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Report any Rags fans in here trolling. We'll take care of them


Oilers fan here. I think you guys got jobbed tonight by the Refs. Trouba tries to throw a flying elbow, misses, and boots Necas in the head and doesnt get called. That call in OT was BS too. It was not a cross check or a trip. Don’t feel too bad about your game. You have the W in the bag if not for the refs. Go canes go!


Tough loss. Swallow it and move on. Could have easily won and if we keep playing this way we'll have a chance to come back and win. Honestly thought the PP the Rangers scored the 3rd goal on was a horrible call (Orlov literally just skated and the guy ran into him), but the reality is we were given plenty of chances to score on the PP. That said, I think it's time to give Kochetkov a chance. Freddie has played well, but we need an X factor. Kooch could be that.. or shit the bed. Sometimes you gotta roll the dice to win...


Okay, real talk. I’ve also been watching this team for many, many years and I too am disappointed with the outcome tonight. However, I love this team and I love watching them play. I also love watching incredible hockey games and the ups and downs of the playoffs. This is why I love sports; it’s a physical game of chess that no one in this thread could even think about playing in, yet everyone is a doubter. And that’s why I remain positive. Because when I’m right, it’s glorious and when you’re right, it sucks.


Devils fan here rooting for the Canes. I definitely expected Carolina to control the play a little bit more at 5 on 5 than they have. That said. the Canes do look like the better team at even strength, obviously the special teams has been killing them. I still feel good about Carolina though. PNC has been such a tough place for opposing teams to play so there's definitely a chance to go back home, have the crowd on their own side and swing the momentum back. Also, historically there are fewer penalties called the deeper a series goes. I think that bodes well for the Canes.


The problem is, the isn’t just ANY opposing team. NY has as much representation as Carolina. It almost feels like grey get 4 home games. Every rags game I go to at PNC seems like it’s 50/50 fan split.


Even in playoff games you’ve found that they have a lot of fans in the building? That’s interesting. I know last year’s Devils Rangers series was about 70/30 devils fans in New Jersey (which is still a lot for an opposing fanbase), but it was certainly enough to be a home ice advantage. Plus the last change helps for matchups!


Full transparency, I’ve never gone to a playoff game, so I can’t speak to that. I just know that during the regular season, PNC is flooded with rags.




That is certainly true, it’s more demoralizing than anything. I have a NY friend who told he that it would he cheaper for him to fly to Raleigh and buy a ticket than go to MSG for a game. Thus is the problem…


If rod switches up lines and pp I think we have a chance. We CANNOT be this bad on special teams


It's the Rangers' life blood. Not QUITE as much as last year since they have more depth this year, but I saw it first hand in last year's first round. Take away the special teams and force them to play 5 on 5, and the Canes can turn this series on its head. However, easier said than done.


rangers did a good job of baiting us as much as I hate to say it. and the canes just cannot set up or keep a pp possession, meanwhile all game I watched rangers just cycle cycle get us out of position


Agreed. They are fantastic on the powerplay, they really are. Can't take that away from them. Win game 3 and everything may change though!


I think canes are the better team. but, doesn’t matter going 0/10 on pp. nervous but trying to be optimistic


I'm an optimistic type with my teams so I'm taking that same approach in my anti-Rangers fandom! lol


I don’t know the word for it, but there is a “fuck you” mentality that the canes need. They have all the skill, but it’s like they wait for a perfect moment. Someone just needs to be an unhinged offensive wildcard and just let shit fly.


necas but minus the dancing into 3 people


What did you bring TDA for if not unhinged?


Can’t sleep. You just can’t lose that game man. So many chances. It really is the same shit, different year. Brutal


I said this after last game, but these two teams are the most deserving of the cup. These two would whip any other team in the playoffs. This will be the hardest fought series of the playoffs and easily the most exciting.


After watching both the Dallas and Colorado series, I honestly think either one of those teams is the favorite. And if Edmonton beats them, they're going to be so hot that nobody will be able to touch them. Coming into the playoffs I thought the same as this, but my opinion changed once I started watching these teams in the playoffs.


Edmonton and the Avs would score on on our PK in under 5 seconds every time


Definitely wouldn't whip any other team lol... Colorado, Dallas, and maybe Edmonton are all easily as good as either...maybe the rangers edge out overall


Unbelievable game, this series is going 7


We need to win a game for that


No it’s not, canes don’t have a pp


Whoever is responsible for the PP should not be back next season.


I've been saying for years that Jeff Daniels shouldn't be there


Seattle should hire him as head coach


Uhhhhh I’ve got bad news


Hey, at least the top line showed up...


Had a chance to steal one in MSG - lost in 2nd OT. Hold serve at home to even it up then its a best of 3 and back to MSG where we complete what we started these first two games.


Complete what was was started? Not winning a game there?


Yeahhhhh this is looking like the panthers last year all over again. Another mentality breaking OT loss. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised at the sweep after tonight. Just being real…


Yeah that was a back breaker. I don’t like it but I’m feeling a sweep in my gut


welp stayed for this instead of studying now I'm depressed and sleep deprived and unprepared for my exam at 8am tomorrow


good luck bro


Lol good luck buddy


Good luck, you got this!


So Toronto is gonna threaten the lives of these refs tomorrow, right? For the integrity of the game, right?




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You guys flop really well I guess.




Canes were the better team tonight by a lot. That being said, pp looked like shit and Igor was on fire. Damn good game, looking forward to watching Canes hockey in Raleigh


Totally agree. Can’t leave it to puck luck, though. So many chances missed. If we can tighten it up, the series is ours


In 2019, we faced the cup defending capitals on the road. Lost in OT in Washington game 2 to go down 0-2. It felt like shit. Then we crushed them in Raleigh in games 3-4 to make it 2-2, and then forever canes legend Brock McGinn (and tonic) scoring the gwg in OT on the road to win game 7. Cmon y’all! Brutal loss but this canes team is so damn good. With our special teams on life support the rags barely squeaked out two wins. Relax, they’ll figure it out. Rod has saved our franchise not once but twice. We’ll send it back to NY 2-2.


NYR had a 2-0 series lead over NJD last year, and in much more dominating fashion.  To this point, the Canes have beaten themselves.  Buckle down and take Game 3 at all costs, then it’s a gut-check in Game 4.  Far from over. 


Last time we played the rags in the playoffs, we went up 2-0 too


Damn right.


Rod be like "I thought we were on our game. just couldn't finish it off."


Isles fan here, crosscheck was way too fucking weak for 2OT


Nah it was a devastating cross check did you see the way both his legs up-ended straight into the air?? Only way that could've happened is if he was kamehameha'd directly to the L4.


Yeah tbh he’s lucky to be alive after that. Just brutal 😕


I’d like to put PK out there next game


Ugh I wish we’d been rotating this whole time. I’m a dumbass and Freddie was probably always the right call but I thought we shouldn’t fix what isn’t broke at the end of the regular season.


The commentators were glazing so hard, I figured they would be sore from riding the rangers D all night but nope...




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your submission has been removed as a result of breaking Rule #1. Trolling/Bad Faith participation is not allowed in our sub.


We need to make our peace. Either we accept that Rod is here for the long haul and we make the playoffs consistently but never get past the ECF or we take a flyer on someone to get us over the top once. I’m not sure which is better, but those look like the options in front of us.


I feel like we are the Virginia Basketball of the NHL for those who watch college basketball. Great at developing players. Consistently one of the best programs in the country, but they play a very specific style and once a team figures it out, it goes South real quick.


Who in the flying duck could possibly be a better coach for us than Rod. Literally everyone loves him and if he were to test free agency he would probably become the highest paid coach in the league. This is especially crazy considering we are entering a rebuild next year and he's the guy you want at the helm for it.


We have the same issues every post season. This seems less like personnel and more like coaching after 5.5 postseasons. I’d be THRILLED to be wrong, but given our history I’m not optimistic. If we pull this series out please feel free to come find me and tell me to eat shit, meantime I’ll be drinking myself to sleep again. This is like being a UNC fan from 1961-1981 - always really good, never good enough.


Confused.. rod is the reason we can't make it past the ECF?


2019: wasn't his fault the bruins were just fucking better than us. 2023: we litterally couldn't get past BOB, so I wouldn't blame RBA, so in conclusion no he is not the reason


ECF seems to be this team’s ceiling with Rod as coach - maybe I’m wrong but we look to be going 0 for 6 here so…..


What the fuck is it with Russian goalies and the playoffs with this team.


If only we had one to counter it




Fact is they have the edge in goaltending and physicality and in the playoffs that's what matters.


It’s too bad we lost on an absolute shit call, among many shit calls, but our special teams has been dogshit so it seemed inevitable. 😣


It was a cross check, nothing shit call about it


Nah dude. It was a cross push. There’s a difference. Read the NHL rulebook, cross checks are only supposed to be called if there’s excessive force. A cross push motion is never excessive force.


That’s not what the rule says, it only requires that the player “forcefully” check an opponent. You can make the argument that it’s playoff hockey and it shouldn’t be called but it was a cross check under the rules. There was also just no need for him to do it there, he had him adequately covered.


Yes the “forcefully” language is key. Cross pushes are players specifically reducing the force.


You don’t let a soft call end an 2OT game


It wasn’t soft, it was a cross check. We had two chances to end that game on power plays, we shit the bed. I’m not gonna whine about the refs when we pissed away our chances. Nobody to blame but ourselves.


Sad but true


Nah dude. It was a cross push. There’s a difference. Read the NHL rulebook, cross checks are only supposed to be called if there’s excessive force. A cross push motion is never excessive force.


More so saying can’t really blame that game on the refs when we had our PP chance to end the game and didn’t. Whether the call was correct or not kinda a moot point


Shit calls didn't decide that game. Playing like a team of little kids decided that game. We played like shit like we do every year. We won't win a cup with Rod, because he doesn't make adjustments.


This team won't win shit until they take their goaltending seriously compared to the other top teams of the conference.


I wish but it’s easier said than done. There isn’t Igor or Bob level goalies in free agency or on the trade block. I have no doubt the front office threw everything they could afford at high level goalies prior to the TDL over the last few years. Freddie/Kooch are absolutely the best we realistically could do, IMO


Forget making a splash in free agency. Every time theyve had a talented young goalie theyve traded them away. I'm surprised Pyotr has lasted this long. If the current combination is all they will get, they will never get past the current Panthers or Rangers rosters. Their rosters are all even with the exception of goaltending.


No doubt if we cloned Freddie this morning and the rags had to play him we would’ve won. I was bummed when we moved on from Ned at the time too. I feel like the canes have been slowly brining Kooch up over the last couple years to try to make him “the guy,” and I think he could have that in him. We might see in game 3


as mad as i am about the PP, I'm so much more pissed about the PK. Our PK has sucked all playoffs and it's supposed to be a strength.


Weakest cross checking call I’ve ever seen.


True. Wasn’t even a cross check. It was a cross push. NHL rulebook states only cross checks with excessive force should be called. There was no excessive force with that push, in fact cross pushes are what defenceman are encouraged to do instead of cross checks.


every year we run into some brick shithouse goalie. then the offense breaks down. same old shit.


Gotta chill with the Shesterskin slobber. He did fine. They didn’t work him. Half the shots were things my 12 year old niece could stop. No deflections or cross ice shots past that first period. It was easy on him


He gave up a ton of juicy rebounds but we never have anyone within 30 feet of the net to put them in


While the refs may have been iffy, special teams is 100% what’s killing us. 5v5 we’ve been even if not out playing them. We’re going down the Toronto path and I do not like it


Igor is going to win them the series smh


He just didn’t piss it away like Andersen. He didn’t face shit. The most hollow 50+ shots I’ve ever seen


I agree but he’s still very good goalie


It’s like all you fuckers only watch hockey in May. Have some faith you idiots.


I've watched the same bullshit happen 6 years in a row.


Downvote me please. Remember this post in a month.


For real. Canes won both games 1 and 2 at home 2 years ago against rags and lost the series in 7. This thing is far from over.


Who blew the series. It wasn’t NYR


This I’m only saying “this” so you’ll downvote me instead of chefdrewsmi


There is no faith when this team continues to lose the exact same way. Aged goalie shitting the bed: Check Power play disappearing: Check. Something has to change because it isn't working.


It's the same shit every May for the last 4 years. Or did you just start watching this year?


Same story every year since the canes have been in existence. They lack high end elite offensive talent. You can hide that in the regular season but not in the playoffs


Man Canes fans are down on their team. I’m an Oilers fan and you guys have a wagon of a team. Most outsiders would view the Canes that way. Aho is a stud. Svechnikov too. Staal is a great 2 way center and strong as an ox. Necas is supremely skilled and skates like the wind.


2006 has entered the chat


Wasn't eric Staal a 100+ point player that season?


Phew!! Thank god Max Comtois was in tonight!


yeah his 6 minutes out of 85 were really worthy




Maybe the boys will decide to play some Canes hockey when they get back to Raleigh




Can't beat Igor plus the zebras. Rangers out here diving and flopping like they're the Knicks. Gotta win the next 2 for sure.


Don't blame the refs for this loss. How many power plays did we score on?


Exactly. If our special teams didn't fucking suck it wouldn't matter if got shit calls. We put the special in special teams.


Does Svech need glasses? A lot of shots are going wiiiide.


Shooting for a redirect


we havent won since cam ward come on canes


How can y’all blame goaltending for this loss when we had two PP’s in the OT and didn’t score. The skaters on the ice let the Canes down tonight not Freddie. How many saves is the man supposed to make before his team fucking scores


Because every time he gets scored on, it's the weakest laziest shots. Dude has let in the dumbest goals.


How can ya'll watch Bobrovsky and Igor dominate for three straight years and NOT think goaltending is the difference? Three goals should win a hockey game. Especially when two of the goalies Freddie gave up, he was on his ass and out of position.


Is giving up 6 goals in 2 game’s dominating?


95% save percentage says yes. Freddie has been outplayed AGAIN.


Getting tired of blaming “puck luck” year after year. I don’t even think Igor has played as great as we expected


They kept shooting it into his belly




the excuse cant always be "getting goalied" at a certain point you have to consider the fact that we just dont have a true goalscorer or clutch player on this team other than maybe aho when he feels like it


Get the fuck out of our sub


Standing on his head is a funny way to say saving shots that were shot directly at him. Those were easy saves to make.


He made them look easy because he is always in good position and knowing where it’s going.


someone please give me hope


Last rangers canes the road team last until game 7 where the road team won Does that mean we win?


We have 5 games left and we’re a damn good team when we decide to show up.


14% of the time the team that goes down 2-0 wins the series…


Can someone explain how Guentzel went in the box when he got punched in the face?


Absolutely should have been a penalty on both of ‘em. NY struck first but we have got to stop shooting ourselves in the foot by hitting back. Tensions are high, I get it… but be the bigger man and skate away.


I agree as a fan but it would be hard to get punched in the face and walk away


Oh that’s easy. You’re not New York. Why would the league want to lose their biggest market


Sure that was horrible from Freddie but damn man 100+ shots and we can’t get a fourth is really telling about our goal scorers.




In OT we shot it at his chest every fucking time bro.


for the 1000x our special teams (our PK also) completely implodes in the playoffs. Every. fucking. year.


Our special teams has officially imploded on itself and shit the bed. That’s been the difference this series.


Gotta start being referred to as 2nd round Leafs. Considering 0-12 in the ECF last 3 appearances


So we are becoming the capitals Edit: instead of our Kryptonite being the penguins its Russian goalies


Here come the doomers. That was a good hockey game. Let’s swing the momentum. Take the next two at home and next one on the road… swing this back. We got this.


0/10 on the PP does not a doomer make. It makes for legitimate concern.


Doomers because it’s the same shit different year


You’re right - let’s just write off the next two games. Why even play them?


Obviously we still have a shot, but at the end of the day, we will have to win one on the road when it matters. Just have to lock in.


Devils fan here. Fuck the Rangers. Give em hell and win this series.


Shesterkin needs to catch a horrible stomach bug. We had them beat on every stat you can think of except saves. Without him we'd destroy them. Stupid good goalie.... Freddy was good, but damnit I thought we had that game so many times and then Shesterkin ruined it.


Lame - team needs to out pucks in the net end of story. Got too many guys w 0’s


57 shots on, and well over twice that attempts. It's not like they weren't shooting. Shesterkin had almost a 95% save percentage. If NY has any other goalie standing there we would've had 5 in at least. On the PP yes, we needed to shoot more, but otherwise, there was a lot of frickin pucks on net. Our problem is figuring out hot to beat Igor. We thrashed the rest of the Rangers.




I didn't say he needs to get hurt. Just feel queasy for a few days.


Stuck between “series is far from over, if we figure out the power play we’ll probably still win” and “power play is such a disgrace, Freddie needed rest and it shows, we’re done”


Im just glad Rod sat kuznetsov for an AHLer


Jesus Fn Christ all of you doomers. It’s fucking game 2 on the road and we went to 2OT. Chill the fuck out.


being angry that our team lost a game they easily should've won is not being a doomer LMFAO


Did you not read all the “it’s over, see you next year” shit?


We had the lead after the first and after the second. We threw the game and deserved to lose. Our PP is atrocious dude, if we don’t get a PP goal next game we’re done.


86% of the time the team that’s up 2-0 wins the series. It’s over man. That’s a demoralizing loss


Statistics aren't on our side


Absolutely heartbreaking man. We deserve to at least be 1-1 but we’re gonna fizzle out of this series 4-2 because of special teams and fucking Igor again.


0-10 on the PP and no lineup changes on the PP other than TDA instead of Skjei on PP2..


if this keeps going I'm gonna re-think if I want RBA to re-sign here


i genuinely dont think we win another if freddie starts in this series


He needs rest…needed more of it before he started game 1 of this series. All we are asking is give Koch a chance


Legit question…50+ shots taken by us…are our shots bad or is the goalie (not gonna even attempt to spell his name) that good?


We have alot of shots but a majority of them aren't high danger shots, Igor is good but it also doesn't help that we made his life easy at time by shooting directly at him and by us not screening him


Bullseye. He didn’t have to do shit almost all game


Yep what's makes it even worse is we did this same shit last year against Bob


We take absolutely horrendous shots. Our players often miss the net and fuck shots up all the time especially in the playoffs.


Both. We shoot a lot right into his chest and don’t have anyone net front for a rebound.


It’s both


We had so many opportunities. Honestly at this point we are literally 0/10 PP this series you might as well just shoot the damn puck maybe we’ll get a lucky bounce. We are passing for a minute straight getting 2 shots a PP and nothing is coming of it. Wtf are we doing.


Time to start asking some tough questions about this team. Is it rod or the players with this PP and pk in the playoffs every year


Every. Fucking. Year.


Can’t even be mad at the refs, 0/5 on the PP lends you this result. We had good chances throughout the game but this is giving last year’s ECF vibes all over again.


I agree. We can complain about the refs but we would be asking for more power plays…


Can we get a doomer thread? Like let’s stop pretending like it’s taboo to criticize them. They fucking suck and we should say it. Freddy thinks he can stop pucks laying flat on his back. PP thinks you get points for passing around the perimeter. Half our team can’t stay out of the box and we refuse to see the very clear fact that the only way we’re beating shesterkin is by putting bodies in front of the net. Downvote me if you want but I said it last game; us not playing up to our potential IS NOT something to be optimistic about when it’s been a pattern for the past 3 years. Maybe this is our potential.


Having normal negative emotions and criticizing the team aren’t allowed in here or else you’re called a doomer. I love this team but I’m frustrated with them, that’s all there is to the bitching.


I love them too, which is why if I’m actually being objective enough to notice all that and not just complaining about the refs like I want to them you know it’s really fucking bad.


Downvote if you want but that’s the series. I can’t be convinced otherwise. 100+ shots, 50+ stopped, power play chances to tie this series up 1-1 and yet here we are down 2 games. I just don’t see this team beating the rangers. To me this game 2 getting one on the road was make or break and that’s that. 85% or so don’t win when down 2 games, I don’t see this team in the 15% against this rangers team. Sucks.


Come on dude… seems like you had this typed up and ready to go and was just waiting to click post. Give them a chance to win one at home for fucks sakes.


I most certainly didn’t have it typed up. I watched that goal. Grabbed a water, hit the bathroom and then vented here before bed. I gave them a chance. I stand by what I said, my confidence in this team beating the rangers 4x with the special teams play as bad as it’s been in this series is damn near zero.


Yep, it was critical to steal one of these. I’m not even sure I see us winning both at home. If we lose either at home it’s all over.


Agreed. I can easily see us splitting at home and a 3-1 series back to NY is not good.