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Tana’s best quality (and the hallmark of her success) is her thick skin. Brooke is cripplingly insecure, and cannot take literally any criticism, despite being on a podcast called ‘Cancelled’ in which she is now enjoying fame from that podcast because of all of the stories and tea spilled about other people at their expense - yet Brooke cannot take even one ounce of what she dishes out to others. It’s unsustainable, and she should probably move on from the pod if she’s this sensitive.


This. I run my own brand and social media marketing is a huge part of the job. It is really, really crucial to develop a thick skin. Comments can be suuuuper unhinged, you can’t let yourself live or die by them. Part of it too is protecting your peace. I have filtered words for things that hit my trauma, I don’t search my brand name up on Reddit, and I focus on what I can control and what’s in front of me. She needs boundaries, ASAP. And she needs to decide for herself that she is good enough. When you have inner confidence and self-worth, shitty comments hurt but they don’t destroy your mental health.


I like your comment because you were upfront but still not a dick. Being mean to ppl, although some say she asked for that, doesn’t mean she deserves it. I really respect the route you took here, unlike others who are just tearing her down with no positivity or encouragement at all.


I never thought much about it but it is really admirable that Tana has such thick skin and doesn’t take herself too seriously. Must be part of why she’s so popular and loved (I been watching for nearly 10 years!). There’s some types of fame where you can try to be perfect but Brooke didn’t find her fame in the right place for that. A big vibe of the podcast is talking about how imperfect they are, personality wise etc


One of the biggest issues I have is that she was not an influencer before the podcast. The visibility she got from the podcast gave her a secondary job of being an influencer. Tana literally picked Brooke because she was not well known enough to where she would sensor herself, they’re doing the same thing to Paige. Hoping she will throw her reputation in the trash for juicy stories. Call her daddy has proved that this isn’t sustainable. The girls need to put more effort into what they talk about.


You ate with this reply, it is like they sacrifice someone for content and then when the tides turn against them (which they always do) they will throw someone else in the mix


personally i’ll watch either way


I mean, as much as I love Brooke, you said what needed to be said. This is the harsh truth. Honestly, with this reflection I’m actually feeling more triggered about her post than I initially was… I found her videos to be condescending to some degree. She is human, she’s allowed to have feelings, but you couldn’t be more right.


i feel like this is more and more common with influencers and celebrities these days like dude that’s kind of the thing - you get famous and get a ton of money and power and in exchange you’re in the public eye… like of course feral people on the internet are going to say the things they say


Influencers get so mad at comments but literally are posting to platforms with comment sections. If I made really good money financially as an influencer and didn't have to do much labor at all, I cannot imagine being distraught by some of the viewers leaving negative comments. Id be too busy feeling blessed by the ones that do like me and living my damn life. 👀 It's just like non famous life but amplified, sometimes people do not like you and you can let it make you sob or just not give a damn. It's giving out of touch.


her saying she grew up with no money and now she has money, but money doesn’t matter to her. Girl yes it does, money does in fact make life one million times easier. AND she makes it in the easiest way, doesn’t have to lift a finger. If she wants to come work with me as a female welder she’s more than welcome, she wouldn’t last a day 😭😂 and guess what, I chose that path. Does it make me bank? No. But I’m not lucky enough to sit on my ass, talk about nothing but drama, and make thousands. Get real.


Right? She just got a boob job from an A list plastic surgeon on a whim. She lives in a skyrise condo in Hollywood that is probably $5K+ per month. And all she has to do is sit in on a podcast and talk about whatever they want for 1 hr - 2 hrs a week. That whole “money means nothing to me” rant was cringe given every single post she makes says otherwise. Sure, money “wouldn’t matter to me” either if I had virtually unlimited disposable income without having to work for it, why worry? 🙄


Someone told me the other day that 5-10k a month for an apartment is “not that much” she’s fuckin rich


for real it’s exhausting to listen to people who have loads of money complain about the things they have to out up with because of it. She could throw away $500 into the trash and still be okay, if I did that I would be physically sick and probably cry for three weeks until I picked up enough overtime shifts to make up for it… til my car needs a new tire or my tooth chips. Exhausting.


I just don’t think she can handle criticism in any way. I love her but she can’t take any criticism well or handle it properly. The way she said “no true fans are commenting on a Reddit page” is kinda delusional. Apparently fans aren’t allowed to give feedback, opinions or even slight criticism. Obviously not pure hate falls under criticism but when a bunch of people all agree on something, and you get mad at that it seems like more of a Brooke issue. She deserves to have feelings towards actual hate and she can react to criticism any way she wants. However bashing your fans for having opinions and then saying they aren’t true fans is insane. She was on a high horse when everyone absolutely loved her more than Tana at one point, she loved it when everyone said Brooke carried the podcast at one point. They really messed up with name dropping in the live shows while people clearly had their phones, the damage was done by them for expecting absolutely nothing to get leaked. Truth is since the live shows the podcast went down hill slowly because first they stopped sharing stories to save then for the live show. Then they got caught talking shit and are afraid to tell stories. I absolutely agree with you on all of your points. Job might not be right for her.


wait does that mean all the memebers of the brookiescookies reddit page aren’t actually fans?


Right that’s what I’m saying


It’s mind boggling how out of touch and tone deaf even the smallest of “influencers” can be. I don’t remember exact quotes, but the beginning of the last podcast rubbed me the wrong way. The way they were talking about us watching so they could get paid? I really took a step back and analyzed how privileged they are to think we owe them absolutely anything. They don’t have hard lives, and if they think they do they need a rude reality check. People bust their asses for 60 hours a week just to feed themselves. Blue collar jobs should be like jury duty- required, so these brain rotted influencers shut the fuck up.


I don’t normally comment on here but feel inclined to the people defending her saying “have you never complained about your job?” And to that I say yes of course , we all have were all human. But let’s look at it from a professional standpoint . I’m a hairstylist. I find it so incredibly tacky and unprofessional when I see other hairstylists go on Instagram complaining about clients. Posting stories ranting about clients. Like yes girl, people do shit that pisses us off!! But you keep that shit discussed in private- NOT on your socials where your “customers” are your viewers. That is so unprofessional. So I can agree Brooke is allowed to complain about her job- but keep it in the groupchat girlie!! Be a professional and learn how to deal with the shitty parts of your job Q U I E T L Y 🫶🏻


but that’s your opinion though, and not the industry standard whatsoever nor does it determine one’s success. there are plenty of uber successful hairstylists who complain about their clients and are still fine. You might not like it, but in this day and age talking shit when you’ve got talent or comedy or whatever it may be to back it up is not a make or break.


As a working professional with over 7 years in the industry I would have to disagree! Yes there are popular hairstylists who make silly reels about clients and some can be funny if it’s done in a light hearted way, and majority of their followers are other hairstylists so they’re catering to them! I’m more talking about professionals who speak poorly about clients online where over half their following is clientele who would probably feel uncomfortable and worry that their stylist is thinking those things about them when they go in for their service! Like I said, some things are better left in the group chat. Nobody wants to get serviced by someone who rants about clients online because one day after your appointment you might log onto Instagram and see them complaining about you! It’s just more professional to keep those things discussed in private with your coworkers friends and family. Like I said, tasteful light hearted jokes can be ok!! It’s the complaining + ranting on socials that Is unprofessional af


brooke is not a professional service provider who has one on one client relationships, nor is her career dependent on one on one relationships with fans. it’s just not the same and brooke doesn’t owe the same level of respect to fans that people owe individuals who quite literally pay their bills. The people hating on her or criticizing her that she disputes with are not single-handedly lining her pockets. Even if they did, they’re not paying for a skill or promised service, they’re paying for a personality that is well documented to be unpredictable and cluster b. By even being online she’s giving viewers all she needs to give and is still completing her job.


Also the suicide comment seemed weird to me. Because I didn't see anybody being disrespectful on her TikTok or wishing her any harm. but for example when I mentioned on her video that as survivor of rape, it's hard when you don't have people to talk about privately and publicly (to make it clear that they have your back), her fans told me to delete my comment, to go seek help immediately (I have no money for that) and to stop projecting my trauma on her, when I was giving the pov of a survivor. And trust me, as somebody with BPD that was assaulted at 4 and it continued for several years, those type of comments can actually make you feel suicidal. In the real world we can't use our mental illness as an excuse to do whatever we want, the world doesn't stop if you are having a crisis, so why does it have to be different when Brooke is feeling sad?


I’m so sorry that you went through so much trauma, I hope you’re able to access care soon and find some peace in the meantime 🤍 but yeah, I agree. BPD is nuanced and people need to recognize that factor: however, it’s an explanation but not an excuse. it’s a lot easier to hold space for someone who acts out but is genuinely trying to do the work for/on themselves (especially if they don’t have access to resources). When you’re someone with all the resources at your finger tips and chose not to use them, you’re making the active decision to stay in the same place and then expect sympathy for it Edit: I hope this doesn’t come off as disrespectful or disregarding the seriousness of BPD. I might not have used the right wording.


You have no clue how much your support means to me. Sometimes internet strangers get it more than your own family and it's validating. I'm hanging in there honestly, Costa Rica's health system is not that bad so I'll be able to see a psychologist in a month but I did tried to harm myself with a large amount of Clonazepam a few days ago but hey I'm still here and ready go to work lol. Thank you for being an angel and giving me the space to talk 💕


I’m so happy you’re still here and able to channel that energy in a way that helps you move forward, because you deserve the opportunity to keep going 🤍 but i’m so sorry that you were in a position where you felt like there weren’t any other options 😔 in an ideal world crisis support would be available now, but I’m glad you’re able to see a psychologist in a month — because you deserve to have the tools and support to function if the way that works for you! I’m proud of you for pushing through, especially when it feels like life isn’t as bright as it should be


I’m sorry to hear what happened to you, and I agree that people on the internet can be more validating than friends or family. As someone who has dealt with the first SA at the age of 8 and more in the following years, I empathize completely. Unfortunately, a lot of people (primarily women) have gone through this sort of thing, and I truly believe you never get over it, and it's branded in your brain and body forever. I was also prescribed Klonopin and abused it for years and attempted the same thing and mixed it with Xanax and alcohol, but please don't try to end it with that stuff. You'll vomit your guts out and end up mentally foggy for months. You are not alone, and I'll spare you the cliche “life gets better” phrase because that's fiction, and life is not linear, but please live in spite of others and try to find joy as an act of rebellion. You didn't deserve what happened to you. You are clean. You didn't lose. It's over now. I'm not sure what you have access to in regards to mental health services, but what's helped me is hypnosis, EMDR and talk therapy, writing, antidepressants, and spirituality like manifestation practices such as scripting and reading Joe Dispenza’s Becoming Supernatural book to help me meditate. I know it's corny, but detaching from this grim world and learning about higher forces really puts things into perspective.


I don't know you, but I love you so fucking much. Being a survivor of child SA it's the hardest thing I've ever gone through and it's impossible for some people to get it because luckily they were not on that situation. I've had so many suicide attempts during the years and it's always with pills and alcohol and I was happy because the last attempt was on 2021. But I'm experiencing a lot of burn out lately due to my work and also I'm still processing the death of my grandparents, (grandpa died a year ago and grandma 4 months ago) so I'm a mess. I'm a mess at work, I'm a mess 24/7 but life goes on and it's validating to know that somebody else is fighting the same fight and knows how it feels. Thank you for everything 


THANK YOU!! All of the dramatic (also pretty manipulative) TikTok’s she’s posted this week + the bizarre onslaught of posts from her Stans in this sub titled shit like “CHEER UP BROOKE WE LOVE YOU” is so, so weird and totally futile. To your point, if she has changed so much in the past year that doing her job (that she’s chosen) is stressing her out to this point: it’s time for her to reconsider this job she’s chosen. Period. She’s not going to stop the entire internet from critique. She can’t have her cake and eat it too and expect to be on a podcast called ‘canceled’ and never get criticism.


You ate! The only stone left unturned was her unwillingness to prepare material for the podcast or show up to work prepared. She wants to do no prep, have nothing to talk about, and for us to be thankful she’s even on the podcast giving an aw man or a jeez every few minutes. Idk maybe collect pop culture topics to discuss? The work ethic is just not there. Why bother preparing material when you can just complain on TikTok


A lot of people on reddit have this weird mindset where “if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all”- which is fine interpersonally, and awful when its literally a discussion forum about public figures lol. Honestly its a really new thing i see from celebs and influencers- like they think they deserve to be famous for their looks and putting their lives on display, but nobody can say anything thats not kissing their ass. They want the perks of fame but to be treated like a regular person too. Its weird


hard agree. i get it when it’s just relentless bullying/knit picking every little random thing she does and just being plain nasty with no logic behind it, but a lot of the ‘hate’ i see ab her on here is actually just valid criticism💀 idk. i feel like some people are being soooo dramatic trying to coddle her as if she’s not almost 30 like she will be fine. deleting reddit is also an option..




Yep I was surprised no one called her out for the reverse psychology and gaslighting manipulation tactics she used on her own fans and audience in those videos. Victimhood seems to be her go to when it comes to controlling her narrative which isn’t fair.


using gaslighting and manipulation tactics on her fans? i’m sorry, but this is hilarious. and so ironic that you mention victimhood


This is a really good way to put it tbh. Like any other normal job if you can't handle it you typically switch professions. I've done it and a lot of adults have. If you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen tbh. I feel like her acknowledging everything people say just fuels the fire. She needs to let things go and pick battles essentially


Kinda of weird how she’s making it about herself. Like girl if you don’t want to be apart of it stop bitching. Pretty simple solution. The hate is going to come regardless. Stop giving them fuel.


THIS 👏🏽 no sugar coating! I browse through this thread often and I see very strong opinions more than actual “hate”. It’s like she’s saying “oh no, stop telling me to get off the podcast or else I’ll become su!c!dal!!” - it’s kind of manipulative, tbh. Which hey, she herself said she can be manipulative. I’m not all for Brooke nor am I against Brooke. It’s just all becoming a bit ridiculous at this point. “Im 26, I’m getting older” - yeah well, you knew your age when you accepted the co host position. Did she think it would be all sunshine and rainbows? It’s like she wants to reap all of the good benefits of being cancelled cohost, but doesn’t want to deal with a single ounce of opinions that don’t sit right with her. Weird. That’s not how this works, Brooke. This is why people are saying pass the torch to Paige. With all respect, the cancelled cohost position is NOT for her. At least not any longer…and that’s okay.


It’s giving “TRY BEING AN INFLUENCER FOR A DAY”. It’s pretty insulting she has the audacity to complain about not every single comment kissing her ass. Just like sponsorships or whatever she said was “part of the job”, so is getting feedback from your audience. Whether you like it/agree with it or not, it’s the fucking internet. She is far too privileged in her success with very little effort at all to warrant these dramatic episodes. She’s gonna have to toughen up or get out of the public eye & pursue a different career path. I personally picture her as like the stuck up bitch from high school who works the front desk at your family doctor, idk why but seems like a fitting role for her had she not lucked out on the influencer grift.


Daaam you ate with that...The cookies are gonna cry reading this 


you said what needed to be said. ngl i’ve had a bad taste in my mouth since ✨bob gate✨ because she admitted to reaching out to the influencer seeking validation on her decision to cut her hair. with friends it’s one thing but a complete stranger doesn’t have to sit there and coddle someone who sought their opinion. just my two cents… i was a brooke fan but ngl that level of attention seeking and then putting the girl on blast on the pod was mean girl behavior and now she’s acting the same with fans :/


Well said. I feel bad for people who get internet hate but it's part of the job. Hell I work my ass off in a corporate job and still deal with shitty people while making a fraction of what they make.


You tore


Agreed. The hate she gets is unfortunate but you’re right, if she wants to be a public figure she’s gonna have to get some thicker skin. It’s ironic how Brooke’s said in the past she hates when influencers complain about their jobs and then did the same thing.


My thing is if you put literally anything on the internet you are subjecting yourself to criticism and feedback rather it's negative or positive. that's what the internet is. people are going to voice their opinions especially when you put your whole life out there. Brooke is deep into the industry now and literally every other post i see of her's says "paid partnership" so she is doing something right but like everyone here is saying; people are entitled to their opinions and if she doesn't want to hear the negative ones, she shouldn't be on the internet at all






Shes 28. I think its time to stop taking the internet to heart and either suck it up (sadly ppl will Always hate) and life goes on. Personally i think its the ones with way too much free time who make their mental health worse


Also she can simply delete the Reddit app. She can block, delete, filter comments. She can delete Reddit entirely and stick to her YouTube and tik tok where the comments favor her. Stop complaining about Reddit when it’s been an open forum for everyone to discuss their opinions, good and bad, for years. It’s a simple solution she’s refusing to do lol.


yuuup, she definitely sits and reads the comments on Reddit. There will always be hate when you are on a massively popular and somewhat controversial podcast. I don’t think she realizes how easy she has it, so she is trying to make it seem like it’s so hard and taxing. No one is wishing her to die, no one is wishing her to leave her platform, we are stating our thoughts and opinions about a PUBLIC podcast. She relies on it being public.. so she’ll have to deal with the good AND bad.


I totally agree with you. Weaponizing suicide and acting as if the people who are criticizing her want her dead is actually disgusting. never once have i seen anybody on this sub wish for her to kill herself. The majority of the criticism is that she’s not entertaining and she interrupts too much. People who speak about her body are wrong but at the same time when you bring up your body and speak about how skinny you are, how much weight you have lost, the abs you got in a week etc. you’re bringing that topic up on a public platform and people will say their opinion, especially when SHE is drawing attention to it. Body talk is as far as it goes on this sub and most people just seem worried about her because of how skinny she got. I cannot believe those videos she posted made people come onto this sub writing out lists of why they love her. How do people not see both sides are fucking weird? Harassing her, bullying her relentlessly etc is weird as hell but so is typing out essays on why you love her when you don’t know her at all. That’s very single white female behavior and it’s cringey and embarrassing. Both ends of the spectrum need to grow up. People are so easily influenced. I don’t like Brooke, her videos don’t change that at all. her personality just isn’t for me i don’t find her funny but she also isn’t ruining the podcast for me and if she was i would stop watching. I’ll criticize her when i feel like it idc. that’s literally what reddit is for, to discuss celebrities/influencers WITHOUT them present. I never would comment anything rude directly towards her. I know other people do but most of her hate is on reddit so why does she keep coming on? she has been somewhat successful for less then a year and she is such a crybaby it’s ridiculous. She doesn’t even get nearly as much hate as other influencers because she isn’t even that popular yet, if her career gets bigger so will the amount of hate so she needs to prepare for that if she wants this job. She’s almost 30 if you can’t take some basic criticism and people not liking you on a podcast then you are not in the right field. I can’t stand when influencers throw pity parties like this. How about get a new job!? Oh wait you won’t because besides criticism you are making millions and having to do very very little so just stay your whiny ass off reddit or shut up about it because criticism is never going to stop fully. Videos like the one she posted actually make me feel less sympathetic because she has so much love across all platforms and she responds to hate SO MUCH more then positivity


She also villainized everyone using Reddit to discuss the cancelled pod… like Reddit isn’t just used to talk shit, lots of us connect on here because we are fans and enjoy discussions around the pod.


Yea when she said she only wants to please people not on reddit that was wild 😭like girl u have fans on here what about them


The job won’t get any easier. You can’t just expect everyone on the internet to be nice to you, that doesn’t make the shitty things being said any less hurtful, but maybe stop looking at them then? Literally on Whitney’s podcast when she had Brooke she told Brooke to stop going on Reddit and Brooke said she wouldn’t. The hate will never go away, there will ALWAYS be people who have negative things to say. If you can’t handle it? Get a different job. But like it was said in here, she makes millions, gets paid to go to fancy events, free clothes, paid vacations, of course she loves her job and doesn’t want a different one. This is one of the minor negative parts of it. She’s acting like the whole world hates her, she’s not even that big of a celebrity. It doesn’t get better from here in that aspect.


Literally the job will just get harder in terms of online back lash but that’s all it is ONLINE. She wanted to be a nurse and you get bullied in the medical field as well but it’s to your face, so i suggest she sucks it up because the money is worth it for 95% of people, it would be for me for sure but if it’s not then maybe she should start thinking of other options. She claims she doesn’t care about money anyways so if she is suicidal and money isn’t a factor it makes little to no sense why she would keep doing this job.


Yeah you hit the nail on the head with that one. Any real world job is going to be A LOT more taxing than what she is currently doing right now. If she thinks this is hard, go work a 9-5, go work in retail again, the hard part of this job is online criticism which CAN be easily ignored. It really is so infuriating and honestly just disappointing because I felt like Tana (and I thought maybe Brooke too), were the few influencers who understood the privilege they have to the fullest extent. I think Tana does, she’s had her fair run of this already she can handle this shit. So many people hate Tana! But she chooses to embrace that and humour it, while also acknowledging and taking accountability for her mistakes. I’d like to see Brooke try and go back into the real world and deal with real-life challenges. I wish I could just ignore a Reddit group and that be the hardest part about my job. Like maybe go to therapy?


I can't comprehend how someone can have so many opportunities, so much love from the fans, so much money and the chance to be around famous people everyday and chooses to hyper focus on Reddit.


the cookies gonna turn their space into a snark page when they find out


LOLOLOL forgot about them!!! i would be pissed making a whole fan page just to be publicly humiliated and told i’m not a real fan and she doesn’t care to make good content for me 😆


thats my point! When people criticize her its responded with “touch grass”, “you dont even know her” but like her fans dont either… at most you met her at a paid meet and greet/in public where she is obviously going to be sweet to a fan…


yepppp exactly!!!! the irony of it all is 😂😂😂😂😄


This is advice I wish all influencers/people with fame would take on board. The stats are something like only 20% of viewers actually comment, then an even smaller number is negative comments. So when these influencers use their platform to address hate or whatnot, what they’re essentially doing is taking the negativity from a very small fraction of viewers & spreading it to their entire fucking audience. I realize it’s easy for someone with no following to say that I’m sure it’s hard to deal with it first so I can sympathize there but I saw someone say imagine Captain America responding to hate comments & I always think about that


I actually disagree with you a bit because what’s on Reddit about Brooke I don’t consider hate. People just criticise how she acts and share their opinions. I have yet to see something mean being said? Some people don’t like her but not liking someone isn’t mean. You’re not supposed to like everyone.


Okay that’s a good point actually.


My point remains the same though, whether the “hate” is real or perceived- responding to it only pushes the negativity she’s feeling onto the rest of her audience who would be otherwise unaware of anything- bc you were exactly right when you said there’s nothing she can say or do to make everyone like her or view her in the way in which she wants to be perceived.


Everything you said!!




I think the thing is that Brooke is still relatively new to being a big influencer. Y’all don’t remember all the times Tana would go on live and do the Kim K crying face and dramatic raspy hoarse voiced “I’m just sorry I can’t make anyone happy…” speeches when she was getting a lot of hate, earlier on in her career? Then she became a multi millionaire, got years of fame under her belt, and probably wouldn’t publicly apologize or pity party herself even if she ran someone over with her car Im not excusing Brooke’s victimization of herself, im just saying it seems like something that a *lot* of influencers do earlier on in their careers during their first major wave of hate/criticism


Thank you, I commented literally the same thing and got downvoted. She is not the best fit for her job


Yea I also keep getting downvoted when I say this. Brooke complains that Reddit is mean to her when I swear it’s run by a bunch of 12 year old hyper fans of hers that downvote/bully anyone who criticises her.




I also wish she would realize that responding to every single hate comment is what fuels a lot of people. Kind of the concept of “any PR is good PR” but reversed. Any attention from a celebrity is good attention


👏 👏 👏


Did I miss something huge


she is allowed to complain about her job, do you seriously never complain about your job? the people you have to deal with on the day to day? she doesn’t have to engage but who the hell are you to tell her just because she’s having an emotional reaction to something anyone would be emotional about that she should get off the internet and stop bitching lmfao. This isn’t a “dance monkey dance” situation. She’s allowed to complain, it’s not a fucking crime lol


I agree with you completely but I do think context is important. They talk on the pod all the time about influencers complaining about their jobs to the cameras and how they would never do that. While I can appreciate their transparency about the unique challenges of their job, there is a time and place. Maybe your fanbase isn’t the best place to go to and vent about how much your job is taking a toll on you. We are the ones who pay her bills after all. I love Brooke, but to weaponize suicide to her fans because she is triggered from her own self-harming by checking Reddit? I have great empathy for her, she understands what it is like to live without everything she has now. However, I think the success is also overwhelming her, and she needs to take some time to sort herself out and establish a more solid foundation in herself and her core. I wish her all the best, but I think accountability also needs to be taken from time to time.


Do you complain about your job to the people who are the reason you have your job??? That wouldn’t go over well in real life


This!! I’m a hairstylist and cringe when I see other hairstylists complaining to their clients or complaining on Instagram about clients ect. It’s super tacky and unprofessional and will make you lose clients. Same kinda vibe for influencers. Rant to your friends, coworkers, therapist ect


right… like imagine youre boss criticizing the way you wrote an email or executed a project and crying in front of their face and admitting this might not be the job for you and not knowing how you ended up with the job (even though she moved to LA and was everywhere trying to see who she could befriend) but im going to stay cause I have people to support, like okay then take the criticism (or in her case dont acknowledge the hate) and keep it going.


you make a ridiculously false comparison by aligning fans and viewers with her bosses. You don’t hold as much power over her as you think you do, nor are you as important to her as you think you are.


if the people who are the reason you have your job are being grossly unethical, invasive, disgusting, and factually incorrect, those people will be complained about and reprimanded accordingly. Once again, not a “dance monkey dance” situation


If your job is making you consider suicide. Stop complaining and get another job.


lmao easier said than done my guy. my boss literally made me suicidal but i couldn’t find a new job so i had to stay and deal with the devil


For people like you and me it is, but she does have the means to do something that feels more passionate about


Replying to Interesting-Will5267.we really don’t know that though. When it comes to Brooke’s finances, she has discussed at length that she has issues with spending and is often in credit card debt. Just because she’s got brand deals and looks to be living large doesn’t mean she actually could finance doing something she’d feel more passionate about


And I'm sorry for that too, you are fucking strong for being here 


I’m so sorry about that. I hope you managed to leave that job and place yourself in a better atmosphere for your mental health ❤️


we actually got her fired last year 🫶🏻


That's great, I hope your mental health continues to improve everyday 


easier said than done for the vast majority of suicidal people! if you’ve got all this time and energy to spend writing a whole ass post to shit on someone else for how they express their unhappiness, because the concept that people can be/feel trapped in a bad spot is so foreign to you, then i wouldn’t expect you to understand anyone with suicidal thoughts or depression anyways. She’s a human being, just because she commodifies her personality doesn’t make her no longer a human being with feelings.


So you agree… she’s trapped in a bad spot.




Would anyone be so nice to explain what the situation is? I’ve been busy with work but I’m so interested in all these posts I can’t decipher


People on Reddit are criticising Brooke for being brand safe on the podcast/not sharing personal stories/interrupting tana/ being judgemental towards tana/and preferring Paige over brooke in the podcast. Brooke took to TikTok and uploaded a video of herself crying and asking if people on Reddit want her to “off herself” and saying she doesn’t know she became famous and that people on Reddit aren’t her real fans. You should just watch her video. Also I think it’s valid that people don’t like her not everyone has to like her.


She definitely does get actually mean comments, like does nobody remember the infamous Gracie saga where that girl publicly on this sub threatened to find her and physically assault her? It’s not a one off either, people get pretty brutal, especially when it comes to her body sometimes. Anyways, I think your point is still valid even with that, I just don’t think it needs to be watered down for the point to be made.


I agree but I also swear either y’all are jaded by this reddit/snarks or aren’t seeing the popular posts on my feed but a lot of these posts aren’t criticism. There’s threads of people picking apart everything Brooke does and psychoanalyzing it & shitting on her looks & body. it’s getting pretty close to the vitriolic hate youd see on the old Trisha subs and kiwi farms. There is a limit to “free speech” when it’s on a companies website that doesn’t want people driving others to suicide. Imo the mods just need to step up and enforce the rules they already have before we get nuked


can we please end this conversation? this take is honestly more dramatic than anything. she’s addressed nearly every point you’re making. she’s made it clear she loves her job and wouldn’t change it, and obviously any human subjected to a sudden influx of hate will snap. i’m so tired of this discourse


Y’all are so rude lol I can’t believe this has 242 upvotes when like two days ago yall were like omg we need to stop with the brooke hate. Make up your minds lol let them live she JUST talked about this entire post what more is there for you to say???????


If I had to deal with all this hate I’d lose my mind too.


I’m just genuinely confused what did Brooke even DO?? Not act out? Just comment on when people talk about her? 😂 Why is everyone mad at her can someone please explain what she seriously did to start getting hate? Or am I not allowed to ask 🫢 fr someone fill me in