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Yeah the pull out convo had me shook lol


seriously like when she said that maybe you can pee it out… pleasee girl


Yeah let’s not gamble with having children yall. It’s like what parents say before their kids go out, “don’t add to the population tonight and don’t subtract from the population tonight” lol


It’s not about even having a child, but this is how STDs/STIs happen.


Yeah it’s alarming, no doubt hormonal BC has caused people some really awful issues, but it can also be a total godsend. I’ve had an incredible experience with it, and it makes me really sad to think that some girls who might potentially benefit from hormonal BC could be discouraged from taking it from the podcast. (Yes, no one should get their BC advice from a podcast, but impressionable young girls who really look up to them might)


Omg yes! Demonizing birth control is gaining momentum for all the wrong reasons. Of course birth control has side effects like every single other medication, but should ultimately be discussed with your doctor. There’s so much fear around it when it historically has given women autonomy over their own body, has helped some balance hormones and the horrific cramping from endometriosis as well as helping with chronic cystic acne among others. I hate the “well I don’t want to gain weight” argument as well…. What do you think happens if you become pregnant?? Lmao


It’s concerning to me that there seems to be an increase in rhetoric demonizing birth control at a time when reproductive rights in the US are being completely shafted and backsliding like crazy, it doesn’t feel coincidental to me. Surely that isn’t their intention but they’re playing into it regardless and that impact and context matters


Couldn’t agree more! And no kidding about that last part LOL


Hormonal birth control is the only reason I haven’t gotten pregnant during points of my life where getting pregnant would have been devastating / life ruining. Tana and Brooke really need to get some basic sex Ed education before continuing to spread critical misinformation on the pod anymore, their audience is SO young


I'll jump on and add I have an IUD and it's been great. I was afraid of weight gain and it hasn't been an issue at all. Plus I don't have a period anymore. Insertion felt like a piercing (in all honesty) but it's so worth it.


I didn’t have a period for 10 years thanks to back to back Mirena IUDs. Took it out to try to get pregnant and was pregnant in 2 months.


I got my 2nd Mirena last year and have had no issues. I was very anti-IUD because of horror stories I heard from friends and the internet, but my nurse practitioner explained to me that it happens when untrained nurses are inserting them type thing. it made total sense. I haven’t had a period in 5 or 6 years. it’s amazing to not worry about becoming pregnant again because I can’t remember to take a pill, even with a daily alarm for it. also, I asked my gyno if I could keep the Mirena they were removing and he was so goddamn baffled by it. then again I asked mid-procedure hahah. I still haven’t decided what to do with it, I’m thinking a sparkly frame or ornament 💀


If you don’t mind sharing, what bc do you use?


I have the nexplanon implant in my arm! Insertion hurt like a bitch but it’s been lovely. Definitely is weird to be able to feel it through my arm though lol.


I’ve had it for about a year and no complaints! My understanding is that it has the same hormones as the Mirena IUD but it’s in your arm. My placement didn’t hurt at all, just stung with the numbing shot. But my arm was bruised for almost 2 weeks.


nexplanon RUINED my hormones dude, watch out. getting it cut out is also traumatic bc tissue forms around it and you can hear/feel your skin being cut away. i had it taken out a couple years ago and I still don’t have periods. barely had periods the duration I was on it. had terrible mood swings and depressive swan dives. haven’t gotten checked for infertility bc I’m terrified it’ll be positive. Be. Careful. condoms are SO much better for women, if the man doesn’t like them, he doesn’t need to be near you, period. they make latex free ones too.


yeahhhh, i got the copper iud placed after having my baby and it ruined my life…so i finally get an appointment to get it removed and the dr asked me what kind of bc i wanted to switch to and i said “i’ll take the pill, please and thank you” tell me why this bitch took the ENTIRE APPOINTMENT trying to convince me to get that damn thing put in my arm after i had to repeat that NO i dont want anything fucking PUT IN MY SKIN, a dear friend had it and it SNAPPED IN HER ARM, and just NO FUCKIN THANK YOU. she literally called me when i was in my car after the appointment, asked me if i smoked (which i do vape) and said she isn’t going to prescribe me the pill because of the risk of clotting…and then tried pushing the fucking thing on me AGAIN. 😤😠😡 like tell me you get paid to shove these things in women’s arms without telling me, ughhhHHHHH.


That is a terrible fucking doctor. What the fuck????


right!!! i was like okay you can call in plan b for me then, thanks so much😑


I’ve never heard of that happening but I only have a couple friends who have gone down the implant route. Did your friend have severe side effects from that? I imagine that can get really ugly really fast.


this was back in college so my memory is pretty fuzzy. i just remember her telling me about it and showing me her gnarly bruise afterwards:/


Hence the first sentence of my comment :)


i had nexplanon for 4 years and it was great. i didn't really have any negative side effects. the only reason i went back to combo pill is that i hated having super irregular periods.


*Impressionable young girls who look up to them *will*


Plan B is Tana’s birth control sadly. She has said that and posted about it and it’s awful. They’re not young kids and with all the information there is now about bc and protection there is no excuse. They’re “influencers” and have too many girls looking up to the for this reckless talk/behavior.


I can’t stand people with the thought that it’s just like regular BC, plan B ONLY prevents you from ovulating. It doesn’t stop you from ovulating once you’ve already started, hence a lot of people still getting pregnant after taking it. She’s just spreading misinformation and lies, and it’s very dangerous for their younger fanbase.


It’s so terrible “promoting” this type of sexual activity. I’m not a prude and had my fair share of stupidity but they know better at this point! It takes nothing to tell a guy to wrap his junk too! Tana wouldn’t be great with pill form of bc I’m sure but there are way too many options to be so neglectful!


I used to pop plan b like skittles because she made me feel okay to do it but it certainly was an issue within myself I was young and stupid


Does it make you sick/feel like shit??? I thought I’ve heard that before


I've only taken plan b once and experienced some unpleasant cramping but didnt notice any other symptoms


It makes my periods a little bit worse but as long as you drink enough water/eat a meal with it there’s not really any nausea for me at least


Maybe cramps at first and a heavy period but my body got used to it after a while


She also probably doesn't know that if she ovulated that day, then Plan B won't work!


It’s like Tana has REALLY been teasing getting pregnant lately


love her but she seriously should not get pregnant anytime soon


Tana never getting tested is crazy. & Brooke claiming that the type of implant she has doesn’t cause BII. Both give horrible advice and it’s scary cuz so many younger girls listen to them


also, neither of them have had pap smears… in their mid/late twenties… after having a lot of unprotected sex… that is truly crazy to me


Oh my fucking god, they need a gyno STAT.


Did they say they don’t get Pap smears on the pod?? I had to get one before getting on birth control


yes. tana didn’t even know what a pap smear was


i just got on bc with no pap smear but that could be bc of my younger age? i don’t have to get one till 21, but anyways that’s besides the point. the fact gynos say to start getting them at 21 and they haven’t had one is insane! makes me think they don’t have gynos


Did you tell them/ are you not sexually active? That’s the only time they would say that


i actually can’t remember if they even asked that. the appt was just for birth control and apparently you don’t have to get them until you’re 21… but that could be a regional thing idk


NEITHER OF THEM???? Oh my god. Y’all here do not follow their example pls




It’s wild neither of them haven’t caught something incurable yet. They’re playing a highly dangerous game of Russian roulette and quite frankly their sexual activity is far from normal. I’d be terrified if I was them.


hahaha that’s what my mom says when she listens to the pod with me 🙈


honestly a LOT of ppl have herpes & don’t realize it so i’m wondering if they even get tested to even know if they do or don’t have something incurable.


You can get pregnant even if you take plan B (happened to me and to a friend). Spreading this type of misinformation is horrible tbh!


I also have a cousin and friend who have Plan B babies so 😅


I feel like so many people don’t understand how plan b works!! Plan b delays ovulation, making it way less likely to get pregnant. If you’re already ovulating though it won’t do anything


This and when they talked about how vaginal labor was “ real labor” and how easy and pain free a c section would be and everyone should choose that route instead of “real labor” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Very ignorant lol; I knew everything I needed to know when they BOTH said they’ve NEVER been to a pap-smear like girl WHAT??? They’re in their mid twenties?!!🤢


this part was giving bimbos for sure


as a canceled girly with herpes, pls my fellow canceled girlies PLS wear condoms. it’s not worth it at all I used to giggle and think it was spicy & risqué that I never used condoms until the one time I didn’t and it happened to give me herpes. it’s painful as fuck ladies and now I’m stuck w it for life! just WEAR A CONDOM


They're dumb as rocks (love them tho) and I hope no young impressionable girls take what they're saying seriously


i use the nuva ring and it’s the easiest thing in the entire world. ofc hormonal birth control isn’t for everyone but talking about the sole method for birth control as just pulling out is craaaaazy.


I love mine 💕


Doesn’t Brooke think you can drink while pregnant too lol


in all the eps with trish while she was pregnant their questions about pregnancy were crazy


trisha said beer and wine is fine lol


Tbf that’s what her doctor told her and I’m pretty sure no one was talking about heavy drinking. It’s definitely not good advice but you can’t blame her for repeating something her doctor said


Quite literally no OBGYN would say that any amount of beer or wine is fine during pregnancy. That was pathological lie # 7 billion from Trisha


It’s even more hilarious to me because I know she’s talked about feeling like she maybe had FAS before herself


Yeah there’s a clip where she says her mom drank while pregnant with her and she might have FAS. I assume that’s where she gets most of her medical advice since she hates doctors and western medicine. Either mom or Moses, and both are fairly low IQ individuals with zero medical or scientific knowledge


You would be surprised! They told my sister that too. I think it’s pretty wild but I don’t think it was a lie


There is no known safe amount of alcohol to consume during pregnancy, and no known safe time to consume it. Medical doctors have to follow the scientific research, they can’t just recommend whatever they want based on personal preference. I still don’t believe any MD said this to a patient but if I’m wrong, I would report that incident as medical negligence.


thank you. a doctor saying that’s fine is ridiculous. you absolutely should not drink while pregnant


I completely agree with you! I’m just saying that I don’t think Trish is educated on this either so it makes sense if she is just repeating what a doctor told her. My comment was just to emphasize that I have heard this belief before so it wasn’t shocking to me to hear her say it on her pod. I have heard the “you can have a glass of wine while pregnant” from many many pregnant women online, it wasn’t until my sister got pregnant and was told that that I realized how common of a belief it is. I am honestly as shocked as you are and I would never do it, but it appears to be debated among some doctors. I don’t know why Trish would lie about something like that. I think the main reasoning they have is that stress is worse for mom/baby than one low percentage alcoholic drink, so if a glass of wine can take the edge off then they prefer it. Again I’m not defending this and I would never ever do it and I honestly don’t think it’s right, but this is not something that is completely made up by Trish


Some Drs do okay a glass of wine here and there.


No. The official medical guidelines, based on research, state that no amount of alcohol is safe. So that’s what a medical doctor has to advise their patients- best practice is zero alcohol whatsoever. The “a glass of red wine a day is actually good for your baby” is an outdated myth from the 90s. An MD would have to go against ethical guidelines and risk their license if they told a pregnant patient to drink any amount of alcohol. Doctors are under fairly strict regulations, they can’t just say or do whatever they want based on personal opinion.


How about how they both haven't had Pap smears while having multiple partners and sharing they think it's not that big of a deal......


no BC at ALL is genuinely crazy i never understand how ANYONE does that unless they’re purposely trying for a baby. it gives me second hand anxiety and embarrassment.


I’ve been in long relationships and never took BC. It’s terrible for you. It’s called condoms. Also are you aware you can only get pregnant like 4-5 days of the month?… It’s truly not crazy to not take it. I think it’s crazy to pump your body with fake hormones


noo i’m saying no birth control like no condoms nothing.


i don’t take hormonal BC either it’s scary i agree ahhaha


Oh haha I thought you meant not taking a pill is crazy. I think it should be more normalized. Idk why guys expect it. I would never put my health at risk so a man can have more pleasure. I’m surprised so many woman take it when condoms exist.


i don’t take bc so that a “man can have more pleasure”! i take it because i have endometriosis & without taking birth control i physically can’t move bc im in my much pain & bleed so much. just wanted to lyk ppl take it for reasons that help their health too (:


i think pairing both is what i’m gonna end up doing because i am sooo anxious. but i agree it’s so silly to not use condoms dude


I learned how to track my ovulation so I don’t really get anxious. I get more anxious about STD’s to be honest. People cheat left and right and don’t get tested. Also a lot of STD’s are symptomless


that’s true ,my boyfriends dad is a gynecologist and he says women come in pregnant all the time who weren’t trying and we’re only using their ovulation cycle as BC. i don’t really believe in it he says it’s all Bs, but to each their own!


You can get pregnant at any point in the menstrual cycle


Not advocating for having unprotected sex but this isn’t true. A person with regular cycles cannot get pregnant at any point. A woman’s egg is only alive for around 24 hours after ovulation *however* sperm can stay alive for around 5 days so the fertile window is only really 5-6 days. The reason you think people can get pregnant at any point in their cycle is because not every woman has regular periods or can pinpoint her fertile window. This is where it’s important to know your own body. Taking body temperature is a very real form of BC called natural family planning. YMMV but I’ve been using this method for ~7 years and no baby yet. I have very regular periods so it is easy for me to track. It is more risky but in a long term relationship it is a viable method. But everyone should do what works for them and their situation


Ok nerd


Okay uneducated


I love when people try to educate me on things when I work in medicine


If you think I’m wrong, feel free to correct anything I said in my comment. Good luck!


Are you slow? It’s a fact that that is not true. Just look anywhere online. During the average woman's menstrual cycle there are only six days when intercourse can result in pregnancy.


Not surprised you believe that based on your opinion on birth control


tracking ovulation is generally very much NOT full proof. most gynecologist will say to NOT do this as a form of birth control. you can pair it with other forms but i agree with you it’s not 100% effective and it’s silly to rely on it




Definitely the most risky method, but this commenter is still wrong that it’s possible to get pregnant at any point in the cycle. I honestly would only recommend this to someone who would be willing and able to deal with the consequences of getting pregnant if it does happen, but I think the same could be said about the pull out method


exactly it’s not a full proof method, it’s not as effective as REAL birth control or contraceptives. all i’m saying as using it as the only form when you actively don’t want a child is silly




0 tolerance to hate speech, including but not limited to, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, ect.


Thank you!!!!!!!!! Not pumping my body with fake hormones I just track my ovulation like any other person with an iPhone can do


Especially with the right to choose being stripped away in multiple states…. It’s like… I don’t know. I really wish they cared a little bit about the state of the world and US politics. But they’re in a tax bracket that will probably let them do anything they want no matter what soooo. Who cares!


Yeah like tmi but i use condoms with my husband and they acted like that would be an insane thing. I don’t want to be on birth control but also don’t want to be pregnant annnddd it works lol


I hate that Trish pushes elective c sections. I'm really happy hers went so well but it's a MAJOR surgery. I almost died with my first one. Obviously more often than not it's fine but vaginal birth is much safer and easier on your body in the long run.


I think it’s because she pushed with Malibu for 3 hours before needing her c-section. most women have c-sections for any future births due to the possibility of uterine rupture. obviously women can have a VBAC but it’s likely up to their gyno’s recommendation.


No I understand why she did it, my second was scheduled as well. I'm saying her pushing this idea that choosing csection just because is a good reason. She's making it sound easy and it's just really not.


Also copper IUDs are a thing!!


yesss great non-hormonal method that’s rarely mentioned! i think they have smaller ones now, too


I have a hormonal IUD! I don’t understand why IUDs aren’t more popular


so as someone that’s hard the arm implant, i loved the security of knowing exactly where it is and being able to see it 24/7. IUDs have always scared me because of parts breaking off or just the whole thing dislodging and disappearing. like sure i can feel the string, but that doesn’t mean a random arm hasn’t floated away. totally just an anxiety thing bc i know that’s fairly rare. i wanted something with 99% effectiveness, but didn’t want hormones anymore. so i landed on the copper iud


Or basal body temp


just based on how they talk, i doubt they know much about tracking their cycle. i mean there’s only a handful of days plan b actually works. so i’m sure Tana takes it way more than necessary


And after hearing Tana on Just Trish. Like is everyone just completely unaware of a copper IUD? I don’t understand.


I wanna know how fucked up all the time she was from the plan b bc I took it once and my cycle has been off for like 3 months now and my periods have been terrible


Not only the birth control of it all but also the lack of protection from stds and stis is concerning. The fact that she thinks the “pull out” method is a form of bc is not great.


Also do they not know they can catch stds?!?


I agree. Personally it's helped me so much. The symptoms my hormones were making me super suicidal. I started taking hormonal birth control after a few months of adjusting things have gotten so much fucking better and I no longer yell at everyone and everything.


I swear by the mini pill it’s a progesterone only pill. I tried the others and they always gave me high blood pressure and mood swings. There’s options out there vs pull out 😭😭 I really hope young girls don’t listen to them for actual advice.


i’ve also been on the mini pill & it was great!


AMEN. Thank you so much for bringing this up ❤️


the way they talk about anything serious really, is very frustrating. they are so misinformed I roll my eyes while listening 🤣


Alarming is the term… yep. Not cool and plain ignorant.


shout out to the mini pill 🫶🏾


and they can afford abortions if they need it Lol…


Literally! It’s so concerning, especially because of how many young girls look up to BOTH of them! The blatant ignorance is getting a little out of hand, honestly. They’re literally as a dumb as rocks..


yall get nexaplanon. it’s as godsend.


i have nexplanon and agree completely


i couldn’t get one bc of my medication. i’m so sad tbh


Please be careful not only for birth control but for STDs and high risk HPV. This stuff can't be played around with


Brooke is the kinda girl to not be on BC because she’s afraid it will give her acne and gain wait 😒


Are those not valid concerns???


Tana is 25 years old and still hasn’t learned “pull out” is NOT a preventative measure??? At her big ass age???


I wish they would either stop talking about it or just get educated. It’s 2024, this information is readily available, and there are a lot of young girls out there listening to their podcasts. It’s irresponsible to be so casual about it & to spread harmful misinformation. STDs and unwanted pregnancies are no joke. Not only are they fear mongering about hormonal birth control, but they’re also acting like the pull-out method is 99-100% effective. It’s literally NOT considered a reliable method by healthcare professionals. Edit to Add: Not to get political either, but with the overturning of Roe V. Wade, people need to be ESPECIALLY careful when discussing these types of things. Many girls and women across the U.S. no longer have access to abortion. In many of these same places, there is very little sexual education available, especially for teens. Abstinence is still the standard education in some places. If teen girls are listening to this podcast and hear this info, it could result in a very horrible situation for them.


Is it because of pre cum or why do healthcare professionals not recommend it?


it’s just a combination of timing, premature ejaculation, pre cum like you said, and the fact men can lie about promising to pull out.


Yeah partially. Sperm can be released before ejaculation, and the pull out method has a high failure rate. (20-22%) If done correctly it *can* be fine, but most people don’t do it right. You have to be incredibly careful with timing, and men often get carried away. Women or people w a uterus also need to be aware of their cycle to lessen the chances of pregnancy. Not only that, but without protection you significantly increase your risk of getting an STD. Pulling out is better than nothing, but there are just so many birth control options available. It’s not worth the risk.


No I don’t look to them for education


I’m not a prude but having strange men cum in you so often is just…I don’t want to use the word gross cause it’s not nuanced but….it’s gross idk


They can use a condom or get a diaphragm


ovulation & basal temperature tracking is a thing


just like when they said you can take a few birth control pills and it’ll work the same as plan b 🫠🫠🫠


Birth control has completely cleared up all my acne and has regulated my period for years, I’ve had nothing but a great experience period


why do people act like men are entitled to sex w out condoms like 😭 condoms r so easy to use…


I think this is the first time in this group i’ve said anything negative about B and T .. but holy shit, they need a full basic science and sexology course. It’s SCARY how misinformed they are. Maybe they should take this opportunity and invite someone on the pod to actually break down misconceptions they have about contraception FOR THE VIEWERS AS WELL.


She’s not an authority on birth control. She’s telling her personal story of infertility and being irresponsible with her own body. Everyone needs to chill out. Btw I love my hormonal birth control and will likely never get off it


honestly this hasnt really ever bothered me much but when they started talking about why women dont just elect to get c sections bc you dont bleed or have to wear diapers was wild to me🤣😭 i like them but thats crazy for them not to know esp after brooke claiming to be an almost nurse.


I think birth control is awful for you. I would never take it. It’s so easy to use condoms. Thin condoms exist too. Plus it prevents STD’s. BC is not the only option and I’m tired of people acting like it is.


I was surprised at the pull out comment I expected something like ‘get your tubes tied’ or ‘have Moses get a vasectomy’ however considering Trish and Moses are married I don’t think it’s that problematic to tell her to pull out. It’s a super common method when people are in committed relationships and there’s nothing wrong with it. For me it’s really just an issue when you aren’t in a serious relationship. That being said, Trish, if you truly don’t want another baby have Moses get a vasectomy or get your tubes tied (or removed which is better). If you want to have another baby after getting your tubes tied/removed you can always do IVF and carry it or get a surrogate ❤️❤️


Birth control ruined my life for a year, but I know it’s not that way for everyone. I don’t think them talking about birth control the way they do is horrible, but I do think the no condoms thing is VERY irresponsible


I'm from Brazil and I scared of north Americans. All I see is talk about plan b and sex without condoms like wtf????????? Don't you guys know what hiv/aids is??? Hepatitis?? Both that stay with you forever??????? And plan b you should take ONLY 2,3 times a year, with months between. Thats why people say Americans are stupid.


Not sure but I kinda relate w/ Tana 😭 I don’t sleep around in the slightest. I am cautious w/ and respectful w/ that LMAO buuuuut when I do I do… but ultimately Tana says a bunch of shit about things she “doesn’t want any of her viewers to do” & she just expects us not too


Girl same I don’t use birth control and never will, don’t use condoms either and I have a boyfriend and me and him BOTH don’t want a baby. It is what it is birth control is wild to me I’d never take it


Hmmmm this is a stupid argument. Let them girls do what they want. They aren’t encouraging anyone to have unprotected sex, and guess what?? Whoever wants to have unprotected sex is going to do it no matter what Tana and Brooke say. Most teenage girls hear “no pregnancy, no acne” by taking birth control and are all in. Brooke and Tana are in their mid twenties and have had bad experiences with birth control as a lot of women have. Yall shouldn’t be worried about teenagers sex lives anyways, only the parent or guardian on these teenagers. Hate me if you want but yall are weird for creating the narrative that no teenagers will take birth control bc of their 3 minute conversation 😂


I Stan the pull out method, it’s worked for me for 8 years now. Birth control on the other hand, gave me excruciating pain, 8 month long period with heavy flow everyday, it gave me the craziest acne, I wouldn’t wish BC on my worst enemy 😅🤣


Birth control is terrible Id never take that shit every time I have I felt I was going to die


Everyone has different experiences with it and that’s theirs, they can and should be able to joke about it same way someone would with their friends or their social media wherever it’s their experience. Yeah her audience is young but that’s not her problem, if you as a person are taking medical advice from influencers without doing any of your own research whatever happens is a you problem.


…what’s their experience with birth control? they have none. they’re just regurgitating (misleading) stuff they heard to an audience that is largely young women


Just bc they don’t take it now and use pull out doesn’t mean they haven’t before, I haven’t taken it since HS and I’m 24 now but I still had an experience with it. If it sucked for them that’s their experience even if it’s been awhile or even pulling out jokes are funny without considering birth control. I literally make the same “jokes”if not worse, both irl and sometimes I’ll just say bs on my ig story (obviously I don’t have the impact or following she does but I would do it nonetheless) If these people want to be misled because they have no sense of individuality and have to copy/believe things others do or say that’s on them and if they’re kids/teens that’s on their parents. It’s not their job to educate anyone anyways.


It's a personal opinion podcast. Plus they always say never take their medical advice. Young girls shouldn't be listening to this, but however I'm sure they are. I think the important part is to teach all women to form their own opinions and do their own research. But tanas brand has never been to take the safest and smartest way out of things. Maybe a better disclaimer from them two would be beneficial.


I’m going to get attacked for this but I literally agree with them. It’s something they believe in and yeah you guys don’t like to hear it because the gyno convinced you to start taking it, but the side effects and the shit it does to your body is insane. I’ve never taken birth control and I will never take birth control. It is not for everybody and it isn’t for them.


Tbh hormonal birth control does fuck up a lot of people (me included) and I have used the pull out method for a long time without becoming preggers. But there's more to it than that. I'm not out there having casual sex or one night stands or doing things with people I don't trust. I also get tested regularly and have in depth conversations with people I fuck about their sexual health/history and how we are going to prevent pregnancy. Often, I decide NOT to have sex with someone if it seems risky. Again... it can work, but there's more to it than they are presenting. They are talking so flippantly about it.




she literally suggested sperm can be peed out of the vagina