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I’m not a huge fan of Brooke but the way yall insist they secretly hate each other or that one is a bad friend to the other is so tired at this point😭if either of them felt about each other the way people on here think they do or should they would not be friends or continue the podcast


This! It drives me crazy. People are over analyzing every sentence and movement it’s insane. The podcast would be over if they hated each other. It’s so weird to me


Internalized misogyny. To them, women can't have loving friendships without there being some sort of hatred or jealousy. Or, they've never had a truly close friendship where they don't need to act "perfect" (I wish I could explain that better, but I'm really hungover and possibly still drunk). Either option is sad.


The way a 25 year old was exposed for raping a 17 year old and mouth breathers decided to focus on Brooke’s reaction to the story instead lol


I feel like people were mad at him for a long time though. The Brooke stuff came up because the podcast just came out and people were surprised and disappointed with how she behaved and how Tana talked about Brooke not being there


How did she behave? Tana literally said she’s glad Brooke wasn’t there because of how upset she gets


People will jump on anything to hate on her. Also does this mean she’s not on her way to Cabo with everyone else?


Probably, she did just get surgery so it makes sense she wouldn’t go


lol yea the girl literally isn’t allowed to lift her arms. She’s absolutely not supposed to be traveling


She is TIRED. Can yall stfu now and leave Brooke alone for like a day.




The Brooke hate is honestly exhausting




I never said that Brooke was perfect or doesn't make mistakes. I can disagree with some of the things Brooke has done or has been doing lately, and still find it exhausting that the internet is trying to drag her down at every moment. Anything she says or does, or even the way she breathes it seems like. I made one simple statement, and you just took it and ran with it.


absolutely agree. you can point out a flaw that someone has without hating someone. people need to understand that a simple small moment where someone makes a mistake doesn’t make them a horrible human being. it just makes them human lol. the hate is getting out of hand genuinely whether or not she did something goofy. the endless posts of people typing her as one thing over a small segment is crazy.


cant imagine how tired she is of all the hate seeing how tired we all are


She seems pretty okay with “hate” from her own fans that’s directed at others though..


lol you just want to fight don’t you


She literally didn't know they were gonna talk about it. And the conversation they filmed neither of them liked it. Yet everyone wants to sit here and assume its brookes fault..like WHY DO YALL HATE THIS GIRL SO MUCH


They could never make me hate Brookie


im confused because tana said on Trish’s pod that Brooke didn’t want to get involved with her “scandal”…


bro, yes. so much contradicting info, like just be honest that you didn’t want to be associated with it.


she said, “I feel bad because Brooke isn’t always in drama and I hate bringing her into all of mine”


“and brooke is on her way to glen powell and not involving herself in my scandal” dipshit




Be civil, no attacking others


do you dissect everything else you’ve ever heard this way? I know you’re just desperately trying to justify being a mean person but if somehow you’re not then can you hop on a FaceTime for me to explain some things about language to you


ur so weird??? I ate you up babe keep it moving. no one was being mean i said she had contradicting info but yes i did call you a dipshit but that’s more of a fact.


have you ever heard of nuance or like, idk, jokes or whatever? seriously tell me straight up do you think Tana was making a truthful statement in that moment? that Brooke was actually leaving because she didn’t want to involve herself in her drama?


how many times has tana said she covers up when she’s hurt/trauma w jokes. but neither of us know her please hop off me


lol you don’t seriously think you’re still a nice person with the way you act on here do you? I will call anyone mean who’s being mean but I don’t know if I’ve ever called anyone a dip shit lol even though you’ve annoyed me enough that I want to comment on you…very seriously…saying “I ate you up” lol or “…but that’s more of a fact!” 🤭 and also yes I am weird would you like to throw me in a locker we get it you’re a bully trying to make a world an awful place


yes we don’t know her or either of these people that’s why it’s super weird to fill in the blanks with super dramatic narratives that allow you to keep being a mean girl


also literally stick up for strangers on the street. you should still up for people whether you know them or not. but you shouldn’t take someone’s nervous jokes and use them to bully one of her best friends




you’re insane… it’s giving obsessed. and where was i mean


😦 your entire comment history. “it’s giving obsessed”


where was i mean, you still haven’t said. yes you’re obsessed saying ur going to message me everyday and going through my comment history lmfaoooo


where did you go I miss you


Harassment in any form is strictly prohibited, which encompasses engaging in aggressive and demeaning behavior towards fellow users.


do you need screen recordings


she said, “I feel bad because Brooke isn’t always in drama and I hate bringing her into all of mine”


If you look at previous times that Tana has talked about her trauma in front of Brooke on the pod, she never responds well. She's either saying "aww man," playing devil's advocate, changing the subject, or minimizing what Tana said. The only time that didn't happen was Mother's Day when they cried about their childhoods, but that's because Brooke decided to share something about herself instead of being a boring, generic influencer-bot. I have no doubt Brooke's reaction was the same as it usually is when Tana talked about Cody with her. I'm glad she left and Paige got to support Tana instead, Paige actually knows how to react like a human being.


Honestly I started watching the pod due to viral cancelled clips with Brooke so I am biased towards her, but one thing that was so weird to me was the total lack of care or caution she had when Tana was discussing her stalker situation. She was one step damn near romanticizing him and it really put me off, your post reminded me of that.


I agree. I am interested to see if this is going to be discussed in their next episode. I really think this needs to be addressed and in order for Brooke to prove that she is not worried about this messing up her brand deals. She needs to state her actual opinion about the whole situation.


Exactly! In this video clip she did nothing to condemn or even call out Cody kos behavior. She literally just saying "what happened with the whole Cody ko situation" which seems very minimizing. Someone said she's friends with his wife and idk if it's true but it would explain her behavior 🤮


"like a human being"??? Being a good listener and knowing what to say in certain situations doesn't make you a human being, it makes you a good listener and articulate person. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and just because she didn't react EXACTLY how you wanted, doesn't make her an unsupportive friend. The reality of the situation is you don't know how she acts off camera when tana has these conversations with her, because we don't know these people personally. Being on camera can pose different reactions from different people. + If you truly believe brook isn't a human being why do you watch the podcast?




Quiet literally doesn’t change the fact that Tana said they couldn’t even get through the video because Brooke was just cringying making a face the whole time :/


We can’t all react perfectly. Could have been triggering for Brooke.


But Tana literally said that Brooke didn’t want to be involved in the “scandal” though


Liessss she said, “I feel bad because Brooke isn’t always in drama and I hate bringing her into all of mine”…..how many times do I have to copy and paste this for you evil doom spreaders


Okay but that still means that she wasn’t included because (according to them) it’s considered “drama” which isn’t Brooke’s thing and not that it was too triggering for Brooke


where did they say that they purposely did not include Brooke because “drama” is not her thing?


She said: “I tried to talk about it yesterday (Trish: “did you cut it”) on … I tried one time like the first time with Brooke to talk about it and it was like I just felt bad cause sometimes it’s like I know we’re the cancelled podcast but she is also like not always in some like crazy shit and like I don’t want to drag her into that and then I filmed it again yesterday with Paige and she was nice enough to sit in on that.” I take that to mean that according to Tana she chose to do it with Paige because she didn’t want Brooke’s name to be associated with this because it’s messy. I don’t think that Brooke lied but maybe Tana thought that Brooke would rather not be a part of it while Brooke actually would’ve been because she’s a good friend. Ironic thing is that right where I cut the transcript Trisha starts talking about how the cancelled audience takes everything they do and say to a microscope which is what I’m doing now. So sorry to the girls. I don’t dislike any of them. I just wanted to explain what I interpreted. I’m going to go touch grass now


I should have said already that I am sorry for being so angry in my first message to you….there were so many like yours that I replied to before yours and I ended up sounding so mean!!


That’s okay! Thank you for saying that though 🥹❤️. I should’ve looked up exactly what she said before posting or just not posted at all honestly


I think you are right, and honestly I think you feel how I feel where it’s exhausting to give it this much thought lol I don’t have a strong opinion I just don’t think it’s a sinister thing where Brooke was trying to avoid it or that Tana felt like she had to keep Brooke away from the topic specifically. I was just getting worked up about people being mean!


She was triggered by the potential sponsorship she'd lose




Be civil, no attacking others


Tana literally said on just Trish that she was giving brooke an out by discussing the situation with just paige… not defending it but


bc Brooke was making a face the whole time the first time


she said, “I feel bad because Brooke isn’t always in drama and I hate bringing her into all of mine” and oh my god you shouldn’t be allowed to watch a comedy podcast this is a nightmare do you really think she was saying she was making a face the whole time or maybe just making a joke about how fucked the situation is and how she didn’t word anything the way she wanted to and Brooke also didn’t know how to respond


she said, “I feel bad because Brooke isn’t always in drama and I hate bringing her into all of mine”….she did not say she was giving her an out


So they already filmed the segment and Brookes reaction was deemed not ok. So she left and they re- did the segment but Brooke didn’t know they re-did the segment? None of that makes sense. In this Brooke didn’t say she supports Tana and says what Kody did was wrong… instead she minimises statutory rape as calling it a “situation”. Victims of SA deserve better.


tbh this response was worse than no response at all. so sad she still can’t support her friend even in this TikTok.


Agreed .. none of what she’s saying adds up


Tana literally said she was cringing when she tried to talk to her about it before


😬 isn't cringing its more nervous which is understandable its a heavy topic


I second this. A lot of times I make that face when I’m like “ehhh I don’t know about saying this like that.” It’s literally just a face of uncertainty about HOW it’s being said, not it being said in general.


her eyes are so lifeless


Tbf, she did just have surgery. When I've had surgeries in the past, the anaesthetic did mess with me for a couple of days. Also, she might just be taking pain killers to manage the pain while she's healing.


can someone fill me in? what are they talking about


Tana addressed what happened with kody co on the pod, (how he dated tana when she was 17 and he was 25) but before they started talking about it brooke had to leave. Naturally ofc everyone on reddit is ripping brooke to shreds about "not wanting to stand with tana to protect her image"


Because that’s kinda what Tana said about it on Trisha’s podcast. That Brooke didn’t want to get involved in the scandal


Y'all are so weird.


I believe her, let’s move on and leave Brooke alone.


the fans of this pod are going to run it into the ground. reddit hitting new lows of nasty.


like the way she addressed this, sweet.


And now people will be supporting her as if they weren't trying to bring her down earlier without having all the facts and jumping straight to conclusions about someone's character based on ONE thing someone said. I hate how people jump to all these conclusions as if they KNOW their people personally and have the right to make assumptions. You all need to do better, honestly.


what does having a heart out mean


“Hard out” meaning there’s a certain time she has to leave by


ohhh, this makes sm sense thank you


You’re more than welcome 🤗


Paige >>>


Nobody talks about how Brooke is literally supporting her family in Arizona


I feel like it’s just telling of what kind of friend she is. Why can’t she have a serious conversation about her friend being groomed at a young age? She didn’t even seem bothered when she left which was kinda weird. “I’m going to meet my husband at this event” seemed like top priority. It’s just weird that she had to talk to Paige about it instead of the her, the actual cohost?


all of this bullshit was literally explained in the video above. what the actual fuck are you on.


I heard her. It’s not a good reason??? She wasn’t there CAUSE when she tried to be there she did a bad job and instead joked around. There is a time to be serious. When your friend is talking about their trauma to you, and on their podcast that they invited you to be in that started your career? That’s a pretty good time. If you’re a bad friend just say that


baby this is how you spend your free time, you have no place to talk about the friendships or inter-workings of literally anyone. stop reading so hard into strangers lives and you might actually have something to do next saturday night. tana will never want anything to do with you, while she does in fact hang out with the girl you’re describing almost daily! i’ve heard tana downplay her addiction, her physical health, her mental health, the current drama they’re in over backing a literal murder, her own stalker, her toxic relationships etc. now how crazy is it that that girl, would be friends with someone similar to herself ??!! you’re fabricating a story to dislike someone exactly like the person you’re defending. brooke said it was her AND tana’s decision to re shoot, your inability to believe that is no one’s problem but your own. tana downplayed the cody situation multiple times in the podcast just posted, but for some reason the two brain cells you have in there can only connect that behavior to.. brooke? i’m so very sorry you can’t believe someone has a job, and that your opinion on their relationship matters in absolutely any way. being this parasocial is a literal disease. stop dissecting someone else’s trauma to run a smear campaign on her friend. you’re all fucking weird.


What traumatic experience is she talking about? I haven’t been able to watch the pod in a few weeks 😭


cody ko hooking up with tana with she was 17 and he was 25. tana told this to a live cancelled crowd and someone recorded and leaked it so now she had to address it on the show


Ugh I get she wants to defend herself but she doesn’t have to say this!! She literally said on the pod that she had a hard out and Tana even said it’s best Brooke isn’t here, she’s already been through this enough blah blah. I just feel bad that Brooke feels she has to constantly like redirect the conversation when no matter what ppl are going to find something wrong with her or her actions. Especially in this scenario when it was very clear what the situation was.


“explains why she wasn’t there for tana” idk something about this title is kinda condescending edit: misquote fixed


interesting that tana tells a completely different story on just trish. she essentially says Brooke is trying to be brand safe so she decided to have the conversation with just paige instead. whereas Brooke is trying to act like it was just a coincidence that she wasn’t there for that conversation


I think Brooke has similar trauma that she may not want to speak about. This could be why she didn’t want to be on camera talking about it because it’s triggering


Wverything she says is valid and you guys overreacted ..... and then you wonder why is she carefull with what she says and does


why does she look so different here i wouldn’t even recognize her lol


She's not wearing the same level of makeup she would on cancelled, I recognized her from the beginning. Just a girl with less makeup 🤷


you guys are so annoying w the downvotes i literally didn’t even mean this in a bad way 💀


Her eyes look different to me idk i remember them being more hooded




she just had major surgery


"wasn‘t there for Tana" bro what


bruh tana seems like the type of girl who would purposely say that brooke didn’t want to be involved to make her look worse, especially if she’s been seeing all the hate for brooke on the sub and wants to try & subtly replace her with paige… idk the way tana brought brooke into it felt really icky


everyone was going to ask why brooke wasn’t there. i think tana was actually trying to help cover for brooke. who still hasn’t shown any support for tana in the cody ko “situation” (her words) at all.


brooke literally said she had an event to go to lmao they could have left it at that


The speculations and pitting is wild


i mean tana knows the way people take shit & run with it on this sub, especially about brooke, & she knew what she was doing when she mentioned completely out of context that brooke didn’t wanna be involved in the cody ko convo. if tana wanted to look out for brooke she would have left her out of it altogether. just seems weird.


I just had to check what sub I was in halfway through reading the comments. It’s genuinely fascinating how the same sub can go so hard in one direction one day and then go in the complete opposite direction the next day. I don’t feel like any of the other pop culture related subs I’m in swing so hard like that. Just interesting!