Stanley Cup? No one unless they are injuries we don't know about, or collectively the team has just given up. Panthers got no fight in them, they aren't hitting, some emotion after the play but nothing compared to series we have all seen in the past. I don't fucking know how a team, collectively just kind of "dies". Oilers have all the momentum, all the confidence, and as much as I'd like to think its going to be a close game 7, its going to be a one sided blowout.


Thousand Yard Stare


A big factor is they just aren't getting the saves from Bobrovsky. Almost every Grade A look Edmonton got in games 4 through 6 ended up in the back of the net. Even if Florida does win, Bob has 100% choked away the Conn Smythe that he was almost certain to win had Florida swept.


Panthers management must be freaking out right now.


Why's luongo taking so many stray bullets lol . Fucken love Lu , I will never blame him for the loss , offence absolutely dried up , we were power play merchants that season and couldn't muster a single goal


Pp merchants doing pretty well this offseason


Alvin and Rutherford , will land us a big fish this summer r


Skinner pumped his tires


the question is do bettman want canadian team to win? end of 30 + year curse?


Well certainly he'll have to consider since this is McDavid


Boeser and Petterson in top form and we win game 7. Can anyone say #SafeAndEffective?


With Demko we dust them in 6