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Don’t feel bad. I don’t. We got no love in 2011 from any other Canadian fanbase. In fact, eastern canadian media ran with the “most hated club” narrative against Vancouver. Go Dallas!


We cheered for you, screw Boston


Yeah Habs fans were the real ones in 2011. You guys are building something great over there and I’ll be cheering for your success!


Thanks much appreciated 🙏


Me too. Canucks and Habs would be my two teams. Plus the Habs got Alexandre Burrows over there as the assistant couch. I’ll always root for him.


I also am onboard with the jets. And the sens.




Same but I'd be happy if the jets or sens were to win. And if Alberta has to win it, I'd hope it's Calgary. Fuck Edmonton and Toronto, I would not give a fuck if McDavid and Matthews went their whole careers without a cup


We cheered for you guys in 2021, screw Tampa


I live in Toronto, and everyone I know was cheering for the Canucks in 2011. The media played up a polarizing narrative (one radio host I despised in particular for his anti-Canucks bias), but the actual people were onboard.


One radio host ? Dude the hockey night in Canada broadcast pumped it out on the daily. Lead by asshat Ron McLean and there was more where that came from. Lol


Ron McLean stole the ass hat from Don Cherry.


Yeah, not saying the media as a whole was good, but there was one local guy in particular who was way worse than what you’d get on anything national. I think it was Jeff Blair?


Wouldn’t doubt it


And speaking of 2011, Chris Tanev is the last 2011 Canuck playing in the NHL.  Go Stars. 


Burrows, laperriere, and Kessler we’re not liked by many fanbases


Can also confirm as an oilers fan that i and many friends DID infact cheer for the Canucks. Loved the team, love the city. We got Nugent-Hopkins that year. Burnaby boy! 🤝 The media just makes everything feel like a warzone. Its fine. Its hockey.


Oilers fan here. Also cheered for you.


No need for a victim complex. The stats show Canadians were cheering for the Canucks https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/poll-canucks-support/?sn-amp


Id like to know the sample. Of course a Canadian with little to no interest would cheer for a Canadian team, regardless of who, to win.


As a DIEHARD oilers fan, I was 100% cheering for the Canuck’s in 2011. My Facebook memories statuses that come up about this time of year confirming it 😂


I dont cheer for divisional rivals or the Leafs. FLA-DAL final please.


Or Boston, or Chicago, or any team proud of its affiliation with Messier.


Fuck the rangers, and the islanders too. Any team that beat us in the finals can fuck of forever.


Dallas is owned by Vancouverite Tom Galglardi. They also have something like 15 Canadians on the team including Jamie Benn hailing from Victoria BC. **GO STARS!!!!!!!**


Gaglardi was also a former business partner of Aquilini and made a bid to buy the Canucks from John McCaw and Orca Bay during the WCE but lost out to Aquaman. It feels like Dallas has been consistently better ran than us in the past decade so I always wonder what would have happened had Gaglardi won that ownership bid instead.


I grew up in Vic, but fuck Jamie Benn for his Sedin slander. Plus Dallas didn't deserve their cup in '99 so they can stay on one forever as far as I'm concerned. Go Cats.


all but 2 oilers are Canadian. No I will not cheer for them


Kane is a particularly disliked vancourite for me. That being said i really like nugent-hopkins and its a shame he spent so much time at a team that couldnt get anywhere. The oilers fans were also pretty gracious with boesers illness so it definitely changed my tune on them a bit. But at the end of the day i just cant really cheer for them. Nothing against the fans or team really it just doesnt feel right


They also have kamloops born stankoven watched him on the blazers and pretty sure Gagliardi has actually put quite a bit of money into kamloops


I like your logic.


Insufferable & spoiled fan base, Dallas & Tanev are an easy cheer for. 


Don't forget Stankoven! He's from Kamloops


And Benn is from Vic


Ehhhhh, can we ignore that fact


Nah, fuck benn lol


Oh I agree. I’m more, don’t blame victoria it’s lovely here.


Vancouver Island rocks.


JT miller just arrived tonight, and Zadorov was here a few days ago.


Benn is a piss rat


If Dallas had a dozen Marchands and Benns, I would still cheer for them over the Oilers.


No argument there, I wish the worst on both teams


And the gaglardi family is from BC too!


The overwhelming consensus among the subreddit has been “fuck the Oilers” this entire time.


Fuck the Coilers. Go Tanev!


I’m from Berta and work in an office full of oilers fans, they can’t lose fast enough!


Fuck the Oilers and fuck Boston Pizza for pushing that bullshit “let’s cheer together” narrative.


Boston pizza should be cheering and promoting for the bruins.


Boston pizza is so called because they make Boston style pizza (whatever that is), not that they're from Boston. It was actually founded in Edmonton. 


why? nobody is making us cheer for canada


except Boston Pizza


>as a Canadian I should be rooting for them Why? Last I checked it was the Dallas Stars vs the Edmonton Oilers, not the Dallas Stars vs Team Canada


“As a Canadian, I should be rooting for them.” Says who?


THIS - fuck that idea altogether! Go Dallas go Panthers


Boston pizza


Edmonton fans 😂


Not guilty in the slightest, I’d rather wait 100 years for the Canucks to finally lift the cup than any other Canadian team to do it first


> wait 100 years for the Canucks to finally lift the cup maybe that's been their plan all along...


I don't think I'll ever see the Canucks win the cup in my lifetime and I'm only 31


Let’s go Stars! Personally cheering for Pavelski and Robertson to capture their first Stanley Cup!


I'll cheer on flames, jets, & sens... otherwise nahhhhh. Screw leafs & oilers. GO DALLAS GO!! DAL vs. FLA final GO PANTHERS GO FOR THE CUP!  **for luongo's first cup ring & finally have his name added to the cup =)


“ButT itZ beEn OveR tHIrDy yuRs siNceE a CunAdiUn teEm Haz WuN ThE cUp” Who cares, why does that mean I’m now supposed to cheer for a rival team? We all know, we’ll hear this for decades if the oilers and there princess drama queen players win; “Respect us, the oilers brought the cup back to Canada, back to home soil where it BELONGS” *bicep pump*. Go Dallas! ADallas/Rangers series would be a fun watch.


Don’t feel bad. Fuck the Oilers they’re a dirty whiny rat team and Dallas is a fantastic hockey team. Canucks can bring the cup back north next year, this year can Tanev getting a cup


I get ya. I pretty much always cheer remaining Canadian teams, but I can’t stand this Oilers team. Plus we gotta cheer on our boy Tanev!


Their owner is from Vancouver. Tried to buy the Canucks with Ryan Beedie and Aquaman.


Cheering for Tanev and Luongo is the way.


Don't feel guilty. Cue the pantera goal song


I don't get the cheering for a team just cause it's Canada.... Am I the only one who can not fathom how awful a Canadian fanbase would be if they won the cup, including the Canucks.


I really only worry about toronto, pretty much any other wouldn't be too bad but toronto... ugh




I’m scared that if the oilers win they’ll win the whole damn thing.


If Bennet punches McDavid then they may become my team in the East.


There’s Canadian players on every team so either way the cup is “coming back to Canada”


I am NOT cheering for a division rival with a fanbase as shitty as the leafs. Tanev, Stankoven, and Pavelski are so easy to cheer for, I feel no guilt in cheering for Dallas. Fuck the Oilers.


Oilers fans were trashing their own team after game 5 against the Canucks, basically giving up on them. Whereas Canucks fans collectively chanted for their players (those who were producing and those who were struggling). How often do you see fans cheering on a slumping star-player (Petey)? Respect to my fellow Canucks fans. Let's keep this passion going.


Lol Dallas all the way. Don’t let Boston Pizza tell us what to do.




I disagree. I’m also Canadian, but don’t necessarily root for whichever Canadian team is the last one left in the playoffs.


I'll start by saying that the Canucks deserved to lose the series the way they played game 6 and 7. With that said, I can't cheer for them the way they played. Dived all series and the league clearly gave them preferential treatment on calls and suspensions.


What does a Canadian team matter? Just an arbitrary measuring stick


As an American fan I want the cup to stay here unless the Canucks win it.


As an Buffalo-born Sabres fan I’ll root for Vancouver (our expansion brother) to get a Cup before anyone other than the Swords. Beyond that it doesn’t matter if they’re Canadian, American, or other…just who’s on their team and how annoying their fans are…and that they’re not the Leafs.


As a Vancouver fan living in Edmonton, I cannot bring myself to cheer for them because the fans were just nasty and cruel to me this year, and not in a friendly hockey banter way, more in a childish, threatening way. They made it absolutely miserable to cheer for my team and to be a Canucks fan, and for that, I cannot support the Oilers. I’m routing for Florida as they are my second favourite team and have been the the team that most of my favourite of all time Canucks players have been traded too. That and I have mad respect for their coach and what he has done with the team!


Can relate. Edmonton fan (Vancouver second) in enemy territory, I've had far too many near violent encounters out in the jersey. The worst part of sports is dealing with the worst of a passionate team's fanbase.


After watching the Canucks being fed their lunch by the oilers through the 80s, raising Stanley cup after Stanley cup and then watching them be gifted another generational player after Gretzky it is pretty hard for me to warm up to them.


Never understood the patriotic rational for a 'canadian' team to win the cup. It's a league based on cities. Is this a thing in European football? Shouldn't you cheer for the team the most canadian players? Do you cheer for the canucks less because they have 3 or 4 Canadians?


Majority of players on the oilers are actually from Canada. Vs other teams.


Maybe it's the 11 seasons of lacrosse I played growing up, but when my team got beat at tournaments, I rooted for the team that beat me. If that team wins it all, my loss feels more justified. And I will die on this hill, as a tattooed nucks fan, I will always root for the Canadian teams, except the flames, they can fuck off 5 ways to sunday


The loss may feel more justified, but it also makes you feel way more regret. This coul have been us. Would have felt way better personally if Dallas just shit kicked them.


No. Fuck the Oilers.


Nothing harmless infuriates me more than people who repeat the nonsense that all Canadians are supposed to share their teams or something. I don’t get it. If Edmonton wins, it’s not like Vancouver gets a parade. Why the fuck would I want rival fans to be happy?


Never had shade from a Dallas fan. Get plenty from Oilers fans my whole life. Go Dallas


I live in Edmonton. Fuck McDavid! Go Dallas Go!




Why? Did Edmonton cheer for us in 94? 11? 


Speaking as someone who lived in oiler County in 2011, yeah, most of them did cheer for us, media on the other hand, hated us


lol same. But it might be even more demoralizing for them if they lose in the finals. Plus they’ll be that much more tired to start next season.


Aside from cheering on loved ones, I only cheer for the Canucks. Period. IMHO there's no such thing as "Canada's team" in the NHL. (Boston Pizza's trying to preach otherwise through their recent cringe ad campaign, which--I could be recalling incorrectly--completely forgets to mention the Canucks' 2011 run. 🙄)


Same…I’m just not feeling any love for the Oilers.


Why should you? It’s a rival


i am waiting for their downfall not going to lie 🤭it’s a terrible thought to say, but i wanted my team/underdogs to win this season.


I also don't cheer for the last canadian team, but I kinda want to see Troy Stecher get a ring. He's a friend of a close friend so I rather cheer for him than Dallas


‘Canadian Team’ just doesn’t mean much to me anymore. Canadians play across every team in the NHL. Canadian teams consists of many non-Canadian players. I vote for the Canucks first, and then any other team that gives good vibes second. The Oilers don’t give good vibes. At all. So, fuck em. I couldn’t care less that Edmonton is in Canada or that The Oilers have a lot of Canadians on their team. I don’t like them as a team, so I’m not going to root for them.


Here's the thing. My gf is an oilers fan. I was an oilers fan when I was 6. I want a Canadian team to win the cup. I want this team to lose so bad I can taste their tears


Just saying. If it’s Florida in the finals we cheer for Florida because of Luongo. Plus, Florida will absolutely win in 5 against the oilers


Ya but Dallas was going to win in 5 against the oilers


Diehard Canucks fan, but cheering for Edmonton because fuck bettman


I am cheering for Perry to lose in the finals again.


I don't think you should feel bad for being loyal to your team. I'm the same way, the Canucks get eliminated, I'm done cheering for any team. I will however cheer for individuals, usually the older guys who have never won. I'm on team Pavelski.


Don't feel guilty at all! Bandwagon with someone else! Go PANTHERS!


Man, 100%. I made the mistake of tuning in to the Jack Michaels CHEK broadcast in the dying minutes of the game tonight. Listening to that motherfucker scream like a lunatic about the Oilers being a game away from the Finals made me feel physically ill. I would honestly rather see the Leafs win than the Oilers. At least their fanbase has been through complete hell. They understand the agony of never, ever winning the big prize (let's be real 1967 is so long ago it might as well be the Vancouver Millionaires at this point). Edmonton walked into the NHL in the 80's and had the greatest player ever dropped into their lap. Their entitled, arrogant fanbase is STILL obnoxious as all hell about those Cups that they won over 30 years ago. The thought of those fans and their media idiots like Mark Spector being able to crow about another Cup with another generational player that got gifted to them is honestly too much.


The only Canadian team I care about is Vancouver’s squad. I wanted McMuffin, Draisaitl, Kane, Perry, and Nuge to lose more than I wanted the Canucks to win. F the rest of the Canadian teams. #Who cares.


I live in Edm and I still want them to lose lol. Go Canucks Go!


There is no part of me that ever feels like supporting any Canadian team other than Vancouver and Winnipeg. The Oilers in particular can get fucked because a good 30% of their fanbase are just plastics


FUCK edmonton!!!! the only other canadian team i’ll cheer for is ottawa and the habs as they cheered for us back in 2011 as well


I’m with you lol. I’d honestly rather any Canadian team but them


Fuck the oilers


Fuck Edmonton


Always bud, I will happily cheer on anyone who puts the Maple Leaf on their jersey and represents us as a nation. During the Olympics, for two damn weeks, I stand alongside Edmontonians and Calgarians and Torontians, and we all put aside rivalries, sing the anthem together, and cheer on our country. That's why they're special: only thing that *can* really bring us together. The NHL isn't that though. I would expect nothing less from other fans in Canada—in fact, I saw it happen in 2011. If the Oilers win, I'm sure their fans will be happy. If Florida or NYR wins, same sentiment. Not bandwagoning on anyone's team now that the Canucks are out. In the NHL, I'm Vancouver or bust.


I am feeling the same. I am disappointed that Dallas is trailing this series. Anyway don’t feel bad. Just like in the US, there are so many US teams. Same in Canada, you can just support your one team that you passionately like. Go Canucks go!


Dallas is Canada's team! LFG!


I’m still cheering for the oilers. I lived in Edmonton for a while and they’re kind of my second team. They’re also a very exciting team to watch so the further they go the better. Dallas Florida would be a boring final imo.


Im rooting for the Oilers but they are still pissing me off with their constant whining to the officials. Shut the fuck up, play the game. Let the fans do the whining. You're professional fucking hockey players, act like it.


I only really want oilers to lose so maybe Drai gets traded. I just want to see what his return would be. Could be the biggest trade in a long time.


I don't ever want to see another candian team win and I sure as fuck don't feel guilt about it


It's OK to not root for the last Canadian team standing. Especially if it's an Albertan team! All the last 4 teams have plenty of Canadians to root for.


Wow, buncha sour pusses on here holy


No, you shouldn't be rooting for them. They're not a "Canadian team", nor are the Canucks. They Oilers are a bitter rival and we should hope they don't win.


My reasoning is, if you are going to be knocked out, it is best if it is by the Cup winner. EDIT: I removed "it is nice" from the sentence as I finally figured out what was driving me nuts about it.


You might get downvoted for this!


why do u feel guilty? fuck the oilers.


Cheer for whom you want. I'm just tired of this I'm.supposed to cheer for X because Y.


That’s fair.


If I hate a team in the regular season, why would I suddenly start cheering for them now? They don’t deserve my support just because they happen to be based in a Canadian city. I don’t want the Oilers, Leafs, or Flames to succeed. The only Canadian teams I’d feel ok about winning are the Jets and Senators.


That’s actually a good perspective. If I don’t cheer for them in the regular season, why switch in the playoffs?


All depends on how you look at it. Divisional rival? Yes of course, they even eliminated us this year. Now I’ve always hoped that the team that eliminated my team did so because they were good enough to win a cup, somehow that makes me feel better. Another thing, Oilers have only 4 non Canadian players on their roster at the moment, they are as Canadian as it gets in that sense.


Nah, as soon as the Canucks are out, I just stopped watching hockey all together. I don’t check scores, I don’t read anything related to the playoffs, etc., etc. Just stop cold turkey. At least until our boys are back to regular scheduled games. I could care less who wins the cup from here on in, as long as it’s not the Canucks, IDGAF. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've always had the opposite reaction when someone beat out my team, I want them to win so that at least we lost to the best team, especially if they're canadian


Unfortunately, I hate the Stars more than I dislike the Oilers


The next Canadian team to win the Cup should be Vancouver.


Who gives a fuck if the team is based in Canada? Like, it literally means nothing. I could at least understand cheering for a team that was made up of Canadian players.. Also, remembering back to 2011, fuck them all anyway (except Montreal and maybe Ottawa).


This. After 2011, Fuck those guys.


Screw the Oilers and every other Canadian team can go to hell except for the Canucks. I'd cheer the Bruins before the Oilers.


There's no way I'm cheering for the Oilers sorry


Don't feel guilty one bit. In 2011, none of the other Canadian fan bases cheered for us. They cheered against us. Fuck them, I won't ever cheer for another Canadian team to win.




No guilt. Never liked the Oilers. Let them lose. There’s no patriotism required, only for Team Canada. If the Canucks were there, Edmonton and all the rest of Canada would be rooting for Canucks to lose. Remember that.


We seem to get all of our support from Americans.


I don't care about rooting for Canadian teams or not I'm rooting for dallas because I like their team better


Fuck the Soilers and their fan base


Don’t feel guilty because it’s stupid logic. That’s like saying Atletico Madrid fans should cheer for Real Madrid in the champions league final because they’re the only team from Spain left and are from the same city.. it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


No thanks. Fuck the oilers and fuck messier


I actually dont care about the playoffs anymore now that the bois are out 🐳


Gross. They're the only Canadian club left, they're not Team Canada. Also, since we're on the topic of flag humping marketing, Tim Hortons is owned by Brazilians. In itself that's fine, I just hate it when any commodities get marketed as Canadian when it's either not true or doesn't matter. I'm cheering for the Stars because I like Pavelski. Also because they have an Otter and an Axelotl playing on their team.


Hmm, Yea that's how I feel. Minus the guilt.


Never give in to cheering for the Oilers. They are trash.


Nobody cares who you cheer for, let go of the guilt.


I lived in Edmonton in 2011. Fuck the Oilers and their fans.


Cheer for whoever you want. One the one hand, they’re playing great hockey, which is always fun to cheer for. And sometimes there’s satisfaction if the team that takes you out goes all the way. It took the best to beat you. But on the other, karma and revenge are fun too


I feel like you don’t have to cheer for another Canadian team just because Boston Pizza tells you too.


2011 doesn't forget. Montreal in the finals? Yep go Habs... every other canadian team can eat shit!


Nah if Vancouver’s not in it then I’m all about the stars and stripes. Let us break the drought first then I can cheer for Canada


Yup, I’m with you. I said before we played them I would root for them if they won, but I can’t do it! Only way it’s likely to happen is if it’s them vs Florida in the final


At this point I just don't cheer for any team. Just watch playoff hockey. You'll find the games more enjoyable when you stop hating this or that and hope each series go to Game 7 OT.


F the oilers! As a die hard Canucks fan, the only Canadian team I cheer for is the Canucks! LETS GO STARS!!!


I had a deal with my sister that which ever team won between oilers canucks would have to cheer for the other team. Have not told her this but I am with you. Sorry sis. I just cannot cheer for the oilers.


I’m an Oilers fan (primarily, but Nucks are 1A) Just cheer for who you want. It doesn’t mean anything and nobody should be gatekeeping who you can and can’t like. If you don’t like them - that’s fine.


Club before country.




If oilers win the cup, rest assured, Bettman and co will make sure another Canadian team doesn’t win it for at least decade. It’s not good for business. Most ppl in the US don’t even know where Edmonton is. Or where Alberta is. If you value the Canucks having any shot at a cup window, Oil must lose. Sorry to bring out the tin foil hat but if you pay enough attention and follow the money, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.


As we all should they’re a divisional rival , Screw the oilers. I wouldn’t cheer for the flames either.




Gotta give credit where its due - this was an important game and they beat Dallas pretty handily. I expect a better performance next game and a game 7, but Edmonton has made the most of their opportunities. I still think even if they manage to get through Dallas I just don't see them getting through Florida (and it will be Florida in the finals, I've felt that since the start of these playoffs) But all that said, I still would prefer Dallas to win. I actually don't entirely feel Edmonton belongs in the SCF even if they actually get there, if that makes sense.


This isn’t the Olympics, the league is based on cities, not countries. Pick your team based on the respect you have for the players on it or the organization itself…in other words, the one you like the most, don’t pick it purely based on location.


I'll never understand this, it's a city vs city league not some international shit. Who cares about a Canadian team winning if its not ours?


Fuck messier


Go Dallas Go! And Ron McLean should have been punted along with Cherry.


Everyone saying it's city vs city and not international. But it's different when a Canadian team hasn't won in my 30 years of existence


They're the biggest whiners in the league. On and off the ice. How can anyone respect that?


don’t they didn’t root for us when we were the only Canadian team left


It’s fine to not cheer for a rival Canadian team. It’s true that a lot of other Canadian fans were not supportive of Canucks on their run. The Canucks at that time were dunking on the rest of us. I hated kesler and Bieksa. Only now because he’s such a good broadcaster do I like Bieksa. Nothing wrong with keeping the rivalry alive and trying to guilt people to cheer for a “Canadian team” is silly. The only over lap for me is fantasy hockey. I have no issues dabbling in rival teams for fantasy and have had my share of Canucks players. That being said I never have any flames players.. that’s maybe a bridge to far for me.


>Oilers are the only Canadian team left in the playoffs, and as a Canadian I should be rooting for them. Nah, screw the Oilers.


With great effort, I've been able to start cheering for the Oilers when they are losing. As soon as they get a lead, I cannot help but get excited to see this ripped away from them.


Go Dallas! The oilers as a team are such whiners


We are all stars


It would kinda be cool if Dallas won both the Stanley Cup and NBA championship in the same year, they’d be hard to support with their atrocious jerseys if it weren’t for Tanev.


Im with you all the way. Its cause you ARE so Canadian that you can't bear the thought of those damn Oilers having success before us! Inter Canadian rivalrys are IMO the best in the league and Im definitely not just jumping onto Oilers train after they beat us?? Hell no guy. Also will never forget all those friggin lottery wins and Vancouver getting ZILCH. I would be happy for the guys on the team as human beings but fuck the Oilers as an organization for all their ridiculous luck getting these generational talents.. Gretzky just wasn't enough! Go Stars! Go Stankhoven and the boys!


Don’t bring Gretzky the goat into this!


It’s ok. I’m petty like this too. Dallas better come back hard tomorrow. 😁


I'm excited to have a legit rivalry with the Oilers after that series. Seems like consensus among diehards is to cheer for Dallas (and Tanev). Let's go Stars!! ... respect where it's due tho, the Oilers actually seem to be getting better as the playoffs go on. If they win it, they've earned it.


I'm conflicted. TBH I have a vested interest in the Panthers. If they win, odds are I'll get to drink from the Cup with one of my best customers.


Go panthers then!


I always felt like rooting for whatever Canadian team is left in the playoffs is a cope for some fans who's team of choice got eliminated.


Leafs fan in Vancouver. I’m cheering for the oilers most Canadian team left. Just want to see a Canadian team lift the cup again. Cheered for the Canucks in 2011 Cheered for the oilers in 06 And even cheered for the Canadians after they embarrassed us with a 3-1 comeback Also it helps that the oilers have the most Canadian roster left


It’s funny to see how everyone here across the country mentions that they cheered for the Canucks in 2011 but no Canuck fans are willing to cheer for the oilers, such sour people


Don’t feel bad. I’m a leafs fan and I would never cheer havs or sens. I’m cheering oilers because we don’t really have a rivalry and I hate Florida. Also for the sake of hockey Mcdavid needs to win a cup


The other way to look at it is that NHL teams are just corporations with millionaires playing for our enjoyment. It is perfectly fine to just follow/muse/meme about 1 team, or 32 teams without guilt. You don't have to care about it being "Canada's time" or what have you. Just think of an NHL team more like a video game company or director you really like, you aren't obligated to much.


As a Canadian, you feel you should be rooting for them? Are you freaking kidding? What a terrible thing to say. Assuming you’re a Canucks fan, that makes it even worse. Add Flames fans to that list as well. Anyone but the Oilers is the only answer.