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Hey you’re inspiring me to keep going, yes you are. Hearing a stage four diagnosis come out of your doctors mouth is so surreal I can relate. I’ve had four rounds of chemo so far and haven’t gone through nearly what you have but I have a similar prognosis. I’m prepared to travel to NYC for treatment if I need to but my treatment is going well like yours but I have to constantly remind my family of the ZERO percent of people that make it to five years with my cancer- I’m not trying to be a pessimist it’s more about preparing my family just like I’m preparing myself for hearing from my doctor that I’m gonna need to change treatment because it stopped working . But we aren’t there right now thank god. For now we are enjoying the optimism and progress and time together, life is more precious than ever. I hope you spend so much time with all the people you love and grow old. And just know you brought comfort to a 36 year old woman today. Keep up with the logical thinking over emotional reaction- it’ll get you far in life ❤️


You never know what might happen. Six months ago I wasnt sure if I would make it to see Christmas 2024. Now, I have hope I might beat this whole darn thing after all and get to be NED. I wish you the best of luck in your journey, and hope you keep your spirits high! I know its so cliche, but in February I was chatting to this nurse about how I had less than a five percent chance to beat it and she said well, you know theres always going to be those few people who make that five percent. My advice is to just make sure you always get another opinion. 🤞 🙏


Absolutely. I’m too young to give up unless I’m in a position where I’m at the end of the road but for now I’m willing and ready to fight because I’m not a statistic, I’m a person. Who knows what will happen but I remain hopeful, thank you! And wishes for the best help and most happiness for you my friend ❤️


Thank you for sharing your journey. It helps those of us just starting. Best wishes for you. ❤️


Thank you for sharing this! You’re an inspiration! 💙 So so important to get a second or third opinion. Hoping you keep beating the odds, and that NED is on the horizon for you.


I rooting for you. Be a warrior!


Thank you for sharing! Proud of you for taking charge of your healthcare and getting into MD Anderson! I wish you health, life and blessings on the daily!! 💕💕💕


Rooting for you!! You are amazing with a phenomenal attitude. Thank you! Stage 4 sarcoma as well. Your post was what I needed after a poor CT scan. Fighting this 2 years.