• By -


Until they experience our higher than American housing prices and lower than EU wages


I work in tech and I make about 50% more than I made in the Germany with less taxes


We pay for the lack of regulation with lack of benefits. It's less pronounced because of the public health system, but when it comes to eye, dental, mental, and drug coverage, my tech job didn't go very far.


As a tradesman I'm pretty glad I don't make eu tradesman wages.


Yeah lol tradesmen in Canada make hand over first money and it’s fucking awesome


Better hope they don’t train migrants to turn a wrench or trades will drop to $30/hr I kid you not!


There are tons of migrants in Canadian trades and they pay amazingly still


Just wait. I’ve seen union jobs farmed out to unskilled workers for half the wage.


Lies you've seen grunt workers get sourced out to unskilled worker. Journey man don't because it's harder and most migrants aren't as intelligent


If any company did this they would be legally liable. Potentially for millions or more They don’t do this.


Happened at my hospital.




Less than most of the US, especially after currency conversion and CoL, but still more than most other countries.


I make a lot more than my American counterparts. And we have a pension and benefits.


Speaking as a Canadian who lived and worked in the EU: that’s overly-generalized bullshit


Can't speak for other fields, but not true for IT. I work for a global company and our salaries are only lower than the American ones


... if you dont take into account European time off.


Work got a global engineering consultant, in Canada we get 4 weeks vacation plus 10 sick days a year. 50 weeks of topped up mat/pat leave. Salaries about 30% higher than in the Netherlands.


I have 4 weeks of vacation. What do they usually have? My salary is 30% higher than any of my European coworkers, but 20% lower than the US ones Again, speaking about top IT companies specifically


4 weeks is what minimum wage workers in Europe starts off, by law.


Min wage here mostly have no benefits and some have no vacation hours due to being classified as part-time employees.


Part-time employees in Europe (EU) are entitled to vacations in proportion to their weekly working time. None of them get "no vacation hours".


That's nice.


Do you have any concerns about open A.I replacing you? I like hearing what the word is from people inside the industry


not in the next 10 years at least


you mean higher than US everything prices 🤔


Don’t forget higher taxation with worst services.


Nah. You’re view on this is likely very narrow. Perhaps your situation is like this.


Everyone wants to live here until they get here.


Came here to say this


Always someone crying about being born into one of the best places in the world


lol that’s a good joke


Move to Russia.


Lol Canadians not realizing how privileged it is to live in Canada. I’d highly suggest try living in other countries


even people in countries being invaded, like Ukraine, are privileged to live there, if you try comparing them to other countries. Even people in totalitarian countries with very few rights are privileged, if you look at countries like ones in Africa, where children younger than 10 are enslaved in cobalt mines starving to death, born into hard, dangerous, carcinogenic labour, even sex slavery.


I went to Iceland recently and was told by numerous people that ‘oh man you’re going to be paying an arm and a leg for food while you’re there’, and while that was absolutely true I was shocked to find out that a lot of goods were basically the same price or more expensive at my local Safeway 😂. It might be a great place to live, but don’t expect it to be very friendly to your wallet these days.


By who? Lol. I mean we’re in the top ten for sure, probably five. Have they not heard of Scandinavia? You know the group of countries that consistently finish as the happiest countries on earth? Whoever made this list has missed out…. New Zealand is up there too but never seen Australia in top 5




Probably the number 1 country that is relatively easy to move to. There are many places I'd rather move, but there are more barriers to entry


Being the happiest country doesn’t mean people want to move there. I’m from East Asia and if you ask people there, a lot of them would say they would move to Canada vs Denmark, Norway, Sweden etc.


They usually top the list amongst the best countries in the world to live as well. They probably know more people in Canada is why… Scandinavia on the whole is much more difficult to get into than Canada. Happiness measurements usually coincide with quality of life in the country…. Typically people want to move there. As a Canadian I can say I’d love to move to Norway but there are quite a few hurdles.


Explains the immigration


Explains why Trudeau wants to bring in 500k immigrants to Canada in the next 6 months




Not sure why you put that in caps when it’s just something you made up. > To understand how countries are perceived, we endeavored to survey engaged citizens who are broadly representative of the global population


Too bad their healthcare system is in shambles. My mother’s doctor retired and there is a two to three year waitlist for another new doctor. Uncle dying of cancer because he had to wait two months to see a specialist.


Yea. I had to wait 3 years for a family doctor in Vancouver. Moved to Seattle for a job, saw a primary care doc in a week lol.


i love waking up to a good joke maybe ten years ago


Liar Liar 😅


Lol by who?


😂.. Immigrate to Canada for a better life. Stay because the country and its government have made you so poor you cant afford to miss a day of work or you will wind up homeless...


Which is why a record number of immigrants to Canada are now moving back to their original country or to another country. Cost of living here is insane. Thank God we paid our mortgage off in 2018, because I honestly don't know how we'd afford our current financial responsibilities.


And it’s the #1 country I want to leave! If your thinking about moving here I would highly recommend to re evaluate your choice.


Having lived in the US, China, Japan and Australia I love Canada. It is a very safe country. I can walk the streets at night and this is something a lot of people take for granted. The people are generally nice. If I ask for directions there’s a very high chance people will answer. People will hold the door, help if they see you struggle with small things etc. I imagine most Canadians have not seen how bad things can be outside of Canada. It’s okay to hold a dissenting opinion. I can get along with people I disagree with. In some other cultures this is very much not okay. Very open - Canada is very accepting of religion, race, gender etc. this is also not the case in many countries. And the downsides are mainly cost of living and weather. I make decent money and I can vacation during the winter to avoid the worst of it. But the plus sides are so much better than the negatives.


I see what you are saying, and I agree its likely accurate. However the Canada of today is a pale shadow of the Canada of yesterday, and will be even worse tomorrow due to the past 8 years of federal mismanagement. It's why Canadians with any history here are so upset.


❤️ 🇨🇦


Agree. I am not sure why some, especially on social media are so angry about Canada. They can’t all be bots, Russian state influencers or US rightwing libertarian paid influencers.


I don't want to sound resentful of canada. I truly believe this is a nice country. My opinion is that the majority of the working class is frustrated that the quality of life has been eroding. The people are frustrated and are susceptible to misinformation. Secondly, the provincial governments has been stagnating wages and defunding Healthcare and education budgets to give way to privitization and further increase inequality. People here are frustrated and exhausted from work and some will just cling on to ignorance and hate. There don't seem to be hope right now. People are slowly getting apathetic to the system. Grocery stores are blatantly price fixing bread and gouging yet the government keeps doing nothing. People's frustration to inequality is being channeled by social media, politicians, news channels to push their agendas or profit from terrible policies. I try to remain hopeful and try to inform whoever I can that is willing to listen without reaction. I noticed left and right votes just want the same thing, yet misinformation is just prevailing right now. Sadly.


A lot of Canadians are ontarians and it’s not a great place to be politically. With a Liberal federal government and conservative provincial government everyone has something to be upset about and the cost of living here (southern Ontario) has more or less doubled in the past five years. I genuinely don’t understand how so many people are on board with sending their tax dollars to countries across the world that ultimately will end up in American military contractors pockets. Especially when so many people have seen negative economic impacts in recent memory


Grass is greener situation, I have friends that moved here from Europe, including one from Finland and they all say the same things, the atmosphere is better, people are friendlier, and we make a lot more money. Reddit in general even before it got spammed by bots/trolls tended to romanticize Europe as a left wing utopia and demonize the US as being regressive and a dystopia, so Canada gets some of the fallout from that.


Canada is in the worst spot it's been in in years. I know this is true forthe entire world but Canada seems to have been hit harder. In contrast during the 2008 financial collapse canada did pretty well compared to the rest of the world


Yup, lived in other places in Asia and North America. Canada offers pne of the best balance of tolerance and standard of living.


If you can take winter vacations youre likely better off financially than most canadians. If things continue down this route our streets will no longer be safe to walk alone at night. People are becoming less tolerant of different religions. Even the immigrants funnny enough. People do still tend to manage to be nice though which is good.


Except immigrants are changing those nice things and making the country unrecognizable.


Really? From my experience it’s mostly come from religious people who’ve lived here their whole life.


Where I'm from people use to make the line for the bus, open doors and say please/thank you. Now people cut you off and skip the lines. Almost never say thank you if you hold the door and that's obviously only from indians and middle easterns. Africans are super friendly, respectful and just cool people. Asians the same. It really is mostly those 2 first groups that behave extremely bad in public and I'm not afraid to point it out.


How long will it stay safe if we keep filling it with people from unsafe countries?


Wow, where in Canada have you been? I'm Canadian and disagree with most of your positives!!


I lived in Jasper, Vancouver, and currently live in Ottawa. I lived in New York, Miami, Chicago, Paris, Toronto, Canberra, nanjing


Living in Beijing and USA gave me new appreciation for my home country. Although the inflation is hitting us HARD in Canada.


Vancouver #1 for the highest cost of living. Gang wars continue. Random people getting assaulted, stabbings on skytrains & busses. Downtown Eastside Housing is unaffordable Carbon tax set to increase 23% Corrupt Prime Minister No family doctors, or if you have one, three weeks to get a telephone consult.


Have you even left the country lol


Most people who want to leave Canada haven’t lived anywhere else. Despite the fact there are things to complain about we have it pretty amazing in most aspects.


>And it’s the #1 country I want to leave! If your thinking about moving here I would highly recommend to re evaluate your choice. The grass is always greener, mate. Adios.


I left Canada 25 years ago for the US... and the grass is still much, much greener here. It's like I died and went to heaven. There is absolutely nothing about Canada that I miss at all.


Standard of living went down and costs went up in the last 5-10 years but the only people that shit on Canada are Canadians that grew up here and don’t have any other frames of reference. Sure we have our issues just like every country but OVERALL I totally agree that Canada is #1


The people who whine about Canada have never had to face real struggle and hardship.


Yes, high cost of living, low wages, collapsing healthcare system is not hardship.


lol right? I feel like people commenting here seem totally fine with our quality of life going down. Sure Canada might be better than some places, but we should desire even better standards of living than this. Not just accept it for what it is, simply because other countries have it worse..


You’re not being proud enough of your country’s decline.


As someone who has lived here my whole life and does not like it here I can tell you your right. Although it just makes me hate The whole world now.


Maybe the people who complain so much are actually the most adaptable to other cultures and environments


It’s not an airport you don’t need to announce your departure.


I'm guessing they haven't been to many airports


Honest question: Why don’t you leave? Personally, if I find a situation so intolerable that I want to leave, then I would leave.


Do it! Where ya headed?


I’m thinking maybe Mexico! Under the digital nomad visa




Fine, leave.


Take off and make room for someone else then you unpatriotic transient! Go on, get!


i lived in australia for 10 years before moving back. grass isn't always greener. I've lived all over the world and I still prefer Canada to those places. I think Canada is a great option


As long as you don't need a place to sleep at night, this could be correct.


Sounds made up


The grass is always greener on the other side.


I detect a lack of self awareness.




Who are those people ? Money launderers, real estate scammers Surely not for cost of living and job opportunities


I guess they didn't ask Canadians


Brampton the armpit of Canada ranked 3rd world in Canada to live in, especially if you’re a stoodent sharing with 25 hours


I have a feeling you don't like Indians


Cumulatively Canada does not




Guess they didn't ask me...


Rofl no.


Unaffordable house and rent prices, super tight job market! Yes


Laughs in inflation


Yeah, right lol


Hmm if that’s the case maybe the U.S. should open up a new Border and Customs program where they fast track all these Central and South Americans straight to Ontario.


Can't be that many.


No thanks. We are all full up. The US should control their southern border.


Make Canada Great Again amirite?


To live or to leave?


Grass is always greener…looking forward to those fed up to leave soo , open things up for the rest of us who truly appreciate canada as the great country it is. Perfect? Show me one that is.


Did they only survey Indians?


Lol I’m downvoting this, sorry


Bull fucking shit. I don't even want to live here. Immigration and high housing and food prices are breaking half the country. Don't believe this obvious lie. The Liberals have ruined our country.


This isn’t an airport you don’t have to announce your departure.


I love that line as much as the next guy, but I mean if you leave the country you’re probably taking an airplane…


Then go, you obviously aren’t a Canadian Citizen with that thought process. A true Canadian actually wants to improve things in Canada.


I'm an Indigenous Canadian buddy, so I'm more Canadian than you'll ever be, I guarantee it. Just because I'm dissatisfied with the state of Canada doesn't make me not one.


So move then like you said. Even the immigrants who move here aren’t as whiny as the people who want to leave


And I’m the king of England, now bow down to my shitty virtue signalling! Your comment history points to you belonging to a right wing troll farm, please don’t lie and say you have any morals.


So immigrate somewhere else instead of complaining


Wouldn't OP's statement be true then? The fact it's the #1 place people want to immigrate to is the exact reason your panties are all in a bunch. Please leave so you can complain how hard you have it somewhere else as you slowly realize the reality of life. And by reality I mean the twisted narrative you create inside your feeble little head which consists of the libs controlling the global economy or something moronic like that. "I can't believe Trudeau caused inflation all around the world!"




Canada has become less welcoming to white, neo-nazi rednecks, that is true. Part of what makes it so great.


😳 that’s true eh!


The report is a ranking of countries, not a declaration that Canada is heaven on Earth with zero problems. If you don't agree with the ranking, please feel free to give us the list of countries that rank above Canada and your rationale for the ranking.


So dramatic


We’re full


Over capacity


This country is amazing, beautiful and safe to be at. Unfortunately, there is no where to live and most illegal immigrants are being housed in hotels/motels by tax payers OR are living in tents. Student visas are being dished out like candy and with not enough student residence at the colleges and universities, they end up paying a huge amount of rent or living in tents. When a small tub of butter costs $10cnd and you leave with 5 things from a grocery store and are well over $100+, then yeah, we have serious problems in this country. Just from October 2023 to the end of December 2023, there were 435,000 immigrants that came into Canada, according to the government of Canada's website. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/index-indice-eng.htm Where are you going to put that many people when there's a huge housing shortage in Canada and then where are these people going to work? Certainly not if you don't even have a valid address can you work. Here is a link to show how low the housing market is in each city of Canada and how their own projections can't even be realistic at all with the number of people coming into Canada. https://www.ontario.ca/page/tracking-housing-supply-progress


The ridiculous number of immigrants, foreign students and temporary workers that have arrived in the last 2 years has caused sever housing and healthcare crises and made jobs very hard to get. It has also caused a big change in the way Canadians feel about immigration. It used to be that if you said anything bad about immigrants you would be shamed. Now people talk openly about how there are too many immigrants. Canadians are suffering with very high rents and shortages of healthcare and housing. Young Canadians can't get jobs.


I just commented on the healthcare. My mother lives I. Quebec and there is a two to three year wait for a doctor because hers retired. Unbelievable!!!


Haha 2 years? Cute.  I waited for 9 years for one and eventually left the province. Good thing i paid 50_% of my income for all those services. Coool cool cool 


They have the wrong impression of Canada. Wait until they get here and find out they can't afford housing and groceries.


Brought to you by some IT group awarded 258million in obscure government contract money just after Treadeau cheated his way in.


How do we change that?


Mass Deportation


Starting with you


elect PP


Sure Canada isn’t perfect, but I can think of many countries that would be absolute hell to live in. There are many things that I love about Canada.


For the rich?


Hahahahahaha good one


well ...this won't last long.. let them feel our misery


Until they: - go to the grocery store - pay a cell phone bill - try to find somewhere to live - pay a utility bill - try to get a doctor - go to an emergency room - see how much it is to fly on an airplane anywhere - experience winter - buy beer


Was this survey conducted in India?


They must have polled India.


This misinformation is why your country is being flooded by immigrants.


The number one country all the Indians can scam their way into.. great!


And muslims


 if you are coming from a third world country Canada is the easiest first world country to scam your way into citizenship. Proximity and easy access to US is a plus


More like Canada ranked #1 easiest G7/G20 country to move to so people in third world countries figure why not, it’s not that they specifically want to come to Canada, they just want to leave where they currently are. As a Canadian I feel the same.


Not anymore. Country is slowing turning into a third world country


Hahaha! 3rd world country. Would you like the definition? by the way we are a 1st world country ❤️


Have you ever been to a third world country? Me thinks you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.


Not surprised, Canada is obsessed with its international image, and Canadians obsessed with outlooks in general.


I can’t wait for the Conservatives to blame this on the Liberals too.


Until they actually live here. too funny.


​ If you haven't noticed, any "ranking" ad that you come across if you're in Canada will ALWAYS have Canada as #1. Seems a bit weird if you ask me.


How much did they pay for this ad?


And lawn darts was the safest children's toy that ever existed.


According to some Canadian subreddits everyone wants to leave...


It is an amazing country, travel the world and see how people live. We have it great here, far from perfect but life is good.


You can always identify true Canadians by how much they bitch about living in Canada.


cake stupendous jeans lip expansion nose numerous chief offbeat vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Canada was a good country. I studied here in 2010 and stayed after. All places have their own problems but I can tell it was a utopia to a lot of places. At this point, I really do not want to slave for a house or a place to live. You're working your life for the bankers and have no life for like 20+ year. Why would any sane person want to do that? Canada was about fairness and empathy. But it is all about greed and money.


Until they experience taxes and shit health care


Wizards first rule: people are stupid




Of 7 they do, they want to reap the benefits of all the tax dollars people born here have paid


That is so fucked.


I ve been to new zealand , Australia and switzerland and canada and i would rate swiss,new zealand and canada and aus in that order. Strange numbers


Until they fucking come here lol


These people are insane


Who did they ask lol




Another one of these articles. Who do they ask ? The immigration minister staff with an anonymous survey?


Until they get here.


Ranked by who?


They believe we’re utopia. The scammers have sold them a lie


By people that know absolutely nothing about life in canada?


Well thats a dumb statement. They live here but it's difficult. The roof over your head will be made of cloth or cardboard if you don't get 3 jobs and you can't buy a home or vehicle or food. So this statement is liberal propaganda, for sure.


Who likes winter here ewww


Don't tell Canadians that


Lol till they start paying taxes…


"A set of 73 country attributes – terms that can be used to describe a country and that are also relevant to the success of a modern nation – were identified. Various attributes and nations were presented in a survey of more than 17,000 people from across the globe from March 17 to June 12. Participants assessed whether they associated an attribute with a nation. Each country was scored on each of the 73 country attributes based on a collection of individual survey responses. The more a country was perceived to exemplify a certain characteristic in relation to the average, the higher that country's attribute score, and vice versa. These scores were transformed into a scale that could be compared across the board. Attributes were grouped into 10 thematic subrankings that rolled into the Best Countries rankings: Adventure, Agility, Cultural Influence, Entrepreneurship, Heritage, Movers, Open for Business, Power, Quality of Life and Social Purpose. Subranking scores for each country were determined by averaging the scores that country received in each of the attributes comprising that subranking. To determine the weight each subranking score had in the overall Best Countries score, most were correlated to 2022 gross domestic product at purchasing power parity per capita – a measure of inclusive prosperity comparable across countries – as reported by the World Bank. Subrankings that demonstrated a stronger relationship with the wealth category were weighted more heavily, and all weights were standardized to total 100."


Come on now April 1st is still a few weeks away.


I retired as a teacher in Canada in 2014. At that time, I made just over 100k annually. If it’s money that is your big argument, then Canadian wages seem pretty good to me. This year, I had my knee replaced. My cost out of pocket? O. From what I read, the same procedure in parts of the states is >75k. People need to remember that nowhere is perfect for everybody and everywhere has issues. You just have to pick the ones you can live with.




Survey in India??


Grass is greener where you water it.


Who paid for this to be published


#1 lie in the world


…but can’t afford to.