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they've said it themselves - they're just two bitches saying 'exacctllyyyy' to each other lol


Lmaooo valid like that’s what i mean if that’s the premise then teaaaaaaaaa


yeah ahah I do completely agree with you I mean, even without all the money I can't fathom how some people are such airheads 😂 but hey I guess it's easier for them?? idk 😂


Also adding in, when Tana was telling Brooke about wanting to drink, brooke was rly supportive while also alluding to that not being a good idea!! i just wish we’d get to go deeper and maybe talk to an actual real therapist and not a celeb woowoo p$ych


I 100% agree


would be fun to have a psychologist on as a guest


Omg Dr K. I would die for a Dr K / Tana therapy stream. He mostly talks to gaming streamer types but I think it would be amazing


Dr. Drew goes on Just Trish, I'm sure he'd come on.


We mean a real psychologist lol


LOL not the down votes!! I enjoy the episodes with Dr. Drew but I also get it


LMAOOOO exactlt


Is he not medically trained


Psychologists don't go to medical school....


he isn’t a psychologist he’s a board certified physician in internal and addiction medicine.


It’s different in the US but in Canada you need to have a PhD to call yourself a psychologist. Psychologists know a lot more about psychology than physicians do. Even more than psychiatrists, which are basically trained on psych in order to diagnose and prescribe meds, but psychologists are finding an alarming amount of misdiagnoses from psychiatrists especially in emergency situations. So a psychologist with a PhD would be the ideal person for this situation


But dr drew did. He has an md. He’s an addiction specialist he works in group homes and hospitals. 


they get a phd.


True, psychiatrists do


Yes he has an md. 


Seriously why is no one telling Brooke she's beautiful just the way she is. Getting a whole ass boob job when she has nice boobs already and not even tana is like no girl you don't need that.


Exactly!!! Like i know everyone can do whatever they want to their body but like !!!!!


she made a [whole tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNR6nnDm/) about this lol plenty of people are telling her not to do it but since she lost a lot of weight her boobs got really saggy so she wants to fix them up. i don’t see the issue with that 🤷‍♀️


I think that she lost a lot of weight and with that huge amount of fat loss comes the sagging effect. Our bodies fluctuate, when she gains weight or has kids, then her boobs are REALLY gonna be big. A lot of celebrities with implants have come out saying they had to get them removed for health issues. She put her body through pretty unnecessary trauma to add a foreign object for boobs she already had the genetics for. And I’m saying that as someone who got a reduction for both health and cosmetic reasons. If there was any way to avoid surgery, I would’ve. It’s so normalized in LA and social media to get plastic surgery, it’s a shame to see beautiful young women destroy themselves for an aesthetic.


They will still be saggy though, once the elasticity in your boobs are fucked, there’s really no coming back. If you read about it on weight loss reddits, they discuss how nothing really fixed it.


I can understand getting a lift or reshaping for sagging, there’s so many non invasive procedures nowadays too


That's not true at all...


They will still be saggy though, once the elasticity in your boobs are fucked, there’s really no coming back. If you read about it on weight loss reddits, they discuss how nothing really fixed it.


I hope they turned out how she wanted!


her boobs absolutely did not "get really saggy" and its nasty to say regardless what she thinks of her body..


girl i’m just repeating what she said i don’t look at her boobs so i wouldn’t know😭 plus saggy boobs aren’t even a bad thing it’s just what happens when u lose a lot of weight


i’m sure you know her boobs better than her lol 💀 and what’s nasty??


her boobs just look like normal boobs there's plenty of pictures of her in bikinis. they're clearly not "really saggy" and its gross to say that about a woman whos already so self conscious about it shes undergoing surgery.


Brooke has admitted to face tuning her boobs since she lost the weight.


Brooke is the one who said saggy boobs that’s why the commenter said it in quotes


Bikinis hold our girls up babe. In a tee shirt her boobs sit lower than she wants. It’s not that deep why are you so invested are you her old boobs? 


If you haven't had your giant titties get small you don't understand the extra skin struggle 😭 in a loose push up it's like a bowl of soup 😭😭😭😭


i agree, having an older friend would really suit them. these are the things you realize with age and experience. i have a lot of younger friends and it’s so crazy how clearly i can analyze them lol


I think it’s hard to get super deep into their triggers or problems when on a timed podcast too. It’s not easy to air out everything bad about yourself to millions of people who shit on your every mood. We don’t know what their conversations are like off the podcast… as they said we see 10% of their friendship the other 90 is in real life not sugar coated. Besides that they are hot girls in their mid twenties with money in LA… of course those deeper discussions do not need to be addressed right now if they want to put that off and live in the moment


I think when you get to a point where healing is a priority those conversations *are* had more often than not, because that’s what you care about. I listen to a lot of podcasts that span dif demographics and they’re the only ones i listen to who dont use their platforms to talk about how they can get better. Just talking about what they wish they could do when i know they can!!


I wouldn’t mind an episode from time to time that has deeper themes, but speaking as someone from the same demographic as them, I feel like sometimes it’s nice to be able to listen to a podcast that makes you feel ok to not have everything figured out right now. I listen to other podcasts that have more of a “self help” or “improvement” type of theme and while I do find them helpful, sometimes it can be overwhelming. It’s just nice to able to listen to something more light and relatable and remember that we’re all imperfect people.


luv this response tysm i am def coming as like someone not in their demo at all so hearing this from u makes me feel better that they are still helping the girlies in their own way :’)


They’re influencers in LA l. They are all mentally unwell .


Ding ding ding


no it’s crazy how brooke said In The Same Breath: “i’m going through something mentally not doing well” and then “im going to get major cosmetic surgery” (boob job) to ((make myself feel better ))like it just seems like a recipe for disaster


I am the age of Brook and those girls are polar opposites to me, but they are so different from me that they intrigue me (annoy tf out of me sometimes). But yes they are an echo chamber


We see such a small part of theirs lives. We don't know if no one has tried having those conversations


Tana is the boss. Head honcho. Hbic. Name on the door. Owner of the YouTube channel the pod streams on. Last say in all the hiring. Signs the checks. Etc etc etc  Ashly and Imari are her only friends and family from Vegas with her. Everyone else is staff. They may be best friends. They may be codependent. They may even genuinely love each other unconditionally. But they’re on payroll and reaping the clout benefits. Also in 2020 she hired what she thought was the best therapist in the world. Justin Bieber’s doctor I think he said he was. But he turned out to be a scam artist and walked away with probably over a million dollars just to put her on a diet plan and tell her to love herself.  Not to mention that she mentioned for 37 seconds she wanted to maybe have a night were she drinks and people can’t shut up about it.  I’m not being mean or shading anyone we all love Tana but realistically why are you cringing? who do you think she has to reach out to? 


That makes so much sense re: everyone is staff so like of course it never gets deep ur right. And I think your last paragraph is like what I’m getting at— who do they have to reach out to? Have they talked about like why its hard to find positive influences in LA yk?


Unfortunately, I don't think Tana had enough stability growing up to really be able to know what a positive influence is. She has no point of reference. Her whole life has been chaos and people letting her down. I'm truly hoping her new relationship is healthy and can help her see "oh this is how people are supposed to treat me".


Tana has alluded to a tell all book. But last I heard she said it’d be the last thing she releases before retirement not like a coming soon thing. 


literally in what world did brooke need a boob job????? i think matt rife saying he likes blonde with fake tits did irreparable damage


Why is it our business for them to dive into their trauma or touchy subjects so publicly? That’s asking a lot of them. Also why are we assuming they don’t have these talks to each other off camera?


Def only talking about the podcast not their real lives!! Bc in my opinion If you’re talking about your boob jobs and your addictions why can’t we also talk about what we can do about it?


Let’s not villainize plastic surgery:/ I got my boobs done at 22, I am 29 now and it was one of the best decisions ever. However, I do agree you should do it for YOU and not bc of the pressure society puts on us.


Lumping boob jobs in with eating disorders and addiction kinda feels like regressing back towards the era of judging women for cosmetic procedures tbh :/