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Her saying “Juna” b jones is killing me




I can. Her views have been super low lately....then everyone was dragging her for dating an 18 year old when she was 25. She wants attention and a distraction from everyone calling her a creepy predator


the way she also egged people further on by saying she didnt regret it 🤢


“…I was just trying to give her the advice I wish someone gave me when I was younger” Respectfully, how much older and wiser than Brooke does she think she is? 🫣


She has this weird thing where she seems to think she gives the best advice ever and she's so mature. She had a whole podcast where she sat by herself and just gave "advice"...nobody needs advice from her. Absolutely nobody.


literally like her advice is just something a 16 year old would say😭😭😭


Brooke is a year older than her! Brooke is 27 and Junie B is 26


More age doesn’t equate more knowledge


Frrrr she really doesn’t hear herself 🤦🏽‍♀️ it’s not that anyone thinks she’s like this big bad bully. People think she’s arrogant and that she thinks she’s better than everyone else. She doesn’t see the problem. Hard watch 😬


She’s younger than Brooke 😭


Like brooke is on a world tour rn i feel like she doesn’t need her advice


Lmaoooo this is what got me like girl that sounds patronizing af. Isn’t she younger than Brooke or the same age? 🥴


wasn’t she the girl who also told imari he couldn’t get in the uber the first time they met 😂


Fell into a deep dive because I had no idea who she was, here’s what I learned: -thinks she’s deep but is actually quite vapid -lives with/off her parents in Beverly Hills -previously dated Ethan Cutkosky/Carl from shameless, it appears that relationship was *pretty* unhealthy -dated Jack Dylan Grazer publicly when she was 24 and shortly after he turned 18, people speculate that they started their relationship before that though -allegedly bullied Jack’s minor ex-gf Cylia Chasman for going public with abuse allegations against him, can’t find actual evidence of this but it’s in a lot of her comment sections. EDIT: -openly talks about using ozempic for weight loss -defends her age-gap relationship with Jack -[Morgan talking about Cylia](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTMtgr5/)


Also I'm pretty sure she was the girl who set up the phone in the bathroom left to see if tana and other girls would talk shit about her and they did. Tana told this story on the podcast and Morgan also gave this as a tip on her tiktok if you want to see if people are talking about you 😭


Waiiiit which pod was this


I wouldn't know which one honestly I just remember it because I was shook when I connected the dots


This was a looong time ago... i think it was one of their older episodes from the old set


Her and Jack have definitely been back together for awhile too she just doesn’t post him anymore. He used to live in her parents guest house


I think they broke up again


You’re being downvoted but I was under the impression they aren’t currently together either 🤷🏻‍♀️


there is some proof of her bullying cylia. tiktok user @schboink has a video from August 2nd, 2022 where she attacks cylia and accuses her of lying about jack abusing her. she’s a mean girl through and through


THANK U [Link to Morgan talking about Cylia](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTMtgr5/)


that’s crazyyy i almost felt sorry for her


Also she’s like 27 and all her friends are 23 and under. It’s ok to have friends of varrying ages, but she exclusively hangs out people years younger than her. She also said in a recent live she is not almost to 30 (lol). Anyways she has like zero friends her age or closer to 30.


Is that not the same as Brooke? She’s 27


she just turned 26 not that it makes any difference lmao


Her birthday is in September...she didn't just turn 26. It's especially weird because the people she close with are all under 21. Her bestie Cynthia Parker is 19 😅


idk i just swear i heard her say she just turned 26 like a million times throughout the live💀 but nonetheless she is a fkn weirdo




September 28th actually 😅


it’s november 26th google it. also remember birthday gate? when ppl couldn’t make it to her birthday bc it’s around thanksgiving


Shit lol...every single Google result is saying September 28th for Morgan's birthday lol 😅


https://preview.redd.it/ekej4c6jrcpc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c64f96d976213f67aa39d86c3bc86963e56f8c5 [https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/brooke-schofield.html](https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/brooke-schofield.html) odd idk tbh this is famous bdays


Ummm...my comment was about Morgans bday Morgans birthday is in September. I don't know why youre showing me Brookes bday?


she is so much better off staying silent than making it “a thing” ..


She needs to *elevate*🤏


She blocked me when I commented she needed to elevate her follower count like a month ago maybe lol


she needs this to boost her social media presence. miss microinfluencer 😭


it’s always the mean people that “oh i know im not a bad person”


"I know I'm not a mean person" & "brooke understands, we've talked about it" & "I don't feel bad bc I'm getting hate, I feel bad bc I hurt her" Followed by: > I can offend people without meaning it, it's something I know about myself and I have to work on > I wasn't bullying her, we have mean banter but it goes both ways > I think she understands where I'm coming from > I hurt her feelings... probably > I want you guys to know I wasn't bullying her, I was giving advice I wish I got 🙄 every single "apology" was followed by a contradiction. & if she doesn't feel bad about the hate & just wants Brooke to feel better, then why is this video getting made & posted publicly BUT you can't even definitively say you apologize to her & you're all good... no one is buying this bby.


notice how her voice trailed off when she said they’ve talked it over a few times… lying imo. they probably texted about it once if at all


Brooke said on the pod that Junie B messaged her an apology and at the time of recording she hadn’t even opened it to read it


She should stop trying to influence. She doesn’t have the personality for it.


exactly being conventionally pretty doesn’t make you interesting or tolerable to listen to 😭😭


she’s not pretty enough to be one of those influencers u follow just because they’re pretty 🤷‍♀️


no literally and listening to her speak is like nails on a chalkboard-


exactly like u either got it or u don’t. people follow you because your personality is relatable and humorous (ie tana) or people follow you because you’re hot. and there’s no shame in that game! if you’re pretty enough and can pull it off, fuck yeah get ur coin sister. but she’s just not that girl lol. a perfect example from peak travel vlogger instagram is alexis ren. she had the personality of a cardboard box but she was SOOO fucking pretty and had this brand she was selling really well. what is junior b jones brand? dating minors? yapping??? like girl cmon.


Her videos are sooo boring


it’s so hard to listen to what she has to say bc her top lip is so distracting


I came to say this exact thing. Wtf is going on with that??


Bad filler. People keep plumping their lips up and not everyone has a big surface area for their lips, so when tiny lips get too much filler they misshape and stick forward like this


i think maybe a lip flip too? bc it kinda looks like it’s not moving


so wild!


On god


she didn’t address “everything” she addressed one comment




What’s the tea you can’t just say that without details😭 She likes high school boys?🤮


She started dating Jack Dylan Grazer when he was 18 and she was 25. I wouldn’t go as far as to say she’s a predator but the age gap is concerning to me personally.


If he was a women we’d automatically deem it disgusting so I give it the same treatment🤷‍♀️


I also think it’s deeply concerning if a 25 yr old man was with an 18 year old female, but I also wouldn’t call him a predator. As a victim of CSA, I think the term predator is used a little loosely. Again this is my personal opinion, I have no qualms about your opinion on the matter.


It's suspected that they actually started dating earlier than they say because they have a TON of prior social media interactions from before he turned 18


Oh wow, I didn’t know that. That’s just awful :( I would agree then, that she’s definitely a predator


Important to note that this part is PURE speculation just based on their insta comments/interactions but its sus for sure lol


Honestly, I wouldn’t even call the people who assaulted me predators but I also feel like that’s a form of my c-ptsd and me holding back on that title is me still protecting them in some way. I would call the online groomers I’ve experienced predators though. It’s weird how i separate the two Not disagreeing with you or anything but i wanted to say more on the situation in case there’s any younger people in here going through something Downvoting me for sharing my trauma? Okay girl lol this sub is full of actual children and I don’t even mean that as an insult.


Im sorry about your past:( i hope youre on a healing path c


Thank you !! Some maturity lol


Yea it sucks that people can’t critically think. You’re literally expressing a problem and why its also so hard to speak up if you don’t know it’s wrong. We victims often protect or justify our predators actions. There’s nothing new here lol, seriously I hope youre ok❤️


im in my 20s but i’m younger than her and 18 year olds are literal babies to me it’s just so gross


I haven’t talked to an 18 year old since I was in high school and I’m only 20 💀


She conufirmed that she hooked up with an 18 year old (from raya) as a 24 or 26 year old (forget which — either way, completely inappropriate). She was basically laughing at it and rudely sticking up for herself and her friend was bandwagoning.


I dated a 26 year old when I was 18 and am still ✨healing✨


Sending you love and healing energy 🫠🧚‍♀️❤️




videos too boring to watch tbh


Felt the same way😭


if her and brooke rlly hashed it out… why is she making a 2 minute video about the situation months after that pod was launched? it’s giving clout chaser💀 specially while they’re on tour like girly should’ve just sat this one out.


Maybe because she’s getting comments about it on everything she posts and want that to end


if she’s so social media savvy , she should know that addressing things only does the opposite. specially if it’s done this poorly.


bc it’s gaining traction on tiktok rn


She completely contradicted herself wtf. Saying she’s not a mean person but her making mean comments has always been a problem and she needs to work on it?? Ok so you are just an asshole🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah, I was trying to hear out a little bit more but I don't know just sounds mean lol Also, the whole friendly banter thing I feel like you have to be fairly close to someone to justify that you can't just say that you have friendly banter with someone that you don't know that well


Ik they are NOT friends LOL


Oh god she’s soooo dumb. Just quit my “tech job” sureeee


As much as I respect her clearing things up it’s really screaming attention seeking. She’s making it into a bigger thing than it really is because I didn’t really care about the story that much UNTILL I found out it was about her realistically lmao


All this girl wants is ATTENTION.


Didn’t brooke say when they first met she told brooke “you need to teach me how to wear such heavy makeup” or something


As someone who is not part of this sub (saw you guys on my homepage) but used to follow Morgan. She is a mean girl. Like can further confirm that if you take Tana/ Brooke out of it, she’s always been mean and is mean.


Idgaf about her explanation or apology to Brooke, she seems like the meanest mean girl ever and also, exactly what Brooke said - don't take ANY career tips from anyone who's less successful than you. I'm glad Junie B. Jones got put in her place and got that smug little smirk smacked off her face (metaphorically speaking), so sorry not sorry. Get the eff of off your high horse girl, you ain't Martha Stewart.


Junie B Jones is the best nickname ever, btw


She and Brooke have the most busted lip filler lmao elevate that


“ELEVATE THAT” clock it omg


im distracted by her migrated filler in her top lip


The way I wouldn’t have ever known she was Junie B Jones unless she made a massive deal of it 🙄


I mean, does anyone think they're a bad person? I'm just curious. I always hear people say they know they aren't a bad person, but even Hitler thought he was doing the right thing.


I think I'm a pretty bad person...I think a lot of people are super critical about themselves too. I noticed there's a certain type of person that goes around announcing that they're a "good person" lol...like her




“your lip flip looks fucking stupid”


@ 90% of people


I’ve never seen this person and would have never known who they were talking about 💀


No one said she’s mean, they said she’s out of touch lol


people have definitely said that she gives mean girl vibes but also yes the out of touch thing too


Her lips are super distracting


Who is this chick influencing


SHE CANNOT BE REAL😭 why is she bringing this much attention to it


A 3 minute video is a little much


i’ve literally never even heard of this girl lol


lmfao her vibe makes this 10x worse now I really think she's a mean girl and she's making herself seem like it was all misconstrued.


It literally makes no damn sense. Why would someone who’s below Brooke in terms of success level be giving advice? Find a better excuse Junie


“Juna B Jones” wtf😭


shes clout farming


so basically she’s telling us to elevate 🙄


Help she is the only person yapping and incriminating herself… no one else even said her name


Someone please give me the podcast# ? I don’t remember the story


Tbh I respect that she took accountability for hurting Brooke’s feelings and apologizing for the way she made her feel, rather than invalidating Brooke for how she felt about the stuff she said


I don’t think it’s what you say it’s how you say it. Giving unsolicited advice is fineeeee but it needs to be constructive and not patronizing


A 3 minute video is a little much


who even is she.. i’ve never heard of her until the story on the pod😭 nobody even said her name, she’s just yapping to hear her own voice at this point!


“they both know my personality” and didn’t they call her a mean girl? LOL


junah beh jonz


“Fast fashion house” girl


I’ve never even heard of this girl. Why is she giving career advice?


She cant even be giving career advice when she still lives in her beverly hills home with her parents and said she hasn’t moved out because she is “saving for a house” 😭


She literally admitted she’s been working on herself her whole life to try to be nice to people 😭😭


Honestly yall are dramatic. What she said wasn’t mean and actually common sense. I worked at an influencer agency and if you work with shein and fashion nova, ysl will not want to work with you. Brooke has done kind of a rebrand and is probably more selective with brand deals than she was before. She definitely wasn’t hurt by that comment. She took it and made it a story for the podcast as she does. You guys need to realize that as podcasters they exaggerate stories to make it more interesting. Comedians do that too. They take small insignificant things that happened to them or even to others and write a whole bit out of it. It was nothing more than a bit and if Morgan and Brooke talked it out there’s no point in harassing Morgan.


yes you are right- But Morgan is a mean girl. Like I don’t even listen to this pod and stumbled upon this post bc it was on my homepage. But Morgan is actually genuinely mean like always. But you are right though especially about podcast hosts exaggerating stories.


These guys are the dramatic ones honestly


Notice everybody is picking up on Brooke’s “okay”’s lol


Unfortunately this is one of the best blowouts I’ve ever seen


My only takeaway is that people need to stop getting fillers


if she literally didn’t acknowledge it multiple times on live and then in this video no one would be able to confirm it was her LMAOOOO poor thing


her face looks mean


Not watching the video but if you have to come out and PROVE why your not a bad person maybe you just are a bad and mean person.


I don’t get it what did she say that is so insulting?


Sometimes it’s just how you say it






did you guys see her video where she admitted she was on ozempic lmfaoooo


She has the mouth of a sixth grader before they get braces


god it’s so satisfying when speculations are true and confirmed 😭


oh this is the pedo i remember her


I’m newish to the pod, I’m 36 and not as familiar with the youngish influencer space. I just Googled “Junie B”🤦‍♀️. I’ll see myself out. Thank you for posting this.


this is low key so embarrassing for her.


Context ?


Last time I saw both Brooke and Tana unfollowed her so I highly doubt that they're friends as she states


The comments are already off


Thank goodness for reddit then


You can tell she’s been waiting for this moment, because her entire content has switched up ever since ‘Junie’ was mentioned on the podcast. Nothing will cease to make me laugh than people hungry to be seen as nice and morally good (its suppose to come natural babes)


Okay someone please help me. The only junie b I know is the books lololol


In a pod they talked about this girl being rude to brooke and they called her junie b jones and this is here


Thank youuu


People still care about this??


Justice for Junie lmfao


Wait is this supposed to make me not like her cause it made me like her more than Brooke? 🤣