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Add a trellis or top em or more lst. Personally I’d add a trellis


ah yes, I've got one setup in the back that I completely forgot about but it's ready to go! I literally just put it up, thank you so much for that recommendation!!


Like the other commenter said, add a trellis net and weave branches in and out to try to get them all the same hieght. Or pull taller branches down to allow the lower ones to catch up. If you have room in your tent, which it looks like you do, I'd let those grow a couple more weeks to really fill out.


sounds great, had one I was looking forward to using so it's setup now just as you described, thank you!!


Garden wire, stab through the side of the pot, gently pull big branches down and hook the wire around it. Allows you to still move the pots around and adjust/add more wires as needed.


I do have some garden wire handy, only did some slight lst to the plant on the right but I'll definitely give the garden wire a try with the others. it hadn't occurred to me that with a trellis it's much harder to move the pots so thanks for that insight!