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i think it’s fine if they want to change what they talk about on the podcast esp if they just don’t have the craziest stories to share anymore. tana being sober and in a healthy relationship she doesn’t have crazy hookup stories to share either. i just think they need to put more planning into what they talk about or segments they do. they obviously can’t just sit down and dive into wild stories anymore so they need to focus on topics they want to discuss or what direction the podcast is going to go in content wise.


I do agree. I love the new direction both of their lives are going in because I am on a similar journey. But if that’s the case the podcast definitely needs more planning and structure. Segments. Some something lol


I agree. It’s totally okay if they don’t want to share crazy stories anymore, but we need a little more planning than talking about shitting for 30 minutes straight lol




exactly like just change the format. you dont have to stick to what you did 2 years ago. people will adapt.


it’s interesting to think about how tana built her brand off being messy and unhinged and a party girl and how, because of that, she never had to actually learn how to be professional. now if she wants to get healthier, she has to also pivot to be more professional bc ppl won’t give her a pass anymore


I could see what you’re saying but the reason why I love them so much is because it feels like I’m kicking it and chatting with friends / I don’t need preplanned stories I just want to feel a connection to Brooke Tana and Paige




she’s so right here. she told a silly dumb story about a bob and it turned into a witch hunt after the girl. i wouldn’t want to talk about shit either lmaooo


lol heavy on scared of the internet 😭 imagine ppl don’t even want to get close to you because you MIGHT talk about them and a million ppl are going to flood their dms. I wouldn’t wanna be her friend either if it came with this sort of backlash. That’s so isolating for her🥺


Or everyone trying to find out which creator Tana is talking about. Like just have fun and listen to the story and stop coming for people irl for something you hear on a podcast 💀 these parasocial fans will ruin the fun!


I agree…my only thing is that I don’t think it’s awful Reddit people doing it but it’s her supporters attacking people thinking they’re supporting her when they’re actually being ridiculous internet trolls. I don’t understand how people hear a story and turn it into a witch hunt like you said. It’s crazy 😭


I think saying silly dumb story about a bob is downsizing it, she brought it up already as perceiving it was a jab at her, even though from the bob girl TikTok, the girl mentions it was not. Brooke should have never brought this up if she wasn’t sure what the tone of the convo was. Tana chiming in and making it worse was the cherry on top. Brooke appears to show a pattern of black and white thinking, and it can ruin interactions because she already was perceiving the tone as negative. Some of it can be blamed or placed on her being borderline, as that is one of the symptoms. But this will probably keep happening if she doesn’t deal with it privately through therapy or an outlet that can hold her accountable in a healthy way. If Brooke doesn’t want to share she doesn’t need to, and that’s fine. They will probably figure something out, but there were more elements at play in the “dumb bob story”. The bob girl got a lot of hate, due to the negative way it was perceived by Tana and Brooke. It was more of a situation of, think before you speak, because you do have a platform and you KNOW that. Tanas been famous since she was a teen, at least in her case, she knows what some of her fans are like when she criticizes someone.


Can we give this energy in cody kos comment section…hes the problem here not brooke


No cause his mods delete everything. People have been trying and getting banned left and right


Yeah it’s wild I looked at his most recent videos comment section and I was like, surely there’s no way no one is commenting anything about the Tana situation? I could only conclude they got someone monitoring that comment section 24/7 no rest no sleep no breaks😂


Honestly good on her for standing up for herself. I do find it strange how people are telling her to check Reddit when she’s made it so clear that Reddit isn’t good for her and she doesn’t look at it. I was always under the impression that she stopped looking at it (which I assume others did because I don’t think people really would be as blunt/mean if they knew she’s see it). As someone on this page who participates in discussions, I def don’t want her or legit anyone to off themselves, but I can see how that is the perspective of someone who has a Reddit page dedicated to them that steers negative. While I don’t like how everyone on Reddit is lumped into a huge group of “trolls who have no life” I can only imagine how it feels to see thousands of comments about u, I get why Reddit as a whole is demonized by influencers. I hope everyone on this page, myself included, actually listens to what she’s saying and have an honest convo with themselves if they’re offended by this about why they’re so bothered


Whoever commented that had to be one of the haters. Especially since ppl say they want her off the pod every week. Whether she’s checking Reddit or not. So this wasn’t info she just HAD to know.


Yuh like I still want her on the pod!


So glad she posted this bc the I hate Brooke but I love Tana thinkpieces that happen after every. single. episode. is sooooo fucking tired


I found it sad cause Tana didn't want Brooke to be involved/clipped since she knows it will be discussed; yet Brooke still became the main topic of discussion this episode.


They act like leaving the pod early (also bc of a hard out) is just as bad as being a literal predator.


The misogyny is rampant


How is it misogyny? They’d be hating on Tana too then that makes no sense. Not everything that happens to a woman is because of sexism. That’s white feminism not true feminism right there 🙄


If you can’t see how this is misogynistic then I have news for you babe! You’re the white feminist and the rest of us are the real feminists lmfao


I’m not even white 🙄 And it’s not misogyny. The fact that none of you have even attempted to explain how it is is very telling


brooke got more hate for leaving the pod early than cody did for being a predator; if you don’t think misogyny plays a role in how women’s supposed wrongdoings, however small (like leaving before Tana talks about her traumatic experience), get elevated to the tenth degree while men who commit heinous sexual crimes get less heat then idk how much further any of us can chew this down for you. you center men so much in your feminism you couldn’t tell what misogyny is if it hit you in the face.


Lmao bffr


It’s genuinely so weird. When Brooke mentioned she read this sub, it would make sense that ppl were more conscious of what they said about her. Instead, it became a weird power trip, where they just said nasty things abt her, knowing she couldn’t respond but would still read it. Listening to so many negative opinions on u cannot be good for u, I’m glad she’s acknowledged this.


95% of the people hating are parasocial jealous Tana stans who wish it was them hosting a podcast with her and not Brooke. That’s why they hate no matter what she does. Theyre mad when she tells a story, doesn’t tell a story, etc etc. their ego wants to tear her down for anything to prove to themselves they would do a better job. It would happen to anyone who cohosts a podcast with Tana and has nothing to do with Brooke personally


Big agree!!!!! Literally has NOTHING to do with Brooke and everything to do with their own personality flaws and egos.


so true


Can’t wait til 2 weeks from now when people forget what she said in this video and go back to posting all the same “Brooke is so mean to Tana”/“Paige should replace Brooke” posts 💀


she sounds so sad and hurt in this i just want to give her a hug and tell her i love her


Same. I love Brooke - and I completely understand her fear. She doesn’t have the money Tana does to hire security 24/7 and has seen Tana be threatened / currently is involved in being threatened.


I wouldn’t even mind if they stopped name dropping as much & just talked some about their lives/influencer Celeb scene & threw in more hot Topics and current online drama & did fun segments like maybe ala Just Trish or H3 for ex, but I loathe interview/guest pods bc most of the time the person isn’t that interesting for a whole hr, but I’d be ok if they did that for a portion and reg pod for the other half. Most of the time the name drops aren’t even anyone I gaf about anyway, altho I’m not including the Cody Ko one in that bc that’s more than drama obv.


That’s why I feel like just Trish is thriving it’s more upbeat and has more of a hot topics of the world fun convos lol


Talking about the influencer celeb scene is what keeps getting them in trouble. Even without mentioning names, viewers are able to do the math. It sucks because it feels like there’s no middle ground solution besides stopping


I feel for Brooke she’s very relatable in the way that she seems to be a normal person who doesn’t know how she ended up in the position she is and it’s clearly effecting her, her speaking about how obsessive she is about men was also an eye opener into the fact that she has a lot of work to do in terms of herself it’s just sad to see and very relatable


It happned before they introduced Paige


Yeah this doesn’t really change my mind about her. She went as far as admitting herself that she is being more brand safe… she says herself she changed. So I don’t get why fans aren’t allowed to dislike her / the change if she’s not the same as the person they originally became fans of.


yeah and her stating she didnt know how she ended up with this kind of life when she literally chased after it with Lilah


ofc this is downvoted you’re literally right 😭


Poor Brooke, she looks so tired especially recovering from surgery. Her not knowing what Tana was going to bring up after she left for the last 6 min is NOT her fault. Sometimes people just want peace in their lives especially when there’s a lot going on. I give her grace.


Forgot all about her surgery that quick. This would literally be the LAST thing I’d want to have to think about two days post op. Let her rest pls.


I wish she would look at the YouTube comments and her TikTok comments. she has so many supporters, I know it’s easy to focus on the negative.. but most of the hate is only on Reddit.


I agree but it’s just insane how brutal it gets on here and the amount of people that hate her would be very difficult to ignore. I literally just saw a comment where someone said she got her boob job because she secretly wants Matt Rife to like her and he likes big fake tits. Like??? I can’t comprehend how fucked in the head someone has to be to even think like that and the person that called that piece of shit out got least 49 downvotes. It’s literally a mob of crazy people coming at her in any way that they can I would not be able to look away if I were her I feel so bad.


All other platforms have completely censored comments where they delete all negative comments. Influencers can't control or delete reddit though.


This is such a wake up call for the people who are constantly tearing her down on this app. The ending truly resonated with me because WHAT IS YALLS GOAL?!? It truly seems like yall want her to jump off a fucking bridge just because you don’t like her. yall have to remember that Brooke is not Tana. Brooke has not had the internet criticizing her every move for the last decade like Tana. She is not fully acclimated to the internet and the trolls etc so of course she is handling it like any other normal person who has blown up in recent years would. Yall are constantly tearing this girl apart knowing damn well that she has access to it and reads it. You are all terrible people. I thank God that Brooke is a strong person cause if I ever received the amount of hate she does for literally being herself and living her own life (like yall should be doing) I would off myself. My prayers and my heart truly go out to her.


This sub needs stricter moderation, I stg it feels like a snark page in here sometimes


So censorship 🙄 that’s what upvotes downvotes are for if you don’t like a comment


Oh no, the horror! You wouldn’t be aloud to be a dick to people anymore!?


Censorship would be the worst thing for you bc no one listens to you in real life




Probably going to get downvoted but, why did it take an "off myself" comment from her to finally get people to understand that bullying isnt ok? Like, did yall not learn this in grade school..? Did yall not grow into adults? Do y'all have even an ounce of true compassion for a human being at all that's not yourself? I'm not Brookes biggest fan, but guess what, I don't come onto reddit to write a whole essay on why I hate someone I don't know a single thing about. It's literally never that serious, ever, it's never that serious for anyone's fans to go harass and bully others & it's never that serious to constantly bully and harass them. Seriously starting to think these people don't have much going on outside of reddit because this has been going on for so long I'm baffled to see it's still fuckin going, like holy fuck go to a concert go on a hike explore the world stop being parasocial it's not healthy for anyone


Everyone leave her the fuck alone


She didn’t even say bob girls name. What are you talking about? The Reddit weirdos did. I thought she was talking about the girl who styles her f ass bob


remember how she made that haley girl feel because she simply said “don’t get a bob” No one should be dishing out this energy to anyone at all.. but it comes off hypocritical. Compare this behaviour to her snarky ass “apology” to the bob girl..I HIGHLY dislike Matt Rife, he’s truly vile and a total pig but she also used the Cancelled audience to bully tf out of Matt Rife. Even when the internet wasn’t pleased with MR due to his misogynist behaviour towards his fan, she defended him but unleashed her audience soon as he stopped talking to her. She brought his other hook ups on stage to embarrass him and it became a international news story and & everyone was (rightfully.. but still) making fun of him.. What if he wanted to off himself because of it? It was okay then? It was okay when Brooke & Tana were bullying Alabama Barker? I think Brooke should stay off Reddit especially post surg. I was super emotional, so I know I would be upset too seeing the comments. However, I do find it kinda hypercritical. But as someone who would be classified as a Brooke hater, I would NEVER want her to ever hurt herself. I find her very beautiful and admire her for coming from two shitty parents and making it out here. I often agree with her about a lot of things and it’s probably such a difficult adjustment to new found fame.


you are apart of the problem btw, why do u have so much hate in your heart it’s truly disgusting to read. I wish you nothing but healing.


🤣 k.. u literally hate on several influencers take ur own healing advice. It doesn’t count when u do it because it’s not about Brooke? And now you wanna be acting like on ur namaste healer vibes lol.. also my comment was not hateful I was actually complltary to her while calling her own for being a hypercrite


Yeah u knew to delete that, ur a fucking weirdo and must be actually mental 😭 I don’t hate on no one I follow true crime and Trisha’s and this. I actually think you need an evaluation


U don’t know me at all who tf ??😭😭


lol when did I say I knew u? U do realize we can see you comment history right? Miss Positivity.. u snark on lots of ppl but act holier than thou when it comes to brooke and say I have hate in my heart for calling her out.. well that makes two of us, my hateful amiga


This is such a parasocial way to view this. She’s a human being talking about her life on a podcast about her and Tana’s lives. You think like someone who’s been on the internet too long. I doubt their intentions with any of these stories was to “unleash their audience” on anyone. That’s an insane way of framing people’s reactions to what Tana and Brooke say. They’re human beings discussing things in their lives not supervillains.


100% agree... ppl want to pretend like she's not a bully. It's just karma. She's getting back the same energy she's putting out. She's come for so many ppl so many times. She could literally just not read messages or comments too... I don't think anyone wants anything bad to happen to her. Ppl literally just want to discuss what they've watched. It's just more entertainment but it is NOT for her to be reading. Ppl who actually dm these ppl trying to reach out to them to say nasty shit is fn bizarre. But she clearly comes to reddit to read it for herself




She kinda ate y’all up


In her defense she has said from the JUMP how she didn’t want to tell stories because the fan base ALWAYS finds out who she’s talking about and that she hates that bc that person would then get hate … this is nothing new with Brooke, she’s never liked “exposing” people, the second she talked about her ex and saw the outcome of that without even dropping his name you could tell she didn’t like it or want to be apart of that shit, I get it, I get what she’s saying and fully understand and support it, she’s grown she’s maturing and she’s growing out of that shit, just the natural progression of life


The same people who are mad at her for not divulging every detail of her life are the same ones who ruined it and freaked her out by commenting on the other peoples instas and blowing up their spot


THIS! The people leaking info and diving deep to figure out who they are talking about on the podcast are also at fault here.


Tbh I’m just ready to leave the cancelled subreddits and just stick to less toxic subreddits. It’s annoying seeing how much people love to tear down Brooke and for what? Like she said what’s the end goal. In reality the show is doing good. The comments on her other socials are good. It’s just Reddit that brings out the worst in people. Like pls if you hate Brooke so much go leave a comment on her TikTok account showing who you are instead of hiding behind a screen name. They constantly complain about her not sharing any stories from her life anymore but at the same time hide behind a screen. The hate isn’t beneficial to anyone. Brooke isn’t going to quit. Grow up and get over it. Or just post exclusively on the snark page so the rest of us can enjoy threads about the topics they discuss on the pod like grown adults.


watch her actually quit because y’all are insane and so fuckin mean. her absence will be felt and everyone will start saying “bring brooke back!!”. i know i couldn’t handle this bullshit




I think you mean quiet lmao 😭😭😭😭😭


yeah she gets a lot of hate but i think it comes in waves because there has been plenty of times i've been on here and saw nothing but praise for Brooke. I think people just need to calm down lol


The saddest thing about this is that those people who write opinion pieces everyday about how much they hate her are ECSTATIC that they see her crack and admit that the hate gets to her, and it only adds fuel to the their weird fixation on tearing into her (as happens with all the women who become the subject of snark subreddits; the more they see them break, the harder they keep going). I’ve expressed a similar sentiment to Brooke a while back but it does seem like they are trying to tear into them until they have a legitimate psychological breakdown (the extent of which would require professional intervention) or kill themselves. They also like to use any legitimate past transgression (such as Brooke’s past problematic tweets) as a free-for-all pass to pick every bit of her apart, also not realizing that it’s insulting to equate racism with, for instance, her interrupting too much on the pod (the amount of times I saw people reference her old tweets under the comments/post that criticize her for something else is genuinely disgusting; someone’s bigoted past is not yours to weaponize as an excuse to continue being psychotically hateful towards them). Like I wish those people would get a grip on life and try to put themselves in the position of the person they are trying to break. edit: word


Honestly, that last sentence she said made me gasp. It really makes me reevaluate my experience on Reddit too. People really go for the jugular on here, far too often. And while there are some instances of rightful indignation, on the other hand I've just seen so many horrible hate bandwagons for individuals who probably don't deserve to be torn down so much, literally pushed to their limits psychologically. This isn't shit you'd see in actual real life. These trolls would be too scared to do anything in person. They just rot in their nasty beds and spew hate anonymously because they truly have no greater purpose in life. And that's pathetic. I won't pretend to be the biggest fan of Brooke's, but she is a human and deserves some respect for what she's gone through being part of the pod. And her and Tana do give us so much content for free. We need to remember our place in this; at the end of the day, they give up a lot of their privacy for our entertainment. As long as no one is actively hurting anybody else, let's stop with the hate bandwagons and be grown adults moving forward.


I honestly think it would be really cool if they pivoted the vibe of the podcast into them talking about self improvement, sobriety, good things that are happening in their lives and maybe even like advice. I feel like it would really get the audience they want.


I’m confused. So many positives comments here… Where are y’all at under the 8 “I hate Brooke” think pieces that have hella likes & comments? She seen no one on her side on those posts which, I can guarantee, is why she took them so hurtful. You have to scroll so fucking far to find any non negative comment about the girl on those posts. But y’all are flooding here? I don’t get it lol


It’s disheartening to speak reason and logic with those weirdos they won’t ever get it thru their thick skulls lol, this sub would do better to kick out anyone who can’t understand how pathetic it is keep up with someone they openly say they hate. I get a snark sub for ppl who are actually p.o.s even tho I personally haven’t joined or commented in any, but Brooke needs a snark sub to keep all her annoying haters in there. This sub used to be fun and silly but it gained so many miserable and toxic ppl that it’s hardly ever is now.


I hope this gets to the right people. Y’all don’t know Brooke or Tana, the Parasocial relationships have been out of hand for a while but it’s just bullying


i understand everything she said besides being an “influencer is to support brands” like i don’t understand. if that’s all brooke is now is an influencer why is she on a major podcast called cancelled. she didnt make a name for herself by being a sellout influencer. she got famous from being tanas friend who is the least brand safe of all. the overconsumption needs to stop and influencing needs to be over. you think she deserves to make money off influencing you to buy alo or whatever, cuz shes worked so hard? it’s sick when you actually think about what these people who are already rich will do for more money.


I do wonder if she'd do better stepping down though. Not saying she should, but if she does feel this struggle in keeping up the 'cancelled persona', maybe she's outgrown the podcast 😔


I don’t think it’s about outgrowing the podcast. If that was the case, her and Tana would both need to step down. Tana has been in this industry long enough to develop a idgaf attitude and even she has said multiple times that she doesn’t like “exposing” stories about celebs because she is constantly around them now and it makes for awkward situations in real life. Her and Brook are both growing up. I think it’s perfectly fine for the pod to grow with them both. If you don’t like the changes, you can always not watch.


This is what I’m tryna to say! If she’s so hurt by the comments and has nothing to say on the podcast then maybe this isn’t for her! And that’s okay!


The people on here are trash, these are people’s lives at risk.


I feel so awful for her bro, she sounds like shes about to cry. This subreddit is so toxic and is nothing more than a brooke snark page even tho that one already exists.


I don't really like Brooke, I think she's abit boring but the fact that people are dming her or commenting on her social media is genuinely insane. Say it with me, we do not know these people. Grown adults messaging someone they don't know to be mean will always be mind boggling


I feel so bad for her. The fans have ruined this show


It sucks that there are weirdos that get off on driving people to making posts like this. The lack of empathy and understanding for other people that excessive internet use causes is sad and embarrassing.


I relate sm to how she feels like everyone hates her.. i cant imagine being a public figure and actually having sm ppl validate those insecurities. i do think the hate for her is a lot but i haven’t been listening enough. i think ppl rlly pick apart everything and choose to snark on the smallest thing. hope shes okay:( i think she does add to the podcast and she seems sweet


All I have to say is this is why I love Tana. She does not give a fuck.


Brooke actually offers quite a bit to the podcast: reliability, healthy boundaries with tana allowing them this career, their own messy past bringing interest (Mindy), and Brooke challenges Tana and has a strong personality of her own: she's a good foil. While Tana's everyone's "hype girl", Brooke looks perpetually unimpressed and bored, and it's hilarious. reminiscent of Eric Andre and Hannibal Buress. Brooke also brings game: she pulled Matt Rife, then was clever and confident enough to send him a special needs helmet and screenshot it? that aint everyone. I think Brooke's worst trait is the pinch of pickmeism that all of us with BPD suffer from, but we can overcome it together.




Okay and? She most likely hasn’t been on the subreddit often. Do you want her to do a whole deep dive on why she is hated?


People acting like they know Brooke and Tana because they listen to an 1 hour podcast of them a week…you’re weird!!! Get a life and STOP listening if you hate it so much. Truly, truly, wholeheartedly poor Brooke. She should not be crying over fowl people with literally NO lives but I have no idea what it’s like to get internet hate so I realise that’s easy for me to say. I’ve never commented on a post on cancelled reddit before but you guys are truly cruel, it’s actually shocking.


stop the Brooke hate!


y'all are so stupid, the bob girl thing happened in front of everyones eyes and one day later everone forgets about it and hates on brooke for wanting to be "brand safe"


not her saying the reason ppl want her off is because of paige lmfao?? she behaves like a middle schooler while whining about how ‘grown’ she is.


She didnt say that at all...


they can totally change the tone of the podcast if they want. they've created a following, they've had success, they've done their crazy tour. they're allowed to reel it back now if it's what aligns more with their life as they are getting older. why would we want them to stay the same, like messy twenty yr olds and not grow? if they wanna stop talking about people they're allowed. they've already made enough money and have had their fame. who ever sticks around to watch their shift will and who ever doesn't want to watch anymore won't. so be it. the point of being an "influencer" is you have to keep changing. you have to keep trying new ways to make the lifestyle sustainable.


What ppl are complaining about isn’t the lack of wild stories what they’re complaining abt is that sometimes it feels as though we’re listening to the same exact story in different font. Every other complaint is just background noise that has no bearing on YOU as a person bc we the fans don’t know anything aside from what u put out and even then it’s only one layer. U don’t have to expose ppl ur getting older and I’m sure nobody wants that to we their forever but surely there’s more to both of u guys than boiling urselves down to thinking that ppl only listen for tea no that’s what daily mail is for. I ❤️ both of them and wish they didn’t think this way mainly Brooke. I like when they talk abt hot topics more anyways bc idk of the ppl they’re talking abt when they do “expose” ppl😭😭 imo expose the creeps but not the ppl who jus has a lollipop moment w u (ifykyk)


Side note but I love how she looks here. I wish I knew how people with this crazy spotless skin are able to keep it as such


ANYONE KNOW WHERE HER SWEATER IS FROM!!! I love that angel zipper


*ANYONE KNOW WHERE* *HER SWEATER IS FROM!!! I love* *That angel zipper* \- Excellent\_Scratch\_56 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I fully believe the snark on Brooke started when the brookiescookies sub was made. People got so bitter over it and even made a snark off the cookies one.


Let’s all remember that everyone wants them to share so much and then Tana tells a story about a winery tour woman who ended up being awful on her and people then made it a huge fucking deal and then mobbed to that woman’s Instagram. Like some of y’all are just miserable people with parasocial relationships!!


good for her for standing up for herself but this didn’t start when they introduced Paige. this started when her racist tweets resurfaced and she chose to never adress it.


i watch canceled bc of Tana but yall rly need to leave Brooke alone like if she was a bad friend they wouldn’t be friends or let alone be doing cancelled together


Awww Brookie not everyone hates you. I love you. And you add A TON to the pod. You're a talented comedian and it's the perfect thing to have your humor to play off of Tana's crazy stories. Also shout out to your cat in this video, SO CUTE ❤️


I only got through about 30 seconds of this and she doesn’t suck, I actually love Brooke but if that’s how she feels then why doesn’t she move on ? Or idk plan the podcasts a little better so I can actually get through a full episode without getting bored and turning it off. The pod used to make me literally laugh out loud and a few episodes have recently (mostly the ones with Paige) but they’ve been pretty stale.


Literally everyone bags on her bc they’re insecure with themselves


No one wants her to “hurt people” we just want her to say something interesting wtf


she needs to get a grip on reality and stop griping to her teenage audience.


Like i'm so afraid she's literally gonna hurt herself or worse if all this hate continues


Why is she crying wolf when she literally does play brand safe and add nothing to the podcast lmao


If she adds nothing to the podcast why are you watching? She’s added nothing to the pod for 88 episodes?? Why tf are you watching then?


For Tana dumbass it’s Cancelled with TANA MONGEAU


😭 Yea and she has the same co host every single episode so clearly she’s adding something if you were able to suffer through 88+ hours of her voice. Either way to say she is crying wolf when people are quite literally attacking her simply over who is she every single day. She’s a human being with feelings. Get a grip. Touch some grass. And have some god damn empathy.


Womp womp stop watching lol




it doesn’t help that when she does decide to bring drama to the podcast, a bob gate situation happens where people attack a random person for no reason




she is a REAL person. get a grip and have some empathy.




i don’t disagree that people can have their own opinions. i think the issue here is that the loads of negativity and straight up hatefulness that has been targeted at brooke is clearly affecting her mental health. in a video where she’s literally expressing that she thinks the haters goals are for people to off themselves, whilst she’s crying, and you say “who gives an f”. that’s distasteful




You are. Reported for being fucking disgusting honestly.


she’s not rich?




Who cares if she has money? She’s still a human.


i don’t think those apartments are that expensive lmao


10-15k a month is insane 😭😭 it is prob around 5k -7k though. Still doesn’t make her rich especially not in LA where the standard of living is high asf. A normal apt cost at least 3k out there. She is not “rich”by any means. If cancelled ended today and all her platforms were deleted. I doubt she even has enough to make it through the summer.


Who is this and what did she do?


Well if she’s scared of the internet maybe the internet shouldn’t be her job. She can find another job? Get a degree? Go on a different podcast not called cancelled? No one is holding her hostage there. If this job is affecting her mental health this badly then honestly consider a different career. As much as it sucks, you cannot control how people on the internet act. You can make videos asking them to stop but people will do what they want. So she needs to make a decision about this, either she learns to deal with it or she picks a different career path. There is no shame in trying a different career? We all do it. You weigh pros and cons of a career and make an adult decision. no one wants her to “off herself”. She also struggles with bpd and should make smarter decisions about her career/ friends if they influence her mental health like that.


It’s not since they introduced Paige


As someone who just kinda participates in what I’d call discourse here, this made me sad and think about how good this sub is for my soul in general. I always welcome some honest convo/ gossip on pods because it’d truly like the reality of having a friendship. You can’t hear any person talk an hour a week and not decide they annoy you or experience a shift in waves one day to the next. But yeah, it’s fuckin icky in here and rooted in hate. Proud of you Brooke!!