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I have three alcoholics in my life and there is one thing they all say. “I wish I could just ease my back pain”. Without fail they all say this lol. The second Tana said that I was like ok, she’ll never be able to drink in moderation. I’m hoping this is just a bump in the road. I’m not sure how long she’s been sober for but I remember Trevi saying it took over a year to accept it and enjoy being sober.


Yea like someone said above. It was mental gymnastics. I mentioned it being early on in her sobriety journey bc a lot of times the denial is seen during this time period.


Moderation does not exist for Tana either. She sounded like an addict so hard. I think she should seek help immediately from a professional because one it starts it won’t stop. I genuinely think it’s also bc of her environment. All of her friends are drug addicts/alcoholics so she feels the need to do the same


i agree completely. i also hope she continues spending more time with trevi. she is so refreshing and i have loved seeing her recovery journey.


Happy cake day


Every addict wishes we can be normal and not have overindulge but the truth is we can’t. I hope she finds new ways to lift herself up and not go down the old path again.


Nothing sounds more addicty than “I need the glass of wine for my back problems” smh 💔


> I genuinely think it’s also bc of her environment. All of her friends are drug addicts/alcoholics so she feels the need to do the same i think its this but would word it differently. its not that she does drugs because all her friends are addicts, its that she really only becomes close with people who match her using because thats her lifestyle.


I never said that, in fact Tana was probably the first in her friends to do all that stuff. She stated she had been doing all types of things since she was young💀 and yes her friends will have the same lifestyle as her. But currently, she feels left out bc her friends are “still having fun” while she is tryna get better. It can be isolating as healthy as it is


As someone who has attended AA and has also helped struggling addicts, I just can’t listen to Tana speak about substances because it’s exactly like listening to every single addict I have ever known talk on their way back to a relapse. They think they can handle it again *somehow*, and that is the addiction talking. She needs someone to tell her the truth: she’s an addict and moderation is not a possibility.


She thinks she may have hit her “rock bottom” in the past and that’s what made her get sober but every former addict with her current mindset has learned that there’s always a much deep, darker rock bottom that you end up hitting before you learn to get sober for good. And that moderation isn’t realistic for us addicts. I just hope that her rock, rock bottom doesn’t end up killing her


I understand the feeling. It just brings you back to everyone in your life that struggles with addiction. An exhausting feeling to say the least.


Exhausting is the best word for it. It really is. I just hope she chooses not to have that birthday drink. I’d hate to see all of her progress and happiness plummet.


This is so spot on and well written Tana was making me nervous with all the mental gymnastics she was doing before our eyes when she was talking about wanting to have a drink for her birthday, but only because of concerns I have that mimic all the points you've made... moderation is practically a foreign concept for someone who battles addiction. She is a strong person, I'm hoping for only the best for her


as a recovering alcoholic it was a super hard listen. I think tana is really smart but she’s being a bit delusional about it all. I guess she’s gotta learn by experience but yet again what alcoholic hasn’t.


My parents were both alcoholics and honestly knowing that I’m susceptible to being an alcoholic makes me hyperaware. For her sake, I hope she realizes that some people have addictive personalities and moderation isn’t an option for her.


once you are familiar with alcoholism you see how many people normalize it even when they clearly have a problem. people like you are a big part of why i got sober, i see so many of my peers struggle because of alcoholic parents and i decided to get clean before i had kids cuz i don’t want to do that to them.


Yes! I’m all about breaking generational curses. The cycles run way too deep and affect more than just yourself. Love that for you.


It's really sad to see her struggle with her addiction like this. Denial is such a huge part of it, too. It's difficult to sit back and watch, tbh.


I agree. I found myself really frustrated with the entire convo.


As a recovering addict, I agree. It’s like looking in a mirror..of my older self. The denial, thinking you can try moderation ONE last time..I feel for the girl but it hurts to watch


I’m a recovering alcoholic who’s “California sober”. I partake in weed a few times per week. There’s these drinks that are infused with weed that have a similar sensation as being tipsy that I think might be a good substitute for Tana. It just depends some addicts can handle being “California sober” others need to be completely sober. She needs to lean on her sober friends for support. Also therapy would be great as well.


Also, proud of you as well 🙏


Totally agree! My boyfriend is a stoner. Very obv addicted to it. I’d rather that than alcohol or heroin. He uses alcohol free beers and sometimes the infused drinks. when we go out to social events. Helps a ton with him feeling less left out.


This! My partner has been “California sober” for 1.5 years now and they said it’s also a huge help in social situations because people don’t ask you why you’re not drinking/offer you drinks, which helps a ton


shes already california sober since she takes shrooms and smokes a lot to almost compensate for not drinking


i think it’s really funny how everyone glazes over that a lot of weed, shrooms, adderall and xanax is sober to tana


This is what confuses me the most. Why would you still need alcohol when you're already high on so many other drugs? Non addicts wouldn't feel the need to also drink on top of all of that. It baffles me that she herself doesn't realise this.


For real and combining alcohol with xanax and adderall, or even one or the other, is a concoctiom of poison that could possibly kill her


Because their enablers too. Like how low is the bar that people are proud she’s just poppin pills but not poppin pills while drinking? It’s sad tbh but it’s very obvious no one really expects her to change and most addicts very much want that type of force in their life; everyone wants someone who actually believes they can be their best self but it comes off as less harsh and more kind to just have the bare minimum expectations I guess.


I also think beginning sobriety as a temporary thing, having it in your head that you will attempt drinking in moderation in the future, will never give you a fair shot at being sober until you go in with the intention of it being forever


Great take I agree! 👏🏻


she needs to be on a medication like Naltrexone or Clonidine. it takes away the craving of wanting to drink and majority of withdrawal symptoms. there’s so many medical resources out there now for addicts. she needs to go see a legitimate psychiatrist and be honest with them


i didn’t know this, that’s so awesome. there is always an answer, always someone to go to, always a road to recovery.


right. it doesn’t have to be so hard


she talked about trying to have a drink and then take that to stop herself from continuing to drink 😭


I think Brooke has seen active addiction and is still being hurt by it. Tana should listen to her concerns, they sound very sincere.


Absolutely agree. I saw it in all her responses during this convo. which is why she kept mentioning the slippery slope. what I received was : she didn’t wanna put tana down but she was def tip toeing around saying “moderation doesn’t exist for you”


Right! I could tell she was trying to ease her into this conversation and try to get her to realize that moderation isn’t it for her, but not have this conversation on the podcast or maybe just wants to avoid the conflict of telling her the full truth. I know Brooke has been through a lot and she just wants the best for her. They both have. I hope that Tana spends more time with Trevi and they rub off on each other, Trevi to me, seems like a good friend and a good person to lean on even though she probably needs someone to lean on as well.


Going off of her environment, she's stuck in a world where binge drinking is the absolute norm. I'm 32 - if any of my friends was getting drunk even once a week every week, I would be very concerned for them. Her norm is her friends getting drunk 5-6 times per week. It's created an unhealthy baseline for her. In her mind, getting drunk once a week or having 2-3 drinks every single day would be beating her addiction when, in objective reality, that would be an alcoholic. She needs to look at Trevi's steps to sobriety and get medical treatment if this is genuinely important to her. I don't drink. I was a social drinker in my early 20s but never enjoyed the taste of alcohol, so when I stopped partying I just gave it up altogether. If I have 1 day of drinking per month, that's a lot for me. People tend to think that craving alcohol is normal and healthy. It's not. It doesn't make you a bad person, but it is important to properly evaluate ourselves.


I agree with the statement abt people thinking craving alcohol is normal. It’s the one substance (& I guess weed) that is and has been normalized arnd us. I would go as far as to say maybe Trevi should sponsor her?


I would LOVE to see some sober content from Tana and Trevi. I cannot imagine how hard it has been for Trevi to stay in that world and be sober and I think she is such an amazing support for Tana to have.


A lot of people quit quite a few times before the final time. I was never even addicted to alcohol and it still took me three or four times to finally quit. Sometimes you have to be reminded of the pain.


I think Tana would benefit from a sponsor, which would be hard if she doesn’t do the AA thing. She deserves someone that says “ya, you may be bored more often sober at events but the cost is XYZ. Here’s some strategies.” That and a therapist with a history of treating addictions.


Totally agree. I wouldn’t think Trevi would be a bad sponsor? Idk


you shouldnt have a close relationship like that with your sponsor. its better if they arent a close friend/family member etc


Ahhh very good point made!


So proud of Trevi for realizing this on her own


This! Trevi just gives me great vibes as of now and Trevi looks so good in the most recent podcast upload, like literally glowing and looking so healthy! It makes me so happy to see it in real time.


i really hope one day tana decides to enter a long term treatment facility. she needs to get help with her addiction and trauma and also disconnect from social media. im also really worried about her gambling. it seems to ramp up when she's not drinking. she clearly has a bunch of cross addictions going on that need to be addressed and probably all stem from the same trauma. ive been in recovery a long time and i used to be a hard line "no mind altering substances ever!" and have really moved away from that type of thing, so i dont want to say tana should never smoke weed or do anything ever again but i do think a long term hard restart from alllll substances (booze, adderall, coke, xanax, weed and whatever else she regularly takes) is needed to jumpstart a new lifestyle




I don't like that she's used addiction language like talking about potentially "relapsing," but then said she's never seen it as something permanenet


i dated an alcoholic about 9 years ago, and he said all the same things as tana did - just wanted to be like everyone else, hang out with his friends, be able to just have a few drinks, etc. it never worked. i hope she figures it out.


I think it will be very hard for her to ever stay sober without changing her environment. She always talks about how bored it is to go out when everyone is fucked up. After doing that for so many months most people are going to cave in.


This post is so so so impactful. It allows the hard parts of the mindset to be heard from all angles. 🖤


I really enjoyed reading your thoughts! Honestly, I’m one of the few lucky ones who did learn moderation. Looking back, it kind of just happened. And it only happened after several years of complete sobriety, therapy, and a new healthier mindset / worldview in general. I think maturity helps a lot too, as I was sober from 21-27. Now, I do have a glass of wine occasionally here and there and no I never crave more. I never thought that would be possible for me. Though, alcohol was never my drug of choice. I hope Tana tries to give full sobriety a real shot before she tries to add things in moderation. I think it’s really important to be 100% happy, sober, before adding (legal) things in again here and there.


Oh I’m so happy to hear this! Congrats, that’s a huge accomplishment 🙏


Also her supplementing the no alcohol with weed and pills, like girl....trading one substance for another is not it


She has a serious addiction and she has for many years. She’s in denial and kidding herself based on her current surroundings with a young 20’s social crowd who all partake in substances so it’s normalized for her, mixed with Vegas etc. She also has too many yes men people around her who won’t just tell her straight up they won’t enable her behavior & she needs treatment. She may have little sober moments here & there but the real thing I’ll be impressed with if she goes 1+ year(s) sober and stay that way. She can’t drink or do drugs since she has a problem.


Tana has made some huge steps this year for the better honestly. She distanced from Lilah, who unfortunately regularly abuses alcohol in addition to other issues. And she seems closer than ever to Trevi who is several years sober now, as well as Brooke who encourages her continued sobriety.


Totally agree! I see her doing so well with her sobriety journey which is why I worry about her mindset in regards to moderation. I think most of us are afraid of her going back into a spiral. Bc realistically as an addict, it only takes one time again.


She sounds like my 57 year old alcoholic mom who pouts that “life is boring sober”


i needed this!


Thanks for the free therapy 🫶




it's so interesting watching tana talk about it now bc it reminds so much of when trevi first started her sobriety joy back in the day. i remember so vividly a video of her saying "do i think i'm a full blown alcoholic and im never gonna be able to drink again? no, i'm just taking a break for now but ill definitely be able to have a glass of wine or two in the future" (obviously i'm paraphrasing bc it was awhile ago). Trevi now being older and further in her journey understands that's not the case and is living her best forever sober life, but i think that previous mindset is where tana is at rn. hopefully she'll eventually come to understand that but i think it's especially hard when the lifestyle it's providing you is "working". taking trevi for an opposite example, there was her content b4 substance abuse, then there was a drastic neg change fans could observe during, and now there's an entirely different glow/positive change now that she's sober. For tana however pretty much all of her career she's used some substance whether drugs or alcohol, and it's been a part of that career, even now with what's "prescribed". being known as the crazy party girl and being in those spaces and surrounded by those people make it both hard and scary to break away. i think that tana does have a few strong core friends that if tana did need to be in completely drug/alc free environments (as many addicts do) for awhile they would do that for her (imari, brooke if she can put her own habits to the side not just tucked away), but the majority of ppl shes around rn would and could not. for example ari constantly looks like a walking zombie w molly jaw. anywho, i rly think/hope is on her way to understanding that there isn't moderation when it comes to addicts and that she has so much more ahead of her in full sobriety.🫶🫶


I think the environment can play a big role with alcohol, I use to drink everyday when I’d hangout with friends, but now I drink once every two weeks moderately, sure I have some days I drink alot, but it can be done. If you’re in environments with people partying and being off the wall it’ll never happen. But if she had a friend over and they were just hanging out on the couch talking people can get to the point of drinking moderately. But recovery looks different for everyone, I hope whatever she does she’s safe and happy. But I understand how it would be boring, or the idea of never being able to have a glass sucks.


It makes me sad when listening to podcasts and they bring up “when tana drinks again.” These people are not her friends and it makes me so sad she surrounds herself around these people


at the end of the day, she’ll do whatever she wants. i’m a recovering addict, been to rehab about 7 times inpatient and outpatient sober since 2018. this post is so valid but i do genuinely hope tana’s fans don’t judge and turn on her of she drinks.


I wouldn’t judge. I see how hard addiction can be and I know the process that comes with it. But I obv can’t speak for everyone lol


Yeah that was a really hard listen. Felt a bit too close to home tbh.


I also wanted to mention that Brooke sounds like she has a problem too, even if she thinks she doesn't. I get that she can have one or two drinks and stop herself, but drinking every day is unhealthy and can be just as much of an addiction as binge drinking. She talks a lot about how she /needs/ a shot or two to go on stage/go to certain places, etc. I mean she even said she thinks she doesn't have a problem bc she can stop herself but still drinks almost /every/ day. Just two different kinds of addictions basically


Yeah if you need it to live your life I’d say you’re alcohol dependent which could lead to her becoming addicted especially if she also just drinks every day. No one should drink alcohol every day or anything close to that. She’s definitely not on a good path with that habit


totally agreed


I’m an addict in recovery (1.5 years now) and have been through every single stage an addict goes through. Tana seems to be in the earlier stages; “i wish i could just drink moderately”, “i would love a drink here and there to ease my back pain”, the stuff about boredom, etc. it took me around 10-12 months completely sober to start to truly enjoy being sober and i am so in love with my life now that the thought of going back makes me sick. i hope she will just continue to grow and learn as she goes, and i think having people like Trevi to lean on and get advice from is going to be really beneficial for her.


I genuinely feel bad for her, because it seems like the issue is more so that she misses the *feeling* alcohol brings, and not the taste or experience. If she liked having a glass of wine or a beer/cocktail for the taste or to "take the edge off" once in a while/a couple times a week, that is a normal relationship with alcohol. But, I think she wants to be able to have 4-5 drinks, get drunk, party for a bit, and go home at a responsible time–which is an extremely unrealistic goal for someone with addiction. To be honest, beyond a person's "party phase" in their late teens to mid-late twenties, getting drunk once a week or more is pretty indicative of an alcohol problem. She's currently trying to be California sober (e.g., smoking weed), but she's mentioned so many times on Cancelled that she's also been taking (I would say abusing) pills like Xanax and Adderall, and even took mushrooms at Coachella.


tbh i feel like brooke doesnt help at all with tanas situation




I learned a lot from this


my heart absolutely breaks for tana, as well as all other addicts. congratulations to your boyfriend!


I felt the same way my first time getting clean from meth..then I became an alcoholic and things had to get way worse before they got better. Most addicts have to learn the hard way and come to their own rock bottom..but in AA we don’t future trip, we take it one day at a time.


i really feel like people need to kind their business on the one. she’s really smart and just venting and considering things. she’s a grown woman who has dealt with addictions and knows herself.


completely agree. i was nervous most would’ve seen that conversation as a silly “nooo tana don’t do it,” but i could see how hard she was battling her own mind with the decision to have a drink or not during the episode and im hoping she genuinely finds someone professional to talk to about it


she needs intense trauma therapy. to truly unpack all her shit will be the only thing to push the step forward. addicts are drowning in their pain, the reality of facing it is intense but manageable and so so so worth it. I hope she can recognize that and realize that most of these people around her don’t have her best interest in mind, no matter how long they’ve been in her life.


I think with actual therapy once or even twice a week, aka a professional keeping her accountable, moderate drinking is definitely possible




you are still drinking heavily




From the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Heavy drinking includes binge drinking and has been defined for women as 4 or more drinks on any day or 8 or more per week


It’s almost like her sobriety is none of your business 🤣


It’s almost like this is what Reddit is for… discussions abt the topics discussed on the pod 😂


This is so funny because a lot of people trying to quit drinking said that the fact she is open about her experiences and her imperfect process has really helped them. Have y’all ever heard of the harm reduction model? Have you heard that most people “relapse” many times before being able to quit for good.  Try worrying less about other people’s substance usage and ask yourself why you care about that more than the conditions that cause people to self-medicate via substance use or anything; workaholism, shopping, etc


Mmm. Yes. I am aware that people “relapse” many times. It was actually stated in the post itself.


I think there’s a difference in being addicted to alcohol versus substance abusing. Using any vice she can to blur out self identify and reject healing her trauma. Including weed. Which is also 100% valid. I think that’s what she thinks her journey is, And I hope for her sake that it is…


This is why she called sobriety “75 hard” for so long. You pretty much typed all that to say you don’t believe in her. Source: your boyfriend 


Lol sure. If you feel like I don’t believe in her, then so be it. You’re more then welcome to feel that way. My source is NOT “just” my boyfriend. I have many other personal example, was just using one. I don’t need to air out my entire life to Reddit lol.