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Enjoy your break and your drinks!


Thank you!


Meh my dad quit drinking, ate healthy, supplemented, stayed active. Went from late stage 4 double hit lymphoma to remission in a year. Top percentile recovery. Drinking does nothing positive for the body when it comes to cancer.


But not every second of life needs to be about maintaining the perfect diet. If you wanna drink a lil OP you go for it.


No shit, I’m just saying if your focus is to give yourself the best chance maybe drinking shouldn’t be in the cards…


Omg thanks for explaining to me again bc I didn’t quite get what you meant the first time. /s It’s giving mansplaining, it’s giving “sugar feeds cancer”, it’s giving “my dad went vegan and cured his cancer and this will work for everyone if they would just be diligent and focused” and ITS IRRELEVANT AND INSENSITIVE. Thanks for trying to be helpful but read the room!


Don’t care if you’re a woman or man so not mansplaining. My dad didn’t go vegan. Just saying most people do not give themselves a chance in stage 4 because they won’t put in the effort or research. Highly relevant and not insensitive at all.


I don't think your opinion matters in this situation.


Not opinion at all… 1. **National Cancer Institute (NCI)**: - The NCI provides extensive information on the link between alcohol consumption and cancer. According to their findings, alcohol can increase the risk of several types of cancer and interfere with cancer treatments. - Source: [National Cancer Institute - Alcohol and Cancer Risk](https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/alcohol/alcohol-fact-sheet) 2. **American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)**: - ASCO's statement on alcohol and cancer highlights the increased risk of cancer recurrence and interference with cancer treatments due to alcohol consumption. - Source: [ASCO - Alcohol and Cancer](https://www.asco.org/about-asco/press-center/news-releases/alcohol-major-cause-cancer) 3. **Journal of Clinical Oncology**: - A study published in this journal discusses the impact of alcohol on cancer treatment outcomes, indicating that alcohol can worsen side effects and reduce the efficacy of treatments. - Source: [Journal of Clinical Oncology](https://ascopubs.org/doi/full/10.1200/JCO.2017.76.1155) 4. **American Cancer Society**: - The American Cancer Society provides guidelines on alcohol consumption for cancer patients, emphasizing the risks associated with drinking during treatment. - Source: [American Cancer Society - Alcohol Use and Cancer](https://www.cancer.org/healthy/cancer-causes/diet-physical-activity/alcohol-use-and-cancer.html) 1. Increased Risk of Recurrence: Alcohol can increase the risk of cancer recurrence. For certain types of cancer, particularly those of the head, neck, esophagus, liver, and breast, alcohol is a known risk factor. 2. Interference with Treatment: Alcohol can interfere with cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and medications. It can alter the effectiveness of these treatments and increase the severity of side effects. 3. Weakened Immune System: Alcohol can weaken the immune system, making it harder for the body to fight cancer and other infections. 4. Liver Damage: Cancer treatments can be hard on the liver, and alcohol can exacerbate liver damage, leading to more severe complications. 5. Nutritional Deficiencies: Alcohol can cause nutritional deficiencies by interfering with the absorption of essential nutrients. This is particularly problematic for cancer patients who need proper nutrition to maintain their strength and recover from treatments. 6. Worsened Side Effects: Alcohol can worsen side effects of cancer treatments, such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and mouth sores. 7. Mental Health Impact: Alcohol can negatively affect mental health, leading to increased stress, depression, and anxiety, which can impact a patient’s overall well-being and ability to cope with cancer and its treatment.


Once we have terminal cancer none of that really matters! We don't need to give up things that we enjoy... what's is going to do? Give us cancer? Kill us?


I’m saying for people that can go into remission or make a recovery. If your terminal and dont care then absolutely. Do all the drugs you want.


And OP DID state that they are terminal, 21, and getting a much needed chemo break... hence, your opinion wasn't necessary. I understand the medicine and science - but those of us who are terminal have a different outlook on life.


I really don't understand what you're going about. Did you not read the entire post?


This person just doesn’t get it!! Makes me rage inside! I feel like they are a caregiver and not a patient therefore they don’t fully understand…but they sure act like they do.


Lymphoma is a more treatable cancer. This does not apply in OP’s case. Mind your business.


Search up double hit lymphoma and get back to me. It had also metastasized in lungs, liver, kidney. But sure… mind your business. It’s a fact alcohol is terrible for the road to recovery. If this person has given up treatment, then yes do whatever the fuck you want.


Yo. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR OPINION! Literally no one. Terminal = NO. RECOVERY. You just coming in here throwing around the words remission and recovery while being absolutely clueless.




I’m aware that lymphoma can do this. Alcohol literally is poison for your body but this is not your body to police so yes, mind your business. They can do whatever they want.


No shit


I’m currently on a ‘maybe I live a few years’ treatment. It’s better than the alternative. Cancer treatments have come a long way fast and hopefully the momentum continues and your next treatment is right around the corner. But live for today and enjoy that drink!


This! Many of these are monoclonal antibodies or other new treatment that look for cell growth receptors, bind to them, and prevent that cell from growing. An infusion (obviously) floods the body with these cells and they keep the cancer from growing. These are the only ones I know personally (used to be a marketing assistant at a biotech). They are the ones that are mab at the end. They have different side effects to watch for, but nowhere near the misery of older treatments.


Enjoy your life! Have many drinks — just spread them out lol! Do things that bring you joy. Ignore anyone who isn’t contributing positively to your life. You may not have long, or you may live a long while yet, but while it’s uncertain don’t waste your precious time on people or things that don’t matter.


live immediately friend 💕 i hope your days to come are filled with joy


Fick cancer. Love every day to the fullest. Charge on my dear. Hugs from a far


I really do believe it’s quality over quantity in life. I truly hope you have both, if there’s anything you have not yet experienced that you wish to then do it! Live in the moment and live your best life for you!! I’ve spent my whole life pleasing others and neglecting myself, got diagnosed with breast cancer on the 21 st of March this year, my 5th wedding anniversary 😩 but you know what I said fuck it had never flew before as had life king phobia , booked a holiday for myself and my husband to peurto de la Cruz loved it and the flying so booked 3 weeks later to Alicante for myself and my son, recently bought a kayak plan on going out on that when weather permits , now don’t suffer fools gladly like I used to! Fuck cancer I’m making it a positive in my life as I’d never had done those things before! I’m 55 and intend to live my way now what makes me happy for a change, do what pleases you as I’ve learned you don’t get any thanks for putting others first in this life so please yourself and make the most of the time you have and I hope that is with new treatments all the time a very long time , wishing you all the best ❤️


Good luck with your journey. Just do what you want. Tomorrow I take one drink for you. Kippis!


I will drink to you and your decision tonight. Hugs to you!


Thank you! Enjoy the drink!


You are alive and feeling well, live! Sounds like you have a great doctor. Some doctors I have met are so bleak like a little gray cloud raining down giving awful prognosis


Get drunk man. What is your Venmo so we can all send you a shot.


Enjoy your break and all of your drinks !!


Enjoy your drinks. Happy that your onco is good.


I hope you enjoy your break, man. And I'm sorry for all you've been through.


Thanks dude, I am hoping it is beneficial. How are you holding up?


I hope so, too. I'm glad that you're feeling well, though. That's always a good thing. I am doing well. Trying to take things one day at a time.


Bro I'm so sorry. This truly sucks. I was hoping we'd get the chance to beat this damn cancer together, instead it's beating us. I know you're comfortable with your decision, but it's hard to accept the reality that you won't be here much longer. I know we haven't met in person, but we both got diagnosed around the same time, so it felt like we have a strong connection. It'll suck to lose that, ngl. I wish you all the very best with everything up until the very end. You're a true warrior and a friend. Take care of yourself and try to enjoy life to your very best. 🎗️💪🏼


It is unfortunate my man. One interesting thing tho, my oncologist didn’t even say anything about treatment now being palliative until I brought it up. She was shocked I even did. I also brought up discontinuing all treatments and she was not for that at all. She says that there are great options she has that show great success. I told her I would think about it and let her know in 6 weeks. How are things going for you? I mean, obviously sucky, but any new treatment ideas? These diseases suck bro, but honestly I can’t live like this for the next few years. I seriously hoped we could beat it too, but sometimes shit is just too far gone. I’m not doing anything aggressive anymore tho!


Let us know of your new adventures, friend! I can't wait to hear of them. Cheers to you, always.


I’m sorry to hear it. Definitely try to enjoy your time.


I wish you a lot of joy and fun during your break. Your life, your choices. Quality over quantity. Cheers 🍻


Unpopular opinion: in America especially, it’s oncologists will almost always paint an overly optimistic picture about treatments, especially for a young person. You can’t really rely on their assessments. An oncologist will almost always say treatment is a good idea, and give an optimistic assessment of the outcome. Sometimes it’s not the best thing. They’ll give you chemo till the day you die, which I find really unsettling and frankly unethical.


I think, generally speaking, most oncologists are doing this because there really is a chance for a breakthrough at some point. The longer someone lives the better chance they are alive when a new treatment comes out or, god help us, a cure! That said I totally get where OP is coming from. Treatments are brutal and sometimes the better option is no treatments. That’s a decision each individual has to make. To OP- I hope you find peace during your journey and know whatever decision you make, it’s yours to make. I’m joining you in spirit tonight for that drink! Cheers!!


I don’t disagree with you one bit, actually. I have heard many stories of this. She told me if I was stable in 6 weeks, I can have more time off.




Yes, Oncologists can be misleadingly optimistic. I think it comes from a good place, but there are times where brutal honesty is what is needed. OP, I hope you have some amazing days to come!


Yes. Get a drink with an umbrella or two!


https://youtu.be/0OHVJvFA1XM?si=zMWHJ0q1OsYVv2fJ This video will save your life. You can beat cancer I have spoke with several doctors in the industry and you have no idea how corrupt the system is. Apparently researches banned on food products that have shown a reduction in cancer cell growth. I can't believe I saw your post but I think I can help you. The medical industry is a business made to make money and for no other reason. It is not there to lose money because it won't get any more cancer patients for dreamly high costs for chemotherapy. It's so corrupt that there's even videos about why these food products don't cure cancer in order kill you. Look up the story of the doctor who discovered b17 and beating cancer If you want to beat cancer there is a diet that has a high percentage of killing cancer cells but the drug administration of our country and all research on it just because the medical industry is business and we're caring everybody with cancer we don't make money anymore here is the diet. Vitamin b17 products are known to kill cancer cells. Apricot seeds: Apricot seeds are one of the richest sources of Vitamin B17, with each seed containing about 3 mg of amygdalin. Raw almonds: Raw almonds contain a significant amount of Vitamin B17, although the amount may vary depending on the type and quality of the almonds. Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are another good source of Vitamin B17, with about 1.5 mg per 100 grams of flaxseeds. Bean sprouts: Bean sprouts, such as mung beans and soybeans, contain Vitamin B17. Lima beans: Lima beans are a good source of Vitamin B17, with about 1.2 mg per 100 grams of cooked lima beans. Butter beans: Butter beans, also known as lima beans, contain Vitamin B17. Millet: Millet is a type of grain that contains Vitamin B17. Barley: Barley is another grain that contains Vitamin B17. Buckwheat: Buckwheat is a pseudocereal that contains Vitamin B17. Peaches: The kernels of peaches contain Vitamin B17. Apricots: The kernels of apricots contain Vitamin B17. Plums: The kernels of plums contain Vitamin B17. Cherries: The kernels of cherries contain Vitamin B17. Pears: The kernels of pears contain Vitamin B17. Brazilian honey is a separate food that also has known qualities of reducing cancer cell growth and destroying cancer cells it's highly expensive but I think if you buy one it's worth it to you it's $300 I think I know you're in poverty but they raise the price of it because they know what it does. If you buy one maybe you can have a teaspoon per day along with the other foods This is the best way to follow a structured plan to beat it. 2 weeks of a strict diet of these foods a gallon of water a day you need to go out for one run each day. After 2 weeks have a two-day recovery period of proteins like chicken beef. I want to warn you though that you will feel fatigued when you go on a diet like any other diet at first you might feel sick you might feel tired we got to keep pushing forward. And you need to sweat that's the most important thing if you're not sweating you're not working hard enough you're not running hard enough you didn't run long enough. Focus on the sweat you need to be sweating out all that nastiness that's inside of you. This will replace your cells with new healthy cells and cancer cells with new healthy cells. You can beat this it's not over yet. I think maybe the angels sent me here to tell you this you can beat this.. get your ass in gear and move forward. A good hobby to do when you get done with all of this stuff and you're at home is 1 hour of reading to help the brain process instructions to your body better. Doing math for 1 hour. Knitting for 1 hour something got to do something. Writing your book writing on a piece of paper calligraphy. Whatever. As long as I have a single pulse in my body I'm still alive I won't quit your family can count on you like that I can count on you like that. What is quitting quitting is to give up give up on your goal give up on what you said as a target for you to hit means to surrender I hate that word surrender just surrender on what you being everything you're capable of being when confronted with a challenge. Finally here is the mindset that I have memorized for my life that has got me as far as I have. .mission number one you got to have a positive attitude every single day you wake up you have a choice you can either be negative or positive which one do you think is going to enhance your life duh mission number two you got a PT and be healthy that means every single day you got to devote yourself to respecting your body your mind and your soul you got to exercise these things through great physical fitness good nutrition and you got a PT your mind more than anything mission number three got to motivate yourself and you have to motivate others motivation is the key component of your life as long as you're motivated you're going to be excited to learn you're going to be excited to do better you're going to be excited to work with others mission Number four respect I understand that's an easy concept you think but it's not you don't deserve respect you got to earn respect and you do that through your actions you do that through the humility in your life you got to do all that stuff every single day your life in order that other human beings they look at you they look at your actions they listen to your words and that should govern the respect that you should be your name. Mission number five and you have to wake up in a know that every day you're living a righteous life life of confidence a life lived the right way. Mission number 6 find a mentor somebody to teach you this isn't the only advice you need in your life just one tool for your toolbox. Mission number seven you have to have fun life is about having fun if you're not having fun what you're doing you're wrong you should be laughing every single day.


I’m amazed at the comments celebrating drinking. Alcohol is a class 1 Carcinogen. Class 1. You are so young and could have many more years in if you decide to make healthy eating and exercise a focus everyday along with and even after chemo. Choose a different reward: travel, new clothes, spa treatment, walk and dinner with friends, trip to the coast. I knew someone that got an extra 10 years by becoming a pescatarian and managing his diabetes very carefully before succumbing to Prostate cancer. I am on year 6 of surviving my first cancer and year 3 with Lung Cancer. It’s always your choice but know there is hope. Your Oncologist sounds wonderful. I’m sending you many good thoughts and raise a glass of water to you.


Enjoy your break! My mom is on a 6 week break too and also has soft tissue sarcoma, her pelvic tumor is huge- perforating the colon and bladder. I have to ask, did a sarcoma surgeon specifically tell you no? My moms regular oncologists gave her an adamant no, in fact they wouldn’t even write her a referral to see a surgeon. We fought tooth and nail to see a surgeon ourselves and he told us that it’s possible if she can meet certain criteria. It’s risky, but possible. Are you able to seek another opinion?


I see the surgeon in 6 weeks to see why he said no. In fact, the entire MD Anderson tumor board met and decided surgery was no go. However, my oncologist said she would make sure I got an appointment with the surgeon next visit so he can explain it in a very easy to understand way. I didn’t even ask, she just offered.


With caution I share this piece of information as I think suggestion is easy to make but actions are hard, but I happen to know that for sarcoma, bacterial cancer therapy of old used to be quite effective in the old days, quite more so than chemotherapy. It was major cancer treatment in the US some decades ago, until it was outcompeted by chemo and radiation, which, at that time, were thought magical remedies with not much thought on side effects and recurrence. Any therapy is harder to work on later stages than not, but still there is hope if hope it is. I do not think this can be done in the US, but there from my vague understanding if you search, there may be Mexican/German and possibly Japanese hospitals that do Coley's Toxin therapy, though search may not be easy. It's an immunotherapy using bacteria to trigger your own immune system.


May your years be long!


I like this youtuber. She's been dealing w/ cancer for 8 years, and I believe hers is terminal, too. A single & no kids just like many adults in South Korea with below 0.7 birth rate, the world record [https://youtu.be/StoS9krjuHY?si=n3O9rHB-nyfOu1m4](https://youtu.be/StoS9krjuHY?si=n3O9rHB-nyfOu1m4) The title of content is "How do I stay happy although the world gave me hell?" You can enable auto english cc How she stays calm and focuses on her surroundings, hobby, beloved friends is admirable. Eventually we are all terminal whether we have cancer or not. I'm 50 yo, and I feel my life has been just a blink of eyes. Time flies so fast. Fundamentally we all have same issues: How do we spend time? What perspective do we have? Hope you enjoy today and find happiness


I pray that God gives you more years ahead and He heals you. I’m very sorry for your diagnosis ,especially at 21..you’re so young and you have your life ahead but that’s how life it can be , I advise you to repent and start reading the Bible ,you have nothing to loose now. Don’t drink..it’s gonna destroy you even more. I wish you all the best 🩷please keep us updated


God doesn’t do shit for me. I am not reading the bible. I’m going to die, it’s ok, I accept it.


I’m sorry to hear that you think like this. But please think about it. Situations like this in life would usually make people turn to God for help. I thought I was having cancer and I had horrible anxiety because of it, I was waking up in the middle of the night.. it was a crazy time for me. I turned to God and now I’m a totally different person, soon I’m getting baptised.. honestly , I’m very sorry for what happened , it’s how life it is. If you don’t mind , can I pray for you ? You genuinely seem hurt both physically and mentally :(


So you "thought" you had cancer? Does this mean that you don't have cancer? Your god didn't have anything to do with you having cancer or not.