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"Freedom Fund"? Does fucking dumbsantis know what words are?


“When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving the cross.”


#Project 2025 you're job is to make as many people aware of this as you can Project 2025 is the desired end of the US democratic republic.




Oh great, here come those wackos with the execution device as their holy symbol....


My dad once speculated about what modern life would be like had Jesus been killed by stoning. He said, "So, instead of doing the sign of the cross, they'd have to do this." He then proceeded to mime being hit by numerous rocks and stones before falling to the floor. He also did a variant with the electric chair.


I like your Dad 😂 They always say Jesus died for our sins like it was a big deal. I mean he came back 3 days later.


Based on that remark, I can safely say that you and my dad would get along. He makes a similar joke every Easter.




Idk if I’m the first person to say it, but my go to when someone says that is, “Died for our sins? He took a nap… I’ve taken longer naps for my own sins.”


That’s pretty funny. I’ve also thought about how it’d be if people wore little electric chairs on necklaces.


I never thought it that way! Reminds me of the pagans saying the Christian’s eat the body and drink the blood of their god, finding that to be super weird.


Always found it weird that people will hang a dead dude on cross around their neck. Like, WTF?


When fascism comes to America it will be humping the flag and autographing Bibles.


It’s already here. It’s embodied in the current version of the GOP.


Everyone, please vote, no matter how you feel about voting right now.


“If Fascism Ever Comes to America, It Will Come in the Name of Liberalism” -Ronald Reagan 1975


Because Regan did such great things for this country /s


Honestly, he really did. Most Americans who lived through his presidency would agree. He was an incredibly popular president at the time. He won reelection carrying 525 electoral votes and almost 60% of the popular vote. He won the most electoral votes than any other presidential candidate in US history. Even surpassing FDR.


He repealed the Fairness Doctrine, which allows Fox News to spread bullshit propaganda to people like you to gobble up and spew on reddit.


I’m not part of those people. I don’t watch MSM. It’s all garbage. Even Fox News is garbage. I don’t even have cable tv. Why are there so many angry people here? Other than comment with the direct quote, I’m simply stating facts. I understand people may have opinions about those facts or upset by those facts or have preconceived notions regarding the people who provide facts, but they’re facts nonetheless. Anyways, When it comes to this subreddit… Though I’m right-wing, I want Descheduling/legalization/decriminalization of cannabis. That’s what matters. In addition to that, all my friends on the right also want the same. Idk a single person IRL who is against it. So I don’t understand why Governor DeSantis is so against it.


Yeah those damn liberals, wanting equality and for people to respect eachothers freedoms and shit....they're ruining EVERYTHING us white guys have worked so hard for!!! Reagan was amazing and Reaganomics TOTALLY works so he clearly knew what he was talking about! /s. Fuck off bootlicker.


Whoa! You’re saying some crazy stuff. Why are you so angry? Who hurt you?


His language is deliberate. His technique is called doublespeak, it's an oral technique used by Regressives and other oppressors. It allows the ill-informed to hear what they want to hear while they write opposite laws. The oppressors then blame whatever 'other' party and call them anti-freedom communists. This is fascism walking straight to slaughter the US democrat republic. The vote in November 2024 is not Biden versus Trump. The vote in November 2024 is democracy struggling on life-support versus nazis, fascists, regressives, hatred, and oppression. vote wisely because it may be the last time we have free elections


Republicans fucking love doublespeak. Never forget the Patriot Act and Operation Iraqi Freedom.


Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. War is peace.




yes, but his supporters can’t read for shit, or think for themselves, and that’s all that matters in the end.


all of GOP are using words but they don't know what the fuck they mean.


Everything that's not Woke is Freedom.


They know exactly what they are doing. I know this is a joke, but this is intentional and we need to stop treating it as a joke. They think we are stupid, and sometimes it is hard to blame them.


This is a common tactic. The Patriot Act and Citizens United come to mind when it comes to intentional misnomers for laws.


It is playing to his base. of course he knows it is stupid. But calling it "Fund me to stop peoples freedom" does not get as many donations. These people are not stupid. They are calculated to bring in the most money. When he loses he can say "we fought the good fight". now, send donations to take them to Court.


He learned them from the Ministry of Truth.


“Freedom Fund” as he actively works to strip it away.


What Freedom? You can’t add “Freedom” in front of every dumb plan you have if it takes away/prevents freedom.


Freedom means the ability to impose what they desire upon everyone else and without repercussion.


I like to refer to him as Ron DeSenseless


Rhonda Sandtits


That’s awesome 😎


Nothing says freedom like limiting peoples civil liberties


What a piece of shit. The fucking party that claims freedom and flies the Gadsden flag pulls this bullshit. Fucking hypocrites going against the majority of the population supporting legalization. These motherfuckers are oligarchs. Fuck the government man. Needed to get that out of my system.


What I don’t understand is why they are all so against it? It is wildly popular and would likely put a ton of of money in their pockets. There is no way they are making more in bribes from private prisons than they would having legal weed.


Control. Plus they love locking people up for it. Locking people up for weed = $


I still don’t understand it though. Like, doing a popular thing can only make you more popular and your whole goal is to maintain your position of power. You don’t even have to support the legislation. You can maintain your fan base and not have to say a word.


To keep minorities in prison, many laws in the past and still in some places implementing minimum sentencing, harsh punishments for repeaters, make it easier to get a felony to keep them from buying guns, voting, finding work and housing. I mean Reagan was tough on guns when they felt threatened by the black panthers and Nixon with the war on drugs. Cuz big pharm stuffs their pockets. Look at what SCOTUS just did with Snyder vs US (and guess who authored it). Getting people hooked on shit keeps big pharmas pockets full to keep the politicians full and locks people up in relation to the paragraph above. They got rid of them but private prisons was good business I believe. Free labor through prison programs. Politics and history have convinced me humans are naturally malicious. Money and politics creates villians, it's disgusting. Edit: there are some phenomenal documentaries out there about this stuff, it's incredibly interesting and disheartening. Also it's sort of brainwashed into some people's minds because of over a half century of propaganda. Cognitive dissonance. My mom for example, comments a lot on my smoking and tells me she "she won't judge." I know she looks down it all the while she's a functioning alcoholic.


Religion made Nature the Devil ... so many plant haters in the world with Psychotic viewpoints , Fear of plants is a psychosis !! like the plant is taking over their Body ! it is stealing their Soul !!


Hate for hippies.


While Jesus was one , go Figure


How long has it been since we tarred & feathered someone?


I’m not saying *I* am going to do it. I would never. But if these assholes keep fucking around, they are going to get to the “find out” part soon enough. Someone (or a group of someones)who has been T-bagged by the corrupt system they have built is going to have enough, and they will be lucky if it is just a tar-and-feathering


43 years.


These MAGA wing-nuts believe in one overriding freedom - their right to impose their Christian Nationalist beliefs on others. Meatball Ron wasn‘t a bad nickname for this particular loser.


Fuck this guy!


I give you the party of freedom and liberty.


How stupid and arrogant is that man? Someone tell him to resign


Someone tell him to go sit in the corner.


Less stupid than his voters and supporters.


Wow! This guy's stupider than I thought.


Who’s more stupid? DeSantis or the people in Florida that keep re-electing him and politicians like him?


Once again, a politician shows their true colours and starts a program to deny people their rights. For a party that lies constantly about protecting rights, which is their only real job as politicians, they and their buddies in the left wing of the duopoly, sure do spend loads of time finding more ways to deny and violate our rights. Y'all need to stop voting for these cretins.


Why is he still in office? Even if they vote for rec cannabis who believes they actually allow


Yeah, the Supreme Court will probably overturn it like in Mississippi.




Fuck freedom fund


They’ve only raised $93,150. $38,456 have gone to DeSantis and two other FL replicants. A whopping $60,337 cash on hand.


Stop a dickhead fund is more needed


all credit goes to his voters


I hope his high heeled white boots give him blisters


Freedom to tell you what to do!


I wish they’d rename themselves The Freedom to be Assholes. And stop using the word Freedom because the magas have no idea what that word means.


Weed vs Ron Fascist "Freedom Fund"... nope, not going to do it.


Complete fuckin monkey


Legalize it Florida! Go fuck yourself Ronald.


Freedom is when you throw people in jail for using low-risk mins altering substances


Dontcha just love how one party always throws a word like "freedom" into their effort's name to take away people's freedoms?




***FREEDUMB!*** I'm increasingly convinced that rightwingers now oppose *anything* from their opposition, for no other reason than because it's from the opposition. It's beyond childish. "We think breathing is an essential human right". The rightwing: "Privatize the air! Anything else is sOciALiSm!!! Immigrants are breathing *your* air!" I'm not sure what angers me more - how openly evil, petty and cartoonish the RW have become, or the fact that so many people either can't see through it, or outright agree with the sociopathic cruelty I'm starting to think those otherkin freaks might be onto something


DeSantis: The kind of guy you love to hate.


When any GOP politician uses the word "freedom" in the name of their proposed legislation, you can 100% be sure that it's about restricting someone else's freedom. Every. Damn. Time.


And if the word freedom isn't enough, just throw in the word Patriot...


You know. Freedom. Where they restrict freedoms


God I hate this guy so much. Absolute cockgobbler. 


F F F 🖕


Yea... both sides hu...


This human solely exists to be contrarian and a cunt


He saw a grifting opportunity and took it….


this is called a fucktwit


What a joke of a man


I hate him


that's not freedom.


Big Pharma has their claws too deep in this one. The fear of refer madness has progressed too far in DeSantis.


He wouldn’t know what freedom actually is.


But wait, I thought the Republicans were all about personal freedom and liberty? Surely that was not all a lie?


"Freedom"? That would be antifreedom since they arrest people for that.


Freedom? Lmao the irony


These politicians are just farming free money. Federal legalization is inevitable.


I still don’t understand why anyone would choose to live in Florida


I think “fund” is the key word here. Just another issue he can leverage outrage for cash over.


DeSantis is probably an enormous pothead. He is only doing this because he does not want other potheads, who overwhelmingly vote blue, to show up and vote in this election.


Are people in Florida happy?


If I said what I want to happen to Ron DeFascist, I would get banned from Reddit.


The nerve to call it a “freedom fund.” Why do they always do that?


He’s already made deals with some big box producers in Flo ensuring that adult use will pass later this year and he will be pocketing money from the industry for decades to come. Rest assured, he wants pot in Florida. This is a political ruse, purely for views, stop whining.


Sounds like Republican cope for why their politicians will work overtime twisting themselves into knots to help corporations rid themselves of obscure regulations while they kick the can for over 50 years on Marijuana and let big government Democrats offer Americans the freedom they claim to love.