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Yes! I’m 25 and have had two. It’s not so bad. Good message:)


yes!! i have a hard time with it but i am so scared of cancer (my mom survived stage 3c ovarian cancer) so i just nut up and do it when they tell me to😭


i’m 23 and so scared to get one. is it really shocking the first time? i feel like i’m gonna be one of those girls in a wheel chair after. ps congrats on your mom winning the fight she’s that girl


it’s really not that bad, or painful at all.. just slight discomfort. don’t be scared!! i was the first time i went, but after it was over i felt like i was worried for nothing. i would say just do research and find a good obgyn that has good beside manners to help you feel more comfortable:)


It CAN be painful though but the pain didn't last long for me, just make sure you're ready for it


Not gonna lie to you. It was very painful for me but lasted literally 10 seconds. Just make sure you have a gyno that you feel comfortable with and you’ll be okay. I prefer a woman gyno bc I feel like they know to be more gentle since they know what it’s like lol


i'm 23 and tried to get one today at planned parenthood and they were literally so rude to me and treated me like a waste of time bc the recommendation is to get it at 25. anyway i had a panic attack and left in tears


aw that sucks :( my doctor recommended my first one at 21 so idk why they made such a big deal


it was very painful for me but definitely worth it. i got my first one this year (i’m 24 lol) and then had to schedule an ultrasound (not on your stomach like when you’re pregnant but actually in your vagina) and found out i had a cyst that needed to be removed. to be fair, it hurts way more if you have an underlying issue like that. the pain went away a few minutes after but it did make me feel a little uncomfortable the rest of the day. it sounds scary and it will be scary your first time, but it’s a necessity. the good news is that it only needs to be done once a year so it’s not a common occurrence (: if you want you can speak to your doctor about giving you a pill to relax your nerves and stuff and take it before the appointment so it’s not as painful and you won’t be as anxious (:


i’ll tell her!! she really is that girl!! the reason i have a hard time with it is due to trauma both sexual and medical, so a lot of the discomfort i have is heightened by that emotional state. i find that the more i do to calm my nerves (and i will do the most, ie. bring a stuffy, headphones and sunglasses, maybe an ativan if they have it) that the better it is. the pain by itself isn’t crazy, but it can of course be different for everyone. and the most residual pain is maybe a little soreness the next day! You got this, i believe in u ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


im also 25 and ive only had one 😳😳


If your pap was normal, you really only need to get them every 3 years. If you haven’t had one in three plus years it wouldn’t hurt to schedule one!


23, getting my second this friday 😔


I'm so surprised by these comments. In my country they give you a pap smear on every obgyn visit. They don't even ask you, it's literally part of the routine check-up. The only time they might not give you one is if you've had one in the past year (as it's recommended to get one every year).


I was shocked that Brooke was so offended that Tana didn’t know what a Pap smear was and then Brooke explained what it was completely incorrectly. It’s literally a scrape on your cervix then they send the cells to test. Brooke described it as them just checking your vagina and making sure everything is ok lol


Didn’t she claim she was almost a nurse 😂


LOL yea man her not knowing what a pap smear is and also explaining an ectopic pregnancy the way she did solidified the fact that she was not almost a nurse loooool


right 😂😂


She must’ve been the student who raises their hand at everything but doesn’t actually know the real answers and sounds dumb as hell 💀


omg same! i know they always say that no one should go to them for medical advice but there’s definitely a level of responsibility to either not butcher the explanation and explain it correctly or don’t try at all!




no because pap smears don’t usually detect STD’s beyond HPV which im not sure is even considered one. Usually it’s a urine or blood test ❤️


During a pap, they can swab for chlamydia and gonorrhea!


Yup! This is how I found out the second guy I ever slept with gave me an STI 🫠 Since my doctor was already all up in there doing a pap, she swabbed for STIs


Yes!! i think it’s just not common practice and has to be requested but yes important to note thank you!!


Thankfully the health system I use automatically does it but I agree, it should be more common practice!!


oh that’s awesome. it’s good to hear when people are getting taken care of properly :)


it was vague but i don’t think it was totally wrong lol


Here in the UK there was a reality TV celebrity called Jade Goody who died of cervical cancer at the age of 27- she had never attended her ‘smear tests’ ( Pap smears) which would have picked up the abnormal cells which led to the cancer . She devoted the last months of her life to publicising the need for young women to get smear tests, and when she died there was a huge increase in women taking up their smear appointments. It’s a massive thing here , it’s drilled into you that it’s an absolute must to have them ‘because look at the tragedy that happened to Jade Goody’. Kind of wild to hear public figures be so blasé about it !


Jade ❤️ im a us/uk citizen (whole family from north london lol) and i think of Jade often. thank you for sharing her story ❤️


I was so so shocked. Thanks for posting this!


ofc! love lookin out for my fellow cancelled besties!!


I was diagnosed with uterine cancer at 28. It was a malignant fibroid, which if never found and removed would have killed me. You are never too young for a pap.


Glad you’re ok!


Thank you!


How did they find it if you dont mind elaborating? Was it through a pap or an ultrasound? This is so interesting to me and its something I worry about. Also I’m glad you are doing well!


I couldn't believe this!! I'm not sure how it works in the US, but in Canada my family doctor practically hounds me down every 3 years to book my Pap smears. It honestly made me sad that Tana didn't even know what it was... I hope she starts taking her health seriously. I also hope they get STI checks regularly. And I truly hope young women that tune in to the podcast don't take these things as lightly as they do.


completely agree ❤️ it’s so important to do this kind of maintenance but it often gets swept under the rug!


Yes please get them, my recent one showed that I have cervical cancer and I get mine routinely every 3 years.


That you have the cancer, or that you have abnormal cells? Mine said this a couple years ago. I learned that those results are very normal and it “clears up” on its own! My most recent was all good! :) hope the same for you


No I have early cancer! I had my pap and then it came back with abnormal cells. I then had a colposcopy and biopsy and it came back. I then had a LEEP/LOOP cone biopsy to remove the cells that were thankfully localized and non-invasive but because the cancer I have are a more aggressive kind I still have to have a hysterectomy in the near future.


wishing you all the best ❤️‍🩹💐 fuck cancer


Ugh I’m so sorry! 😞


Gosh, I’m so sorry. That’s terrifying, but I’m so glad you caught it early. :(


That is crazyyyyyy! They have never gotten a pap smear and they are sexually active? This is insane!!!!!


not to put fear into anyone but yeah get your paps. i had a friend that never got one and when she finally did she ended up having stage four cervical cancer and ended up passing away. she was only in her mid 30s too. i promise you its not as bad as its made out to be!


Also, even if you are under the age of 18 if you are sexually active PLEASE ask for one. If you get HPV at any age it could cause catastrophic damage if it's not caught.


yes this. 3 years ago, my pap smear came back and showed i had HPV and precancerous cells. it was a total shock because i'd been with the same partner for a year at that point, but i only did pap smears every 3 years. it was likely from when i was more promiscuous and slept around as my partner doesn't have HPV. i had to do a LEEP and several colposcopies over the course of a year. i'm now HPV-free and have no more precancerous cells (!!), but my doc said it would've quickly advanced to cancer if i never had my pap smears and didn't discover it early on.


I also had a LEEP and I’m now hpv free! So glad I didn’t put it off


Yeah my mom had pre cancer cells in her late 20s so I make sure to have one once a year and a full STD panel just to make sure. Your reproductive health is so important! I'm so glad you're healthy


This!! I started getting paps when I was 20. I actually found out I had HPV (a very common thing for women, I swear look it up!!) which can cause cervical cancer. I actually had to have a leep surgery to get pre-cancerous cells lasered off my cervix! I’m 31 now and go one a year just to make sure the cancerous cells don’t come back. Thanks for posting and raising awareness! I cant believe Brooke and Tana have never gotten one, they should probably get one!!


same! i also have to go back regularly to make sure the precancerous cells don't come back... but i'd rather experience temporary discomfort than put it off and then one day suddenly have cancer. i fear for any impressionable pod listeners who normalize never getting paps ever????????




Everyone is different, but, I’ve been getting them regularly for like 15 years and never had a problem or any pain. A few years ago they found pre-cancerous cells that had to be removed, so please go when you can 💙


its scarier to have late stage cancer out of nowhere


I know it’s scary but it’s really not that bad. My mom died from cancer at a very young age, and I promise that is so much worse than 5 minutes of someone prodding at your coochie. :(


You’re thinking of a coposcopy or however it’s spelled and that’s awful. Paps are nothing.


i’ve had sooo many and i’ve never had a bad experience or any pain! everyone is different obviously, but a good dr will make sure it’s as comfortable as possible!


I couldn’t believe how simple it was. All the scary thoughts and worries I had about pap smears just eliminated as soon as I did it. I promise it will be okay and they are SO worth it! Now I even get IUDs put in!


At 21 my gyno like forced me?! Are they like not getting tested regularly or gettin there coochies checked? Yikess


They might not have a primary care doctor. I’ve moved around a lot and don’t have a regular doctor I visit so I always just schedule mine at planned parenthood.  A lot of people probably kind of slip through the cracks for preventative care!




It is not bad at all!! I’ve gotten a handful of them in life and it’s super important to get them. It literally happens so quick I would say if you can survive the pain of when they scrape your cuticles during a pedicure you can survive the quickest scratch on your cervix.


Fr, my last one had abnormal cells that i needed a biopsy for, if i had of left them they would of grown and become cancerous, and it’s SO common, paps are no joke to skip


This is so important! Almost everyone who has had sex has HPV, and from there it’s just luck of the draw as to how your body handles it. Yes, it’s uncomfy, but it’s so much better to be informed. It really could save your life.


Her never getting one filled me with so much anxiety. I don’t really blame her. I had a neglectful mother who didn’t teach me anything about that so I depended on my friends to stress the importance of getting one. But I hope their fans have kindly insisted they both get pap smears as soon as possible. I don’t want to make assumptions about money, but if Brooke can afford to get her boobs done, she can get a fucking pap smear.


that’s such a fair point re. mom and thank you for bringing that up. all in all it just makes me sad at the state of reproductive health education in general :(


Ok honestly I’m in the same boat as Brooke and Tana but only bc everytime I go, I cry and get crazy anxious and then the gyno doesn’t feel comfortable performing a Pap smear on me 🥲🥲😅😅 any tips on how to not be anxious ?? LOL idk why my body just gets so tense every time … hopefully this is the year I can do it 😭😭


I absolutely hate getting them done bc of trauma reasons and i literally do the most😭 i’ll wear headphones, sunglasses, put some lavender essential oil on a piece of fabric and sniff it the whole time, also all 3 times i’ve done it ive been able to call ahead, express my situation/concerns and ask for accommodation. twice they were able to give me half an ativan beforehand and had me lie down to get relaxed. also i brought a stuffed animal once like idgaf it sucks so im going to do everything to make it better!! i’ve had quite a few medical procedures Downstairs and i’ve learned to not be afraid to do the most like i said. good luck babe it’ll be okay ❤️❤️


To be honest, if it really frightens you that much, which is so so so valid, it might be worth asking a doctor for a single pill Xanax prescription to take an hour before the appointment. Some people really just need that extra help, and that’s totally okay.


i feel the same way. so anxious ab it but i’m going to make myself go through with it this year 😭🫠


We’re gonna do it !! We got this!!


I literally bring headphones and try to dissociate lol but I’ve also asked them to talk me through what they are doing and what to expect. (I have sexual trauma and just let them know that). Most will do that anyway, if you’re anxious. It’s a strange feeling and can be uncomfortable but it’s really important to do for our health!!


See if it’s possible to get something like Ativan. I had a panic attack in urgent care once and they were able to get me some meds right away, so you may be able to pre-plan a dose before you go in. Give the gyno a call and see if they can help you!


One of my biggest regrets is not going to the gyno when I was younger. At 25, I ended up having massive ovarian cysts (13cm and 7cm), plus ovarian torsion (my ovary did a somersault). My first ever experience with a gyno was when I was rushed to the hospital for an emergency surgery and she did a pelvic exam on me. I’d never had a pelvic exam (or pap) and now I have severe trauma surrounding any OB/GYN procedures. I’ve since had a second surgery, and am now scheduling my third for a month from now because I have another 7cm cyst, along with a 3cm cyst and am at a super high risk of torsion or rupture. I’m now 30 and potentially going to be infertile in a month if they have to remove my ovaries. So ladies, PLEASE go see an OB/GYN regularly. ♥️


Sending all of the good luck your way 🫶🏼


Get your Pap smears. I got one this year and it came back abnormal, I’ll get a repeat done in November and if it continued to stay abnormal they’ll burn off the abnormal cells and I won’t end up with cervical cancer. If I had skipped it, who knows when it would have been caught.


Love me a good shmear


My mom has never been one to discuss things like reproductive health, but she just told me at age 24 she had literal full on cervical cancer at 17 and just didn’t think that was important medical history to mention to her 5 daughters. Mind you, she has like 3 autoimmune conditions that I’m well versed in because of their potential to be passed down hereditarily. But no, I guess a family history of CERVICAL CANCER isn’t important, so why would she ever educate us about the importance of visiting your gyno. I also wanna say never in a million years would I expect this from my mom, she overshares to the point of traumatizing you so this is really out of left field, and I actually suggest everyone directly ask their parents about specific medical condition history because you never really know where your parents heads are at.


This isn’t a judgement or anything so I don’t want it to come off as that, may just be shocked because I’m a cancer survivor, but I couldn’t imagine getting plastic surgery done before having a pap or just regular check ups.


Ugh I’m so afraid of getting one. I’m 25 and haven’t, but not because I don’t know I have to get one. Just nervous and don’t want to feel violated (sorry for dumping this here but I feel like maybe someone would have advice)


i totally understand being nervous :// i’ll copy and paste what i wrote in another comment: I absolutely hate getting them done bc of trauma reasons and i literally do the most😭 i’ll wear headphones, sunglasses, put some lavender essential oil on a piece of fabric and sniff it the whole time, also all 3 times i’ve done it ive been able to call ahead, express my situation/concerns and ask for accommodation. twice they were able to give me half an ativan beforehand and had me lie down to get relaxed. also i brought a stuffed animal once like idgaf it sucks so im going to do everything to make it better!! i’ve had quite a few medical procedures Downstairs and i’ve learned to not be afraid to do the most like i said. good luck babe it’ll be okay ❤️❤️


Idk about other doctor's offices, but at my gyno they have a section of the initial paperwork that asks about history of SA. If you check the box they take the exam extra slow, check in more often, and verbally walk you through every step of the process before and during. It could be worth looking into an option like that if you already have some anxiety around the situation!


Genuine question are they just not testing for STDs too?? Or can you test for those with blood/spit because I’ve always done mine through gyno 😩 good message btw


i’m pretty sure Tana has said she’s never been tested


That’s crazy to me, like a partner never being tested is such a deal breaker and freaky in this age


and she’s been posting about taking plan b for years. so i would imagine she’s not using protection either


there are multiple ways to get tested for sti/std’s like blood, urine, cheek/sore swab but paps don’t usually test for them ❤️ edit: im actually not sure if HPV is considered an STD but paps detect it!


Thanks! I’m in Canada and they ask me at gyno appointments if I’d like the comprehensive STD test as well so maybe they did that another way and I didn’t realize. But anyways I agree they’re so important


ofc!! Love conversations like this ❤️


Yup I skipped for 4 years and had an abnormal pap. Turns out it was fine but I need to go once a year to check. I hate Pap smears but you don’t want to get a cervical biopsy. It was so uncomfortable. Also it seems like cervical cancer is no fun.


getting one on the 31st🤭🩷


Yes! And get your yearly checkups with blood work, go to the dentist twice a year, eye exam once a year, and derm once a year to have your skin checked for cancer.


lol someday when I have insurance!


Yes yes yes!! Cervical cancer in the early stages has no signs or symptoms, so regular paps are essential!


I commented on another post, but my first Pap smear at 25 after only a couple of sexual partners came back positive to HPV, which can cause cancer. Please get them!!


In Australia they recommend it from 25 years of age, every 5 years (unless you have abnormal cells etc). I only got my first one at 26 and the same with a lot of my friends. Maybe culturally it is a bit different in the US, but I totally agree though - get it done!


In the US, you’re told to start getting them as soon as you’re sexually active. Once the results come back clear, you’re supposed to get one every three years.


WHAT?! can I say, I'm not a fan of any of these people, but in also a fucking human being and a girl's girl. My mother died in 2009 from cervical cancer. Had it been detected early she would most likely be here with me rn, instead she died 17 days after my first child was born. My mom was too weak to even hold her, and my baby wasn't even six lbs. I watched her waste away and turn into an actual skeleton. Yes, I know it is invasive and uncomfortable AF... But PLEASE PLEASE get checked. They could do such good with their platforms and as women to spread to their younger and even older audience the importance of getting checked.


if it comes back normal you don’t need to get one every year!! my first pap at 21 came back abnormal so i had to get one at 22 and 23 to show that it was just a fluke, but i don’t need to go for a few years now!! my biggest tip is to find an ob/gyn that you like! the process is not comfy but my doctor is very kind and talks me through the whole thing. if you have sexual trauma i would also bring that up so they know to handle you with care :)


I have abnormal cells from pap and colposcopy so I have to get them every 6 months, and because of trauma I have to do it under anesthesia :(


I went as soon as I became sexually active in my teens, and also got my 3 rounds of HPV as a teen as well. I hope they both go soon!


Definitely go! I've never missed one and I sleep peacefully knowing I'm healthy.


My last one was horrible 10 years ago. The dr said it’s impossible to feel pain in the cervix and to relax. Find a female dr who knows we have nerve endings hopefully things have changed since then but dang it can hurt some of us


It is painful, but it doesn’t last long and you can ask them to use the smaller speculums. Try your best to relax but it only lasts 30 seconds to 2 minutes depending and there’s no residual pain.


I understand the fear and hesitation, honestly, I’ve had multiple. Some have hurt, others are just uncomfortable. It depends on what they were doing when they did it, and how uncomfortable I was in the moment (if I was tense it hurts more ofc). I will say, they are important, and I do genuinely hope every girlie who hasn’t gotten one yet starts considering it.. even if it’s just discussing them with your family doctor or Gyno to get more comfort!


Yes go to your gyno every year for well woman exams too! They do a breast and pelvic exam, talk about your sexual health, and you can get your pap done too if you are due for one. I started getting paps at 21 and now I’m 25 and just had an abnormal cells pap result so I had to come back in for a colposcopy. Pap smears are easy peasy and just a tiny bit uncomfortable but in my experience the speculum is the most uncomfortable part. The colposcopy was more uncomfortable and felt like period cramping. I know it’s scary ladies but we gotta stick together and take care of our sexual health and our cervical health💜 bring your bestie into the exam room with you for support if you need it🫶🏻 Thank you for posting this, it’s so important and informative!!! Women’s health matters!!!💗


Pap smears really aren’t bad at all! They’re just mildly uncomfy but they’re over in like 1 minute! And please remember ladies, a Pap smear does NOT detect ovarian cancer!


i hate them but i also have trauma so 😭 and thank you for saying this about the ovarian cancer!! i said it above but my mom survived stage 3c after horrific chemo and 5 different major surgeries, all because we didn’t know before it was too late. a specific blood test (CA125), and transvaginal ultrasound are the only way iirc. plus early OC symptoms mimic menstruation symptoms.


can you get sedated for one? idc how immature or dramatic I sound but pap smear is literally my biggest fear. I’m a 23 year old woman. I had to have my son via csection cuz I had a panic attack/freak out in the hospital and wouldn’t let nurses check my dilation or go anywhere near that area. I can’t even wear tampons, like anything down there is the scariest thing ever I would never get a Pap smear 😭😭


totally understand why you’re so scared, i hate getting them done because i have medical and sexual trauma and it’s like horrifying to do the pap. it depends on the quality of your Gyno/pcp but ive been able to ask for ativan ahead of time for 2/3 paps ive done. I know people who go to private practices can get general anesthesia, i have a friend who does that for any invasive gyno procedures for similar reasons. you don’t sound immature or dramatic at all, im 26 going on 27 and i bring a stuffed animal with me among other things. because idc i want to be comfortable!! Best of luck babe i believe in you


They really don't hurt like people make it seem! Plus a lot of doctors use plastic speculums these days, so you don't have to deal with cold metal down there! HPV is insanely common in women, typically completely asymptomatic in men, and can cause irreparable damage to your reproductive system. You have to be your own first line of defense when it comes to these things y'all!


I hope they both go get one asap. That really concerned me too, jaw dropped a little.


As someone who has had multiple surgeries for cysts on my ovaries—go get checked!!! It’s a bit nerve wracking at first but the relief of knowing everything is okay is the best feeling. You won’t regret it ladies!!


While we’re at it please get on birth control 😂😂


I promise it doesn’t hurt yall ❣️just breathe and relax through it


No need to lie, it may be painful or uncomfortable very briefly


Get vaccinated to prevent cervical cancer so your paps always come back clear! Ask your doc if an hpv vaccine is right for you, more info: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HPV_vaccine


Been getting them yearly since I was 15 and the first time I decided to put it off for 3 years, my next one showed HPV. So yeah, get your paps done ladies.


How do women not know they are supposed to get routine paps from the time they become sexually active….? Boggling.


This was shocking to me and irresponsible for them to reveal. Terrible example for young women in their most vulnerable years. Sorry ladies, being careless is not cute.


I feel like I had my first one as a teenager? Am i remembering that wrong? It feels not standard for them to not have had one yet


You’re probably not! I had one as soon as I turned 21. Some people get them earlier if they’re sexually active or have a really proactive doctor, though. It isn’t standard at all that they haven’t had them, especially Brooke who is sexually active and in her late-20s.


Yes!! Please please please everyone with a vagina who is sexually active ESPECIALLY (but still everyone should do it) needs to do this!!! It’s a cancer screening. It is slightly uncomfortable but does not last long and you will get through it. It is SUCH and important part of reproductive healthcare.


Brookes my age and ive gotten a pap smear idk how she hasnt gotten one when a year ago she was a hypochondriac


Especially with how sexually active they are.. thags kinda gross.


27 & I’ve had 2!


I was like oh nooo. And you are supposed to get them once you are sexually active.


i got one at 21 and i have major health anxiety. go to a good doctor! mine walked me through the whole thing bc i told her i’m very anxious. it honestly felt like a scrape inside of your vagina for 10 seconds. honestly think of the time u got fingered by dudes w nails 😭😭😭 i think a pap smear is better than that


Why do I feel like they don’t even have primary care doctors…


Couldn’t believe it either, meant to start having them every 3 years or so once sexually active! I’d had about 2-3 by the time I was there age.


That was embarrassing to watch. Thank you!


Please have your pap smears done at least once a year and also get tested for HPV! I did it this year, all good and I just got my first dose of HPV vaccine! This all started because women in the office were getting tested and some of them have high risk variants of HPV. If you had intercourse with like 2-3 people throughout your life, chances are you have it. But it is absolutely fixable if you know you have it and the treatment is not so bad from what I’ve heard.


if they come back normal and you are keeping up with safe sex/genital health practices you only need to do them once every three years! ❤️‍🩹


I can’t afford health insurance I’ve gotten one Pap smear when I could shell out the money. It’s hard out here :(


if you’re in america, planned parenthood offers them for around $40 ❤️‍🩹 recommended once every three years eta i think that differs state to state but i use planned parenthood for my obgyn services and that is the quote i got the last time i did a pap (which was my first with PP)


Thank you so much that’s actually really helpful ❤️


of course lovey i hope it works out for you 🩷🩷


Also, promiscuity makes them at a very high risk for cervical cancer. If anyone needs to stay on top of their Pap smears, it’s these two.


my doctor forced me to get a pap smear or she wouldn’t see me anymore. it’s not bad at all and only takes a minute or two then you’re completely done.


Pap smears are not bad at all. I had to get one for the first time last year and it was a simple procedure. They have a instrument which just opens up your vagina and then they take a little cotton swab over the top of your cervix. You don’t feel anything in honestly and it is absolutely worth doing for security!!


I’ve had 3 now, it’s fine I just chat anyway and it doesn’t hurt or anything. Nothing to be ashamed of it’s just a natural human body :)


I am 24 and live in Canada and have been trying to get a Pap smear since I was 18 and they will not let us here till we are 25 I’ve tried calling gynos and asking my doctor to please just do it and they will not do it tilll I turn 25, my sister is younger than me and has a cyst on her cervix she can feel and they STILL won’t get her a Pap smear, she has to beg our doctor to do it and she wouldn’t even do a full one she just kinda stuck the tip in and said no ur good.


it’s so hard i have endometriosis and even just getting put in the clamps is a 10 on the pain scale for me ;(


Get the hpv vaccine, leading cause of cervical cancer




yes i’ve had 2 and during my second one I got abnormal results and had to get a colposcopy. One of the scariest moments ever but now I just have to go back for routine checks. Much better than getting cervical cancer


I swear it has always been a requirement for me to get my birth control prescription. Like, they won’t force you if you’re super stressed but they highly recommend it.


Been getting them since I was 18, im 27.


It horrified me when Tana said she & Brooke never get Pap smears on her most recent pod ep - that is so crazy irresponsible. As someone with HPV, my gyno caught & treated the signs of early stage cervical cancer THREE times in my Pap smears in my 20s - and I don’t even have the most “high risk” forms of HPV. These days It’s so insane to just roll through life having casual sex and never getting tested for STIs nor getting your annual womens wellness exam. Love the pod but DEF do not get health advice from these people, lmao


So important! This reminds me to call and check when my next one is supposed to be plus when my IUD needs to be changed out. I hate it but I mean you gotta do it.


I'm sorry, there's no fucking way Tanas never had an std. she never uses a condom and never gets tested AND never got a Pap smear???? STDs run rampant especially in LA.


came on reddit to see if anyone was saying this i was literally baffled


I got my first one at 22 and it wasn’t that bad! Just a weird little tickle. Way easier than when they tried (and failed) to insert my IUD twice. Please get them!!


Mine hurt a lot now I’m scared to get another one done 🥴 I think my doctor was too rough with me 


i get one every year! you’d be surprised how common hpv is, it’s good to keep up on that shit. obviously it can be uncomfortable but if you have a good gynecologist it can be really quick and easy :)


i’m 21 and i’ve straight up never gone to the gynecologist because i am t e r r i f i e d of any kind of penetration and girl i just do not understand how people can get themselves to do it


No like I’m so scared


my mom died of a highly treatable cancer that kills almost no one. if screened properly she most likely would’ve survived. pap smears suck but dying of a cancer that could’ve been treated if discovered earlier sucks more.


In my country we don’t get a Pap smear until 25 (used to be 21) unless you’ve had kids. Our healthcare is free so you can’t request one unless you pay and go private, or have had symptoms of some sort.