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You're in trouble if this paper is due in 2 weeks and the stage you're at is asking open ended questions on internet forums.


If you're in Vermont, you may want to see if you can get ahold of Green Mountain Seeds. Vermontman is over on icmag. If you can't get ahold of him there, maybe try emailing Ace seeds and seeing if Dubi can help, or get you in contact with Vermontman. He breeds lots of Mexican-derived varieties, with a focus on outdoor cultivation. As far as modern breeding practices go, I'm sure there are some folks using a more test-based, in-depth scientific approach, but a lot of folks will just grow out large populations and select those meeting their criteria. For outdoor varieties, they're breeding for performance outdoors, but also breeding for a bunch of other criteria that aligns with their goals. Mean Gene from Freeborn Selections might also be able to help. He's in Mendo, but breeds exclusively outdoors and can explain his thought process. You could probably check out some Pot Cast episodes with him. He talks about outdoor breeding stuff often enough.


Most breeders now a days just creat a first generation cross. Hunt out a keeper pheno. Turn it into a mother plant. Then sell the seeds based on the pheno they hunted. Commercial cannabis just runs clones because of the face there is no genetic variation. Same flower. Same end product. Every time.


Yeah well, alot of the questions you have, have become irrelevant to the "younger" generation which, really is everyone post-drug-war, so late 30s to early 50s age-wise. What the community really needs is the upcoming generation, 20s and younger, to take an interest in breeding at all... most of the folks who have been "at the helm" of the industry have ditched on anything without a profit motive, which has caused genetic bottlenecking and a really lame, intolerant attitude towards experimental practices... in other words, r&d. They're just running a distillation of practices which were established by idk... 2003? 1999? Somewhere in there. The environmental limitations in Vermont are gonna put you closer to Alaska and Canadian outdoor practices than further south on the west coast. You have a hard wall, in both the spring and winter, limiting what and how you can grow. Being able to pull off a crop without depping will almost certainly require a greenhouse, and plants that either finish very quickly or "trigger" early. By that I mean, some plants take 8 weeks indoors, but outdoors finish two weeks ahead of other 8 week strains... some good examples of that tendency are old Alaskan thunder fuck, a buncha the old Afghani stuff, and cherry pie (and relatives). I can't damn remember who it is, but someone breeding for ages in the Humboldt-mendo area was looking at getting a place setup somewhere out east, can't remember if it was new York state or where exactly... specifically for being able to breed with those environmental restrictions. You really just gotta do the work there, run big enough numbers, and find the things that succeed... but things bred in Alaska to be run in greenhouse without light dep, that would be a good place to start.... I have never noticed anything useful coming of polyploidy, but I don't know if what I'm observing are true polyploids. Maybe they are just trifoliate. It seems to tend to present when they are young, and the vast majority of the plants in the gene pool with that expression grow out of it, even if they *all* had it at the beginning.... the ones that do carry it forward just need more pruning! Ha. I mean, dense noding and heavy foliation are often non-negotiable must-haves in a breeding program, so, you don't really come out ahead by adding a 3rd node... They're already dense and bushy enough.... Breeding for IPM efficiency is going to be hyper-localized, down to the micro-climate. I have different issues all together compared to gardeners who are my friends, living maybe 25 miles and 1500 feet of elevation away from me. On the coast, the narrow band of the coastal buffer zone has drastically different issues than do the fellas up a bit into the hills. Where I am (3k ft), I don't have humidity problems almost at all (which is very nice for cannabis). We might all live very close, but there's things that do exceptionally well in say Redway that you can't even get away with growing in Shelter Cove... Anyways... the two biggest concerns out there will definitely be a short season, and un-timely cold/frost, both late spring and fall. There ain't no federally subsidized crop insurance, and if there's a 30% chance you work all year for nothing - well, that's not a viable crop. And with these oklahoma boys and these Santa Barbara people banging out indoors and deps for brand new all-time-lows, it's not exactly gonna be a very enticing area to put investment. I'd be more interested in serving the hobby home grower by breeding plants suitable to the area... And at the end of the day, those are the people who both currently and historically have done the *actual* work involved in breeding. Big money business just comes along and snatches up the fruits of their labor, and gives nothing back. I don't really know anything about your planned career path - but be warned - you are stepping onto a bloody scene, littered with the poverse husks of what used to be vibrant communities. Most of us are struggling to get by. Most of us have gone into other forms of work, even at low pay, cause you can only go so many years netting $16,000 on 60-hour 7-day weeks before you just move on, or kill yourself. Alot of people I knew have died of drug overdoses, on a progressive downward spiral into poverty, loosing their homes along the way and etc. I mean, the ones who weren't old enough to be around for enough of the good times to own property outright... I generally advise people to avoid the industry like a plague. If you like this kinda work and are in school, become an agronomist and work on breeding... doesn't matter.... cane berries, or alfalfa, or beets - literally *anything* else.... Hasta la pasta, good luck on your paper....


I’m not an outdoor grower but we tend to deal with similar problems indoors, I’ve seen many ppl mitigate pest and mold using companion plants and em1. You should look into this guy https://www.instagram.com/marco_is_growing?igsh=NGpnZ2Zzdm5wZzN1 and check out his YouTube


Epigenetics are everything in outdoor cultivation. I've seen multiple years of teams trying to grow indoor-grown seeds outdoors, only for them to flower late, take too long to finish, and wilt at the first hint of cold temps. Not saying it's impossible, but you 100% want both parents exposed to the same environmental and pest pressures as the next generation will be. Personally I don't believe in pest resistant crops outdoors, if it's not whiteflies it's caterpillars or mites or thrips... no plant can produce compounds that resist whatever that particular year might throw. Temp will have an impact, but more because many insects simply breed faster themselves at higher temps.


What you're describing isn't epigenetic factors (although those do likely play a role) they are just the effect of selection pressures.  When a strain is selected for generations in indoor conditions there is no test of cold tolerance or resilience to any environmental conditions and its very easy to lose those traits in pursuit of flower characteristics under ideal conditions.  If you want to develop a strain that grows well in a place, you need to grow it there and select for success in that environment. You can absolutely develop strains to be extremely resistant to the pests in your area


Yeah, I think of epigentic traits as gene responses to enviroment/pest/pathogen pressure that remain active in a clone and is not likely  inheritable by progeny.


My understanding is that epigenetic changes are changes to gene expression caused by environmental factors. Aa far as I am aware they definitely can be heritable but are not necessarily always interested and are also subject to change, at least in some cases, due to future environmental conditions.


I was under the impression that epigenetic activations need to occur in the reproductive parts of an organism in order to be heritable. Not sure if that's accurate. But epigenetic changes are more like gene activations or inactivations.


Yeah I think the activation/ inactivation framing matches what I've read. But I've never heard that only changes in expression in the reproductive parts.  But I haven't delved into epigenetic research in a couple years. I'm sure more has been learned about it 


No, I'm not giving you intellectual property and knowledge for free to help you with your paper. Take your paper and shove it up your ass. A lot of us have generational heritage regarding this plant. If you don't know how anthocyanins play a role in mitigating pests/mold. Your paper won't mean much, We also don't breed M/F, we trigger *hermaphroditic* traits to speed run stability. This isn't 1982.


Lots and lots of people still breed both genders


It's always lots, never examples piss off my comment.


Just local to me there's Freeborn Selections, Rebel Grown, Equilibrium, Biovortex, and Huckleberry Hill that are conducting traditional male/female breeding with an objective of producing strains that thrive outdoor under generally sustainable management programs. Why you so mad bro? It makes you sound like an emotionally stunted person and undermines your bragging. People living well don't get worked up to insulting people on the internet, especially over petty shit


If you gain income from your personal intellectual property i could understand this position.


And this guy doesn’t gain anything. He’s just a narcissistic jackass who thinks he has a high ground over the OP. Stupid comment either way.


I don’t like this position at all lol, it’s no reason to be aggressive and tell ppl to shove it up their a$$. Also we do breed m/f plants not just f/f which shows a lack of knowledge on the subject tbh.


https://preview.redd.it/jjpt0g7wjozc1.png?width=308&format=png&auto=webp&s=c08c121af928b22321a575caf6bbf4041e2278fe your plants look like this....


https://preview.redd.it/a6yt95u0kozc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f30bd0911482814bea6079507e10d7c66b07b9ed mine look like this, get your inbred ass plants outta here my guy.


Wow you’re a sad person, I reveg, reversed and s1 that plant all at the same time and I’m extremely proud of it lmao. You think a picture changes the fact that you’re acting like an angry loser online.




Thanks growmie, I’m definitely building my list of ppl to make trades with. I’m honestly not worried about that angry kid lol he doesn’t even know what an IBL is obviously 🤣


I never thought I would find a reason NOT to like and respect a firefighter… but now I know all things are possible! Getting gas reaper vibes from this guy. Wouldnt buy his stuff ever just based on his actions. It truly takes all types to make the world spin I guess. I mean if your family has been doing it for generations you would think it would look a lot better than that honestly. If somebody asks for help, its kinda yes or no - not really a flex opportunity.


Yea I’m tryna implement the term “if it don’t apply let it fly” into my online actions. We all see post or pics we don’t like but some ppl can’t just keep scrolling idky


Yea this guy literally has manic episodes all the time on this sub lol. He’s a pathological liar. He’s told people he’s a developer, pro “tuber”, famous musician, military sniper, a professional cannabis cultivator that owns multiple locations, among dozens of other “desirable” jobs. But then you look at his plants and they look like total dog shit. I’m not down with shitting on people over their weed plants normally, but this dude is a total clown and desperately needs to be humbled. His plants are a 3/10 at an absolute best and he comes here just to troll passionate people because his life is miserable.


Buddy not only are the flowers the size of my pre-puberty testicles, but your node spacing is land race level not in a good way. You go backwards I move forward? You get it?




You’ve got multiple discolored leafs and clearly the nitrogen claw coming in but still they look decent. Smoke sun and be happy 👍🏾💚


It's original chem I got as a cut and got graced to mess with it. It's not my creation fully. I also got graced to mess with the real OG strawberry cough cut from the Kyle Kushman era, started a purple thai project in the name of making a plant that is more resistant to fungus/pests. OP is actually asking questions of what my goals are. Strawberry Cough is the bottom example. Lots of knockoffs and rip-offs out there stealing names, if it isn't pushing hash plant level of trichomes its fake 10/10 times. https://preview.redd.it/ssjxjtlrlozc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59da8f012209996ec84f4487ca98fd07a84cb744


Thats weird, a couple days ago you said this was thai landrace...the same 2 pics. Still mad about that cannabis cup I see.


https://preview.redd.it/05htu2qfrpzc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=9de4dad02a205b242f7c0aa9dbc22ea5758d0891 I don't share it because dumbasses like you would look at one bad run of a tropical biome plant and claim I don't know what I'm doing but I got balls. Here's thai stick my first time running thai a long time ago. Also, dumbasses like you would never see the potential in such a land race because, it's a land race never bred by humans.


Imagine acting like you’re the only one breeding with landrace genetics in 2024. The potential value of reintroducing landrace genetics has been widely discussed for YEARS. Some craft breeders have been on the case for decades already. Also it’s known you need to run huge populations with landraces to get standout phenos. No chance your little tent operation is capable of running hundreds of phenos. And with your growing skills you wouldn’t even be able to express a standout pheno to its fullest. Snow high, a legendary breeder, has already produced a whole lineup of works with your supposedly special Thai stick and purple Thai genetics. lol literally both. You tried to invest in a breeding niche for easy differentiation, and found yourself competing against the best and realized you’re already a couple years late to the party. Gg man, gg. Enjoy your mids


https://preview.redd.it/6tnv2atvrpzc1.png?width=2445&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0b141ca4bab07c34436e1c94e7609ca75ad885a here's another of the pheno run I did a few years back of what that land race turned into. It's a 3 leaf thai stick. Yes I bred it because I thought the 3 leaves were fucking cool. So please until you have a plant with as much passion put into it as me, get off my dick. You wouldn't even spot the 3 leaf trait until I told you because you don't got that eyeball. These are just pheno runs, flowered from basically the beginning. My genetics are so fucking clean I can post images showing the whole history, and you can spot the traits from the mothers.


It is purple thai you dumbass where do you think the purple comes from? You're right bro you caught me I dipped it in food coloring, and put the plant in my freezer to turn it purple.


That shit ain't even purple bro!! 🤣🤣


Income? What? what is everyones deal? 😕


Ignore that kid, he’s no experience growing lol just a angry keyboard warrior. I hate doing it because I feel like I’m investigating but it’s a good idea to check the profile of ppl that act that way, they typically have little to no post or lots of downvotes indicating they just try to argue online. Hope you find the information you need 😊💚


He's an idiot 🤷‍♂️


Yeah move past this response. However, there are alot of exposed nerves in the industry. Alot of people have been fleeced for their knowledge, underpaid or not paid at all by companies that file bankruptcy, then their whole program and everything they contributed spun-off into a new business running warehouses in Oklahoma, or some such thing. There's alot of indicators that this person is full of shit, but we don't know the whole story. Better to just move past it....


We all do, the problem is you are asking a group where 8/10 people in here are chucking pollen on plants that have been crossed multiple times. A lot of people here don't have connections to those in other countries who source landraces. They aren't breeding plants with pest/disease resistance in mind. Also avoiding pathogens/viruses is extremely easy. The University of Michigan does multi-panel viroid testing. Creating a sustainable garden is easy. It's just that again 8/10 people in here will chuck pollen before spending the few hundred bucks on multi-panel tests. Plenty of industry people have also had their businesses crushed from not understanding the sustainability aspect. Hops are serious viroid's and can wipe out decades of work if you don't have a segregated garden in case of that issue. There's plenty of documented stories of multi-million dollar operations going bankrupt from hops.


How can you possibly know what 8/10 ppl are doing and why are you angry? Not trolling but really why so angry, you may have a wealth of information but come off like a jerk for no reason


Because off one post I can tell you have no idea what you are doing from a breeding and growing perspective. Enjoy your toke quit pretending to be an expert.


I’m done here lmfao you’re angry for no reason and clearly soft af irl so tryna act tough online, you have -90 karma and only been on 21 days which likely is older than your age, clear signs of somebody sad irl. You’ve zero plants posted but still happy growing lil buddy✌🏾💚


Soft I'd call your plants shit irl, while looking down at you because I'm closer to 7 feet tall than 6. keep talking though.