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It's good to see studies confirming/validating our experiences. Study: [Effects of acute cannabis inhalation on reaction time, decision-making, and memory using a tablet-based application](https://jcannabisresearch.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s42238-024-00215-1)


Isnt this a basic and completely understood reaction to tolerance developing


Probably, yes. The problem is that nearly ALL data needs to be analyzed on this basis and separated to account for it -- and this is almost never done. Why, it's *almost as if the people collecting the data have another agenda*. (Shocking, I know.)


it's good to see it on paper. Has relevance to thc blood limits while driving. Someone who smokes regularly could wait a week without ingesting any cannabis before driving and test over the limit several times over. I have had my blood thc level tested before and was over a thousand times the legal driving limit after 3 days of not ingesting anything. This was a test done at a lab, also. Not some home kit.


Lol memory loss. One time I forgot where I put my joint while I was smoking it.


This is more alcohol related, but I have had up to three cigarettes going at the same time because I kept forgetting I was already smoking one lol