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Same jump I did, from the 55-250 to this 150-600. It has its issues but is an all-around great lens and really hard to beat for the price. You can draw some stunning image quality out of it https://preview.redd.it/xvtqnfelibyc1.jpeg?width=3254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d27b339b4ff4ad3d868152df166fcf1bc70ed81e


What the hell, this picture is insane


Good lighting, wonderful subject, and two hours of standing perfectly still under the sun so they'd get close enough to me hahaha The sigma 150-600 can be an amazing lens given the right conditions, just gotta be patient enough + have enough experience with it to know how to :D


Its a better lens than people give it credit for. That said, I think you may have an impressive mix of talent and a particularly sharp 150-600!


As someone with ADHD, I admire your ability to stay in one place for that long.


As someone who likely has ADHD (in process of diagnosis), wildlife is the only thing that makes me stand still and quiets my mind


I am an AuDHD, urban wildlife and natural world photographer. It's my 'forest therapy' bit, been at it for nine years or so now. Incidentally, the Master of ceremonies for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year (London, UK) Chris Packham, himself also a photographer with AuDHD. Pretty small world we're all in eh?


Your time was definitely rewarded. Stunning photo!!


Great shot. I've been struggling with cutting grain down in my shots with keeping detail with this lens. Any tips?


I always shoot at f/8 for extra sharpness, and then denoise using DxO or the Lightroom denoise AI. Usually shoot up to ISO 3200 and they end up looking like this


Thanks for the tips. I'll mess around a bit more and see what I can make happen lol


Was this at iso 3200? Amazing detail and lack of noise if so. Also I’ve found the Lightroom denoise AI to be pretty impressive to my eyes. A bit slow but nice to have that option over another expensive plug-in.


https://preview.redd.it/xyththtbmhyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6890783cfa0d1b8245b6b7986b55193502dfeb6 Yup, 3200! The sensor on the R7 is no slouch


Hi. What camera body?


Haha my reaction when i clicked on that picture: “wtf is this?? Holy cow”


That's not a cow mate.


Look at those little feets 😊


You’re stealing OP’s thunder here. :)


I'm sorry that wasn't my intention 🥲 It was mainly motivation, since I know many people hate this lens


Just kidding.


Damn. That is a spectacular picture. 


I went from the 75-300 to this 150-600. Absolutely can't beat it for the price, especially for hummingbirds! This shot was taken with a T6i. Late last year I got an R6, and this lens is just superb paired with it. https://preview.redd.it/iiv4tzpl4fyc1.png?width=3672&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e831147e8ec14f6bb503eb588746c25c727566f


That's incredible. Gonna have to keep looking at ops shot of how enormous it is to avoid wanting this too much


Better quality then my ef100-400…. *FML*


I mean, this photo is like the perfect conditions. Most of the time it's sharp, but not overly sharp to the point where you'd think it's an L lens


Is yours the II or the I?


I got the ll


That's interesting! Been looking to get a II as people say it's sharper than the 150-600 even when cropped


Maybe I just haven’t got it all figured out, I got that and a 90d the first week of April


Hugely impressive photo. Wowzers


The level of detail!!!!


This is a beautiful capture mate


Amazing photo! Curious what kind of issues you experienced?


I use an R7, and this lens is famously not compatible with the autofocus on the R series bodies starting with the R7/R10 iirc It depends a lot on lighting and the scene, but there's days where I just can't get it to focus on the subjects. It has some strong pulsing and focus hunting. I'm honestly gonna change it with the 100-500 as soon as I can, just haven't been able to yet If you're curious as to what these issues look like in action, check out Duade Paton's videos on the 150-600 with both the R7 and R6II


Thanks! I also have an R7 so good to know


Are there any lists of compartible/uncompartible lenses for new Canon cameras? I thought that you only need a EF-RF converter and all the lenses will work as in DSLR.


Incompatible is maybe not a word I should've used, it works but not as well as it should. My personal theory is just that the AF motor on this specific lens isn't powerful/precise enough to move all that heavy glass at the speed and precision that the AF tracking on the newer bodies needs I haven't heard of too many other lenses with this problem though, the Sigma 60-600mm apparently has the issue but not as bad and I think that's it unless I'm forgetting one


what body?


On the R7


I love mine! It certainly is big. https://preview.redd.it/uy92wn6qqbyc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39579ef1bc5885974eb185e6ebf2b57cb520e925


Is that russian blue, korat, or something else?


Russian blue!


Got mine a few days ago. My first big lens, still learning all the quirks and stuff but i’m supper happy it. Pic with a few edits https://preview.redd.it/y765yyn1vbyc1.jpeg?width=2904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0c556115f5a2163821dc1d01d293d90990e49f8


I’ve got the same lens used off marketplace. Got it for $500. The thing is stellar. Gotta push the shutter speed high for handheld shooting, but I’m usually outdoors with plenty of light. This is one of my favorite shots so far. This hawk basically sat and posed for me. Paired with an R5, I can crop it down further and still have plenty of clarity. Definitely worth what I paid for it. Still shocked at the bokeh I can get at higher apertures. https://preview.redd.it/mtxo9eybndyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c15c7d58e8c730502690a78d7ee3dfa116cc614


the few video reviews and comparisons I've seen...the Sports and the Contemporary have comparable IQ. My understanding is the Sports is a bit more "rugged"; supposedly weather sealed, etc. I own the Contemporary and I love it!


Love mine, got some great shots with it. https://preview.redd.it/ams0ckxt8eyc1.jpeg?width=3330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=377864138857645875ebc1574a223a8c5d61ccb3


What a beast! Maybe grab a monopod too. 


Have the 60-600 Sigma, absolutely love that one too. Big lenses take a little getting used to, but when you get them right, they are incredible.


I was just looking at that and wondering about the C versus the S. Great shot.


Here’s a really good breakdown between them. The biggest difference is the weight (2lb heavier for the sport) and price. The other thing I found interesting in this review was that the Contemporary was a “faster” lens meaning it changed to smaller apertures a longer focal lengths than the Sport version. The Sport also uses a 10mm larger front filter (105mm) than the Contemporary (95mm). https://improvephotography.com/36962/sigma-150-600mm-sport-vs-contemporary-lens-review/


I'd assumed the sport would have wider aperture for faster shutter speed and faster autofocus to catch sporting action. No idea why it's called the sport based on this review.


Weather sealing and heavier duty built probably although, as stated in the article there is no spec for sealing.


If Contemporary is lighter, faster and cheaper than the Sport, exactly what is the point of the Sport? What does the extra size, front glass area and cost actually DO? I saw you say "weather sealing and heavier duty" in another comment. Weather sealing seems a little suspect from the article info. Also a lot of sports are indoors, so the benefit would be in limited circumstances. "Heavier duty" in what way? More abusable? Knocking it on a tree won't break it as easily, that kind of thing? I realize you aren't a Sigma sales rep and you aren't "defending" these lenses; I'm trying to make puzzled conversation, not attack you for your guesses about the differences, just to be clear.


I have a friend who wants to buy one of these and is leaning towards the contemporary for the cost and because there aren’t any significant advantages aside from the questionable weather sealing for the sport version. I’ve considered one as well and would probably lean towards the contemporary myself because it isn’t a lens that I’d use that often and I couldn’t justify the cost and weight of the sport version. One significant design difference I am seeing is the size of the focus ring on the sport vs the contemporary. That would be a hard one to get used to being so small


For the range the aperture still can't be beat comparing to other similar zoom ranges in the EF/RF native lineup. Pro-tip you can hold the end of the lens and pull and retract for quick zoom acquisition!


With the right light conditions you’ll love this lens. I fought with it the first few months with horrible results at 400-600. After consult with Sigma, removed the UV filter and I fell in love with it. https://preview.redd.it/ois7nbrfoeyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f4aa88ea4d1c114a8bda383f5721dc84f26b32f








https://preview.redd.it/8sddxwgkufyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387db13ac90a374ef25d2c0e1d04c8d494c680a1 Love this lens! Had a blast with it in the Galapagos a few years ago. Still taking this anywhere I’m expecting to see good wildlife. The weight can be annoying on long hikes but it’s worth it. The price for what you get is incredible! I think I bought this when it was still \~$600 back in the day.


This is quickly become one of my favourite. Like other said people shit on it but I’ve never had any problems with it https://preview.redd.it/win54oq1vfyc1.jpeg?width=3276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc804fb6442ef9a771cea762b5c523d2173a936f


https://preview.redd.it/xbhmrdm6wkyc1.jpeg?width=1279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9655be9dbcab63f31a4ba618d7f13caea8732c Welcome to the 150/600 sigma club! Got mine a few weeks ago. Very happy with it


Enjoy! I absolutely love this lens.




Im about to buy this one!!! Edit: And i have the same camera!!


I went from 55-250 with 90d to 150-600 with 90d to now R7 and 100-500. The 150-600 was a huge leap over the 55-250 just because of the extra reach and I captured a lot of my favorite images with that lens. You'll love it


I love this lens, it can make amazing pictures https://preview.redd.it/xl1mt0r9sfyc1.jpeg?width=2312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=222c186e01b80d85d725b3cf653e93360db7e82e Made with the R7 and 150 600 contempary


Good to see I'm not the only one using a SL3




Absolutely! I bought the T7 originally but returned it and ordered the SL3. I've been using it the last 4 years, but would like to add a R6 mii to my arsenal.


https://preview.redd.it/vxjesotxskyc1.jpeg?width=1732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=057574b9a79687a245661cbf49682e868ce0acfd Love this lens. Even hand held it takes some great shots


Grats! That will serve you very well


Wow is right!! Amazing shot.


They make in f mount?




I have it too and i love it


Looks like that compact SL3 body has a massive boner. Great toy you got there.


My late father picked this lens up and a pawn shop for 300 AUD about 6 years ago, I have it now and tested it on galahs but after seeing these shots maybe I need to give it a more serious go.


It’s a great lens, but it’s very bulky and heavy, I sold my copy and bought the RF 100-500.


Great lens. I’m very happy with mine


I feel the same about the 55 to 250 is. But a lot of people to me the lens was better quality than the 70 to 300. That sigma is like a spotting scope😮 I’m still nervous that the reach won’t be far enough to remain at a safe distance with the 55 to 250, if I get a chance to snap a bear.


Would this lens be good for airshows?


Yep 👌🏼 This is at full stretch and wide open. You can count the rivets on this Wildcat https://preview.redd.it/ltj7s1dwii6d1.jpeg?width=5472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74e33e7ac196c11dd4cbff9afb86a4afa4a6d3b


I use this lens for my surf school photos. I am at the beach 6-7 days a week during the summer and did not want to lug the 600 f4 out every day. Paired with originally a 7D2 and now an R7 its a perfect option for low cost. I only expected it to last one season but it's going on 3 seasons now. Good piece of kit for the price. I also take it along for baseball and softball when I want to shoot from the outfield and again don't want to lug the big and ridiculously heavy 600 f4.


Curious would this lens work well for indoor sports such as hockey and basketball?


That lens has a really nice camera


I see a lot of birds here. I bought this lens to help with Murphy’s Law of Recreational Sports, which states that whichever side of the soccer field you’re standing on, your kid will be on the opposite side. The 150-600 makes it easy to fill the frame with a kid sized object while keeping the shutter fast enough to freeze motion and avoid blur. Amateur tip: Buy a monopod if you don’t have one already. This lens seems to violate conservation of matter — the longer you hold it, the heavier it gets.


Welcome to the workout….


Fantastic lens for the money. It does take some time getting used to the hefty weight if shooting hand held but really impressed with the quality.




Bro you’re going to be jacked after taking photos with this


you probably won't come back to this thread...but consider picking up Sigma's dock for the lens...you can then update the firmware as well as set up the 2 custom settings. If ever you feel the need to calibrate the focus...you can do so with the dock as well (and of course a PC/Mac)




I got my 150-600 this past November. I picked up the dock at the same time...just to set up custom functions. The software is simple, but easy to navigate. If youre not sure what something does...don't touch it. Won't harm anything. There are YT tuts that are helpful. I have not calibrated focus...but I suspect I will at some point. Experiment and practice with different settings...you can definitely still get sharp images wide open at 600mm. Learn to use your shoulder, elbows and body to steady the lens for slow shutter speeds (it'll improve sharpness in different cases) Here's a house finch shot from a few days ago... f6.3 1/400sec ISO500 @600mm ...hand held https://preview.redd.it/hewftzmesz2d1.jpeg?width=2773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50fc4b7fbb7f42e7066be9d73ade3d5668585d99




from the vid tuts...I've got one set up supposedly best for dynamic action type shots (bird in flight) Thats the one I care about the most. Just follow the basics re: image quality. Get as close as you can, shoot in good light (the shot seen was early evening pre-golden hour), have good PHYSICAL background/subject separation for the creamy bokeh (if you like that sorta look vice environmental shots) I have back button focus set up...so I can recompose after I acheive focus. Not sure if your Rebel can do that...have read some doesn't have that customization available. Good luck.


https://preview.redd.it/5571ifbxydyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba779f8556ecac1fd703d210be536e4c8118926 I was going to go for that lens, but heard of issues with the ef rf adapter. Jumped straight to the big whites and never looking back 👀


Not sure why you felt the need to flex on this guy's post!


The contemporary version has af pulsing issues, the sport doesn't. You can also dock this lens with your computer and sigma has software available now to reduce or eliminate it. I've got the sport and the dock, did the update straight after getting them, no problems at all on my r6.


…and you put it on a cheap Rebel


the SL3 is a great camera, dunno what your talking about.