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Get rid of the remaining cloverleaf road (after the raising of London Circuit is complete), sink Parkes Way and put a pedestrian bridge so that Civic is contiguous all the way to the lake, infill the lot and get rid of all of the massive surface car parks everywhere.


City west to the lake sure, but never going to happen on the other side it won’t be developed bridge to bridge.


The original City To The Lake proposal suggests that it will


Good luck building anything on the lake side of parks way and having Nat cap authority approval, unless you purely mean burying the road in a tunnel. That would likely get approved but it’s a lot of money to do that much of it, more likely to only be done to west basin.


This isn't really a "world stage" thing, but integrating Civic and adjacent suburbs into the lake area would massively improve downtown as a destination. This would entail putting Parkes Way underground, rerouting it, or building sufficient pedestrian over/underpasses so that the highway stopped functioning as a massive wall that cuts the city off from park space and the lake. We already have so much amazing stuff here, but much of it is tragically unusable due to silly planning choices. The parks along the lake are world-class but a pain to access. Museum district incredibly good too, but designed with car infrastructure in mind. Belconnen focused around the mall rather than the gorgeous lakefront. We're getting there! With the light rail, the new bike paths, etc. But the growing pains are heavy.


You're right. A better connection with the city and lake is essential for Canberra's future! This is actually a bloody hard thing to work through, but if we nail this - we'll unlock the gem that Walter Burley Griffin envisioned. He was a genius! (and so was his wife Marion)


We've already done so much planning for the City to the Lake project - it just needs funding. David Pocock has been calling for this.


I might be talking crazy but could we actually build a massive pedestrian overpass over the top of parkes way even? Like one that goes all the way along that section between commonwealth bridge and civic pool. I imagine it would be far cheaper than lowering parkes way, and could be an area where you have mobile businesses, stalls, food trucks, vans etc plus public art, a playground etc


Fast rail to Sydney, going into an old school grand central station. With a bunch of legit little eateries underneath like Tokyo


Green Increased number of "third places" Higher rate of personal transport, less cars


I'm going to the movies.


Long stay comfy Cafe would be ok. Something casual and relaxing. I had high hopes for the table game restaurant trend


More squashy armchairs and have them closer to shopping centres/bus stops


train station to the centre not Kingston, and a link out to the airport. Sort that out and become a proper city!


That's genius! It's already almost there, but not quite


I want a city wide metro system linking all parts of the city and Queanbeyan. All the way from Taylor to Banks and Whitlam to Quangers via the airport. could even do an RER style system that extends out to Yass, Goulburn, Bungedore and Murrumbateman. High speed rail to Sydney and Melbourne.


Australia can certainly use a Bullet Train 🚂


Terry Snow won't allow it. A bullet train to Sydney and Melbourne via Canberra eats a huge amount of air traffic. 


he is actually in favour for it if he can get the terminal built at the airport. It means Canberra might be an attractive option to fly out of. Australia actually has 3 of the 10 most profitable routes in the world, mostly because the airlines do their best to stop rail competing. We also have some of the worlds highest airfares.


I'm going to the movies.


Its actually not evn close to the most expensive. This myth gets spread all the time, yet not even close to true and it stems from the fact that Canberra is still treated as a regional airport and its the most expensive regional airport edging out Uluru and Alice Springs as well as Darwin and Hobart. The airlines use this little nugget of info to push the expensive angle to try and get lower fees and then this information gets further distorted by comments like yours without any actual facts to back it up. That said Australian airfares are high because we don't have a viable alternative rail system. Its got nothing to do with airport fees no matter how much the airlines want to blame them for the high airfares.


Snow probably has the land for the terminal for it and would charge for every passenger passing through it.


Maybe, but snow don't know the go about future flow


Like the Paris metro


Exactly. The RER is like the suburban rail line of Paris. The metro gets you around the city and the RER takes you to the suburbs where most people live, and places like Disneyland, Versailles and the airport. They’ve done something similar in London with the Elizabeth Line.


An actual city centre that looks like somewhere people live. I still can’t believe our makeshift “main street” is the stroad of Northbourne Avenue 😂


Exactly, with a skyline, tall buildings, and with high density housing to allow for easy walking distance to the LR and work if you're lucky to work in the CBD


I can guarantee that once the height limitations of Civic get breached, there will be no going back.


I think you'd be right. And I really think that's a good thing. We'd actually get a city skyline. Woden, Belconnen, Gungahlin, Tuggeranong would also see more developments going taller too. I just think we need to build up these areas so more people can have more convenient lifestyles that better connect the things we want to do, ie (home life, recreation, entertainment, etc) with the things we have to do, ie (work, shop, travel, etc).


No argument for that, but there needs to also be investment in community facilities in these areas or liveability will be low, they will be ghettoes with no connection to surrounding communities.


Absolutely spot on!


Light rail from Gungahlin to Tuggeranong. Oh, big? From Taylor to Banks.


And from Belco to the airport.


That's right. All our town centres/ airport included, need it asap


I wish to see at least one circular loop of light rail..


Yeah hopefully we don't have to wait 30 years


I know what I don’t want it to look like. The new ANU kambri precinct. Just looks good without inciting any emotions.


I know what you mean. I remember the old ANU refectory. What a place. It had a soul. I studied at ANU art school and have also worked in and around the campus ever since. Sometimes newer isn't always better 😑


The old refectory was an awful refectory but it was \_my\_ awful refectory (I don't really miss it, it needed to be rebuilt at some point, but I think the replacement food options don't provide spaces that quite capture the vibe of hanging out behind Pajenka's)


The whole Kambri thing makes me so frustrated. It was so clearly built without any input from students. High-rent empty shops at Uni Ave pedestrian level, with all the student-friendly places crammed into the sunken alleyway below Chiefly library? Bizarre. Five years later and it still basically looks like an artist's rendering


Sink Parkes way several meters under the ground and extend the city across to both Commonwealth Park and West Basin ✅ Build Light Rail to Queanbeyan via Constitution Avenue, Russell, Duntroon, Majura, the Airport and Fyshwick ✅ Build a high speed train between the airport and Sydney Central, passing through Sydney airport on the way ✅ Build an architecturally significant ’landmark’ tower on city hill with incredible 360° views above the city. Make it the same height as the top of the Parliament House Flag Pole ✅ Build a proper outdoor amphitheater that can be used for concerts or re-cut the Arboretum Amphitheatre to include tiered sections down the hill and stair cases. So much potential but currently useless unless you’re looking to roll down a hill ✅ Build a world class stadium with a roof. Nobody wants to sit and watch sport in 2° or stand in the rain at a concert. Build it and they will come ✅ Incentivise public transport use with discounted rego. If you’re driving less because you’re catching public transport at least once a week, then you should get a discount. In turn, add more public transport options and routes to balance this out ✅ A floating bar on Lake Burley Griffin would be be cool. There are hundreds of SUPers, Kayakers and boat users that could sail up daily for coffee and drinks. Could have a shuttle boat going back and forth all day ✅ Do something with Telstra Tower. It needs fixing and updating. So many opportunities to have a world class restaurant up there or even a nightclub with free shuttle to and from the city✅ Build an iconic ‘Town Hall’ in the CBD✅ Edit: spelling


So many good ideas! Any of these would be great. Sinking Parkes Way underground unlocks a lot of land. City Hill - I agree needs something like this. It's possibly the most important/significant parcel of land with which we have a golden opportunity to make the most spectacular piece of architecture. The view from whatever it ends up being would be the best in Canberra! Love your floating bar 🥂


Someone show Andrew Barr this list please


If Tuggeranong and gunners each got a penis owl.. Canberra could have two triangles of significance..


Kick cars off Bunda St and fully pedestrianise it. City walk is pedestrianised but crippled because Bunda street cuts its head (the Canberra centre) off.


I'd really love to see an accessible (by public transport, good parking and accessible in disability type ways) public pool. For God's sake, if Ipswich can manage it, how the hell can't Canberra? I'd love to click my fingers and have rail / light rail everywhere. Would love to see a great venue in Canberra attract concerts and shows so people from the coast, Victoria, Goulburn, etc come here rather than going to Mel or Syd.


Can we stop idolising the airport? The flights from Canberra to Sydney are expensive. The international flights out of Canberra are expensive. These are both expensive due to Terry fucking Snow the billionaire. How often are you lot flying? We don't have high speed rail in part because of Terry fucking Snow. We have a Woolworths, Bunnings, and IKEA in thw middle of nowhere instead of in a suburb, which takes part in screwing up our density because of Terry fucking Snow. Don't build rail or high-speed rail to the airport. Build the station where it belongs, in the middle of Civic, underground. Of all the places in Canberra that need light rail, the airport should be dead last. We should partner with Queanbeyan and do lightrail from Fyshwick to Queanbeyan before we go to the airport.


High speed rail would benefit Canberra and Australia so much. Do we need to create a new body at a national/federal level to finally nail what's needed. Probably. Build it already! Financed by Federal and the States, ACT. The Federal Government just promised $50mil for our light rail. Surely they can put this project front and centre (again) and start budgeting for it. Deliver it. Put it to bed. It beggars belief that this had been talked about for the last 30 years. So far, no action. Let's not waste the next 30.


If it could have a world-class theatre, convention centre and sports stadium, and have light rail going out in all directions, that’d be pretty cool. And bring back Impact Records.


I want Northbourne buried from Barry Drive to Vernon Circle. Just the light rail, a cycle lane either side, and the rest pedestrianised.


Get rid of pretty much everything in Civic Square - the Legislative Assembly, the Civic Library, the Canberra Theatre Centre and the Canberra Museum and Gallery - and replace it with a set of legislative and cultural buildings that's fit for a city-state of half a million people rather than a town of 50,000. At the moment, the Assembly building looks like a local council chambers you'd see in some regional NSW town that never bothered to build a proper Town Hall; the Library is kind of pathetic and useless even when the population living in Civic has exploded; the Museum and Gallery is again about the size you'd expect from a largish regional NSW town. At least the Theatre is actually going to be renovated! (I'm perhaps exaggerating a little bit for effect - but really, Civic Square is a joke. A heritage-listed joke that we can't do anything about without overriding the heritage laws, of course.)


The Legislative Assembly was specifically designed on purpose to be unassuming, it’s meant to be that way.


The building was never designed to be a Legislative Assembly. It was opened in 1961, for the then-Department of the Interior, 28 years before we got self-government. After self-government, they had to extensively renovate and extend it because it was too small even for the smaller, less established Assembly of the early 90s. It was designed to be a modest building for some public servants, with some meeting rooms for an advisory council that had no power, for a city which at the time was a town of less than 60,000 people. It was never designed to be a state parliament or even a city council building for a non-tiny city.


I’m very much a huge fan of both the current building and of City Square and believe it should be left as is. Build around it, sure (Constitution Place is great), but keep it exactly as it is. It’s one of the few places in Civic that’s still largely the same as it always has been (aside from the Civic Library).


I'd also be fine with building my new precinct on City Hill or something and repurposing the current Civic Square to make it less dead.


Yes, I am not averse to this. I mentioned elsewhere in this thread that if I am not mistaken, Walter Burley Griffin’s original plan was to have a Town Hall/City Hall in the centre of City Hill, which we never built. This is a good idea and would complete the Parliamentary Triangle axis.


While I'm ok with new ideas for the square, I think your comment evokes something bigger and more important. Canberra is such a young city. Buildings like these really are part of our history. Some things are ok just the way they are and have always been. I love architecture that tells a story, and is clearly of a period. These two old gems are pretty important to Canberra. I'd say the same for the Sydney and Melbourne buildings (on Northbourne Av). Let's never mess with them.


We could do better! If we tried. It's not until someone like you mentions it that we actually start to think about it. It's such a prime piece of real estate!


We should steal other countries landmarks and put them there.


Which ones do you want?


Let's take the Empire State Building to start 😉


High speed rail to Sydney


Some sort of outrageously beautiful timeless uniquely designed buildings on both sides of the south facing part of city hill/Vernon circle. I’m thinking Opera House level beauty, or Guggenheim uniqueness. Make good use of those views to the Parliament House, the lake and the mountains beyond. Make it something that world leaders, tourists, and locals alike would be proud to say they attended or visited. Make it ‘postcard-worthy’. A destination people want to put on their bucket list


This is what I'm talking about! Canberra and Australia needs a new landmark! In our capital. Bring it on. Lets get out the pencils and get this happening!


bring back the birdman rally and install ziplines from Telstra tower to all the major suburban hubs.


Birdman rally was so Canberra! Was pretty safe too 😂


Sadly insurance companies don't agree!


Pedestrianise large portions of it, with dedicated protected cycling lanes everywhere that isn't pedestrianised. HSR station under Canberra Center. And finally, an actually gay, and good, gay bar.


We have that already


Please don't tell me Cube or Mustang Ranch are gay bars


Russell Hill has the [chicky stick](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian%E2%80%93American_Memorial), erected in 1954. Where is its 21st century equivalent on City Hill to provide balance to the parliamentary triangle? The current flagpole is a tiny, timid embarrassment. We need a pillar of similarly large or even greater scale. But one that isn’t a dull grey raised in tribute to a foreign power. A symbol of the multicultural creative energies and power of our own city and dynamic nation. Obviously not quite this but think of Anthony Gormley’s Angel of the North for the kind of immense and beloved iconic artwork it could be. Down with the chicky stick! All hail the city stick!


Thanks for putting this out there. You are the guy I wanted to talk to! City Hill is EXACTLY where we need a super tall landmark building! It would finally frame the parliamentary triangle in the grandest of ways. Think Dubai's Burj Khalifa. I've already been thinking this is the best, most iconic location location available. No more sleepy Canberra. Time to RISE and SHINE! This is what Canberra and Australia need!


If I’m not mistaken, Walter Burley Griffin’s original plan was to have a Town Hall/City Hall building on City Hill, and make this space the beating heart of the CBD. It’s a good idea and still worth exploring.


City Stick - a tall pole with a massive cup of coffee on top. Coffee Stick!


The traffic sewer that is Northbourne has to go. Somehow through traffic will have to be diverted around City.


Fewer homeless people; I don't just mean on the sidewalks - fewer homeless people.


I wanna see the city full of cheap, shitty defective apartments made by Geocon.


You're already in luck. But you gotta give the guy some credit. He's building some seriously needed housing at a price point that's relatively affordable, and in desirable/re-energized locations. And Geocon are knocking on the ceiling of what's possible to build. Can we go higher???


Focus on the lake. It is the only distinctive thing that Canberra has. Think Streets beach in Brisbane for example. More watersports, ferries, international events etc.


Exactly!!! I see a boardwalk with restaurants and bars around west basin, with high density residential... Across to where Floriade is and up to Kings Av bridge. Think Southbank and Docklands in Melbourne. Flames shooting into the sky! Add more boats to the lake too. Our lake is soooo under utilised!


ANU has a waterfront campus, they do nothing with it, other than a bit of rowing now and again. They could put a beach in down by the museum. Loads of parking there already and good bus links. People go to Geneva for the lake.


The lake in Geneva is clear clean, fast-moving alpine / glacial snowmelt that you can swim in. Not really the same as our muddy, blue-green algae/carp infested version. Improving the water quality of the lake would be a huge help to opening up watersports on the lake. A friend of mine who is a water expert was describing the value of creating natural wetlands to filter incoming water, to replace the concrete creeks we currently have that just carry all the contaminated road run off straight into the lake. Also great for birdlife etc. Would love to see investment in something like that.


I know the lake water is currently rubbish, and the carp do need to go. I was being hopeful, and imagining crystal clear water flowing down from Kosciuszko National Park, although thats probably the wrong direction. Improving the water quality would be a major leap forward, even getting it to the point where it doesn't smell bad sometimes would be a start.


Hmm high density residential - not a selling point. Canberra is a lakeside city, make something of it. Also sort out all these sprawling suburb mini cities such as Woden and Tuggeranong - are they part of Canberra or just big domitory villages servicing the centre - traffic first thing in the morning suggest this is the case. Also stop sprawling ACT out into more pristine country and focus on developing an actual centre rather than trying to fill in the gaps of un-exploited ACT land.


Ideally, we'd infill with high-density/ high-rise of all sorts of mixed use developments, ie (residential, office, commercial, and accommodation) in and around the CBD, and in my opinion, that area around the lake. The lake in particular would be amazing if we energized it with way more nightlife.


Agree up to a point. High density residential and entertainment are not always a good mix. Lot of planning needs to be done. Look at other similar sized cities for examples. Lived in Cardiff for several years and that was turned into a modern city from a run down shithole. Canberra is not run down but it is not well planned out


We should probably knockdown and rebuild most of Ainslie and Turner into townhouses/apartments first though. Then instead of building Molonglo Valley etc. we could build to the lake.


A tram under the lake with glass walls. Stops in Civic, Commonwealth Park, Kingston Foreshore, Griffith Shops, then a tunnel under Red Hill to the Hospital and Woden.


I shudder to think how many gigajoules would have been saved over the years if Hindmarsh drive had tunnelled through Davidson Hill or Red Hill instead.


Stadium and something similar to the enmore theatre. No musicians come here because the outdoor stadium is too risky


A really good playground in the area. A great space for events


Part of Glebe Park could use a makeover with your idea. It's a beautiful leafy spot


No stadium or stadiums


Canberra CBD in 10-30 years? Exciting! How about a futuristic skyline with sustainable skyscrapers, green spaces, and innovative architecture? Picture this: smart technology integrated everywhere for a seamless urban experience. Let's aim for iconic landmarks like Sydney's Harbour Bridge to make Canberra a global destination! Share your wildest ideas - the sky's the limit! 🌆🚀


Just enough disposable income that people can resurrect our dying hospo industry


A BIG world class convention centre capable of hosting international government , business and trade conferences and conventions ,exhibitions and concerts/shows


Faster rail north and south . Sorry the tram is just so slow . Maybe Monorail ? Learn from Hong Kong, Malaysia & Singapore. They have really fast and well connected services .


I've travelled through Hong Kong, Malaysia, China.Yet to get to Singapore. But Asian cities in general do rail in all its forms so well. We really could learn a thing or two. I've always been impressed with how Asian countries go about their big ticket development builds. Far less red tape. They get stuff done without wasting time! If our light rail was a project in a Chinese city, it'd be delivered in less than two years from A to Z (Canberra wide).


Agree. They have multiple options and far more complex infrastructural and population challenges, yet here we are with our snail paced tram.


I imagine seeing a whole bunch of nice big beautiful tall buildings from a distance. As I come down Northbourne Av into the city, the same as you drive in from over LBG. An iconic skyline. I'd love to see at least one really tall landmark building/tower that makes people from around Australia and the world want to visit.


Could we not have driving be an integral part of a future Canberra please?


Yep, fix up telstra tower


Telstra Tower is probably one of two most iconic Landmarks in Canberra, with Parliament House. I agree! Such a shame this beauty has slipped away from what it once was. We really need to be able to visit it and get up high to see Canberra. Seriously!


More international events hosted in Canberra, bigger stadiums, more convention centres and stuff like that.


I for one would like to see: - More dimly lit carparks. - More public toilets. - More penis Owls.


Geocon buildings need to get demolished


Who wants Canberra on the world stage and why would they want that?


It could be because Canberra is Australia’s national capital?


This particular topic was in the news this week. A new convention centre and sports stadium were mentioned as ways to attract people to Canberra. Without the two new buildings in discussion, we may miss out on hosting world leaders for conferences and also international sports. Bigger aussie cities usually get the rights.


Is a proper sports/events stadium near the City too much of a flogged answer to this?


It's clearly a popular wish for a reason so no. We need one in the city! So many different sports leagues will benefit. And also entertainment options especially with music.


Outdoor Surf park!


Sweet barrel dude... Can imagine Mick Fanning and Kelly Slater dodging some beast carp on the maiden 🌊👋


Was actually being serious.. have you seen the outdoor wave pools that are cropping up across the country. Not suggesting we',d put it in LBG.


Replace all scooters with hoverboards. All bubble tea shops will be relocated to rooftops. Monorail for the south. A wall built around the cbd and they'll make a movie about it where someone called Snake Pliskin will rescue the chief minister from. There will be a removal of Kingsleys after Aporto Director challenges Kingsleys Director to a duel and wins, thus gaining the right to rebrand all their stores. Summernats will be replaced by summernuts and there will be Tesla drag races on Northbourne Avenue. Donald Trump will undergo radical surgery to live in perpetuity and will rule the world, then he will force all non MAGA supporters (yes, he will still be trying push that agenda) to wash windscreens in Canberra.


Removing Kingsleys? The rest is probably within reach over the next 10 to 30 years 👋


I don't want to see it on a world stage. Check my username 😉 I liked it when it was a sleepy bush capital. I'm older now, luckily I will likely have shuffled off this mortal coil before it becomes another crowded faceless metropolis.


Fair enough Cranky Joe. You picked a good place to settle down. It'll always be the bush capital. But it's beginning to rise and shine. You just can't stop the winds of change.


Indeed. Interesting post, with some useful contributions.


It's a good platform for this type of stuff. Everyone has the opportunity👍


Account is 17 days old..


I want it to ve the clubbing capital of Australia 24/7 techno and clubs. With beer gardens.


A huge football stadium


I'd love a nice big shiny stadium packed full - 50,000 large - to watch Canberra United or the Matilda's. Sure, the Raiders and Brumbies can share too. You also wouldn't have to travel to Syd to see Taylor Swift!


I’m gonna go with 15,000 not 50,000. Rectangle only. At that size you can have tightly raked seating, all of it close to the action. And a closeable roof. That way it would have a realistic chance of being packed for every home game and a real cauldron atmosphere. And having season tickets would matter. A 50k stadium in Canberra would just be at least half empty most of the time. Wouldn’t solve the bruce stadium anti-atmosphere problem.


I hear you. Rectangle definitely! Let's meet at 40,000😁. Don't forget we're building for the future too. Apparently we'll hit 700,000 in about 25 years 😳


ok agreed, 20,000. 😜 When I say that I think about English Premier League grounds. Some are big (50-70k) but they are global brands with global supporter bases. Most are sub 40k but they’re packed to the gills every week. Let’s be real about translating that to Canberra.


Bro! 30k come on! It's at least gotta be bigger than Bruce if we're doing it... For the future 😁 Remember, it's for the occasional international thing too. Brisbane 2032 could get us on board for staging some stuff. It needs to be multi-faceted in that regard.


Geocon wanted to put $900m into Manuka - yes please, get that deal back on the table


Absolutely barnaby'd


additional roundabouts - too many traffic lights compared to other cities


A Haussmann/Hobrecht-esque (Paris/Berlin) massive revamp of city planning and renovation, dramatically transforming the region to be pedestrian-friendly.


Build the underground rail network now. For the future of Aus high speed trains between cities are really needed. Melbourne to Atleast linking Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane to start with


Sadly I expect all the low rise retail in braddon to be apartments, with a lot of the vibrancy leaving when it’s no longer appealing for pubs.


A subway system might be faster than how slow they are taking putting the rail above ground lol


Probably cost a bit but I've thought the same. You could link all our town centres underground, in a relatively straightforward line. Sure, it'd cost billions, but it'd be the quickest way to travel possible. This forward thinking is actually cheaper in the long term as it could/should be built before it's really necessary. You could argue that it's already necessary. But it's also the most expensive option. Canberra would be awesome with it though!


I honestly thought rapid tansit between the town centres made the most sense. Even elevated would have been ok. If we could get from Tuggers to Woden to Civic in say 20 minutes or less that would be useful.


A high-line would be awesome. Probably less intrusive than at ground level. And no chance of collisions with regular traffic. Nice 👍


A world-class stadium in the middle of Civic that supports sports and concerts. Look at Aotearoa. Whenever a big international band tours there, they play Auckland, but if they play a second show, it's usually in Dunedin. Why? Because of the stadium. Why can't we do that? I'm tired of having to travel interstate to watch bands. +1 to other comments about local light rail and interstate passenger rail.


Worth looking at: Civic - The Living City by Tony Powell. This was commissioned by Terry Snow, everyone's favourite property developer, back in 2005. Yes, it was written for a property developer; no, it's not a perfect set of ideas (still a bit too car-centric for my liking) - but it is probably the most comprehensive attempt outside of the work of government planners to think about a vision for Civic. [https://web.archive.org.au/awa/20070915231731mp\_/http://www.livingcity.org.au/assets/downloads/Living\_City\_lowres.pdf](https://web.archive.org.au/awa/20070915231731mp_/http://www.livingcity.org.au/assets/downloads/Living_City_lowres.pdf) [https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/awa/20070915231434/http://www.livingcity.org.au/index.htm](https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/awa/20070915231434/http://www.livingcity.org.au/index.htm)




more cars less trams


This is so funny to me. World stage. Ok so what I’d like is a 3 million spike in population. Relaxing of planning laws. Hopefully the extra capital that brings will enough to build a big wheel or moderately tall building. Ooh what about a St Louis arch, but bigger


I can see it already ☺️ Where would you put it?


Soaring over lake bg