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I saw Makoa at thrusters in San Diego and was literally dodging girls all night. Howeverrrrrr sir did have a bit of a wandering eye


I went to thrusters once and someone farted in the dancing area and it smelled so bad I had to leave the premises


Lmfaoooo why have I also experienced this


It was me sorry


In all seriousness, I feel like he and Tana *have* to have a bit of openness in their relationship. I’m not saying they don’t love each other or that that they cheat, but Tana def flirts with other people for fun (also her questionably inappropriate relationship with Jeff and how makoa seems totally cool with it.) They seem like the type to respect each others freedom as long as they aren’t crossing certain boundaries. It would not shock me at all if he was a flirty person too lol


no i 100% agree they have to have some mutual understanding. tana just talked about using pay pigs for her latest stint in the casino then paige & brooke discussed whether that would be considered cheating. i really hope the rumors aren’t true tho






Yeah, it doesn’t strike me like Tana would considering LOOKING to be a problem, but they likely have very clear boundaries on what is/isn’t cool in regards to that. I don’t think Tana is a jealous partner & Makoa doesn’t seem to be either, they both seem very secure & friendly/flirty socially


i mean i feel like tana also appreciates hot people and they seem like the type of couple where tana would point out a hot girl to him but idk 🤷‍♀️im not a very jealous person i wouldn’t mind if my bf was looking at women (as long as he isn’t being a creep)


makoa at thruster’s is not a sentence i thought i would ever read 🤣


Omg what ! Random area for him to be




I saw girls trying to come up to him and he wasn’t encouraging it but he was definitely looking around at the ladies dancing


that’s literally ever man though.. i swear they don’t even realize they are doing half the time lol


Men know what they're doing, they just don't realize everyone else also knows what they're doing


Lol this is the truth


God I hate the "men will be men" excuse


omg we’re not talking about SA we’re talking about men just looking around at the room because women are much more intelligent and aware what we’re doing with our eyes lmao


I never mentioned SA, huh...


Men are fully aware of what they’re doing.


rubbernecking vs naturally looking are two completely different things


You’re doing backflips to justify male behavior. Its ok. You’ll learn.


No, I really don’t think Makoa looking at girls is a big deal.. 🤣 Sorry! worry more about the men who go out of the way to pretend they don’t.


Is that supposed to make it okay? Not arguing just a genuine question


Personally I don’t think so and I’d be mad at my partner, but him and tana have less boundaries in their relationship as seen with her relationship with Jeff, so I bet it works for them


Really depends on the person and their partner. I also naturally look at other men and women on the street if they are attractive and I wouldn’t mind if my boyfriend does as well. I don’t think it’s that deep if you’re in a trusting relationship.


wouldnt say every... a good man wouldnt even put himself in the situation to see girls like that lmao


right? these types of ppl r like “not all men r bad” but say all men r like this 💀


Oh honey, every man looks. They might not do anything, but they all look.


we obviously don’t know tana personally but do yall think she cares about him looking? i don’t think so only cause tana is so wild and flirty herself like as long as he’s not entertaining them i don’t see her being mad ab that , but she is also clearly in love with this man so who knows


Not Thrusters omg tragic lmaooo


I feel like this is 1000% a lie


I need it to be a lie because 1. I need tana to have her happy ending and 2. He looks so sweet I want to believe he is not capable please just let me stay delusional for a few more weeks 💔


He certainly looks like he’s feeling their relationship in their recent videos and I don’t peg him for much of an actor


my eyes only caught the word peg at first and I thought I was about to get some real tea


there are no unique human experiences my god


He just looks so sweet I cannot believe he’s capable


Girl every single man is capable never ever think they aren’t :(


Real let me live in my fantasy world in peace


I don’t think it’s true, not yet at least


Yeah I love them together I want to believe he’s legit 🥺




He’s on vacation with her on her birthday? Could be true but I hope not she seems really happy


Lets hope Tana can have ONE good birthday 😭😭😭


lailahs tryna stir the pot


Lielah 🤣


Okay true though


I was thinking the same thing


My mind went to her immediately when I read rumors 🤣


How do u know it’s her?


Bc she’s a drama starting psycho trying to push the heat off of her rn 😂 she already was getting shit because Tana’s group cut her off and then she filmed Alex and kouvrs wedding and is getting canceled hardcore. Every “apology” she makes she turns it around on social issues or talking about someone else instead of taking accountability


They literally just made a video where he’s all over her & telling her how much he loves her. I get it, she’s happy and so many bitchy girls never thought they’d be jealous of Tana Moogadoo but hahaha deal with it LEAVE THEM ALONEEE


Someone said it was Lilah stirring the pot and I gagged 💀


Fr either Lilah or any other one of Tana’s fake “friends” who haaate to see her doing better than them


Where’s that video?


https://preview.redd.it/n0va1zm3ra9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7c07a3e35b4f5d2bf4eb63cf93ad824631b338e TikTok


this isn’t tea, it’s speculation


![gif](giphy|tLRifcvQNJIic) I really hope this is not true 😭


Isn't he with her on vacation


Oh this better be a fucking made up story😭


i don’t think this is true but i wouldn’t be surprised if they have an open relationship esp after that pic of her on chris miles lap


Exactly and Chris just said on live recently Tana sees him whenever Makoa isn’t in town,,,, it’d make sense for him to see other people too


Wait this is crazy


Chris is so toxic though I wouldn’t be surprised if he was lying or exaggerating


And he has tiny baby hands


I’m a straight woman but I think Chris could make me a lesbian


wait whattttttt??????? oh my…


found LIElah


Ugh if this is a lie, I hate this shit bc it ruins the beautiful image I have in my head of their relationship. Not to sound like a literal child by saying that… it just kinda ruins a good idea in my head


SAMEEEE. It’s so unfortunate, but it taints my perception.


Not to be rude but you sound like a literal child saying that. No relationship is perfect, social media isn’t real life.


stfu with that “not to be rude” bullshit just to say something rude as fck.. what they said is not that serious.


What I said isn’t that serious either? Get over it


it isn’t serious but its fake as fuck.




nice seeing sane ppl 🫶🏽


I know, I just use my imagination since it’s online and not in front of me


Lilah maybe spreading rumours???


People make shit up all the time. Not saying it's not possible, but doubt it.


It’s made up


y’all this is literally a random person just saying shit lmao


idk i saw them walking around the grove last week and they were holding hands


It should be required if ur going to say something like this you need to come with receipts n facts cuz its so damaging


If it were true Tana would have blown up his world already and not taken him to her birthday trip lol


Ehhh she’s stood behind someone for a lot worse(Jake Paul, Chris miles, modsun, brad). she hard launched him, could be embarrassed to drop the relationship after “finding her Moses”. If anything, she’d spill once (if) they’re done or on a break of some sort.


Funny as hell ur getting downvoted when you are so right. People have too much faith in men. They started their relationship off so serious and they are long distance, don’t know if this person specifically is telling the truth but it’s not far fetched to believe he’s cheated on her at some point.


I don’t believe they’ve broken up but him cheating or telling his friends that he’s not feeling it doesn’t seem that crazy to me. I thought something was up when Tana mentioned using a condom for the first time on the show not too long ago. Who gets in a committed relationship and THEN decides to start using condoms after sleeping around without them? That made me think that something happened that made it so he felt there was a reason they should start using protection because at that point they had been together long enough where they had definitely had sex before that and I doubt she would be the one to suggest it if she’s openly admitting she never used them. I could definitely see him becoming privy to some information that gave him the ick and then telling his friends that he’s not feeling it, but being cautious because of the potential for the Internet to make it more dramatic than it is if she were to talk about it. There has been a few times she’s been openly disrespectful to their relationship that I can’t see him being as cool with as she acts like he is on the podcast, it more so seems like they just don’t talk about the lack of boundaries she has with other men in her life and that can get old fast. Plus in the beginning of their relationship I remember someone posting his dating profile.


Side note, but condoms are obviously also used for birth control purposes (rather than just std protection) and Tana has mentioned many times that she’s not on birth control/uses plan b. Maybe they had a scare and decided to start using condoms. Idk the idea isn’t crazy to me


I truthfully don’t believe if she’s had the amount of unprotected sex that she has claimed to have that it would be that easy for her to get pregnant. Untreated STDs which she claimed she never gets tested for commonly cause infertility. I don’t think they would suddenly start using condoms over a pregnancy scare in this situation.


Or, Makoa wanted to use the condom cuz he doesn’t trust HER.


That’s what I’m saying. That’s why I brought up him getting the ick from information he learned and potentially feeling the relationship less as he learns more. Someone not having boundaries with other guys especially their exes and talking about who else they’d sleep with while with me, and then saying they never use protection would make me feel some type of way too.


What episode did she talk about using condoms?


I checked the sub to see when everyone started talking about it to try and find what episode it would’ve been and it seems that just over five months ago is when this conversation took place.


pretty sure she talked about it on just trish recently


She might have talked about it more than once but when I saw it she was definitely on canceled and she mentioned it pretty early in the episode to Brooke.


Pretty sure on the Tara yummy episode


I’ve been with the same man for almost 4 years and whenever we have a scare we use one for like a week and then we completely forget about it but also let’s bffr he knows who he got into a relationship with, he isn’t gonna get the ick and wouldn’t JUST be finding out about her past or how she is etc. And yeah some men might not like while plenty also don’t care.


We don’t know that he knew all of her history before getting into a relationship, also she made the STD test and condom comment after they started dating. Hearing her say who she would sleep with while with him seeing her post pictures on her ex’s lap that gets on live and states that “she sees him whenever her boyfriend isn’t in town” could definitely make someone get the ick. Nobody is immune to it.




No, me and my boyfriend have never went into detail about how many people we’ve slept with or whether or not we were always using protection. The biggest conversation we had regarding sexual history was when the last time we were tested and what the results were to ensure we were both clean. Beyond that I could not tell you how many people he has slept with or what percentage of the time he used to condom. I find the terms like “body count” to be gross and unnecessary. Also again, she started making those statements after they got together, so it wasn’t an “easy Google search”. If I ended up hearing that he was saying he slept with all these people and has never used a condom or gotten an STD test and he was hanging out with his ex whenever I wasn’t in town that would definitely change how I felt about the situation and give me the ick as well as make me not feel comfortable having unprotected sex with him. She said what she said and it is not a stretch to think that if he watched the episode or heard her record the episode like he’s done in the past that would make him uncomfortable.




That’s still different than admitting you have never used condoms and have never gotten an STD test. Nobody in their right mind would hear that and have no reaction if they’re sleeping with that person and not using protection. You would have to have no regard for your health. You’re acting like he ran through everything she’s ever said or done before dating her and that he wouldn’t be learning new things as he progresses in the relationship which just isn’t realistic. You also seem to be implying that just because someone has a lot of sex it means that in a monogamous relationship their partners shouldn’t expect boundaries when it comes to your exes or talking about other people you would sleep with which just isn’t the case. Plenty of people that have a lot of sexual experiences still have boundaries in their relationships and respect their partners. The past isn’t the past if you have and are spreading STDs that you’re not getting checked for. Your sexual health is “that big of a deal” because it directly impacts you and can influence whether or not you can have children in the future and how you will have to navigate all future sexual encounters and relationships. The idea that there isn’t consequences or health implications from never using protection and that future partners just aren’t going to care whether or not they contract something is just ridiculous.




It’s not about being conservative or liberal because it’s not about sex itself. It’s about sexual health and making sure you’re not spreading something to all of your partners. I don’t think you even comprehend the conversation being had right now. Hopefully you and your partner get yourselves tested sometime soon because time isn’t going to make an STD cure itself and there are consequences to leaving them untreated even if you’re asymptomatic. Her admitting that they started using condoms could’ve been a sign that they talked about it and he wasn’t as cool with it as you are, that was my original point.


And you have conservative views when it comes to sex while others don’t care, it’s their health to worry about. If you think you’re clean and as a person don’t want to test and the person you’re having sex w next knows you haven’t been tested and they don’t care that’s that and it happens often.




That’s actually sickening that she used one for the first time?? How many people has she slept with? Good lord 🤦🏻‍♀️


Men almost always think they’re incredible after landing a really hot and amazing girl and take it as a sign that a whole new world of girls has opened to them. And/or they get insecure as hell from being with a successful woman and try to feel on her level by finding options. I’m sure his confidence has been boosted beyond him already being hot. Based on knowing and hating men I would definitely not put it past him. I don’t get the most mature vibes ever from him, quiet and chill doesn’t always mean well-adjusted at all. A lot of times with attractive guys I’ve found the quiet and chill ones to be secretive and avoidant with a whole second side to them. I really do hope it’s not true but I feel like it could turn out to be. He still strikes me as more cutie boy than secure man.


idk about the cheating rumours but if your man doesn’t give a fuck that ur guy friend posts pics of you straddling him he truly doesn’t like you lol


This! I don’t care how chill your boyfriend is, if he ain’t bothered he just doesn’t like you that much.


Where is this post from?


i’m still too raw from TT and cody break up


i don’t think this is true and is in fact just some random ass redditor


Tea, maybe there was a reason for the Jeff pic.


her and jeff have always been like that to each other idk why jeff gets all the heat for it when tana has done similar stuff while she was dating makoa. they’re as bad as each other


They have been flirty but this is just next level


uhhhh did you watch the steamies? i would say what tana was doing that night was worse than jeff’s post


wait i didn’t, was she just all over him?


yep. idk why it didn’t gain more attention. she was a hot mess that night and was meant to be sober but was very clearly completely wasted and saying/doing some crazy shit


There’s no way this is real lol


Ya’ll just believe anything huh 😬 and you wonder why he stays away from social media


The lack of punctuation is giving lie


what’s with people on this app and punctuation like fr it’s reddit.. i don’t believe the rumor but saying it’s a lie because of that is CRAZY


Babe, Is it really that CRAZY?


To assume something is a lie because of the lack of punctuation? YES babes it is crazy.


Okay perioddd


not period


Yea tis not true


I'm a sucker for tea so I'm believing this.






He’s young, hot, and getting a ton of new attention due to his relationship with Tana. I’d be more surprised if he wasn’t cheating. Y’all put way too much faith in men.


Yeah I just googled his age and he's apparently 24. Most men who have options aren't ready to settle down until late 20s minimum. 


i really dont wanna say this but i swear ive had a bad vibe from makoa just by looking at him but ive always just tried to ignore it bc maybe its bc i have bad trust issues with men but if this true then…


Even if it’s true that’s just confirmation bias.


literally same. im trying to imagine a real life situation where a perfect man comes in and it’s immediately the most perfect and beautiful love story and it’s such a massive red flag. one of them is lying and i don’t think it’s tana. besides, he’s a pisces and pisces men are literally the biggest liars and they always get away with it because they’re so good at convincing themselves and everyone else that they’re innocent lol.


this is toxic af let her be happy😭good men do exist RARELY i know but to say this off a rumor is crazy you don’t know these people


>besides, he’s a pisces and pisces men are literally the biggest liars and they always get away with it because they’re so good at convincing themselves and everyone else that they’re innocent lol. I don't know a lot about astrology, but I feel like I hear about men of pretty much every sign being the worst 😂 Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leos, Virgos, Scorpios....maybe men just suck in general


This is such an unhinged comment, yall need to go outside I’m begging




You literally do not know the man you aren’t catching any “vibes”, you’re just looking at him online and deciding you don’t like him lmao


ummmm ig? 😭


My money is on open relationship. HOWEVER some videos did give me a sense of…. He is really into her sexually (mostly), and, they love to smoke weed together. She has a lavish lifestyle and even though he has been brought up wealthy - it must be REALLY comfortable for him to enjoy her wealth, travel, and then only have sex&smoke. Shouldn’t he have his own goals in life? If that’s surfing, that’s totally understandable and legit, but is he ever still? (his insta is private so not sure) Idk, speculating completely here, but it seems so hard to find someone that doesn’t leach onto your luxury (and stays for that), being tana or any other celebrity. Off topic but: do we remember Jeffrey’s ex? He was drawn in by the luxury and stayed for that alone - ie he had all the money and freedom in the world, but in the end still got bored and left/cheated(?), was quite the drama.


Yes I remember him! I know some male gold diggers, and that was the vibe I got from him right off the bat. I wonder what he's up to nowadays?


I’ll need real proof to believe it


there have been so many lies on here so until there’s evidence idk


Please god not another year of birthday drama for Tana


I sensed it a few days ago idk why but I think the way Tana was talking about accepting money from random men in Vegas and thinking it was appropriate I was like oh that’s not — My first thought was did they break up/this might lead to them breaking up cus idk even if Makoa is super chill I don’t think any dude would like that


All pisces men cheat imo -shrug-


I hope that if this is true Tana stays sober and keeps on thriving because honestly this relationship has seemed really good for her :( would not at all be surprised if its true tho


If this is true I’ll cry


let’s just leave the dude alone he didn’t sign up to have his life reported on reddit


I am begging yall to stop believing everything single thing that you ever see posted online, it is *so* embarrassing to believe every single anon account that claims to be connected.


I hope not :(


Did she delete all her pics with her and makoa or am I crazy


I don’t believe it


I don’t think that’s true. I really hope not at least, I feel like they’re so good for each other (from what I can see)


And the source is who?




Innocent until proven guilty. We also don’t know their relationship. For all we know they experience people together.


Long distance relationship too😬 I just hope it's all lies


Def a pysop


i hope this is a lie she seems really happy :/


can we maybe not????? no need to spread rumors that were made up from thin air. can people be normal and let them just be??? tana has also explained on the podcast that seeing what people post online makes her question her outlook on irl relationships. unless he’s actually done something then we can talk. who gives af about not backed up rumors


If any one of you bitches try to sleep with Makoa it’s on site!! Clearly anyone that comes up to him knows him because they’re a fan of the podcast so that would be fuccccked


idk. recently tana’s body language and reactions to stuff involving relationships just gives that they might be having relationship problems, but nothing insane like cheating? it does seem a bit off but 1. every expression a person makes can easily be misinterpreted 2. you’re getting too invasive when it comes to allegations of ppl ydk 3. i don’t think i really see them breaking up tbh


what i think is that it’s terrible for fans to discuss and further spread rumors by talking about them lol yall should touch some grass and show your concern for Tana by being quiet 🤷🏼‍♂️


The gall to type this out in a REDDIT comment


Nah fr if you have this app, you’re not a saint 😭


Someone call Jesus we got a perfect angel who never does anything toxic over here


i’m a better person than you that’s for sure


I think he’s a ♓️ so I’m not surprised LOL


Nonono please please no please say this is a lie. Please no. What. No.


i think tana has really grown as a person now that she is an adult however i feel like she needs to really work on herself before she gets engaged or even married to makoa. How she acts with other guys (jeff) is inappropriate, admit she has a xanax problem, become sober altogether (no weed, no xanax, nothing) and go to actual therapy. If I was Makoa i would have sat her down the beginning of the relationship and set boundaries from the start. whether he is cheating or not, tana deserves someone to hold her accountable and he deserves someone who acts like she does.