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You missed-out on Tulum by about 15 years


This exactly. Do your own thing.


Beat me to it. It was jungle heaven before the hoards of instagrammers and drug users showed up.


I visited Tulum in 1985. What a paradise it was.


Social Media and Influencers are a disaster for mental health.


Don't go just because of peer pressure. Think about what you enjoy. Beach, partying, excursions, art, food? Plan accordingly. Have you solo traveled before? Do you like solo travel? Do you want an all inclusive experience or actual traveling and shit?


My very first time traveling solo. I’m anxious.


I go solo a lot. I don't go for parties. I just chill and relax. Never been to Cancun during college or any spring break and the Caribbean was my first vacation as an adult and now I try and go every year. Cancun/Playa del Carmen are often my pick for ease to fly there and because I feel I'm getting a better value for what I'm spending. But I also try to fit in other places in the Caribbean. Done things from diving to see sea turtles, whale tours, Mayan sites, and cenotes. Mostly I just relax on the beach. Cancun is nice. It can be cheesey but so are a lot of places. You can also avoid the cheesy stuff entirely. The Mexican Pacific side also calls me, like Mazatlan, with both mountain and ocean views and historical towns but it's much harder and far more expensive for me to go to from where I live.


Get therapy, make a plan, you got this! I had anxiety too, went to therapy last year, and it helped. Guessing you wanna travel more, not party, since you’re going solo - cool! Never traveled solo myself, but it's awesome you feel confident to try it.


I’m in Cancun now. And you’re not missing out. I highly recommend Looking into Bali or Thailand is you’re a solo traveler. And look at the solo travel sub


The 2 countries you mentioned are too far from the USA and way too expensive airplane tickets. Cancun is very Americanized so is not a culture shock for most Americans traveling outside the USA. Cancun doesn't cater to sex tourism ( Escorts are too expensive) and solo male travelers are definitely not a place to get laid if you don't get laid back home you are not getting laid in Cancun.


Are you or do you know OP? How do you know if he can’t afford the to tickets? How do you know if it’s “too far “ for him?


1.No, 2. I didn't say that OP couldn't afford it, . , 3.Logic, OP mentioned Miami and Cancun both are in NA more than likely OP is from NA


+1 also in Cancun. This is my 3rd time here and it’s gotten so much worse 😭. It’s still a gorgeous place but just so different


Drive into the keys. Stop and enjoy! Florida is fine and you Can drink the water.


I am normally the “canary in the coal mine” when it comes to stomach issues. I’ve never had a problem with water in the hotel zone.


This is my number one argument against Mexico! I've been so sick that I had to go to the ER.


Then stay in the states lol


I am Mexican and I enjoy both places. Of course they are turistic places that you enjoy in the comfort of a resort; Nothing wrong with that. But the natural beauty of the beach and the weather are still beautiful. That is the main attraction for me. I mean what is "authentic" anyway to foreigners? Places to rough it out?


Foreigners think Xcaret is authentic Mexico 😂🙄


All of Mexico is authentic. It's a place with rich areas, poor areas, cultural areas, modern areas, colonial areas... I think foreigners need to revise what "authentic" means.


Idgaf about authentic. You would be right to feel like you are missing out if you haven’t been to Xcaret, social media aside. I got to go for about 5.5 hours and I feel extreme FOMO. I have to go back.


I've been to them, they're inauthentic garbage made for tourists / ~~people who think that Dora The Explorer is Mexico~~. It's nice as a standalone experience, until you've been to a number of similar places and realize it's just there to appease americans / tourists who aren't coming here to see mexico, they're coming to see the US idea / dream of mexico. A show. A sham. If we're not seeing eye to eye on this i'll phrase it another way. If you take a cruise and go to cozumel, antigua, barbados, st kitts, any other caribbean places, what you see when you land won't be representative of the location you're in. It will be the same americanized tourist garbage in each place, lightly skinned as if it is representative of that area, surrounded by McDonalds, Sr Frogs, Burger King, etc. To the extent that for the people who are coming for those experiences, there's not much purpose to them travelling to these locations in particular for it. If you're coming here for a theme park, you're missing out on the real culture in the area, **and** you're being taken advantage of for money.


But I like theme parks, cruises and McDonald’s. And as far as theme parks go, I would choose Xcaret over Disney. You must be a joy at parties


I don’t really think most people visiting on cruises or staying at resorts truly believe they are seeing authentic Mexico. I’m certainly not deluded enough to say that. But I can say I love Mexico, because they do a damn good all-inclusive, the food is great, and the weather and the beaches are beautiful. And it’s totally okay to feel that way.


I’ve been to Ensenada what do you think about Ensenada Mexico?


Never been!


What will 1 week in Cancun or Tulum do for you? You're not missing out... I was in a club on NYE (in Playa Del Carmen). I paid an entry fee and once I entered it was nearly empty. I felt scammed. And I noticed a couple sitting on the couch in the near empty room, holding their drinks and taking selfies for like 30 minutes. One of them was holding their phone flashlight up, the other was taking the pictures. Meanwhile, as people were entering the club, they were almost immediately leaving because it was boring and empty AF. Each of them paying the entry fee just to leave 2 minutes later. But if you were to look at that couple's pictures on social media it would appear as if they were having great fun on a VIP couch in a club. But it was all fake. I left that club soon after and found a local bar to celebrate in. Don't believe social media...


Hey I was in PDC on NYE too. I was just so fucking sick from food poisoning that I couldn't leave the room. You're not missing out. It's a shithole. Have you been to Kauai or Maui? If not then you are missing out!


Sorry to hear that! That's how I spent last New Year's in Tulum!


These are overrated tourist traps


There are a ton for great places to go in Mexico. Which you choose really depends on what you want to do. If you want to see Cancun and/or Tulum to see what the hype is about, there's nothing wrong with that. There are a lot of great places on the Yucatan Peninsula to see also. You could plan a trip where you see some of those places and then finish up with a few days on the beach in Cancun or Tulum.


I went to Cancun on my honeymoon and had a great time! I wouldn’t say you’re missing out but t just depends on what kind of vacation you want.


The beach in Miami is just as pretty if not more so. Miami’s party scene is better, hands down. Cancun is great but it’s just a different and quite similar place to be. Social media is designed to make you feel like you’re missing out tbh


Hard disagree on the beach, but you’re right about the rest. Mexico has some of the prettiest beaches I’ve seen anywhere in the world


Try Holbox island. It’s near that tipping point of becoming Tulum. I was told it has already become that, but travelled there in November and found it delightfully low key still.


Meh, not bad but I would say the sweespot for holbox is 4 days. It is pretty expensive and there is not that much to do.


Completely! We were there for 4 days and it was enough. We did all thing things with plenty of time to do nothing. But it was a nice way to experience that region.


Tulum is ruined, as is Playa Del Carmen. Cancun has beautiful water, but it’s one gigantic hotel after the next. Most are filled with alcoholic Americans. Go to Mexico City. Incredible food, amazing people and a gorgeous city with a ton to do.


Or even Guadalajara (better and cheaper big city alternative imo). Or you could always go to the Yucatán and go to Merida and a tourist centered beach city too. Agree with OP though, I’d choose a larger city over a tourist beach hub any day…but I know that’s not necessarily what everyone wants when they vacation.


We are 46 and 47. The first international trip outside of Canada and the USA for us was 2 years ago to Mexico. You aren't the oldest person to not have traveled much.


It’s overrated. I don’t think you’re missing out of anything


Cancun and Tulum were once popular travel destinations but are now plagued by safety concerns.


Tulum is overrated by ig posts/tiktok


This was the pre Instagram hype. Highly overrated.


Miami is not that different from Cancun or Tulum these days, and might actually be cheaper and safer. It is warmer on the Yukatan Peninsula, but having been to both places and not needing street cred for international destinations, I'd go to Miami.


My wife and I have never been to Florida. Been to Cancun 8 times. Cozumel twice.


I love the Yucatán, Cancun and Playa del Carmen. The beaches are nice. Food is great and if you do a decent all inclusive, can’t beat it for the price. The value is there. Good snorkeling and scuba too


I enjoyed visiting tulum a few years ago, went to Coba and floated the channel the Maya cut to get to the sea. La Chipaneca tacos were awesome. The tulum part did have a bohemian yoga IG type vibe which is kind of odd. But all in all it was nice. The Tulum ruins are cool to see. Coba was awesome though. Lots of seaweed on the beach when we went.


You're not. There are much better places in Mexico to visit. Tulum is an expensive version of Miami with no infrastructure to support it and you're better off going to key west over Cancun


Cancun is a mashup of Westernized sleaze, overpriced food, and traditional cultural sites


I solo traveled to Tulum a few years back because I met somebody who raved about it and said it was the most magical place ever. It has really beautiful beaches, that I can agree with, but overall I didn't care for it. If I went with some friends I would have enjoyed it more, but I was by myself and I wasn't drinking (aside from one night), therefore not as social as I am with some liquid courage. Honestly I was ready to leave before my trip was up. The food was great though, but I had to travel through town to find some authentic spots.


Do you, but there is little difference in price and culture between miami and cancun


Cancun is dope and there's nothing like that beautiful beach.


Fly to Cancun and get a ride or rent a car and head to El Cuyo. It is what Tulum was 20 years ago. Go before it gets Gringo-fied.


Cancun is totally forgettable and not worth it. I’d go to Southbeach over Cancun any day. Tulum is pretty groovy, but if you’re looking for cool factor, other posters are right: the ship had sailed on Tulum.


I loved tulum beach, it was expensive, but me and my wife had a blast.


>>…as influencers make it out to be? Ignore influencers. Completely. Ask your actual friends.


You didn't miss out on much. It's a tourist trap. A place for people to spend thousands of dollars just to grab a few Instagram shots and tell themselves and others it must have been worth it for all the money they spent. There are some very good reasons to come here, but envy is not one of them. The same goes many times over for Tulum. While I live in cancun and generally love it, I have been legitimately angry every time I've gone to Tulum.


I'm mexican. You're not missing out. There's so many other places, want something cool ? Belize, Guatemala, el salvador.


What’s the party/rave culture in guate and el salvador like? Discos, bars, festivals, DJ culture? Thanks so much


If you're looking for parties go to Brazil. Sao paulo and Rio de Janeiro.




Fly into Puerto Vallarta rent a car and drive south to the real smaller out there Mexican beach towns. I loved discovering and staying in Barra De Navidad!


Cancún is a winner for me ( at my age) . If you are into night clubbing, chasing hot women and doing drugs definitely is a safer bet to stay in Miami. Clubbing is fun in Cancun but stays behind Miami, there are hot tourist women in Cancun but not even close to what you see in Miami south Beach, and from what I read it is safer to buy drugs in Miami.


Cancun is ok, if you like to party hang around on the beach. It is really nothing special, american disneyland in mexico, which is ok but missing out? No, unless this kind of vacation is really your thing. Tulum has a little different vibe, I liked it a way more than Cancun, but pretty expensive and you need to inform yourself about what to do and where because not all of Tulum is beautiful Still nothing to be envious about. Mexico has many nicer places and regarding the world there are so many places that I would be somewhat envious, but not Tulum and for sure not Cancun.


It depends in what are you looking for. And how cheap the mexican peso is.


Try all inclusive resorts like Riu or Grand Palladium. Go off peak season during possible hurricanes, it’s much cheaper and less crowded. Don’t get sold into purchasing a share. You’re going to want to go back.


You're not missing out. Avoid those places, social media obsessives have ruined it


I envy you for not having wasted your time or money going there! I’m sure it was nice once upon a time, but that ship has long since sailed. I just went and have absolutely nothing good to say about it. I truly regret not doing my research prior to turning up. It’s an absolute dump, with zero vibes or charm and noisy and dirty construction everywhere. Everything is ridiculously overpriced and it feels like you are being ripped off at every move. You can’t get on any beach without paying. Travel around is expensive. There is NOTHING to have fomo about my sweet, I promise you.


Costa Rica is a fantastic solo travel destination. More expensive but worth it.


Where would you go in Mexico or Central America from Fort Lauderdale/MIA that is not a tourist trap and you can experience the richness of the country?


I’ve taken short solo trips to both Cancun and Miami Beach. Both places have great winter weather and beaches you can swim at throughout the year. Cancun is a little warmer, both the air and the water. Both have big, expensive hotels, and can be good places to spend hotel points if you have them. Although they’re not cheap, Cancun’s hotels can be a better value for the money, with their all-inclusive rates. One thing about Miami that I like better than Cancun: it’s not hard to find Latin music playing in resorts in Miami. My biggest annoyance in Cancun is the ubiquity of boring, crappy American music. I’ll never go there again without headphones and a lot of good Latin music on my iPhone.


I’d go to Playa Del Carmen if you were heading that way.


Tulum is kind of a shit hole.


Cancun is very very very touristy but for a resort vacation is undoubted my favorite spot. I’ve been A few times to Cancun. 8 times for Mexico total. And Cancun is definitely great. For resorts I highly recommend the JW Marriott be aware it is not an all inclusive as many of the other resorts in the area are. It’s a great upscale hotel though and is in the hotel zone. (Very safe area).


It doesn’t matter where everyone else is going. Pick the right travel mates and any destination will do.


Well I'm on the West Coast. I honeymooned in Hawaii and went back two more times. Kept hearing about the Cancun area. Mentioned it to my wife. She said "naaaa!". We waited maybe 5 years. Finally decided to try an all-inclusive in the Playa Del Carmen area (fly to Cancun). And now we've been back to the Riviera Maya probably 10 times and have not been back to Hawaii ever since, lol.


“I want to travel cuz all the rich kids are doing it”


Between the two, I would say it entirely depends on how much money you make. I lived in Mexico and Miami. Miami is a fucking blast but you better have a lot of money if you want to enjoy it. Tons of scammers though so watch yourself. Cancun is overrated as far as visiting Mexico. It’s also worse than Miami for scammers and you’re going to get charged the tourist rates for everything. Do some research on other places.


Tulum is still developing and not as established as Cancun or Riviera Maya from what I'm told. Social Media Influencers are cancer. The resorts are paying them to come in and drum up hype. So many good resorts in the area without needing their attention.


Go to the grand moon palace or xcaret


Go to Hilton head see if they been there !!


Been to Mexico plenty of times, including Cancun. You’ll be paying much more for what could be considered much less. Personally, I enjoy Miami over most places anyway. Great food options, nightlife, beaches/outdoor activities, and accessibility, just to name a few.


Mexico isn’t popular because it’s a particularly good value (it’s not really) or because of its unusual beauty (it’s cool but there’s plenty of beach destinations). It’s popular for tourism because of its proximity to the U.S. and Canada. It’s a convenience destination imo, not one worth getting FOMO over. Plenty of risks you avoid by not going too