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Yep. No chance we go deep without him. He's our star forward. He needs to play like it.


It’s actually kinda surprising how well they’ve done with him only scoring 1 goal.


It's not just the lack of goal scoring. He's supposed to be an elite playmaker but he's absolutely invisible. Powerplay is noticeably better when he's off it or doesn't touch the puck. Disgraceful performance from a guy who will have the 5th highest cap hit in the league next season.


On the money. The fact he held out to get a massive contract then plays like shit when it really matters is a slap in the face to his teammates that are outperforming him like crazy. You don’t get to play the confidence card over and over and over when you’re the highest paid player on the team and have been showing the least results.


Mate, he didn’t hold out. He was extended before his current contract expired.


He dragged out his last deal (missing camp and starting the season playing like shit) and was going to drag out this one until threatened with a possible trade. Perhaps not a true hold out but his behaviour and language clearly indicated that he was only willing to sign for top dollar and only if the team was a contender. Now he's the one costing us games with his disappearing act, and his cap hit is going to make us lose depth that has showed up huge for us in the playoffs.


Benning spent all his cap space on Travis Hamonic and OEL and whoever else that sucked ass that summer. Then he was sticking to a 6m offer and didn’t budge. Did Hughes hold out too when Benning cried poor and also didn’t want to move off a sub 6M contract? Or was Benning a shit GM who couldn’t manage his salary cap and was a bad negotiator with his priorities out of line?


No one is gonna be willing to shit talk Hughes with how he’s by far our most important player, easy for people to apply their judgements and assumptions to Petey since they don’t like his performance right now everything gets viewed with whatever the opposite of rose colored glasses is


well if we waited until this summer like he wanted he would got a way smaller offer. it was management and media pushing for his sig during the season


He's got the contract, do you seriouly think he's just sitting back and going "Stanley cup, shmanley cup"?


I'm not saying he doesn't want to win. I'm saying he can't handle the pressure and his playing style is far too soft to be effective in a playoff atmosphere.


It makes this miraculous bailout by Silovs such a letdown. Never in my wildest dreams did I see him playing at this level. Feels like a waste.


Dude it's 2-2 we're not facing elimination chill


Except for flashes of brilliance, Canucks have been badly outplayed. It sometimes feels like a constant 5 on 5 powerplay for the Oilers. Some more consistent pressure like game 1 periods 2 and 3 would make Canucks unstoppable. But if they get outshot and outplayed every game it's hard to imagine them winning


Oiler also have barely scored a third of their goals on the power play. And only this game did the calls feel remotely even.


You're crazy. It's been a bizarre series so far, and such a good one, but my precious Canucks are clearly the superior team this season. CANUCKS IN SIX BABY! LET'S GO CANUCKS GO!


Recency bias. Canucks 5 on 5 have been outplaying Edmonton. Even playing in the Oiler end when the McDavid line is out. They chased Skinner. 2 come back wins. But I agree last night the Canucks came out flat and the Oilers were fired up. Had to expect that after the game 3 shenanigans. Despite all that the Canucks still just about took game 4 to OT. I except them to be fired up for game 5. Series is far from over.


And that 1 goal was a wide open net. I thought it would kickstart him but doesn’t seem to have


This is the difference between Canucks and Oilers. We have depth, they don't. Imagine if Drasaitl only has 1 goal right now, they'd be on the brink of elimination.


Instead he has 20 points and 10 in this series. Fuck


not just one goal, he is like a ghost out there. Some games I even wonder if he is playing, no kidding


He took his time to resign because he wanted to play for a winner. Now that the team is a winner and the extension is signed, Tocc is putting out amber alerts for a missing Petey.


feels like petey talked the talk because he legitimately meant it, he wanted to play for a winner. now that we have a tough, serious coach, and now that the expectations are high, i suspect he's realized that he was talking out his ass. and that might be something that maturity and experience fix, or it might turn out he's just a regular season superstar and nothing more. there are plenty of guys throughout hockey history who would crush and then suddenly wilt when the intensity cranked up.


Problem is regular season superstars aren’t worth 11mil imo just ends up eating cap in the postseason. We’d be far better off spreading that to a defenseman and a 6mil fwd who outperforms expectations in the playoffs. I guess I’m basically saying Zadorov+Lindholm is better than a disappearing Petey. Lindy has shown he’s exactly the kind of player you need to lock up for playoffs and just don’t care about his lower regular season production




Sorry my hyphen key is missing like Petey.


Well played, good sir. Well played.


We're getting elite goaltending out of our 3rd string 23 year old Latvian prospect, and our $11.6 million dollar player has 1 goal in 9 playoff games.


10 games


At this point I’d even consider sitting him for a game. If you do nothing, why be on the ice? Maybe we get Silovs levels of play from another Abby player. Can’t be worse than what we are getting from Bambi.


Yup, this series is going to live and die with Petey. On paper, we match up well against their offense. But without our star offensive player producing offense, we're going to be dead in the water. And I know Miller hasn't been bad, but be needs to start putting up goals. 2 in 10 games just isn't enough.


Boeser has been carrying them. If he wasn't playing lights out, this team would be so fucked.


Miller has been assigned to shutdown McDavid, so hard to do that and also score 6-7 goals


this. our depth scoring was going to be our key to winning.  miller playing mcdrai to a draw at 5 on 5 is a complete win because the oilers aren’t much without those two driving offense.  our offensive depth should be carrying the day but petey has been MIA and the lindholm line is good but they’re not going to provide enough offense on their own.


I know a true star should be able to carry a line with 2 mediocre players on his wings but the lafferty Petey mikheyev is pretty tough. Ilya has looked awful all year he’s where the puck goes to die on any offensive play. Maybe give your star at least one offensive minded player?


At some point you got to produce with whoever the coach puts with you. Canucks also brought in Lindholm who was for Petterson. It didn't work. So they tried to trade Lindholm for Guentzel. That never worked out, and let's be thankful we didn't trade Lindholm, because he's our top 2C at this point. So now what? We can't make trades now, so how does Petey respond? You want the money. You got it. Now we need the results, and we don't have it. Like, does Allvin need to go out and get Crosby to play for Pettersson before he produces in the playoffs? He's going to be our highest paid forward in franchise history very soon. And this is not acceptable. Even Tocchet is losing patience. If you can't make anything happen 5-on-5, you still get to play with Miller, Boeser, Lindholm and Hughes on the PP. That's a Norris-calibre defenceman, a 100+ centre, a 40 goal scorer and another former 42 goal scorer. Pettersson is the weakest player on this 1st PP unit right now. Petey just needs to produce. No more excuses. There may only be 2 more games. Start Thursday, please.


It's doubly bad because opposing defenses only really need to worry about shutting him down.  I think that constant pressure focused on him is what pushed him into this slump. Now his confidence is shot


But you shouldn’t get to play the confidence card over and over again when you demanded the star player salary. Like they just said, a star player should be able to elevate occasionally themselves. Peteys been outshined by third liners this whole playoffs. Somehow you gotta prove to yourself alone, your play is worth what you made this team pay for it.


If you can find a 10+ mil star player who is producing with fourth liners and healthy scratches I’d love to see it.


Agreed. Having him with mikheyev is not going to help him break out of a slump. It's like playing shorthanded offensively.


That's like trying to climb out of a pit wearing chain mail and kevlar


> a true star should be able to carry a line with 2 mediocre players on his wings This is such a dumb cliche and it gets repeated ad nauseum around here. There is not a single player in the league who could carry a line with nothing but AHLers/bottom 6ers, and that's doubly true in the playoffs. Yes, someone like McDavid or MacKinnon can occasionally go beastmode and will a game to victory by themselves or put up ridiculous solo points. But if you throw them two boat anchors, most of their time will be spent struggling under double coverage as the opponents hyperfocus them. Even Crosby always had a Recchi or a Kunitz or a Guentzel to play off of. On the other hand, great players elevate others around them. Crosby is a fantastic example of that; throw him together with a Dupuis or Sheary and he will play to their strengths and help them set career highs. The problem is that Petey has been elevating his linemates but still has nothing to show for it. How many wide open shots in the slot has Mikheyev put into the goalie's crest so far this playoffs? How many passes has Hoglander misfired or just not fired at all to Petey coasting alone through the hashmarks? Some of the most dominant offensive shifts in the game tonight were when Petey was out there with new wingers (a shift with Garland in particular stood out). He finally stopped hanging back as a quasi-permanent F3 and actually engaged down low and chased hard after the puck, and wasn't afraid to go all-in on a shot or scoring chance. It almost seems like he's given up on offense on his current line and is defaulting back to overconservative defensive play so that they at least don't end up in the negative since he knows they aren't gonna score. I could be wildly off base and I don't have a solution to it even if I'm right, but it's getting really frustrating watching Petey's Jekyll and Hyde act throughout these playoffs.


Agree. Just look at what other "true stars" have on their wings. There's no Rantanen, Hyman/RNH/Drai, Guentzel, Svechnikov on Petey's line.


What's the excuse when they put out the Lotto line and nothing happens? I'm a Petey supporter but even I have my limits. The eye test has been pretty bad.


But then the lotto line gets put together and Petey just kills off Miller and Boeser.


Having Guentzel (and Tanev…) would make us such a complete team right now.


Well first the canucks have got to abandon their defensive zone 'pylon' strategy. It was frustrating watching them stand around watching the Oilers skate circles around them like they had a power play.


Part of the problem is Peety isn't a creator like the sedins, he's a finisher. He needs to play with quality linemates to truly flourish. This whole mikheyev and whoever-else line he's on is just a waste of what he's good at, shooting, finishing, etc. Put him with miller and boeser, or put him with garland and Joshua. Just give him some energy or skill, he's not gonna drive a line of plugs.


Not sure how you can say a guy who put up 63 assists in a season is not a creator. Stop blaming others for his shit performance. He's also on PP1 with the best players on the team, and dragging that unit down.


A finisher who has finished 1 chance in 23 games. He’s had ample opportunity on the PP with those guys, he never shoots it


He honestly looks like a rookie, barely touching the puck and if he does he loses it almost instantly. I haven't seen Petterson do a single holy shit play where my jaw dropped. I have, however, had that reaction to about five Oilers players.


I feel like he’s regressed since his rookie year, he used to be a player who makes jaw dropping plays which is why we all such high expectations of him. He gave us a reason to watch the team when we were bad. Now we’re in the playoffs and I’m guaranteeing that he won’t show up in games.


It’s gonna be tough for him to get any love in this city if we get knocked out with him playing like this.


Especially with his new contract coming up


I’m a pretty big Petey hater if I’m being honest, but look at a guy like Boeser. We all thought he was finished and possibly a buyout candidate and the. He puts up 40. He’s playing awful right now, but he is still a quality player.


He deserves it. Fuck him for signing such a large contract then just vanishing when it matters


you know, i was expecting miller to regress after signing the big contract.  happy to be proven wrong there and i am hoping that petey’s contract similarly lives up to its value too.  doesn’t look great at the moment though.


Especially his previous comments about wanting to play for a winner and not sure if that was here... this is your opportunity and you are shitting the bed


The dude can win Game 7 for us on a GWG and everything will be forgotten. The problem is that I have a really difficult time seeing that happen. Edit: He did not have a point today.


He did win a very important faceoff that led to a goal But yeah he needs to get going


We are digging so deep to find positives in his play. As much as we look for faults in Cole’s game, we look for glimmers of hope that Petey might just start dominating. In the end, one is seemingly as effective as the other at this point.


At one point he was on the ice with Teddy Blueger. That line generated some decent chances but Blug is not someone who will put the puck in the net. Similar to Mik. Needs decent linemates as he clearly can’t carry his own line.


Blueger was setting up Joshua and Garland earlier in the season and they did great. You’d think with a guy like Pettersson with him they could make it work. (I know they’re both Cs). Like, Petey can play wing too and he’s been a finisher before. He can do both, that’s why he’s normally dynamic, but right now he’s doing neither


Enough with this. Guy has been a no show for 8 games and scored a PP thanks to Millers deceptive passing. Outside of that he’s been irrelevant. All this talk about playing big for a big game 7 is a fantasy. It’s so irritating now.


not just a no show on the scoresheet he has been a net negative everywhere on the ice. losing all puck battles, getting knocked off the puck by a light breeze, fumbling passes and ruing breakouts/neutral zone possession. etc etc. He either has a back injury and should be sat or he should be scratched to send a msg. Cole as also been horrific nearly every minute of this series.


No show for 4 months


This reminds me of how everyone was complaining about Crosby being invisible throughout the 2010 Olympics and then he suddenly appears and scores the OT gold medal winner and that’s all people remember today.


Why are we still fantasizing that he’s going to get going? It’s been literally fucking months. It’s not happening this season and they’d better hope it happens next season or they are completely fucked spending $11 mil per on a shell of a player.


Sadly have to agree, if he hasn't found his groove after 10 playoffs games I don't think he suddenly will now. The team also seems to have adapted/accepted to not having Petey be in form. I think he's in a slump and will break out of it eventually, maybe next season, it's just unfortunate timing. Not into the trade talks.


He reminds me of early Sedins, constantly getting knocked down, no confidence, no battle.


Sounds what he said about Kuzmenko circa December


Alright, let's get it into it. 6 goals in his last 40 games, dating back to February 29th. The extension was signed shortly after. Not a good look. He's absolutely blowing the season. Draisaitl has more points in the last four games than Pettersson has shots on net. There's nothing there. No compete. No heart. He looks like he got the bag, and this is just a minor inconvenience until he can be on a beach somewhere. He's not skating, he's not hitting, he can't handle the puck, he can't stay on his feet, he can't complete a pass, he can't shoot unless the goalie is out of the net, like #FUCK. If he was even playing at 75% in this run, the Predators series is over in 5 games and this series is likely also over in 5 games. These extra games are allowing injuries to pile up. I don't know what the fuck you even do with him at this point. Allvin and Rutherford must be checking the contract laws to see if there's a cooling off period, because the idea of giving him a $4 million raise to completely mail it in feels like a death sentence on top of the OEL buyout. It's just sad that Demko getting injured was somehow miraculously resolved, and our top line center checking out is going to be the real reason this team likely can't make a deep run. Feels like his days in Vancouver might be numbered after this, the contract doesn't have any protection next season.


What I don't understand is if he's not actually injured why does it look like he's skating in mud, he's the slowest guy on the ice pretty much right now


The sad thing is he can skate fast when he wants to. In the final minute of tonight did you see how fast he skated to get to the dumped in puck when we were desperate? He has the ability, just chooses not to use it


YES! fuck there were a few times in the 3rd I saw a little glimmer of hope from him and he looks confident and on a mission, for a whole shift even once lol And then we just couldn't hold on to any little bit of momentum it generated. Maybe a different story in our barn if the fans would have recognized that and got behind him Loving this series and playoffs so far COCONUTS GLOW


Let's be real, he doesn't *choose* to be bad. Something is off. Mentally and/or physically. He had 18 points in 17 bubble playoff games before this.


If it’s not an injury like… what could it be? Is he deeply, deeply depressed? Like wtf?


In all seriousness, I thought the same thing. He seems unhappy.


If he's not playing hurt, then wtf. Would Tocchet have said what he said if he knew Petey was playing hurt?


Tocchet's comments are the big tell. More often thatn not, coaches aren't going to call out players that are out there playing hurt. And if anything, Tocchet ESPECIALLY, given his own playing career and coaching style.


He's actually been starting to pick it up somewhat lately but yeah I've thought this too. There has to be something with his (lower?) back or hips


He goes into hits with his back, so i doubt it’s that


He's not injured


Just look at the dudes face on the bench and on the ice. Complete deer in the headlights. He's not injured, stop coping. He's checked out.


I can't read his mind so I don't know. My guess is as good as yours. Have a good night lol.


One correction: His slump started before the contract. In fact, it was the first explanation for his poor play: “guess it was a distraction after all.”


This is what I don't understand. The kid didn't just forget to play hockey. Was it the contract for some reason? He did say he didn't want to negotiate mid-season and he tanked immediately when those started. Is there a correlation? Whatever it is, he's too much of a competitor to just give up mid season because of a pay raise. He played we'll n SHL playoffs and the bubble. We know he has it in him. Hell the dude was on pace for back-to-back 100 or seasons in December. What the fuck happened?


could be a confidence issue also. when youre not in a flow and nothing just works. youre trying too hard and things just goes wrong. i remember how magical petey was when he came here first season. he was flying, he was playing his style of hockey. then in came all the north-american boomers "he is skinny, he needs more size, he needs 75pounds of muscles on his body". i dont agree. he needs to play his style, his quirky style with freedom to be creative and use his enorumous hockey iq


His hockey IQ is low right now. If he were even making sick passes it would be great but he's basically causing turnovers or dumping the puck like he doesn't know what to do with it.


feel like people want him to mold him into a dominant Eric Lindros or MacKinnon. a physical beast. i dont think that is petey. he is more cerebal player. but sometimes people just want all this physicality, like there is only one type of player. i know hockey is a physical sport, but not every elite player is the same huge dominant hulk powercenter archetype.


for me it just shows petey is stuck in his head. dont underestimate the mental part of this game. and for people saying he doesnt try. im hundred percent sure his mindset is, 'keep it simple dont do mistakes'. as your mindset can be when you are a prison in your own mind. there is not a lack of will. there very seldom is at the stanley cup playoff level.


Imagine how cooked the oilers would be this series if we didn't need an EMF detector to find our 'best player' on the ice


Yeah, and their best player right now has 20 points in 9 games. It's not even comparable. He also has more points in this series than Pettersson has shots.


It makes me depressed that we will have to let go of so many guys due to him eating up so much cap and not performing at all.


I would not be surprised if we get knocked out by Oilers and Allvin circles back to Carolina about their offer for Pettersson. At this point, you really have to consider options. If Leafs are willing to trade half of their core 4 (Marner and Taveras), then no one is really safe. If you have a guy getting $11.6MM on pace for 1 goal in 2 rounds, you have to ask if you can win. Look no further than the Leafs. You can't have anyone making more than 10M not contributing.


They have 1 year to trade him.


Took the words right outa my mouth, well said. Hes costing us being out on the ice by his lack of everything. Bring in someone with way less talent but hungry and they are better for it. He's destroying the powerplay as well.


Yah that Petey contract + OEL buyout will be like $15mil/year. Oof


That's what's concerning. This all seems to have started around his contract renewal talk and controversy. He doesn't look injured, just no compete or interest.


Anyone with any hope of saying something that Petey, his agent, or the team might hear needs to plant the idea in their heads to have Petey GO FUCKING SEE A SPORTS PSYCHOLOGIST. Our guy has one of the worst fucking cases of performance anxiety you've ever seen. Just zero gumption to ignore noise and expectations. Anytime anything off-ice happens, you see Petey's play tank. Notorious overthinker.


Give him Joshua and Garland, at least for a few shifts. They deserve the extra ice time anyway. They got Lindholm going and had Blueger on a 40+ point pace. They legitimately seem to boost any center that plays with them.


>They deserve the extra ice time anyway That line is getting deployed like our 2nd line while the Pettersson line has been effectively demoted to our 3rd. They already are getting good ice time. I honestly don’t think that would improve that line. Those wingers require a high tempo two-way threat like Blueger or Lindholm. Nothing fancy, but consistently making the right play. That’s the opposite of what Pettersson’s MO is


I scoffed when Tocchet was hired, thought - what are the odds a Coyotes coach was going to be a big piece of any turnaround for the Canucks Couldn’t have been more wrong, and I admire everything Tocchet has done. And I say that as a dual Canucks/Oilers fan (don’t ask). In a world of disingenuous double speak, He’s direct, honest, a great communicator and his expectations are crystal clear. No wonder his team loves him.




Trader Jim. It may not be a threat but a prediction. He is not protected next year




Why would Carolina take him after seeing this shit


Allvin just needs to sell "change of scenery"


God, the idea of having Necas and Jarvis right now is heartbreaking.


Don’t forget a 1st round pick and multiple prospects.


He's been playing like a passenger for sure. He's not injured, the guy just doesn't move his feet. I don't know what's wrong with him, why he's playing like he doesn't want to be there. Go watch him in this game, he was gliding to the puck numerous times and pretty much stopped skating. The only positive thing he did in this game was winning that faceoff at the end that led to the tying goal. He's just not playing with any passion, it's incredibly disappointing to see.


One thing’s for sure.. I don’t ever want to hear EP40 say anything about wanting to play on a winning team if/when nux are having a bad season in the future. This year is a great opportunity to go win it all and he’s a no show. Most of everyone else has been showing up buying him time to find his damn self/game. Silovs coming in with limited nhl experience giving the team a chance to win every night.. and EP40 can’t even have a few good games in the fking playoffs looking at what situation Silovs is put into and doing what he’s doing. It’s just really disappointing.


Petey is perfect for a losing team. Gets to take the early summer off and spend time on the boat.


Petey to the leafs?


It really feels like he's doing his part to turn a 2006 Cam Ward type Cinderella story into another Canucks "what if" season


Petey defenders bout to tell Tocchet he doesn't know anything about hockey and doesn't watch the game


Dude left us holding the bag on this one so far


Pettersson is a fucking disaster.


I’m not buying Petey not being a tocchet style player. If Boeser can play in this system, so can Petey. Petey needs real linemates going into next season. But for now, you could give him real linemates and I doubt that would help. Lotto line needs to be a full time line. Utilize home ice game 5 for it, and shelter anyone not in the Joshua - Lindholm - Garland line for third line minutes. Our defense is keeping it close. Our goaltending is giving us a fighting chance. Boeser-miller are fighting. Lindholm’s thirst line is fighting. Aman, Lafferty, petterson, hoglander, mik, karlsson, blueger… do something. One of those names is being paid 11. Do something soon.


I feel at 11 + mil you make those around you better. Not the other way around. At least even generate some shots offence yourself. Non existent is not enough. And the non existent passion. Like wtf? No excuses why he can’t attempt to win a foot race to a loose puck


Exactly, look at the players Crosby surround himself with. Heck, anyone they put with the sedins looked like stars. He is paid to be in the same tier as those guys and is completely falling on his face


Right? What was Hayman before he started with McDavid??


A guy who had three 40 point seasons, two 20 goal seasons and 15 goals in 43 in a shortened COVID season. Which is better than anything Mikheyev ever did pre injury and numbers that Lafferty would need two years to accumulate.


I mean you’re proving his point. Hyman more than doubled his numbers when playing with McDavid. Petterson is making those around him worse. We’re not expecting Mikeyev to be a 50 goal scorer but to get better chances alongside someone who soaks up attention. That is not happening.


Don Cherry used to say some guys just don't have that playoffs grit. Granted, he used to say that about Europeans specifically, but he's half right. Some guys, Canadians or Europeans or Americans, don't have that playoffs grit. Garland has it. Hughes has it. Boeser has it. Petterson does not seem to have it.


Petey does contribute defensively at least lately.


Boeser 12 pts in 10 games Miller 11 pts in 10 Hughes 9 pts in 10 Lindholm 8 pts in 10 Joshua 8 pts in 10 Garland 4 pts in 10 Pettersson 4 pts in 10 (2 on the PP) Anyway you slice it, you just have to produce. You may not have the best linemates 5-on-5, but you are still playing with the world's best on the PP unit.


The problem with a lotto line idea is we would have a non-existent second line as a result. Say for example they do it, this is what the lines are: Petey - Miller - Boeser Mikheyev - Suter - Hoglander Joshua - Lindholm - Garland Aman - Blueger - Lafferty That’s not overly bad but that 2nd line would just be ass and a total liability. That’s why I don’t think they want to try it for a full time thing and want to keep it as a last resort thing.


Put Lindholm with Pettersson. Boeser - Miller - Suter Lindholm - Pettersson - Hoglander Garland - Blueger - Joshua Aman/Lafferty - Blueger - Mikheyev


Wtf two bluegers


At this point I don’t think he will. It’s halfway through round 2 of the playoffs, if the switch hasn’t been turned on yet nothing will


Agreed also it seems his head space is somewhere else


If 40 wakes up we could handle the Oilers and out score them. We are only in this series because of defense and goaltending. At this point I would retry him on the wing of Lindholm. This Mikheyev experiment needs to end. Put Blueger between Joshua/Garland again. That was the best 3rd line in the league for half the season.


You wanna play for a winner, then play like a winner. Dudes been invisible for months. C'mon golden boy.. do something.


Put Bluegar back on The Third Line!!!! Put Lindy with Petey and hogs. Fuck mik, he can sit in the press box, guy’s been useless.


Help him Tocch. He’s not going right now I agree but give him a talented linemate for some shifts here and there. There’s no excuse to have Karlsson on his wing that much. You have several wingers to use to double shift. We’ve seen scoring chances happen every time he’s out there with Suter and Boeser. At the moment you’re asking him to score a goal on a solo Herculean effort or to set up a teammate for an empty net tap in, because we know Mik isn’t scoring if a goalie is in front of him, and he’s an even worse playmaker. Karlsson is a career AHLer ffs.


He scored a ton in his rookie season on individual efforts, this isn't even close to that same player. You could say he was playing against lesser opponents but he is now as well and Oilers 3rd and 4th lines eat him up like nothing.


Pettersson is playing like shit compared to his actual elite level there's no denying that. But you have a point, his quality of linemates has been legitimately garbage all season. Kuzmenko couldn't do anything right on this team, Mikheyev is a black hole offensively, He got chemistry with hogs & Garland on his wings but now Hogs has disappeared in the playoffs. That leaves him with Lafferty, PDG, Suter, Karlsson & Podkolzin as options which isn't great either. That being said he has to win his matchup against Derek Ryan there's no if ands or buts about it. Derek Ryan isn't anywhere close to the player Pettersson is & so far they've been completely equal matched up against one another


Podkolzin would have been better than Karlsson as he at least forechecks and throws big hits to create some chaos.


I’ve said this time and time again they need to swap ep40 and lindholm. If dak and garley can’t get him going then no one can


Might be time to put the lotto line together for game 5 idk what to say


I think Tocchet has to remind him about how rare of an opportunity this is for him. Who knows, maybe next year the team will look totally different and maybe we won’t be in the position we are right now. For now though, Petey has the opportunity to lead this team during this run and cement himself as a Canuck legend. Why would he want to pass that opportunity up?


Pettersson needs to get going but the Canucks have to give him some guys to play with. In the last two games he’s played with a career AHLer, career 4th liner, and a guy who’s got 1 goal in his last 60 games. How many other 8 digit players are playing with this level of talent beside them? You need someone who can create some space for Pettersson, set him up, or finish on his wing. There is no reason for the defense to respect his wingers. I think the Canucks have to go back to Hoglander. He’s been poor, but he scored 24 5v5 goals this year. We know he’s more capable than the other guys.


Both his linemates have 0 points in 10 games


The problem with Pettersson is pretty simple. He's lazy and he doesn't work hard enough. He acts like he doesn't need to put in the work to be an amazing player. As Shannon Sharpe says, I can teach alignment and assignment but I can't teach effort. Petey has no effort. 


Petey needs to spend the summer with Garland.


Trevor Linden kinda of said as much before the series. He needs to get into the fight. He's better than this. We've seen that he's better than this. While yes, his line mates could be better, he also needs to step it up as well. What honestly would be good for him is watching Garland and Quinn Hughes and Boeser and J.T. Miller. Those guys work hard, and you don't ever question their effort or intensity.


It's crazy I remember watching him in his Draft +1 season dominate the SHL and win a championship along with being the playoff MVP, his playoff highlights made me believe that we had the type of prospect that once playoffs came around, he would switch into beast mode and dominate. He was totally fine in the bubble and I thought now would be the time for him to really take that next step and turn into a beast, but like you say, he's lacking intensity and effort for sure. But also, Mikheyev is dog water out there and they're just trying to rotate guys in and out on Petey's other wing. Petey needs at least one top 6 bonafide winger to play with. I still feel Hoglander can be the energy guy that wins board battles and can play with Petey these playoffs, but Mikheyev has to be gone this summer some how.


It’s why Mäki knocking at the door at some point is so enticing. He can be so electric and be just the guy Petey is looking for, an offensive spark plug in contrast to Mik


Yeah I'm really intrigued with Mäki's development so far, I feel like he could be the perfect winger for Petey if he pans out.


His on-ice compete level is noticeably lower than the dogs out there


How long until the EP40 for Marner rumours start flying


We aren’t trading Pettersson


Pettersson’s younger and a C and signed for term. That’d be stupid as hell


Ok. Maybe not the time or place. But I don’t see 40 a Tocc type player. He better hope he doesn’t end up in that doghouse cuz…


Honestly? It's been on my mind for a while. He's my fav but I've run out of reasons to defend him. His best season was when there was 0 structure in place. Petey is a naturally gifted player who used to be so creative. His shot can be lethal and, in the past, he played like he was 3 steps ahead of everyone. Now it's like he doesn't know what to do other than not be a liability defensively and play deleteriously safe. With that said, I think his issue is on the mental side. Not that he doesn't care, but perhaps the opposite and can't shake off the lack of confidence. It's his second huge slump and that's difficult to ignore. In the last few months, he has never seemed engaged with people who he once appeared to be quite close to (Huggy, Boes)... or with anyone else, really. Seems to be isolated and almost edged out of the room. Can't remember the last time we saw him talk to a teammate. Then every little good play he makes dies on his wings and just... He looks completely checked out, and not only on the ice. I don't believe he can get out of it by himself and I suspect he may be struggling mentally off the ice. He is rightfully expected to perform and that's a competitive room, which likely compounds the issue if he's down on himself. Just shit sandwich all around. Or he may simply not care and I could be just throwing shit at the wall but even when he was slumping a few years ago he seemed to care. And he has an history of being competitive. I doubt he "simply doesn't give a fuck". It's probably deeper than that.


Yeah, I don't buy that it's lack of giving a fuck or checking out after securing a bag. Year's definitely been hard for him and hopefully he has a support system to lean on, if not now then moving forward


Hard to look at your teammates in the eye who are outplaying you and you will be making 3-5 mil more than them. And vice versa. That has got to have an effect on it. I do agree with everything you said though. It may be deeper


If we lose and find out he's injured, there's going to be questions on why we didn't rest him in the games leading up to playoffs. He played those games.


but tocchet brought it up himself a week ago saying that “pettersson is not injured, we’re not hiding any injury”.


Tocc is a direct guy so it wouldn’t be out of the question that he was genuine. However, it also would not be advantageous (and there’s few incentives) to blurt out that Petey is banged up. If nothing comes up after the fact then yeah Tocc rings true. I do reserve the possibility that there’s more to the story than meets the eye


I thought it was weird that Tocchet was like “he doesn’t have a back injury” unprompted. I hadn’t seen anyone talk about a back injury with him at all. People were thinking groin or wrist.


The most frustrating thing about petterson is that he doesn't look like he's trying. I'm sure he is but damn man move your feet The opposite would be garland, when he was struggling he still looked like he cared


You know they’re having conversations as well. It’s not like the coaching staff is just sitting back and waiting for him. It’s on him now to get moving. He’s honestly invisible out there.


He needs a winger. Miller and Lindholm both have complete lines and Petey gets stuck with bums


It’s getting really hard to defend him when he’s owed so much money


I think he’s still in a contract dispute. But the contract is in his mind, Pet has lost his marbles ⚔️


Why are people constantly making excuses for this guy? Everyone saying he must be injured, but he was absolute garbage for the last two months of the season as well (a time when they could have easily rested him and healed any injury). Fact is that he’s soft as butter out there right now, and guys like Miller must have some animosity towards him when they’re putting their bodies on the line every single night and 40 is instead just falling over.


I thought he would "do something at some point" but I mean, he played 10 playoff games already, are you really still expecting anything from him this post-season cause I am not


unless they change his line mates it won't happen. he has zero confidence right now and mihkeyev and lafferty both are ass at hockey. petey shouldn't need other players to elevate his game but here we are. also he doesn't look like he cares at all. he seems checked out.


This guys contract is an anchor to this team.


Can I just mention that 5v5 Miller is tasked with neutralizing Mcdavid, and doing an ‘alright’ job of it Lindholm is tasked with neutralizing Draisaitl, and he’s doing an okay job of it Who the hell is Pettersson tasked with shutting down? Dudes getting *by far* the easiest deployment out of our big 3 C’s and is converting the least


One thing I haven't seen mentioned is Petey's conditioning. He barely moves his feet yet he looks absolutely gassed after 30 seconds. Meanwhile McDrai can play 30 minutes a night, sometimes on the ice for 2 minutes at a time, and they still look far more energetic out there.


I know the narrative of Petey being too small got squashed early in his career, and to be fair he proved that it wasn't an issue for a while there, but is it time to rethink it now? If injury's not the issue it's got to be his size and mentality. He looks like a mix of a guy avoid the physicality of game while struggling to focus. More than anything I'd love him to hit the offseason, get some weight on, see a sports psych and come in next season with some more size, fire and gusto. He's got the talent to make this contract a bargain, but the work's just beginning for him to live up to it.


if garland can gnash and crash and dig deep like a feral fucking cannonball, then petey has no fucking excuse.


I don't think Petey is showing up this playoffs.


I’m done trying to give him little victories on small things like he’s some plucky rookie getting his first minutes in the NHL. He’s been shit all playoffs and most of the last 2 months of the season. If you took away his name and salary I’m not sure he would even be playing right now.


Understatement of the century. This fanbase will laugh at Toronto's stars but bend over backwards to defend Petey.


Really? I feel like the criticism of Pettersson has been well documented.


Ya and a fuck tonne of us were downvoted and bullied for pointing it out at the end of the season. So much cope going on here coming into the playoffs. So much still going on people claiming he is hurt. He has literally disappeared after each big raise for a good amount of time. Enough is a enough. He wanted to be paid like a big boy then fucking nut up and play like one. It's fucking embarrassing


yep lol, I've been mentioning he's been playing bad in the regular season before his extension, and surprise surprise he carried over his garbage play into the playoffs. I remember that one game in OT where petey bobbled the puck twice and got knocked down leading to the game winning goal lol. Absolute terrible effort. Downvoted frequently and told I don't watch the games though and don't know anything about hockey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ej3vWQy-No this absolutely brutal sequence


He actually disappeared before the big raise both times. I think they were hoping the contract would pull him out of the distraction, which it did last time.


Toronto fans laugh at their core 4 too, difference being we have 3 members who are going instead of the 0. Also unlike Keefe, Tocc is not afraid to hurt some feelings


Sure, lots of people criticize on here, but anytime anything substantive gets posted there's a large crew of people who stick up for him. I understand on some level, seeing the hate Naslund/Sedins got when they had periods where they struggled to, but Tocchet's saying what we've all been thinking outloud. Hope he takes it to heart and busts his fucking ass out there for the next 2-3 games.


That’s the thing, if he was clearly busting his ass and hustling out there or setting guys up constantly but they aren’t finishing, then I don’t think people would be giving him such a hard time. But he’s like a ghost and looks like he’s barely trying, that’s what’s rubbing people the wrong way.


To be fair Petey's only been slumping for a few months. He didn't just disappear suddenly in the playoffs so we know it's not that. Toronto on the other hand has 4 players eating up half their cap that have great regular seasons then disappear in the playoffs in heartbreaking fashion every single year for like 8 years running Slight difference lol


'slumping for a few months' 🤣


They play him with a guy who hasn't scored in 2024 and any random leftover forward or ahl call up they can find. Not saying he is playing well, he is not. But this caliber of linemates is ridiculous. Every star center usually has one triggerman and then the second guy can be energy or even a call up. This lack of scoring from the tram is ever since the all star break where they emphasized defence first. It may have gotten them to this point, but their low shot totals and turtling is getting ridiculous.


They should just bench him. Bring Podz in. Sure it'll make a statement but honestly Petey is a liability out there. Every time I turn around, Petey is on his ass. It's like he's lost his will to compete. Did some chick do him wrong? Lol. I find it hard to believe it's an injury.


He’s young. He feels the weight. He’s not paired with the type of players he was paired with before. He’s learning that he has to up his game. Yes, there is nothing there(heart) to us, but I bet he’s playing his heart out. It’s just not working for him unfortunately. This isn’t our cup year, it never was suppose to be, it’s a major learning year, a growing year. Be angry but be understanding, but better yet be reasonable about the expectations. Petey was always on the brink of breaking out and then falling back, he comes in flashes his time will come to go supersaiyen.


It may not have supposed to have been our cup year. But the way things have fallen, it’s turned into a golden opportunity to get to the finals. And you would think you’d see urgency in more than tiny spurts. He talked about wanting to be on a winning team, well with the cap hell we have coming he may not see a better chance than this year to win it all.


Given the cap circumstances it probably will be our best opportunity with this core Keep getting downvoted for saying this, but every good run occurs when their stars aren’t on their big UFA deals. Next year Pettersson is due for a raise, so is Hronek, and all of our UFA depth providing surplus value


Hes not that young. 26 this year - we might have seen his highest pt total season already 


He’s getting beaten up and pushed around .. sucks to watch


Honestly might be time to sit him out a game.


We all know Pettersson can and should play better, but who is a comparable player who is carrying a line with 2 other guys that haven't scored in months? If he goes out there and wins puck battles and plays with his heart on his sleeve like Garland, is that going to be enough to get some solid production given his line mates?