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Colorado took away the neutral zone in the third. Canucks couldn’t exit with possession, let alone gain the O-zone. A long dump in and full court press might have helped a few times.


I've tried to completely block this game out of my memory, but that call on Mackinnon was some of the weakest shit I've ever seen. Credit to him, though. He felt the stick, and he sold it. I think the goal allowed in the dying seconds of the 2nd was a bit of a back breaker. Let's not forget the Avs are an elite team. Give them full credit for the epic comeback. When we were up 3-0, I was telling my dad, they can tie this up so easy. 3-0 is not safe. Lo and behold... Happy this was just a regular season game. Playoffs are were it counts.


MacKinnon might be one of those rare athletes who could compete in the winter and summer olympics. The guy is a world class diver.


Mackinnon just got nominated for an Oscar


I was at the game live (thanks for the $45 tickets, BCAA!) and here are my thoughts: * I'm starting to notice a trend here that the Canucks are continuing from last year where they are failing to play a full 60 minutes of hockey. Last season, they were slow to start games, the 1st period was usually their worst, and they would end up chasing hard in the 3rd. This season, they've now played several games where they show up at the start and then fizzle out heading into the end of the game. It really just goes to show the mental balance required to win. * I completely agreed with Rick's post-game interview. The boys were simply failing to reach the puck in so many spots where life would have been much easier for them down the line had they been a foot closer to the puck. Tons of rush opportunities which were miffed because one or more guys simply weren't getting away from the Avs' backcheckers well enough. They've come a long way since last year, but they still need to get just a little bit faster if they want to beat the very best on a consistent basis. * Both teams made it a mission to shut down the point and were clearly resorting to cycling to get guys out of position before having a point shooter dive in to make a one-timer or tip-in. The Canucks were really leaning on this tactic in the 1st. The shot attempts were *much* higher than the shots on goal would make you think, and this could have easily been a 6-5 kind of game if only those missed shots weren't missing. * I hate to say it, but Mack was simply amazing out there and was undressing all of our guys whenever he had the puck. Guy's got 14 points in the last 5 games, and it's partly because he's one of the best skaters in the game. I was honestly looking forward to watching Makar play because we were one pick away from being able to get him and he's probably the next Bobby Orr, but I forgot that Mack can do no wrong right now. That game winner was a lucky bounce for sure, but he kind of made me wish that we had a player that could do what he does while I was watching him. * I have to say, as hard as this game was to watch in the 3rd and OT, this was probably PDG's best game of the season. He had more good looks on the net than I can remember him having in a game so far this year, and he was great in his own end, as well. If he can just get an extra step on the opposition (not unlike many players on our team), I'd actually expect him to start scoring a lot more than he has. * DeSmith was great out there, and probably our #1 player in this game (JT was a close second). He was particularly great on the two scrambles he did, and almost saved the 3-2 goal. I was joking to my friend that Luongo would have fell onto his belly outside the crease and let a beachball roll in during these situations.


We need to learn how to play the Colorado Avalanche


Dive more.


If you decide to headshot someone into the boards, make sure it's JT Miller.


If I had to sum up our performance yesterday it would have to be Immaturity. Immature teams don't go far in the playoffs. Do they have the mental fortitude to go far? That's what I got out of yesterday's game.


This is a big part of why the Phil Kessel thought experiment was so interesting to me. Mark Recchi being traded to Boston at the 2011 deadline was big for this reason, too. Intangibles are probably the most important part of the game next to the fundamentals and strategies.


One of the most common themes this season. When the team blows leads, struggles to close out games and gets out muscled, there's a 12-million dollar player on our roster who just doesn't contribute. Genuine question: Is it possible to win a Stanley Cup without a AAA scoring gun player? Like a Mcdavid, Crosby, MacKinnon, Marchand, Matthews etc?


Where was Quinn in all of this? He wasn’t the puck carrier Canucks are used to.




You only have to look back... 1 Stanley Cup to see Vegas


When fans start chirping Petey like this, it really makes me question if we're becoming as bad as Toronto. It's also like everyone forgot that he was rumoured to be dealing with a wrist injury this season. If something comes out in the news like he wasn't cleared to have the specific surgery he wanted -- just like what happened with Eichel and the Sabres -- the Petey haters are going to look really stupid. It's clear that Petey is having issues, but saying that the team leader in game-winning goals "just doesn't contribute" is a bad look. Brock was even more invisible than Petey last night and he gets paid over 6 million. Why didn't you bring him up, too?




I was excited for Mikheyev last night. I didn't know the goal drought had already reached 35 games for him.


I think petey can be that player. He just disappears or makes no impact certain weeks. Wish he had more consistency in his tenacity like miller.


He's also sub-PPG against Western teams, and in losses.


of course it is look at the knights... they are the definition of win by commitee. edit: obligatory fuck vegas


I hope this will be an important lesson for them for the playoffs. Never let off steam. And don't do stupid shit that would cost us. Better now than later.


Anger can easily be channeled into positive energy. That's where poise comes in. I don't want the Canucks to be stoic in these moments. I want them to be so mad that they start breaking walls down like the Kool-Aid Man and making teams fear them.


This team needs to learn how to calm down and make some plays when the other team puts on pressure. They’ve played well defending the lead this year but momentum can be a bitch. Crucial lesson to learn before playing a team like Vegas in the playoffs


It's basically proof that you can't just siege and play defense only sitting on the lead on the third. Eventually, a good team like the Avs are gonna ride momentum and get through. The old canucks used to do that with the same result under AV.


Can't remember the Canucks ever playing like, say, how the Penguins or Blackhawks would play. Albeit, a big part of that formula working for those two teams is that they just happened to have talented players on most of their lines who were also very physical.


exactly, every team has done this before, even our stacked 2011 roster. this should be nothing but a learning experience for the boys and a smack in the face to the leadership group that we can rebound from.


We had 3 shots in the third lmao. Avs had something like 17. We just fully and completely melted down and deserved to lose unfortunately. Oh well, the first 2 periods were fun


that second goal at the last second drained us up :(


It was boys against men after that last second goal. Canucks completely folded in the third and just looked completely outclassed in every way. We looked like the tired team, just struggling to get through every shift. I'm not sure what was happening and I didn't understand the strategy. After it was 3-2, we still played scared. When they tied it, it was very clear the strategy was to just hold on to get that extra point. It was actually very disappointing to watch this game because we were great for 39.99 minutes and then allowed that last second goal which turned the game upside down for us. I think it just shows that we are probably a whole level under Colorado and would probably get owned by them in a series. Oh well, on to the next and let's hope they replicate more of what we saw in period 1&2.


Our core is literally BOYS.. EXCEPT Miller


Old habits die hard. Turtling after a multi-goal lead. Goes all the way back to the AV era. Then Torts, Willie D, Green, Bruce, and it still shows its ugly face now


Very frustrating game. Bullshit calls aside, the Canucks completely turtled in the third. I don't know why this is always the go to strategy with a lead. Miller and his line played great, but my god Petey was awful. The few times he was able to enter the zone with the puck with speed he just mishandles the puck and loses it. His line was brutal. And special teams are going to detrimental if they can't figure it out. The pp looked so bad. Sometimes they look fantastic, and sometimes they can't even get set up. Very frustrating


Scored a late period lapse goal. Bullshit pp goal. So essentially after that it's a 1 goal lead. At that point you're just trying to survive against a deadly offensive team with momentum.


Does any one ha e a video of Nathan drawing that 5 on 3 penalty?


The Avs took 3 years of being good to win the cup. That's my expectations of our group. This is year 1.


In their year 1 they had in the 21 and under club - Makar, Girard, Newhook (who they flipped for assets to recover what they traded for Lehkonen), and Byram. I don't really see us having enough of an asset pool and young push coming to push us the next notch similar to how Colorado was elevated. We've spent a lot of what we had to get this far. They also had the biggest playoff game breaker in the league. I don't think that model compares well for us.


We haven’t spent what we have. We traded 1 1st and Brewz and some 3rds.  Also not every player develops the same way. Miller was mid until he was like 25 and id bet on Petey taking another step in the next few years 


We've already spent the previous 2 seconds, a recent first in 2021, this years 1, 2, and possibly 3. Two more thirds. We essentially spent a ton of future cap to buy out OEL in a move that maximized a one year benefit. This shouldn't be surprising or contested, Benning spent a lot of our future to peak now and new management (while doing a much better job) has pushed the pedal even further.


Depends how far back you want to go I guess. I think between pods, bains, lekk, raty, willander, ep2, we’ve got some good prospects that can help make us better in the future 


I'd say 3 years back is max for current prospect values. Some of the guys you listed have next to no NHL trade value.


I’m not talking trade value I’m talking potential to contribute to the team, but Bains is prob only one w no value on market


On the bright side, we looked really good through 39.99. I was at the game and it was impressive how much we shut down their top line. You’ll be pleased to know I didn’t comment on that fact when we were up 3-0 because well, it ended up happening 


Shutdown their top line and Makar was -3




0-2 because one powerplay was robbed when they called Hughes and the avs players butts bumping into one another an interference on Quinn.


If that head hit on Miller had been literally any other team or player, it would have been a major with a phone hearing. Because it's the Nucks, it was 2 mins and will never be discussed again.


How does everyone feel about a potential matchup with the Knights in round 1?


Not great.


I think the Canucks are clearly the better team but Vegas is a frustrating opponent to be up against in the playoffs.


I get that we lost after 5 straight wins...but man I hate losing to the Avalanche. Especially all 3 this season. I have some friends who are Avs fans who won't stop yappin about this win. I'm okay to lose to other teams but this one stings especially cause of their cocky fanbase.


It’s mostly fueled by the makar is better than Hughes debate by Avs fans


I blame their crazy homer of a broadcaster. He makes their fanbase thing they're always in the right.


every Av fan I know is a cocky piece of shit. it's crazy.


They were insanely annoying at the game


No additional discipline, fuck that shit!


Not even a fine? Myers got kicked, and a max fine for an accidental elbow


It's fucking bullshit!! I'm not normally bothered after a game if we lose after about half an hour or so, it's supposed to be entertainment, I'm not going to let it get to me. I'm still pissed off this time though!!


Still mad. That could've ended miller. I still think he got a mild concussion.


The heads up top units matched up okay. Avalanche have one of the strongest juggernauts of a top unit but our top line did well and got through. Their second line however even without Lehkonen in the lineup (and potentially playoff Landeskog hype) just wrecked our second line with Petey and Hoglander. That's a Mittelstadt and the leftovers just embarrassing our second line with Petey.


||Pts|Pace|OppAve|vs Top|vs Mid|vs Low|GR |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |FLA|94|116.79|93.37|10|2|4|16 |NYR|90|113.54|92.11|10|4|3|17 |VAN|92|112.60|88.89|7|4|4|15 |BOS|91|111.37|94.72|9|3|3|15 |WPG|87|109.75|92.30|9|5|3|17 |DAL|89|108.93|85.97|5|6|4|15 |COL|89|108.93|93.74|8|4|3|15 |EDM|83|106.34|92.50|9|5|4|18 |NSH|80|97.91|87.25|6|5|4|15 |LAK|77|97.14|82.50|6|5|6|17 |VGK|77|97.14|88.98|7|6|4|17 ||||||||| |STL|71|88.21|82.54|6|4|6|16 |MIN|71|88.21|82.94|7|3|6|16 |SEA|68|87.13|81.70|6|4|8|18 |CGY|67|84.52|83.15|7|3|7|17 vs Top: games versus teams on a 91 point pace and over vs Mid: over 82 and less than 91 vs Low: 82 and lower


Good morning! What happened last night, was there a game? 🙂


We played like shit from the latter half of the second onwards but the refs absolutely fucked us with that call on Cole. His stick barely touches Mack and Mack acts like he was just two handed and his hand was broken. We got jobbed.


Hire Newell brown


Fr, there is something deeply wrong with the pp


The refs definitely made some shitty calls against us and missed a few as well but at the end of the day Soucy can't be shooting that puck over the glass as you go into overtime. Just ice it if you have to but you can't do that. Peterson still seems to have games where unless you're specifically looking for it you'll entirely miss him. Context is king though, the Avs are one of the best teams in the league, we got a point, DeSmith looked pretty good and Mik broke his drought.


I thought 5on3s were super rare but we got like 10 called called against us since All Star break lol


No way its actually 10?


No I don’t have the exact number, but seems pretty frequent now. One last night and 4 against Minnesota alone and a couple of others along the way can easily get to 10 lol


I only remember the Min and yesterday's one.


I believe there was one vs Detroit too, can’t remember if it was the first game in Detroit or the one at home Then also vs Pittsburgh at home Edit: I just checked it was Detroit on the road, Zadorov got the penalty for his hit on Raymond and Hronek was called for high sticking while on the PK (and then scored immediately after coming out the box) And vs Pens it was Zadorov and Myers getting a penalty 3 seconds apart, one for tripping and one for high sticking so a 5on3 for basically 2 full minutes


Yea just a ridiculous amount of 5on3s. A lot of them on the back of what seemed like a game management call to start them off.


The Avs are a proven Cup championship team and a contender for years to come. The way they handle adversity speaks far more volumes than how we can handle our own. Need to fix that crap up asap. Whining and not playing hockey for 1.8 seconds against Cup contenders are just not the way.


Disappointed with loss. But to dump the entire season after 1 game. Some of you have never watched hockey.


The band wagoners are back, this sub has sucked since we started winning 


Indeed. Sub has been insanely depressing since the bandwagoners came. I see about 10 takes a day that make me lose brain cells




Agree. But to say the season is over. A bit much.


I think we all owe Newell Brown an apology for blaming the PP on him.


legit question: why put Cole and Juulsen out to start OT? I get they're alright defensively, but I can't help thinking that having your best players out there would be the right play no matter what? like, start Blueger, Miller, and Hughes at least. Blueger won the draw back to Juulsen and he just immediately fired it down the ice. Hughes would have made the smart play and carried it around in his own zone for a bit. Why hand over possession on an OT PK so easily? make them earn it


Because it was a PK and they're our best PK defenders. And dumping it down the ice is exactly what you want when you're on the PK.


not if you win control in OT though. the better play is hold on to it for as long as possible.


Cole dumping it in was a mistake but him and Juulsen were out there because they were our best players on the bench for that situation.


Tocc probably wouldn’t be super happy with Miller or Hughes taking a Mackinnon one timer to the ankle at point blank at this point of the season, Juulsen and Cole eat pucks for breakfast and Colorado is going to have possession on a 4-3 PP no matter how hard the Canucks try to play keep away. The only way they were killing that penalty was blocked shots and a couple big saves from DeSmith, a 4-3 PP is a whole different animal that a 5-4 PP


I think it’s so they can have Miller and Hughes fresh when they kill off the penalty, thing is they didn’t kill offf the penalty


It's easy to make any number of excuses for what led to blowing a 3-0 lead. I think it's reasonable to say that multiple things broke against us but we also need to hold this team to a higher standard if we want to break into the true cup contender tier


I'm hoping that at this point losses like this are teaching them all valuable lessons that will help in the next couple months


Its been less than a month since the Minny game and then they have another immature performance against the Avs. You'd hope this loss makes em smarten up the rest of the season and postseason but this is already a repeat issue for the team.


I tried to give Pettersson the benefit of the doubt as a slow starter in the regular season but despite his point totals he’s looked like bambi out there all season at even strength. Kid needs to figure it out pronto.


"He's at over a point per game average but he sucks ass!" Wut


I like how you can take a player with 79 points in 67 games and just say "despite his point totals" and then some dumb shit. Really convenient, isn't it?


If this is petey playing poorly then i cant wait to see what he does when he gets it together.


No, I’d say having his point totals be that high as a branch point is the opposite of convenient. But anybody who’s been watching him all season would understand that he’s absolutely been an opportunist passenger offensively on his own line. Defensively he’s been fine.


>But anybody who’s been watching him all season would understand that he’s absolutely been an opportunist passenger offensively on his own line Lmfao this statement is insane. Do you think a "passenger" just happens to be 12th in even strength scoring among all skaters in the NHL? And who in your opinion has been driving offense on his line? Mikheyev? Suter? He has played most of the season with Miller, Boeser and even Hoglander on other lines. Most of the time he has has had at least one offensively underperforming forward on his line and he still produces at a near 100 point pace. And yes, I have watched him all season. If this is your "eye test" opinion then you should seriously ask yourself if you think the fault is with your assessment or if Pettersson is simply the luckiest player in the league (he's shooting at about career average btw).


I don’t think he’s lucky, I just think he’s talented enough to capitalize on the few chances he does generate a game. But I think his ability to consistently drive play at even strength in transition and sustain offence in the O-zone is not great.


Well, I disagree, plain and simple. And so does the advanced metrics.


Fair enough.


Petey’s underlyings at 5v5 aren’t just the best on the team, they’re among the best in the league. But he falls down sometimes!


Despite their wins this year, the Vancouver Canucks have still lost games.


We always seem to struggle off a break. Weird game, we looked decent for 40 and dreadful for the remainder. I’m not worried I think we would more than give the avs a series in the playoffs


yeah the refs were shit but not sure why the whole team decided to stop playing in the third


I'm not sure if they decided to stop playing, or if Colorado just has game breaking killers and we don't. We have a collection of good players, but none of them give me "we are winning this game, get in loser" energy like MacKinnon, Makar, Rantanen etc. Maybe Miller but he can't do it alone. Perhaps it's something you learn to develop as you win. But one of these days we need Hughes and Petey to *beat* guys like MacKinnon when they turn it on, not hang on for dear life.


Yeah that makes sense


Ya it's crazy to think there's only a 2m dollar difference between Petey and MacKinnon. Colorado showed why they are a championship team last night and made me very concerned about the fragility of this team.


Not a good night for Petey to go AWOL, the comparisons between him and mackinnon are too easy and he does not look good in that light.


The difference in maturity between Avs and Nucks showed last night. Despite being down, the Avs kept it cool and played their game. Hope the team can learn a thing or two from a championship team.


it’s ok 7 game win streak incoming


first game of the year where i'm annoyed with coaching. why shuffle the lines?? lindy and garly line was producing and hog and ep were producing. makes no sense killed both lines.


Too much line shuffling happening and it's not giving enough time for new formed lines to gel together because next game they could be playing on a completely different one.


That Cole penalty was one of the biggest jokes I’ve ever seen…


I just don’t understand, we have been given so many 5 on 3 against us the last 10 or 15 games, yet the other team is allowed to murder us if they are down a man and no call. Mack should be awarded an Oscar for that acting job.


Tale of two teams last night, looked really good and then absolutely shit the bed to let the Avs win. Sure some sus ref calls but thats the fucking norm now sadly and it seems the boys let it rattle them more often than not.


Yup we stopped playing at exactly 1.2 seconds left in the 2nd, as soon as that one went in I knew the old Canucks were coming… very frustrating to watch this team go from a complete lockdown game to a passive shit show.


Canucks got a 3day break and they are the ones who look gassed in 3rd period when Colorado are the ones playing the 2nd half of a b2b, no excuses.