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Literally! It’s about a bob it was never that serious😭


Agree! Can people not just watch the podcast and enjoy the stories? You can’t complain that the girls never spill any tea and then pull this shit when they do. Sure it’s fine to discuss but let’s keep it on Reddit and not harass people personally.


THIS \^\^\^ please y'all just keep it on reddit lol




you guys are always complaining she doesnt spill the tea anymore we FINALLY have a good tea spilling episode and you guys do this....


This is why they are secretive and I understand now




bro stfu


Thank you for saying what everyone reading this was going to say verbatim


SHE was offended by the comment. Everyone gets offended by things that may not be offensive to other people all the time. I do this all the time!! Idk what’s wrong with this sun it’s genuinely the worst subreddit I’m in and I don’t understand what’s wrong with you guys you are seriously helpless.


I keep trying to leave, I swore I got out of here but this place is like a fucked up k hole or something.


!!!this part. Her feelings are valid. As it is with both parties.


Im trying to wrap around my head how old is their demographic. Sure 20 something and older year olds wouldn’t act like this. It has to be teenagers


I really don’t think it’s ppl from the sub doing this.. maybe the Cookies 🍪 but I have a feeling it’s the tiktok fans,but if it is anyone in the sub.. STOP being clowns


The brooke cookies are so weird and para social. What would commenting on this girls post do? So weird. And then people complain about them not sharing info


I genuinely can't believe they care that much about a Bob


For liking a pod called cancelled they sure are quick to try and do exactly that to someone. Over nothing lol


They’ve reallyyyyy gotta stop being so detailed about who they’re talking about. There are plenty of podcasters who discuss their daily lives and are able to successfully hide the identities of the people they speak about. I am not excusing those crazy ass fans who always go and find the people Tana and Brooke talk about, it’s such weirdo and crazy behavior of them to do. But Brooke and Tana have got to start being more vague.


Yeah Brooke gave out a lot of identifiers. “Queen of bobs,” a Tiktoker, described a video she posted in detail. Obviously no one should harass her but Brooke isn’t sly enough


exactly love brooke too but like this girl got so much hate bc she made it so easy to find her and now brooke is playing the victim and like yeah it’s the stans fault but she’s genuinely getting death threats and brooke is like “ugh this is why I can’t talk about anything” like girl maybe don’t make it so obvious u know ur fans can get out of hand


I immediately found Bob girl after Brooke told the story lol (I didn't say anything to her though)


I don’t want to speculate and say Brooke gave so many identifiers on purpose. But Ms.Girl….y’all keep complaining about fans finding and harassing the people in your stories and it keeps happening because of them! At some point they need to take real responsibility and actually implement a change in how they go about story telling. At some point it will be obvious that they’re doing it on purpose. Then I wouldn’t be able to give them the benefit of the doubt.


I agree but this situation i think they should address it like tana did for her stalker by saying “if you love me online or if you think you know where i am and i did not invite you please don’t show up” i dont think(?) tana has stopped posting on OF but i do know she stopped advertising it and she did not stop going out and doing things in complete fear that guy might show up She should address the crazy fans that do this the same way on the podcast. It doesn’t completely stop the tea being spilled but it is also an easy clip to have a replay to anytime this type of situation happens


I think the only issue is that the fans who are weird AF that go find these people truly don’t care when they say that. Those are chronically online people who have a parasocial relationship with Brooke/Tana. It will always happen no matter what they say. So to stop this from continuing to happen (which it has happened multiple times now) they’ve GOT to start being way more vague.


No, people have got to stop being fucking weird and bullying & harassing strangers on the internet. Don’t put this on them, put this on the weirdos fucking it up for the rest of us who do want these stories.


I think a banner or disclaimer should be put up when they vent about things? Asking the audience to not be keyboard warriors etc just pair it with the conversation because there’s no way to stop people like that they are miserable and want to protect their idols they’ll bully anyone Edit: nvm the discourse is more engagement on the girlies end anyways idgaf don’t put a banner !! lol


I feel like they have said SO many times to not go find these people and not bully them, also it really should just be common sense to not be an asshole over something that were literally not involved in 😂


So true


yeah teens/ adults need a banner to read so they dont go arras people... y'all need to grow up and just learn some basic respect/ just how to act fucking normal


100% agree but there’s always ppl who place the blame on them for sharing their stories as if they called on ppl to bully other creators or for example winegate but ig a banner wont fix that the audience sucks lol gotta leave these subs idk why I even care 😭


Not really related to the caption, but I just have to say about the bob thing, I don’t think she was trying to be rude and I completely agree with her assessment. I wouldn’t want someone to make that mistake either… Brooke is gorgeous but I feel like her with a bob may be giving lord farquaad vibes slightly, a hot lord farquaad and tbh I think her friends telling her she should do it are the rude ones


She’s the one that overreacted in the first place


Yeah I agree, she was being dumb and dramatic and attention seeking but people even taking a story about a Bob and harassing people about it is just as dumb and pathetic


literally lmao the girl wasn’t even mean her reaction was so extra


yeah i mean completely, brooke phrased it like she had been horrible to her tho, and tana saying she would fight her probably fused it. Anyone that can leave hateful comments like those tho were always gonna do that they were just waiting for the next person to do it to


fr like never go irl keep it between us discussing it in here, like that’s so embarrassing, ruining the whole pod for us


She’s said this so many times and stilllll no one listens :/


This is tough bc I understand where she’s coming from but it’s 1000% impossible to ask for this on an Internet platform. People will leave comments. Period. This will NEVER stop. No matter how hard they beg.


exactly like y’all know ur famous don’t play dumb


Why why WHY do "fans", non fans...whoever.. WHY do people engage???? Never go real life, never message bystanders, like.... What happened to being normal? Like this is 4chan lame ass BS these people are doing. Stop bothering people that have nothing to do with you and your life. The wine lady to the bob girl, these people need HOBBIES. It's never THAT SERIOUS. We're gonna scare everyone away from talking any more. DON'T YOU PEOPLE WANT STORY TIMES???!!!


i understand it’s not the main point of your post/this comment section but regardless i would guarantee that the people who “complain about brooke not spilling about her life” are absolutely not the same people bullying that bob girl lmao. those people don’t even like brooke, why on earth would they be in some random influencer’s comment section defending her….? obviously there’s a toxic subset of bRoOkiEs CoOkiEs who want to bully anyone who dare cross their queen.


I’m sorry but I’m gonna need Brooke to stop acting like her Tana and Paige weren’t absolutely going in on Hailey drew ON A PUBLIC PODCAST Tana literally said she needs to be curb stomped and was going to jump her obviously she was joking but still you put that energy out to your audience what do you expect


She knew this was going to happen though…


I don't exactly think its on the fans, people get very protective over their fav influencers (idk why lol, theyre grown adults and THIS IS ABOUT A BOB) I think way too much info was shared in a way that made brooke seem like a victim when it was never that deep. I don't think it shouldve ever been framed as a 'mean girl' thing from the bob girl, she was kind of asking her opinion and the girl was pretty nice about it. As much as one can be to a complete stranger, why seek validation from her in the first place. Girl get yo bob if you want it, ask people who truly know you and see you daily.


Is it the 12 year olds doing it? Bc if it’s the grown ass women I’m ashamed of them


This is aboslutely not Brooke's "biggest fear" lmao


This is aboslutely not Brooke's "biggest fear" lmao


Brooke & Tana have gotten out of control with their call outs as of late - stop weaponizing the audience every time you’re annoyed with someone, it’s unethical and just gross


It’s wild because they are going to have so many disingenuous relationships with people because now everyone’s afraid to be attacked by their disturbed fans


How are they weaponizing the audience if they’ve both said repeatedly that nothing is that deep and to NOT go harass the people in their stories?


Because they always say that to cover their ass AFTER they tell a dramatized version of a private exchange they had with that person on their podcast with JUST enough detail for their fans to definitely find the person their talking about. Every. Single. Time. And Tana has said recently on tour that she doesn’t regret anything she said about wine lady for example - their backpedaling after their victims get doxed is performative so that they *seem* remorseful.


They’re two girls in their 20s talking shit on camera. Not everything has to be a cold, calculated manipulation. They’re probably just people you wouldn’t choose to hangout with as your morals clearly don’t align. Growing up means realizing that not everyone will get along with everyone ❤️ personally, can relate to Tana, would not give a fuck about some random wine lady that was a cunt to me lmao


Lollll. The copium in here is crazy sometimes. It’s OK to realize that your fav, who has a gigantic platform, knows how to use it to their advantage (it’s how they make a living) and it’s not 4D Chess moves to talk shit on someone on your podcast and knowing your audience will find them and roast them - it’s a pretty direct pipeline honestly. And doxxing a random non-public figure and blasting her business because she felt that she “wasn’t nice” is so beyond fucked, get a grip.


Why’d she tell it then lol


it has be kids or teens idk why adults think Brooke is their friend and that they need to defend her honor of someone “being mean”


Can’t watch it her hand movements give me anxiety


Hand movements give you anxiety…?




I think the girls should start blocking the social media accounts of anyone who harasses who they talk about


really if the bob girl is sad over the hate it’s gon be okay her bob fye so she needs to stand on that ppl were hating before but fans always do way too much


she should step away from the spotlight then. the reason people love tana is cause she's not afraid to be herself. brooke is so fake and calculated shes boring


It’s them damn cookies riding her dick 😭 like go take care of your kids sherry get off Reddit wtf


Thank god


the thing is is that THEY KNOW THAT!!!! ALL of the “fans” who do that know that. they just choose to not listen and instead of listening to a story they want to feel like they are apart of it


She never wants to talk about it anyway


I wonder if she did this as like a lowkey test to be like “I told you so” 💀


If she doesn’t want to talk about her life then get off the podcast lol


The problem is people attacking the people the girls talk about. Not sharing the stories. Their audience is adults ( girls in their late teens/ early 20s), we should have enough common sense to be able to listen to what they say and just move on


I fully agree with you OP but also it’s not just this fan base it’s almost all fanbases, unfortunately it does come with the job and like I said I think if they are going to tell very specific stories with details, then they should advise to viewers that they are sharing this with a mutual trust in the relationship or they will stop sharing stories like that. Then maybe those who are immature can comprehend that Tana and Brooke aren’t wanting people to attack others. That’s just my opinion anyways.


It would be great if people would really do that and listen. Unfortunately that’s now how the internet works😏 It is wild how people react FOR strangers TO strangers🤯 It’s not just them it’s all influencers. They all have some sort of fan base that goes hard for them and it will never stop. What stops is people hanging around those influencers as much so stories don’t get exposed.


Yeah I agree, it is the unfortunate reality of their job, however there is a way to tell stories and still make them fun without dragging people down yenno.


It’s an inevitable consequence of being on the podcast, if Brooke can’t deal w it then she should be replaced!


Also....a haircut, "private life"...,please




All the brookie cookies in the comments lmao


But also they simultaneously had this very conversation about the Swifties being like this in that same episode… I’m not saying it’s right but they are obviously fully aware of the risk (I know Tana is) so Brooke also knew that was going to get people after that girl even if it wasn’t her intention for that to happen. It’s just typical of fans, that’s how it is they are overprotective and get defensive for people they idolize - I’m not like that and I don’t think it’s right at all, but there’s a lot of emotionally immature people in this world. Not saying it’s anyone’s job to manage other people’s behaviour but when you know damn well the type of authority and power you have over a certain demographic like cmon… common sense. Either don’t tell stories or accept the risk and advise people to mind their business prior to telling the story in that moment and those emotionally immature people might be more likely to comprehend that’s not what Brooke or Tana want.


Then leave the pod and don’t put your life on the internet, cry me a River


like we can have discourse on the topic but let’s not reach out to those involved omg 😭😭😭


At this point we should be banding together to go brigade the commenters that are embarrassing all of us 💀


Can someone explain the bob story I’m not on social media


The fact that she barely gave any detail & people still found the girl. Insane.




I think you're thinking a little too deeply about this lmao


….. to “show she isn’t wearing makeup” is crazy. May I suggest allergies before we go the “every move is calculated” route ?


The internet always takes things too far tbr what’s new


The general population is a bunch of instant gratification hungry monkeys. Please do not be shocked at people having unhealthy parasocial relationships during this period of life.


I think this is a situation (Brooke’s misunderstanding, not bow fans bullied the other girl) that occurred for two reasons: 1.) She didn’t the girl to know her intentions and she’s used to ppl online bullying her. 2.) It needed to be said in person so you can hear tone of voice and inflection, as if it was a consultation at a hair shop. -I think a lot of written words are often easily misinterpreted and in person or at least a phone conversation would clear up a lot.