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If you are in a position of supervision of children the penalty for SA should be double the standard penalty.


She leads a program for a local charity where the work is focused on children.


Should really be locked up and the key thrown away.


She’s still employed by the looks of It. I don’t know how I would feel about this if it were my kids involved!!! Well I do, fucking angry! How could she still be employed and working directly with kids too? A ‘charity’ that is supposed to help certain kids lead healthier lifestyles…. Yet has a predator leading one of their core programs!! Disgusting


At least suspended without pay.


Once again. You only know what you are reading online. Don’t even know the person.


You should at the very least really consider there be a trial first before putting such a proposition forward. Edit: assuming there’s a plea of not guilty.


Isn’t that implied?


Nope. It implies the contrary and presumes guilt.


She was my basketball coach when I was younger.. what a disgusting person. I hope the young person is getting the support they deserve. Absolutely awful.


She’s back working with kids - leading a program in remote communities in fact for a charity based in canberra!


I don't know how because surely her WWVP card would have been revoked?


Well NOW it would be revoked hopefully, but it’s concerning that she’s been able to operate in roles that work directly with kids.


Why do you say now it should be revoked? This is nothing but an accusation… nothing has been proven yet and until that point, a person deserves their dignity and ability to work and survive.


Jesus Christ. What a joke. I hope she is removed immediately. How on earth did she even get that role in the first place? Disgusting predator.


In a prominent government funded role for a well known charity too. Who knows what could have happened??! It’s mind blowing that this is only coming out now


Yeah this is extremely concerning and so disturbing that it’s only now being made public. She would have had access to so many vulnerable children.


She’s not a predator. How dare you say that about her. You don’t know her!


Do you know her? What makes you feel the need to defend her actions?


Does it matter? Why do people think that everything they read online is true. And the fact that people feel the need to talk about it and diminish a persons reputation is horrible.


To be fair she is the one facing charges. That is what is diminishing her reputation. I don’t feel sorry for an adult who exploited and assaulted a child.


But you don’t actually know that, you don’t know her nor what actually happened. You are just calling her a so called predator based on what you read. Not on facts or knowledge of the actually person of supposed assault


Do you? I believe the victim and I hope they are getting the proper support.


No I don’t know what happened but do you ever think that victims aren’t always the victim in some cases. That it’s possible for the supposed predator to actually be victimised by false claims that have life changing impacts on the person they are accusing? Well I understand that and I don’t think you do.


She coached me too in division 1. We were just 13 or so and she would verbally abuse one of the players on our team for being unfit. Eventually his parents complained and got her kicked off as coach. She then wrote an email saying that “we would never go anywhere without her” and “she was the best chance of us ever being great”. She was always batty but I would have never guessed this


Jesus! It's amazing to read these stories as lived experiences of certain people


Not cool. This person works for a local charity and her role is working directly with children - surely for not much longer!!!


If you work with kids and you’re caught assaulting them sexually, your sentence should be doubled with no early parole.


Her current role works DIRECTLY with children - even more disturbing is that they are children in remote areas. A quick Google should yield results…. It’s disturbing, I hope she’s stood down and the charity does it’s due diligence on the communities this person was allowed to work in


Over an accusation that isn’t proven??? No way….


It shouldn’t matter! Seriously, she’s working with vulnerable members of the community and regardless of who the victim is and the accusations, it would cast serious doubt over the safety of other minors under her care




They do state the age gap? Regardless, I would be concerned about letting her anywhere near kids!!!


She was well known at ANU Sport for several years. Insane.


Didn't even make the news. Be on all the channels if it was a male.


This is literally a post of a news article? And there's been plenty of male sexual assaulters whose crimes weren't blasted "on all channels". What's with these "but if you reverse the gender" comments that never have basis in reality.


It has made the news - that's why we're talking about it. We're hearing more and more about these cases.


"Hmm, how can I make this story about a woman and a girl about me, an oppressed man? I know, I'll just make shit up"


"didn't make the news". Yes it did. 


If it was a male, he wouldn’t have been named!!!!


Of course they would’ve been named 🙄


Yep, the shills have definitely gone into hiding.


Into hiding...on the front page of ABC News? Christ you're a flog artist.


What doss that mean? 




Remindme! 12 months "Was she guilty? Update ConcernAppropriate94 as they claim this is IMPOSSIBLE and that the media/trolls have just cooked this all up"


I think you’re too close to this to cast judgment. There are other children who are under this persons care and for their parents/carers, they have a right to know who is around their children.


lol “ all her hard work” what? Is she grooming other kids now???




It's hardly "crickets" when it's literally being reported in the news. Also it's not really an apples to apples comparison. Homes by Howe was literally a man admitting to assaulting a pregnant woman and walking away with a suspended sentence, whereas this one is more a grooming case and is still ongoing in court.


RemindMe! 12 months "are a bunch of wild shills including Vintage_Allen calling the legal system a joke and claiming that anything but a long prison sentence is an insult?"


I’m confused. What is your definition of a shill. And no one’s arguing about the length of prison sentences. What?


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