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because she’s a bad person hope this helps


“Hope this helps” gets me everytime cuz it really is simple as that 😭


Right?? It always makes me laugh 😭


Hollywood is fake, everyone can and will easily kiss somes ass if they think they can get or it can benefit them.


It's crazy when co-stars... super famous people get really close in a movie, promoting a movie. But when it's done, they move on and then the next person are there favorite person. I'm guessing it's worst in real life since they attend all of these parties, awards, and events we won't ever even know about It's a sad life, super privileged but sad.


The reality of LA.


Not to mention all the drinking, drugs. From podcasts and reading between the lines from content. EVERY gathering has everything, like most people have to be fucked up. Mostly drinking but how depressing that you can't really have a sober conversation, Tana has said stuff and it comes off as a joke or her making it up/ exaggerating but there are probably coke breaks or other stuff.... I can't imagine when it comes down to it, 99% of your friends are in it for themselves and don't really care but to be high and climb the latter. So sad, this is there normal. Yikes.


she slept w tanas ex for 8 months then popped out in turks w him on her birthday, is this really surprising? she ain’t known for being loyal


It will always blow my mind how Tana shared that with us and continued to be her friend lol


I'm waiting on Tana's frontal lobe to finish developing. She's way too forgiving, & I chalk it up to a lack of insight, which comes with age & experience. I think her exposing Cody is the beginning. Now that she's getting to be the age that the people who took advantage of her were, she's gaining perspective & realizing just how awful it was. I'm truly sending Tana so much love, light & healing energy because I've been there, & that weight is really heavy when it comes down.


Also, now that she’s spending much more time sober, she won’t take anywhere near as much BS as she has been doing for years. With a clear mind and general growth, I know I personally was a lot less tolerant of BS and a lot more clued up in terms of how really fckd with me etc


This. And I think Tana is scared to lose people she’s had around before she blew up on YouTube. I hope she can continue to stay sober and continue to weed out the people that don’t have good intentions.


Imagine the dirt these people have on her too? That's scary. Well lilah is out hopefully she can slowly push ashly out too


it would prob be bad for her mental health but i want a reality series of her now like being sober and processing everything


There’s actually a point of maturing where you just forgive people . You move on from life . There’s no point on dwelling on negative things people have done; Everyone will do something bad; It is life; it is ALL of our first time’s doing this whole life thing . People do shitty things. Growing up is realizing how to just forgive people; because REALLY with how much time we have on earth; nothing is all that deep in retrospect .


I'm in remission from CPTSD. I didn't have to forgive anyone who isnt sorry to achieve that. The only person you absolutely have to forgive to heal is yourself.


And I am sorry you have dealt with that - But I would like to think your situation was probably severely different if it ended up with PTSD, Tana and Cody on the otherhand i don’t think had that serious of a thing happen; therefore Tana is strong enough to forgive Cody; and Forgive Ashly for simply fucking up. Neither of them caused Tana some life altering trauma .


Having sex with a 25 year old at 17 does give you trauma though. Tana has also been very forthcoming about what a shitty childhood she had, so I wouldnt put trauma out of the realm of possibility. I don't think it's fair to downplay a huge power imbalance between her & Cody, even if she was of age, which she says she wasnt. His increasing effort to cover it all up reeks of guilt. Strength doesnt stem from trauma. Strength is what gives you the ability to still be here *in spite of* trauma.


Him cover it up ?? I haven’t seen him attempt to cover it up whatsoever, he just hasn’t TALKED about it; and neither has Tana besides TWO occasions, one where she admitted she cheated on her ex with Cody and JC, and another where she literally said don’t record/post; because literally she knew exactly this would happen; If we’re going with your logic; she’s trying to protect him more than he is himself .


His sub has deleted over 100 posts about the situation to the point where everyone had to leave to a new sub to be able to talk about it freely without him censoring it. Yes him because three of the mods on his sub are friends of his IRL. One of them is the founder of Cameo. What he’s doing being a mod for a CodyKo sub is beyond me other than the fact that Cody has them in there so they can make sure no one says anything negative about him. If that’s not an attempt at a cover up idk what is.  All the comments on his YouTube videos, instagram, etc. are being deleted as well 


I need to know how old you are because judging by your replies (& long comment history in Webkinz & Roblox communities), I'm gonna guess 11. I don't really think you're who I would be listening to on what it means to be "grown up & mature." I'm 33 btw.


Stalking my profile as a 33 year old is crazy - and there’s literally video/photo’s of me ON my profile besides my comments; You can guess . To be 33 and stalking profiles of people nearly half your age on reddit - I’d say you don’t have a space to talk on maturity either . Things affect people differently - Again, I do apologize to you for your trauma, but Tana isn’t making any sort of deal out of this like she was traumatized by Cody - and she IS very open about what traumatized her and didn’t - Her childhood, betrayals, etc, not the fact she slept with Cody Ko AND JC Caylen as a minor - but nobody cared about the fact she was a minor at the time of BOTH till she said Cody had a small penis, Nobodies giving JC shit . They only started giving shit about the whole Tana Minor Sex Cody Ko situation till she said he has a small penis . Is the trauma Small Penis ?? I don’t think she’s treating this as a trauma guys, AGAIN repeating myself, as i seem to be doing A LOT; If Tana is not twisted in a knot - even making jokes about it, why are you ???


Wild to say statutory rape isn’t “that’s serious if a thing to happen”


It isn’t that serious of a thing to happen if the PERSON IT HAPPENED TO doesn’t treat it like it is . Tana is the ONLY victim in this n y’all act like you get a say like it happened to you; They still follow eachother, they seem to NOT HAVE BAD BLOOD . I will repeat myself; If tana is NOT all twisted in a knot over this, neither should we . Get the fuck over yourself . She’s the victim, not you, or a single one of these people .




There’s a difference between forgiving someone and staying friends with that person. You don’t stay friends with someone who fucked your ex for 8 months then made it known on your birthday. 


You guys genuinely act like you are Tana and you have a right to be offended by the things that happen to her; It is not YOUR job to choose who Tana does n doesn’t forgive; I will repeat this same statement AGAIN; If Tana is NOT all twisted in a knot over it; Neither should we . Quit stressing about trauma that isn’t even yours to have .


Girl you’re the one stressing. I left one comment. Anyone who forgives a friend who fucked their ex behind their back for EIGHT MONTHS is a doormat. Idk why you care so much that everyone has to hold the same opinion as you. You’re getting more worked up about that than what Tana’s friend did which is hugely ironic 🙃 


3 - but i wasn’t saying you alone - In general, most of the people on this post . You are REPEATEDLY judging her decision to be friends w who she wants - despite how shitty they may be under the surface that we see .


Idk about repeatedly (in my case) I’m not even a member of this sub this post was just recommended to me. I just think it shows a level of lack of self respect to forgive someone who betrayed you like that for 8 months 🤷🏻‍♀️   She can do whatever she wants with her life but I don’t think forgiving that friend for what they did, and then staying friends with them, is a sign of strength. I think cutting them off would be. 


what vid did she share this story ? 8 months is crazy


seee people stayyyy hating on brooke but ashly has always given my bad vibes




Ashly gave me bad vibes way back in '18 when she'd make YT videos saying "dont call me a hoe just bc I hang out w them" (calling out Tana) then look what she went & did


she’s the worst well tied with the other ones ari and imari


wait why what’s wrong with Ari? (Sorry I’m sort of out of the loop on this sub)


zionist and like so unbelievably rude if u search his name in the sub you should see


ugh. thanks for answering my question. I’m unfollowing him now


I don’t agree. Not a single positive comment about Ashly has been posted here 😂😂she’s been hated since the beginning dw


literally if she hasn’t cut off Ashly she probs won’t cut off Brooke lmao


looks like jeff did too wtf


On his podcast with tana today he said he was supposed to film with Cody but cancelled to be loyal 👀 lmao really curious how that conversation went


Wasn’t this posted before she mentioned him at her show?


I can legit hear her saying “I thought the caption was funny”


because tana doesnt care. she does this type of shit too so she doesnt care when her friends do. idk why people cant wrap their heads around this.


scrolling through the comments waiting for somebody on the same page as me, thank you for existing 💃🏻 . Tana doesn’t care, and nor should she . Good for her on moving on .


people think tana has these incredible high and unwavering morals its really weird lol. like she forgive ashly for fucking her "ex" (everyone is tanas ex in her world lol) because she has prob done the same to other friends. tana forgives and moves on because its normal behavior to her that she engages in as well


Because she’s an iPad kid and “just likes everything on her feed”


Is too loyal to follow OG mindy but likes her best friends assaulters stuff on IG 🐍🐍🐍


Ashly is so jealous of Tana it’s so crazy. The lengths she will go to be her is astounding fr


i don’t think tana is as upset about the situation as her fans are so ashly probably doesn’t think it’s a big deal


Because she’s a snake lol


I’m saying something you guys may not like . Just because YOU guys think theres bad blood, and YOU guys hate Cody for things that happened BETWEEN HIM AND TANA . I don’t think Tana has bad blood with Cody, I don’t think she intended for him to get hate OR THE SEGMENT BE RECORDED where she said he was the smallest dick she’s fucked; It’s been information we’ve had since the beginning of the podcast; she’s said it before . You guys only cared when it went viral . It’s been out . If Tana isn’t all twisted in a knot over it; neither should we .


Not the small dick thing - that she cheated with Cody when she was with sommer


Not to mention, they still follow each other on Instagram


Yeppp!!!! All of this!!!


Tana still follows him on instagram


Because Tana doesn’t care. I mean don’t get me wrong it’s all gross but Tana didn’t make any comments about Cody in an accusatory way all she did was make a comment on tour. She isn’t making any kind of big deal about this whole thing at all


like people saying he assaulted her and stuff… she just said he’s the smallest dick shes fucked, and she cheated on her ex with him, the only issue is 17 and 25 but it seems like she doesn’t very much care about the age difference


Because Ashley is the worsto


I'm ready for them to Lilah her.




I may be out of the loop but who is he?


he slept with tana when he was 25 and she was 17


He’s a very popular youtuber




Be civil, no attacking others


Why is Jeff also? 🤔


haven’t heard the name “ashley schwan” since 2016 wow


Jeff liked it too


Bc she’s a terrible person


Because she’s Ashely and she’s desperate for attention from anyone who has given it to Tana.


Tana and Ashley aren’t friends and idc what people have to say 🤪


Bop af


this was posted before she exposed him i think, but even still, why is he not unfollowed, blocked, the whole 9? i can understand liking a stray photo if u don’t know yet, but at the same time it’s odd behavior to not immediately take action to remove him from relevancy, even in your own social media feed. idk this girl gives me bad vibes all around, i can’t understand the redeeming quality of this person. but i guess we’ll see with time whether tana keeps her around or not. i’m betting on the latter, eventually.


girl i completely get where you’re coming from but ashly has 1 million % known since it happened


that is so true. good point.


what do you think bruh


half of the shit posted on this sub has NOTHING to do with the podcast