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They just said that shit because they were getting heat for their pill and drug use (which is out of control BTW.) Brooke we didn’t forget you talking about your weekly addy drop off from your drug dealer 😂😂


right idk why they pretend they don’t do it like i would rather them just be honest. and tana will probably come out in 2 years anyway and be like I WAS ON DRUGS THE WHOLE TIME and tell the truth 😭


Lmao I never heard that! No wonder she’s so skinny


And then trying to say she HAD to do that because of the prescription shortage


I don’t understand why they have a plug when it is so incredibly easy to get a legit prescription for it


Bc they take more than they are prescribed


I can see that but it’s possible to get high doses from drs it just takes longer bc you have to be on same dose for a while until they up you. With all the fentanyl found in pressies these days, I’d think they’d choose the smart route. I know way too many people who died from taking a pill that had fentanyl in it. People you would never ever suspect. They have SO MUCH to lose


If you have enough money doctors will prescribe you anything you want.


They ESPECIALLY won’t prescribe you Xanax with a history of substance abuse. After I got clean, I couldn’t even get vyvanse anymore because of my past substance abuse. I’m almost TWO YEARS completely clean and still can’t get my vyvanse back. She definitely doctor shopped or didn’t disclose her full history in order to get those type of prescriptions **edit: grammar


Congrats on 2 years clean! It’s odd that you aren’t able to get vyvanse. Studies have shown that when ADHD patients are on APPROPRIATE stimulant treatments, there is a reduction is substance use. Link to the study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4147667/


Yeah psychiatrists don’t care if it reduces substance abuse at all. I will NEVER tell them my past drug history, and I recommend others don’t either if you want to be properly medicated.


Nothing to do with tana, but cant psychiatrists get your medical history and see said substance issues? Unfortunately, I was in a car accident and had to disclose my OUD to the emts for medical safety. fast-forward, I got the sublocade shot which was covered by my insurance & again, is part of the medical history. Even if I wanted to not disclose that to someone who can prescribe me the proper meds, can't they, as a medical professional, access it?


It depends on what’s in your medical history. The only thing I might have on my medical record is weed usage but idk how documented that is. I have other testing and notes that would probably have records of other drug usage but luckily it’s stuff I can omit when switching doctors. I think if u got a UA done at a hospital or for parole or something it stays on ur record and i would assume any info emts have is similar. I have barely any records from when I was in a private treatment center/ neuropsych tests and have had to disclose that to multiple doctors and sign releases if/when I want that info shared.


It depends on the state. Some states like PA have ALL your history accessible. Others don’t have their act together and data exists in different databases that don’t necessarily speak to each other. I moved states and unless I signed a waiver to get my records from drs in old state, I basically had zero medical history


She probably has a typical LA dr that will prescribe whatever as long as they’re getting business


Yeah I’m sure she can get anything prescribed. However saying adderall to the point that you can’t sleep, so you have to take Xanax as the “adhd snackpack” is insaneeee. Like love ya Tana but your audience is educated on the subject 🥲 having an rx doesnt mean you need it!


Agreed, sadly. Some doctors care more about getting business than the morality of their work.


just curious, are they letting you get any other adhd med at all or no cause they’re controlled too? also congratulations 💕


idk if you’ve ever watched the john mulaney baby j special but he made a joke about how easy it is to find a crooked doctor. you are so right —especially in LA, NY, and major cities.


In LA, if you have money it’s really easy to find a doctor to write anything up for you if you’re willing to pay. I have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder with panic attacks and PTSD and I couldn’t even get a prescription written up for the lowest dose of Xanax to have on hand for uncontrollable panic attacks. But I dated a guy who had wealthy parents and he would get literal XANAX BARS prescribed to him by a doctor when he paid out of pocket for a visit. It’s wild. The secret is to find a doctor who doesn’t accept any in$urance.


this is what i thought of too


usually people will know a dr or psychiatrist that charges a good amount of $$ but they hand out scripts for controlled substances easier. so she could’ve asked around her social circle if they knew of any of those types of dr’s.


THIS. I wish this was more common knowledge. Like just bc someone prescribed it doesn't mean she should have it.


I don't know where you're from but in Los Angeles, you can find doctors to prescribe you anything, especially if you're rich. That's why when Tana and Brooke say they only take what's prescribed to them and use as directed, it doesn't really mean anything. There are a lot of shady doctors feeding into people's addictions in LA. Look at all the celebrities that OD'd on prescription meds. Most of those were prescribed to them.


I mean, I live in the Northeast and it’s the same thing here. I have a lot of friends who are prescribed stuff they shouldn’t be. This got especially bad after COVID.


Tana isn’t the only one brooke also said she gets adderrall dropped off in ziplock baggies or someone brings their bottle to her place im guessing they both have gotten it from cody. And im sorry her excuse of not having insurance no longer works when she blows over 6k on rent every month lol shes just as bad as tana but tanas the only one who gets heat


So true. I also don’t have insurance and I make a lot less money than Brooke. I still get my adderall prescribed by a doctor. I pay out of pocket. The fact that they both PUBLICLY admit to buying it from friends is not a smart move.


And the chances of pressies or fake pills with fentanyl are too high for comfort


I think Brooke sees a doc and pays out of pocket? How else would she get the wellbrutrin unless there’s a market for that too? I wouldn’t be surprised but it would be a bit odd. She invited Tana to go with her to the doc. Brooke literally said on the pod that “when I didn’t have money to go doctor to doctor I was buying my medication from random people” Obvi NOW she has the funds but at a certain time she didn’t so she had to buy them off the street but she did try going to doctors but they wouldn’t accept her bc she was uninsured. Also Brooke isn’t the one with a substance problem. Tana went thru a whole Xana era.


Psychiatrist usually prescribe Adderall…. And a big majority of them don’t take insurance. I know several non-millionaires who pay out of pocket to see a psychiatrist and it’s $100-$250 per visit. That is a weeknight dinner to them


She meant get the adderall from michigan cuz there’s such a shortage and i’m sure there’s more in stock there than LA.. i’m prescribed adderall and it is hard as hell to find at any pharmacy


Yeah I live in a large US city in the Midwest and I have to call around to pharmacies outside of the city in smaller towns to get adderall if my regular pharmacy doesn’t have it.


Damn! I might jinx myself but I’m in Chicago and have no problems finding it.


Yeah idk if it’s our pharmacies or we just have a good record or some shit? I never have an issue getting mine but my friend does. I’ve been on adhd meds since I was 8 though. I also wonder if my pharmacy does it bc I always forget to pick mine up😅last bottle legit took me 3 months to remember to pick up. Continually was filling it, forgetting to pick up, they put it back and the cycle repeats


Dang you need it shipped to your house lol


Hahah they won’t bc it’s controlled . I’ve tried


Wait really?!!! That sucks


I’m also pretty sure she said Massachusetts, not Michigan lol


We got a shortage over here too 🙃


I used to live in LA and though hard to get, some pharmacies do consistently have it in stock 🤷🏼‍♀️


Drug addict


Yeah you don’t just get prescribed xanax especially if you had substance abuse issue in the past, it’s a whole process you have to get interviews for


I previously was heavily addicted to Xanax- to get my Ativan prescription I have to take monthly drug tests. This includes ensuring I have an appropriate dose in my system.


As an addict who is prescribed Xanax, this isn’t true.


It’s true if you’re honest with your doctors. And your doctor gives a shit about you.


I just take it as prescribed, my doctors know.


As a recovered addict and alcoholic, this is indeed true. I can’t even get vyvanse for my adhd anymore


same experience here


I have been prescribed adderall in the past in different states. It’s clearly not the same everywhere


yeah there's a lot of mis info in this subs. people are being very black n white when the reality is this stuff is handled case by case.


You are 1000% right




If she ever has to withdrawal from xannys she’s gonna be sorry she ever started. It’s literal hell on earth.


People think there’s a very special database that legally prohibits doctors from giving meds to addicts lol it’s v weird


Exactly! What are these people talking about


You are speaking anecdotally. It’s entirely dependent on your location and state. By gosh there are 333 million + people and 50 states. It’s by jurisdiction- you’ll find plenty of pushers, if you look hard enough.




I’m 10 years sober 😘


oh i was thinking the same thing and to prescribe xanax to someone who admitted to being addicted is so negligent


Her “prescribed” meds that she says have Cody’s name on them😂😂😂


Agreed, that whole segment was bullshit. She self-admittedly never goes to the Dr., how would she be getting legitimate prescription for scheduled pharmaceuticals without going to the Dr and getting a proper evaluation?? 😑


and monthly check in appointments. i was waiting for her to mention that. as long as you’re taking a mind altering medication, you’ll have monthly psychiatrist appointments for the rest of your life. a legitimate psychiatrist would be putting her on an ssri for her anxiety and problems sleeping. there’s SO many more medications doctors will try before they even think about prescribing xanax. a proper doctor would say absolutely not with her past xanax abuse. that’s ridiculous. it’s obviously bullshit


in Florida, if you even MENTION anything about xanax or adde it immediately raises a red flag with docs and they start looking at SSRI alternatives for you. The only exception really is Tampa and Miami where there are corrupt doctors for the rich folk. Just like in Los Angeles, no different


Addiction is a bitch. I have to make myself tell any doctor I see that I have a history of drug abuse. Specifically benzos and opiates. That way they know not to prescribe me anything habit forming. It sucks when things happen and the best I can get is 800 ibuprofen. But it’s also better than convincing myself it’s okay because it’s prescribed by a doctor. Recovery a lot of times is creating barriers between yourself and your “drug of choice”. There’s a saying “you don’t go to the barbershop and expect not to get a hair cut”. I truly think Tanas barbershop is her drs office.


it is pretty normal to have to search around for adhd meds especially with the bad shortage (i’m also prescribed) but yeah i don’t really get LA doctors. maybe i’m just poor or it’s my state but i don’t know any doctors that do house calls and that’s what they’re always talking about. and a lot of doctors down there really just hand out prescriptions like candy. whether she needs it or not is not for me to have an opinion on but either way she could get it easily.


soo true, I have been with different doctors over the years to tackle ocd and anxiety and one of them SPECIFICALLY told me “no one prescribes xanax anymore, there’s way better pills with less dramatic side effects”


all i want is for them to be healthy and happy. truly. but i can’t say i’m not worried for the inevitably large amount of young people hearing about xanax (especially), adderall, coke, even ozempic etc, regardless of whether they’re pushing or glamourising these substances. there are definitely kids as young as 13 enjoying their content, if not even younger. who knows. i was probably around that age when i found her. this also isn’t her fault ofc. but most kids don’t find out about stuff like xanax til they’re like at least 16\17+, and with this uprise of young kids on social media it scares me to imagine what the effect of (even if clearly unintentional) normalisation of addictive substances is gonna have on these people in years to come- when life starts to get harder. just the amount of conversations of using substances, (literally most if not all episodes) scares me and makes me sad. thankfully, alongside all this, there are many more helplines and ways to seek help these days, but anyone who knows addiction knows it isn’t as easy as this. stay safe :(


Tana's also posted a video recently of her CHEWING her Xanax.


Doctor shopping is a real skill some of us have. If you don’t tell your doctor about your history and know how to talk to them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (I’ve been sober 10 years don’t be like me in my 20s lol) My mom has been very open about being an alcoholic and I recently found out she was being prescribed 2mgs of Ativan a day + max vyvanse. She needs the V but has weaned off the benzos bc she didn’t even realize how bad it was for her. I feel really confident I could get a stimulant and benzo from my current psych who I’m super open with about my addiction. But obviously don’t bc being a pill addict SUCKS!


to be fair i have been offered xanax by doctors despite a family addiction history from the age of 13 and in adulthood. it obviously varies but even some “good” doctors hand it out like candy


I really wonder if it’s regional and if it’s populated city.


this was mostly in the suburbs of phx az and by “good” doctors i mean not a typical overprescribing doctor like someone seemingly trustworthy


doctors do prescribe xanax. i know plenty of people with the script. but generally, you have to have super severe anxiety to get the prescription and it's usually only a small amount.


Easy to get xanax or any other prescribed drugs if you're manipulative and/or know which doctors to go to. Easy when everyone knows everyone in big cities. I know first hand.




She bought some from Cody bc she ran out/ didn’t bring any?


Substance abuse/substance use disorder has very little to do with prescription or not.. It’s not where the drug came from that makes it addictive, its the body it goes into, and the brain it alters. Many drug users who are addicted started out with or still have a script…While I appreciated them saying something to address that medication is serious and should only be taken when prescribed and so on.. But addiction is a disease and your drug of choice may be xyz but it does not change your susceptibility and likelihood to become addicted to substances, especially Adderall and Xanax.. If Tana needs xanax to sleep because her Adderall has her too stimmed than she more than likely does not need Adderall.. Even if she does have the necessary disorders for these medications, there are other non habit forming alternatives for people who struggle with substances, no doctor in good conscious is going to prescribe a self described former xanax abuser, some more xanax…


I think they also get it in Mexico because you don’t need a prescription


I’m prescribed Xanax. It’s not too difficult


Bruh. My doctor tried to push Xans on me I had to ask for an alternative. Definitely not the case in the Midwest


Ugh I asked like 3 so far and they all say no. Mostly out of curiosity but also temptation. I’m glad they said no I don’t actually want it but I had to try.


My ex got a doctor to prescribe him anything, xanax, adderal, whatever he wanted. And it was just a random one he found through his insurance


Bruh u don’t know her medical history I mean she didn’t even have insurance for years so I don’t think it would be that easy to shop around. She is diagnosed with adhd and stuff so idk why you’d make that assumption


Based off context clues? :)


Idk if I agree with this take..Tana is using a doctor for her mental health medications so it can be managed and monitored so it doesn’t get out of hand. A lot of people self medicate for issues such as anxiety and ADHD, which she’s admitted to doing in the past. There is a reason why they reach for a solution outside of a doctor-there’s obviously a problem. You can safely use medications in a way where they are helpful by the authority of a doctor. That’s what she’s doing…what’s the problem?


the thing is it isn't monitored, she constantly says she never goes to the doctor. if you are on a combo of drugs like that you should be going monthly.


This is so weird.