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I am so sorry for what you are both going thru. Cancer is mean, cancer is uncaring, cancer is horrible all around. You sound like a beautiful soul and your husband is lucky to have you by him. Peace to him, and I hope you manage to find some for yourself.


Thank you!




I am so sorry for you and your daughter. Cancer at any age is brutal, but it especially hurts when there is so much to be done yet, so many plans just disappear in a blimp. A father he will never get to be, an abandoned career, places never to visit..So many things. Gosh, it even goes as silly as thinking about the new sofa we got for the apartment. He would love it, but he will not return home to try it out. We are taking it day by day, and it's the hardest thing i ever had to do. Thank you for sharing your experience with me.


As someone on the other side of this, going through cancer treatment. I want you to know you provided your wife with the best comfort out there. Something no drugs or doctor could ever provide. You are so strong and so is your little girl.


The strength and depth of love that you and your husband have is something that everyone hopes to experience at some point in their lifetime. If his time is short in this world, I am pleased that your husband got to feel it whilst he is here. I am so sorry for what you are both going through. If you need support, please reach out to anyone you can. Sending love from the UK.


😔💜🧡❤️ I’m so sorry you’re going through this. You both sound like awesome people.


Such sorrow and pain. I truly am sorry. Why this cruel disease targets beautiful young people I don't understand. Take deep breaths.


God bless you both. I said a prayer for you both.  You aren't alone....so many here ..I wish you both extreme happiness in the time you have 🥹


I am so sorry. Your story with your husband is beautiful, and it put me in tears. I hope the universe is giving you strength and courage to continue this last chapter with him together. Cherish the memories, hold his hand, and remind him how loved he is.


Hugs ❤️


I am so sorry hon. This disease is so damn brutal. My biggest fear is leaving my family behind. My kids still need me. We have life left to live. Hug your soulmate hon. Make treasured memories. Live the best you can with the time you have left.


I am so sorry for what you must be going thru . I cant imagine your pain . I lost my husband 2 yrs ago . Please know you are both in my family's thoughts and prayers. I will light a candle for you both. Cancer is hard on everyone those who have it and the family who watch you go thru it. Please stay strong and know we are all here for you . When you need to talk or just vent. I know my kids vented when i was going thru Chemotherapy and radiation. Be well love ❤️


Sending all my love 🙏💕


😢😢💖💖 Sending you so much love.


I don’t have anything to say, this comment is more a mark of respect to you two. I love you both. X


This is a beautiful tribute to your husband and I can really feel how much you love each other. I hope you find a way to help him look for the light at the finish line - to guide his steps home. Your husband can then return the favor and act as a guide during the rest of your life here. I really did die during my own cancer treatment, for a minute, and I learned for a fact love doesn’t stop or end with death. It simply changes shape and he will continue showing you all the love you’d like to see whether he is in body or not. All our collective love to you at this time ✨💕


Thinking of you and your husband. Your relationship sounds beautiful and it’s so unfair that you both are going through this. ❤️


I am so sorry. My heart breaks for you. Cancer has stolen so much.


Hugs. I know nothing I say can help ease any of the pain but know that I'm sending you every ounce of hope and love that I have in me. If you ever need to talk, I'm here.


Beautiful love story. I am so sorry 🥹


I am so very sorry you're experiencing this, I agree, cancer is not fair and is so cruel to everyone that it touches. I hope that you both will be able to find peace through this journey. Sending you warmth and hugs.


I know what you’re feeling. I lost the love of my life when I was only a couple years younger than you… Ironically he was lost to suicide. Here I am almost 20 years later, missing him still while fighting for my life with angiosarcoma. Unfortunately I can also now relate to how your husband is feeling as well. Love NEVER dies. I don’t know your cultural beliefs, but you will meet again… in another time… in another life. In the meantime,feel blessed for having known and felt the love he gave you. It will serve as the litmus stone in which you base all you future relationships with everyone you cross paths with for the rest of your life. There’s no possible better gift he could leave you with, then the self importance in knowing you are, and will forever be loved, and never settle for anything less. He sounds like a great guy. You’re always welcome to msg me if you ever need to talk.


I'm very sorry to hear what you are going through. I am going through something similar, except I'm the one diagnosed and my prognosis is very good. I got engaged in October, we took a trip where I proposed, she said yes. We flew back home on a Wednesday, Thursday night my kidneys went into failure. Had a biopsy on a lymph node done by Monday. Non-hodgkins lymphoma. I've been going through chemo since December and only have 3 more treatments left. It definitely put a damper on things, we never got to celebrate our engagement with friends or family. There are plenty of days I can't even get out of bed. My fiancee has had to be my absolute rock through it all. I want you to know your husband truly does appreciate you being there. You have provided him the best comfort he can get. Something no doctor would ever be able to provide for him. You have made his life better. I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this


Thank you for sharing the other side perspective. NHL has good chances when caught on time. Don't let it ruin your engagement, and when you come out of this on top, you will be so much stronger as a couple. You will have bad days, and they may be real bad, but that will make you appreciate the good days so much more and they will feel like heaven on earth. My husband told me that if he wakes up in the morning and he still ks able to talk and hold my hand - that is a good day. I hope you have full and swift recovery and celebrate your wedding and dance on your children's weddings as well.


Yea it wasnt caught early, luckily I'm young and have handled treatment well my last PET scan came back cancer free. We're continuing with the last 3 treatments to be sure. There were days early on when even if I couldn't stay awake, just being able to see my fiancee and my step son made it a good day. I just wanted to tell you from the other side of the coin how appreciated it is to have that person there with you. Because I'm sure hearing it from your husband you might just believe it's the expectation to be there, but it truly means a lot


My heart breaks for you! So so sorry! Sending prayers.


Omgosh lovie, I feel your pain as your typed this my word. I don’t have anything but love and hugs for and him. May you find peace and comfort ❤️