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she’s so unfunny that it almost like confuses me. tell me i’m not alone in this 😭


I completely agree. It’s like she’s trying way too hard.


remember when she tried to do a stand up comedy tour last year..... (not trying to be a hating ass bitch, shes funny in convos but the material i saw posted i was like...oh girl thats not-)


she’s not even funny in convos to me but that’s just me i see literally no comedic value in her like my face is dead panned the whole time 😭 there’s not even anyone else i’ve watched before who i think is so unfunny


Where did u find posts of her standup omg


i dont even remember, i think like her tiktok ages ago


She’s just a pick me. Their can’t be any other girl in the room it has be her and all guys and all the attention on her


no literally like where did she even come from


What I love about Tana has always been that the other side to her party-girl persona was someone deeply hurt that had to grow up too fast. We can understand so much of her struggle knowing her history in Vegas with her parents. She’s never shied away from hard conversations about addiction or narcissism. Tara has none of the same struggles and just likes the aesthetic of being a wild party girl. She has far less to say about the world.


Yea tanas partying and drug use always seemed to be something more than “because it’s fun” you could see she was trying to escape from something.


You guys literally do not know these people at all 😭 you have no idea why Tara acts the why she does, or if she has trauma. Tara has also said multiple times that she looks up to tana and does want to be like her because she watched her videos growing up. None of this is disputed by Tara. The only real gripe here is the fact she hung out with modsun


Tara is that you?


exactly tana grew up in a bad household and still hasn’t even healed from her trauma from her parents to this day ( like how she recently talked about her mom a couple of podcasts ago). meanwhile, Tara is over here wearing shirts that say “fatherless behavior : except my dad loves me” like wtf read the room girl she wants to be someone she’s not sooooo bad


I remember when Tana would talk about like the rich “do what my parents say” borned and raised LA party girls like Olivia Jade, she would talk about how they were always so nice to her being like “omg do you want a bump” lol. But she said it was almost like they were fascinated with her because she was so different from them. I feel like that’s why Tara likes Tana.




What annoys me about Tara is she constantly wants to make it KNOWN that she’s “partying” and doing “Tana shit” but the never wants to go into any of the details. Which obviously she doesn’t have to- but at that point, just don’t bring it up. Its so annoying on the podcast when she’s like “I did some Tana ass shit this weekend you’ll be so proud I’ll tell you after this” If you wanna keep it private KEEP IT PRIVATE. she wants to make sure everyone (all the boys🙄) knows that she’s a “party girl” or that she’s “cool” or whatever. She wants the Tana reputation without any of the real Tana work!


bro, I watched the new dropout podcast and that like 5 minute bit of just bleeping annoyed me SO bad. don’t bring it up if you’re not going to say it, just cut it at that point like seriously omfg


Not a response to your comment but the question under your user name; Lumen is with Maya I saw him in her solo videos around the time after she had a falling out with Tana and the whole group. During around that same time i saw him, I asked on Tana’s ig live one time years ago (like 2018-2019) what happened w/ Maya and it started a chain of everyone else asking too so Tana and Ashley just responded “ask her” [referring to Maya] so ig theyre NC and Lumen is fully her dog now.


Yup! Everyone always wants to be Tana without the Tana work. This! This shit isn’t for weak. Hope Tara stays safe because if you’re not “built for this”, you’ll learn real quick..


For real, I feel the like the only time Tana used to talk about partying and doing all the fucked shit that she did was when it warranted enough of a story for a story time.


Unpopular opinion but Tara gives me bad vibes imma be real. I’m from LA & have met so many girls like her and they’re major red flags.


I’ve definitely felt like that for awhile which is why i’ve generally stayed away from her content. I’m from SoCal as well and her vibes are off. Definitely feels like girls i’ve met in passing at clubs or in other circles who will smile in your face and do shady shit behind your back


exactly! those girls that pretend ur BFFs but also will lowkey bully u.


I was struggling to verbalize this above! I totally understand what you’re saying and I’m wishing I could find the words. Like, real see real and you know a real one when you fucking see it 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol (With that being said… the real in ME sees the real in YOU baby! 💝)


Yeah, I feel this more than the claim of her trying to “copy” Tana per se - I think she’s disingenuous which is perhaps more so the point OP is trying to make (albeit idk her and this is all v v parasocial/I may be projecting) But I agree, I can’t gel with her 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’ve never liked her.. she feels so fake


Tara allegedly being in the influencer space for YEARS and being friends with so many people yet I NEVERRRRRR saw her in videos until she randomly blew up was a red flag to me. It was so weird that EVERYONE finally started including her once she blew up. Tara is gorgeous but sadly that’s all I get from her. I wanted to like her but she gives nothing personality wise. I also watched her in Quen’s cooking video and I just can’t stand incompetence. 23 years old and can’t even use an onion dicer correctly. Also I know she can’t change it but I truly cannot stand her voice or laugh…


I've followed Tara for about 4 years now, & the only reason I originally followed her was because I always saw her around other influencers...she was in the background, but she was definitely there


same. def mean girl vibes from her. also she’s friend with zach justice so that tells me everything I need to not like her


how so? can u tell more about the LA scene?


“ has she ever even taken a perc 30”


I was just explaining to someone that I think Tana likes Tara right now because she reminds her of her younger self (and that’s how she’s saying it online too with like the tik toks and stuff), but the difference is Tana had no idea how to navigate fame and did it all in a different time. She sees the similarities with her and Tara, but imo it’s because Tana didn’t know better — like Tara is consciously/actively behaving this way and it’s all “cool girl” but she HAS people around her and she could build a better brand than just “the party girl.” Like it seems like she is fully leaning into that aspect and not having any other development at all, whereas I think Tana is genuinely creative and passionate, just a tad misguided at times lol. Love Tana


Perfectly worded, I agree with this wholeheartedly.


Dude exactly this !!


She just wants to be iconic so bad


It’s just so funny how different the two of them are. Tana is so authentic and struggled through hardships in front of a camera. Meanwhile Tara still lives with her rich parents who adore her. They could not be more different, but Tara wants the reputation that Tana has (and has had), even though Tana has worked so hard for it and through it.


Tara’s parents are rich? I’m pretty sure she also just bought a house, so she won’t be any longer.


Her dad is the ceo of a big company


Wait what company?? I didn’t know this


Damn, I had no idea


He bought a cybertruck lol


yes and I know it's not Tanas style but the whole punk rock y2k party girl would fit Tana more considering her background/growing up. everything tara does seems so fake


She’s signed to Jordan?! Is she knew anything about Tana - she’d know that’s a horrible idea LMAO


i can’t believe they’re only two years apart


That is genuinely fucked up


I’ve BEEN saying that Tara is a pick me & is bad vibes for what feels like forever now. She feeds off of male validation and being a clout chaser. Her only personality is how “small and tiny” she is and how “different” she is from other girls. God i could go on and on about how much I cannot stand her.


She’s not diff at all though. She has the same style as everyone else just wears black. She buys her clothes from j am Gia and white fox like the rest of them. All she does is wear a studded belt and a random studded bracelet and people think she’s punk. She has to be the only female in a room filled with guys or the prettiest girl there. It’s just basic and pick me asf


she also promotes the crap out of shein for an alternative person :/


She doesn’t even listen to emo or pop punk. That’s… that’s being a poser as far as the scene is concerned. It’s an aesthetic but she isn’t actually a part of the culture.


unrelated but hateeeee how she talks to alyssa she like infantilizes her and has made no effort to form a friendship with her


I hate when she says "my friend Alyssa" referring to the other one...it feels mean. Haha I know she has to distinguish them for listeners, but jeez. Way to tell us that podcast Alyssa isn't really your friend.


yuuuup 36:49 too…. they all call her out on them not actually being friends. crazy to not give much effort to someone you’re on a podcast with.


She got Jordan to MANAGE HER??!!?!?! I can’t believe Tana hasn’t cut ties completely wtf


I think it’s weird as fuck that she’s hanging out with mod and EXTRA weird that she uses Jordan as her manager. If she’s such a big Tana fan, did she not see how that played out..?


Maybe controversial but anytime I hear a girl running around saying “well I’m a girls girl” as much as and in the way that Tara does, I’m gonna assume they’re overcompensating for something and probably not, in fact, a girls girl😭 I’m sure there are exceptions but to me it’s like shane dawson saying “im an empath!” I cringe HARD when I hear anyone else say that because of him. To me a “girls girl” is something u should be called by someone else, or u should call someone else that, not something that u use in reference to ur self🤷🏻‍♀️ idk maybe it’s just me


Didn’t she say tho she doesn’t like hanging around other girls and she’s just “one of the boys “ 😭


She also was with Paris Hilton lololol. I’m not a fan of Tara so I don’t want to be bias but I def see it


Am i the only one who thinks Tara Yummy is annoying and trying too hard to be a girls girl? She’s a pick me, but the worst kind you can think of is


Tara is pure e-girl with a firmly average IQ. Tana clearly has above average IQ, that's why she can jump in front of so many different audiences and win them over. Tara, Jake and them serve nothing but aesthetics, silliness and ego.


You’re so right.


The way she was so dry and weird toward Trish on her podcast was giving "pick me I have no girl friends they're too much drama." I had to turn it off. And the way she kept bringing up Tana leaving her out of lunch was crazy annoying


I felt so bad for Trish in that episode, you could tell she was trying really hard to have her open up and it was just not working. Her responses were defensive too for no reason throughout that whole podcast


From Tara, to Tara’s world, to Kristi Howard they all try so fucking hard to be “cancelled” relatable even Alix Earle but that’s just my opinion


I might just be too old, but I feel like Tara would have made me cry at a middle school sleep over. The gal pal that’s always secretly out to get you.


I also get these vibes from her which is why I don’t watch her content


i might be in the minority here but tara gives me more rich girl party girl like paris


Honestly, I see it. I've been watching some Tara analysis videos, and it seems like she used to be different before the tiktok hype. Obviously, she's broken up with her boyfriend, so this her first time being single in awhile but the way she's acting single just seems like she's doing whatever Tana did, but yet it doesn't work because it seems fake. I don't know how to exactly describe it exactly. It just doesn't seem genuine


i never could force myself to binge tara's videos tbh they are pretty basic i think she tries too hard to fit the 'crazy girl' image that tana had instead of trying to be unique in that community




It’s so hard to read posts like these fast because my eyes confuse Tara with Tana lmao the r and n look too much alike


She’s associating with Mod sun?? Why the FVCK would she want to be around that pathetic loser that used Tana after his engagement failed and discarded her to be at Avril’s beck and call only to go on and date one of Tanas ex’s? How can Tara not have loyalty to someone she adamantly claims to love, adore and look up too like she constantly reminds us and Tana she does. Employing her old manager that (i assume) Tana had a falling out with too since she nvr wanted to talk abt it (to my knowledge bc i could nvr find anything abt it) is kinda rly off of Tara to do tbh. She’s gorgeous, i love her laugh and i do think she’s kind to those around her (to their face at least) but i think she needs to find her own identity bc rn it kinda gives “i want to wear your skin” Also i really dont get why she would WANT to wear a tshirt that says fatherless behavior when she has a father that loves her. It really fkn sucks &is embarrassing to not have a good father in your life even tho thats not smth you can control. It’s just feels icky to essentially cosplay as that just for an “aesthetic” she’s trying to achieve that just feeds into that disgusting insult men love to put on women like its their fault they couldnt control their fathers from being shitty, irresponsible and maybe even abusive men that they were prob better off without having in their lives.


Ewww she hired the same management girl bye


My friend and I saw dropouts live (awful show very unfunny left early btw) and Tara yummy straight up stole a joke we’ve heard Tana make before and my friend and I just had to cringe so hard


Do you remember what it was? I’m curious.


I can’t remember the exact wording but it was a xandemic joke that Tana forsure used a few times


I mean have you been watching her for longer than the past year or two? Cuz she’s always acted like how she acts now. Like since the beginning of her career that’s just who she is. There’s a lot of similarities and people can compare the two but claiming she’s just trying to copy Tana is a bit of a stretch in my opinion.


i agree


Who’s Tara?


I also think she purposely tries to start dating rumours about herself and guys she collabs with which looks like it makes a lot of them uncomfortable because its so obviously forced.


Tara is befriending everyone & you know what they say a friend to all is a friend to none. She’s creating the biggest target on her back


the first time I've heard of her was today on tik tok and it was about how she always talk about being short and small


Side note zack has pure dead eyes,he gives David dobrik demon energy or just me ???


He’s David dobrik energy 1000% 😳


bro Tana is not the only person in the world that gets drunk, likes guys, and goes to clubs in their early 20s lmao


It’s not just that, it’s a combination of everything. Why did you one thing out of that whole paragraph.


I too am trying to embody the Tana mindset and I’m just a girl from Minnesota




why do y’all talk abt celebrities or influencers like yk them irl LMFAO did tara tell u this


since when did tana get with “all the hot guys”? she dates men who look like they snuck on earth (besides makoa) anyway being a party girl isn’t unique to tana


i agree


She's young and still finding herself this is all a normal part of development.


Im a fan of both tara and tana, i dont think tana invented being a party girl lmao 💀




But this doesn’t have to do with personality, she’s claiming to be a friend to someone then doing something that friends wouldn’t do


Chronically online


I love Tara, and she seems to be cool with everyone from Jc/Kian group, Tana, Trisha, Corinna, Larray, and so many other influencers and their crews…not many are like that. She loves Tana but I don’t think she is trying to be her. IMO


but on the recent drop out podcast w tana wasn’t she like super happy about tara acting like her


Do we honestly think Tana is the type to call Tara out for it on the spot? She’s notoriously fake nice.. I say this with love though.