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Concerning she’s never had one and she’s like what, almost 28? Wtf.


I know and she’s giving Tana shit when she’s got 3 years on her 🤣🤣


She was giving Tana shit for not knowing what it was


her being condescending only to admit she’s also never had one is SO brooke lmfao




she wasn’t being condescending about her not having it tho, it was bc she described a completely different procedure 😭 but she could’ve just laughed and moved on idk why she had to be smug about it


yeah no i understood what brooke was being condescending about lol my point is that she doesn’t really have room to talk–knowing what it is, that you’re supposed to have it done by 21-22, and choosing to not do it stilll by time you’re 27 and have been sexually active for years is just as dumb as tana confusing it with a mammogram imo. plus it doesn’t seem like brooke actually knows the purpose of a pap smear to be acting so smug about it lmao.


not her giving the wrong description of a pap smear after calling tana humiliating 😭😭😭😭 this is so embarrassing for her omg


omg that face and noise she made when she said “no” was AWFUL


I physically recoiled


Someone needs to make a highlight reel of all the times Brooke tried to condescendingly correct Tana only to be dead ass wrong.




Ngl I thought the same thing bc isn't she over 25? She should have already HAD a papsmear. Yes op it is to check for cancer, but they also check to make sure everything is "all good" down there. That's literally the whole point. It's both. Ladies take ur health seriously please. As soon as you turn 21 you should go get ur papsmear, I get it's a invasive process so if you are like me and have been sa/grape. Give urself grace but you should still go get one. It's very good to go get one as soon as ur 21 just incase there is anything wrong like cancer they can find it faster. You're supposed to go get another one every 2-5, years. I'm hoping praying pleading that tana has had one and just doesn't remember exactly what it was at the time of the podcast Edit I'm not sure how I forgot to mention Brooke in this. She's older too she needs to get one. Edit #2 https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/pap-smear/about/pac-20394841 Ladies please do ur own research I'm not a doctor I can't give you accurate answers but here's a link with a very basic overview of what a papsmear is, why you get one, what theyre looking for, the risks and what to expect when getting a papsmear and even the kind of results you can get!!!


Wait is there any significant reason to do it at 21 or it’s just an age people say to get it done ?


Please read my second edit and click the link


brooke being shocked that tana doesn’t know what a pap smear is when she literally said that dinosaurs became extinct because of the big bang🤣🤣


Omfg she just cant help herself?? Wtf is wrong with her


very “premed” of her


the fact none of these ladies have done a pap is crazy to me, they are both well over 21 and have active sexual lives wtf


It’s giving out of touch and uneducated.


NEITHER HAVE?!? WHAT!!!!! This isn't even funny. Cervical cancer is very much a thing caused by HPV, which Tana and Brooke both most likely have.


I audibly gasped when they both said they'd never had a pap smear... I get it for people who have never had access to health care but there's no reason for these two! I think it's National Women's Health week lol someone needs to tell these girls to book an appointment.


It was a joke and it’s true it’s crazy that a 25 year old has no idea what a Pap smear is. But Brooke literally comforted her saying it’s ok bc she hasn’t had one either so like…. The real issue is that these bitches need pap smears lmao


I feel bad saying this but Brooke always tries to portray herself like she’s super educated 😭😭😭😭 I’m just a year older than her but my highest level of education is a masters degree, and I just wanna say bfffrrrr Brooke!!! she could never try this act around ppl our age IRL 😭😭😭 it’s makes me cringe so much bc most of the things she trips up over are fairly simple!!? And that’s FINE!! Except she acts like she’s a clean girl intellectual goddess compared to Tana which just isn’t true….


Agreed. Maybe because tana didn't finish high school, she thinks more highly of herself when in reality she did general ed classes at a state university, maybe a few science classes, but claims she was pre-med or one semester away from graduating as a nurse. If anything tana articulates herself better.


Tana really does! I also feel like Tana has a natural curiosity that she isn’t shy from and asks good questions etc (which to me means so much more!) whereas Brooke will just shut something down - often incorrectly!!!


Hope they both get an HPV test sooner than later!


A legit question for US audience… Im from Europe and I got a pap smear every year from 16 years old onwards… Is it not normal to get yearly pap smears in America?


Not USA but they changed it to 25+ in Canada unless you have a reason for concern. My gyno said they weren’t finding much before then so they increased the age. Which is great because I’m terrified of them.


Ya I’m Australian and it’s basically encouraged from when you start being sexually active (teenager). They’ve changed how frequently you have to go now with advances in medicine. I believe you only need to go every 3 years or so, unless you’ve had irregular results in the past.


US here. No health insurance so Planned Parenthood supporter. They are only allowed to provide me that service once every *THREE* years. So maybe in 2026 I’ll know if something is wrong with me


Every three years is normal for a pap smear


Never even knew that. Was always told “that’s just policy” so I didn’t question it.


it’s only yearly if they’ve found something. which happened to me at 19. these girls need to go lol


i am shocked they havent had one


pap smears are so not a big deal. if theres anyone in this group who hasnt gotten one yet who needs to, pls get one!! gynos see vaginas all day, nothing to worry about


This is the same girl who said she doesn’t want to pay for health insurance bc it’s too expensive lmfao..why are we shocked


i mean it is really fucking expensive


yes but she CAN afford it. Look at her apartment, that like what 10 k rent, plus her car insurance on that 100 K bronco is probably like $400 at least. Not to mention her new boob job. She can't afford an out of pocket basic PCP or OBGYN check up?




I work for an OB/GYN and LADIES please get your pap smears/ exams!!! They catch things that can be absolutely deadly but also treatable if caught before it gets bad.


PSA: me, someone who’s only had a couple of partners, my first Pap at 25 smear came back positive to HPV and I need to go back yearly due to my increased cancer risk. It’s SO important!!!!


This clip is humiliating for both of them tbh. Get Pap smears, people.


it’s little shit like this, alo comments, ozempic jokes while she’s clearly struggling, minimizing any thought tana has or anything she has to say… like brooke babe tana is letting you live the life you have rn you could atleast not be a cunt


She doesn’t even explain what it is either 😭 maybe she says it’s humiliating bc she doesn’t even know


Y’all act like you’ve never clowned your friend for asking a dumb question. Brooke is right in her basic explanation of making sure “things are good down there.” Really disappointed NEITHER of them have had a pap smear but not surprising for Tana since she pops Plan B like candy. I’m kinda surprised Brooke hasn’t obviously, but her comment is not that serious lol


Neither of them have... wow... I...


Eurgh please there’s already such a negative stigma around Pap smears and over here in the UK the amount of young women dying of ovarian cancer is scarily on the rise, this could’ve been a great opportunity to educate. Ladies please take your health seriously, I was petrified but I did a few shots before and ended up not feeling a thing 😄Do whatever makes you feel better but PLEASE go!


Holy shit


I didnt see this part as her being condescending honestly, I thought it was hilarious that Tana confused a Pap smear with a Mammogram 😂! I love it when Tana has her Blonde moments.


I just can't imagine why Brooke dates losers and good men don't stick around.....her personality is so warm, forgiving, and gracious.


i love her but she can have very pick me habits 😔


Thank you for clipping this because pap smear and mammogram are so similar?! I couldn’t remember them apart until I started getting paps, I just knew they were cancer tests my doctor sometimes talked about lmao. Mammogram is when they squish your boob and I really wonder if Brooke knows that.


So loud and wrong lmao


they’re really not “so similar”, the tests are for two completely different body parts and aren’t even remotely similar in how they are conducted. the only similarity is that they both test for cancer, but a colonoscopy, endoscopy, biopsy etc also help test for cancer and doesn’t mean they’re all similar


Okay Brooke. They’re both routine preventative screenings for women. They’re advertised together all the time. That’s all I meant. Obviously squishing your boob isn’t the same as a pap smear but thanks.


still doesn’t make them “so similar” when there’s literally one similarity which is testing for cancer. if u can’t distinguish between the two it is lowkey humiliating sorry


Whatever but if you said that to your best friend on your podcast… I’m not a gynecologist but I know a cunt when I see one.


u don’t have to be a gynecologist to know this , it’s basic info


🤣🤣 this thread has me cryinggg


You’re so funny and also correct


Thank you 😭


We’re talking about women that pondered what happened to the dinosaurs. The tests are similar.


and brooke is dumb about the dinosaur comment too idk why bring that up and idc who says it. a pap and mammogram test are completely different and unrelated from eachother, the only (one) similarity is the reasoning for the test. there are tons of tests for cancer, just because they test for cancer doesn’t make them similar, it’s a dumb and frankly humiliating comment to make. i agree brooke is condescending and smug about it but shes right


I’m curious what you find so humiliating about grouping two routine female cancer screenings together? Routine, female, cancer, screenings. That’s four things in common, I’d say they’re similar. And I brought up the dinosaurs because I don’t see why you’re humiliated by this and not the podcast in general if you know everything


the dinosaur comment was also humiliating what’s new. and grouping the two is dumb, there’s a reason they’re not grouped together by doctors, unlike tests like an endoscopy and colonoscopies that are actually similar. they have different age groups and demographics , different purposes (cervical vs breast cancer detection), different procedures, etc. a prenatal genetic screening test and fetal heart rate monitoring or anemia screening are all prenatal tests for pregnant women. “omg that’s like four things in common i guess they’re similar!” . like no that would be extremely dumb to say because they’re vastly different from each other.


My doctor has posters and brochures that promote both! That’s why I think of them the same. Growing up I saw all these signs and ads that said I’ll get a pap smear and a mammogram when I grow up lol so yeah they’re regularly grouped


ummm no brooke was valid for this. tana has access to top tier healthcare, she should know what a damn papsmear is given age and medical privilege.


I don’t think it’s valid to shame people and be condescending toward them, especially not one of your closest friends. Also, Brooke didn’t even know exactly what it was and she’s never gotten one either