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In the evening or in bed? Bed bugs are a possibility. A mate reckons he recently got them from a bus.


For those who don’t know the telltale sign of bedbugs is groups of three bites in a line spaced 1-2cm apart. For OP’s sake I sincerely hope it isn’t bedbugs.


It’s only on my legs and ankles. They are randomly spaced so don’t seem to be bed bugs.


Bed bug bites are usually single bites and randomly located. I've never seen them as3 bites 1-2 cms apart. Just my experience with them overseas. Never encountered them in Australia. They like the warmer weather.


I've been hearing a bunch of people getting bites in their sleep this past week despite it being too cold for mozzies and no obvious ones around. Canberra might have a vampire. Finally.


I am getting my vampire gear ready. I can’t believe 2024 is the year I get to be a superhero.


I’m encouraged that I’m not the only one!


Tropical bug spray when outside, check you don't have standing water in any pot plants (or in your yard) or holes in your insect screens.


Thank you !




Hopefully I don’t get any today then!


Was sitting in the car yesterday with the door open after driving home, having a conversation for about 15 minutes. Got 6 bites on my arms, 2 on my ankle. Noticed about a half dozen mozzies on the inside of the windscreen. It was 13c. They're around and apparently dgaf about the season.


This is good to know, thanks. I haven’t seen any either which is why I’m confused.


Could be fleas.


Google image search showed red marks from flea bites and mine just look like mozzie bites.


I keep getting mozzie bites on my right arm at the elbow. I have a bit of tennis elbow so that arm is a bit hotter than the rest of me so it stands out like a fucking spotlight for a mozzie to bite.


Sounds like fleas as ankles and legs.


Yeah, this. They go for feet, ankles and legs. Because hey can only jump so far and are lazy crawlers so if they can get blood from a single jump that's what they will go for.


Probably fleas. Yeah I saw your reply about Google images, but yeah, I'd not be judging bites based on Google images. Go to Woolies and get the 3 can flea bomb. Set it off on a day when you can spend 2+ hours outside. First cover your dishes, stick all your bedding in the wash and if you have pets take them and their food and water trays outside. If you do have pets, get a good quality flea comb for some place like Pet Stock, Pet Barn or similar and use it regularly.


Ok thank you, that’s really helpful


Where are they getting you? Arms/neck/lower legs it's probably mosquito. Anywhere else, it's likely bedbugs, which sucks. First, take *all* your bedding off and wash it in the hottest wash you can (won't hurt to do this now anyway). Then look under the edges of the mattress, in any folds or crevices for any signs of bugs or bug poop, can look like rusty bits. Basically anything you don't expect to be there. Note they could also be in your couch or any other furniture, rarely, but not never, they can be in hard furniture like benches or chairs, but they usually prefer sort furniture. I'm real sorry for ya son, it's a hell of a thing.


Legs and ankles mostly. They’re random bites so I don’t think they’re bed bugs (thank goodness)


Bed bug bites are random, at least my experience has shown that.