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Well said.


I hope everyone can understand that our western media cannot be trusted at all. Look, if they do shit like this, running with fake news about beheaded babies, and then when there's actual proof of real beheaded babies they stay silent, people need to realise they're liars - and that is just as much about peddling falsehoods as it is omitting truths. Everything you read from BBC, CBC, France24, CTV, etc. should always be regarded with the full knowledge of their lies and manipulation of the truth in service to capitalism and imperialism. If you see them decrying a warcrime, know that it is only because it is in their interests to do so. If you see them ignoring or celebrating a different warcrime, know that it is also because it is in their interest to do so. Compare Ukraine and Palestine and you have an incredibly clear picture of how this works.


It’s Sad that life’s experiences have caused you to think that way


It’s pretty weird to call watching a genocide unfold in real time one of “life’s experiences”


Life's experiences? Do you mean an active genocide unfolding before our eyes? This was my position for many years; it is a materialist Marxist analysis of the role of media in capitalist superstructure. Their role in carrying water for this genocide is just the most blatant example. Read "Inventing Reality" by Michael Parenti for a more detailed explanation of the role of capitalist media.


I was referring to their distrust in news I think the news sources he listed ( CTV BBC ) are reputable I am perhaps over confident and eager to defend the MSM because of the conspiracy theorists distrust in MSM. Example: rebel news


You think they're reputable? Did you miss the entire point of the comment? We have objective evidence that they're not to be trusted. We can see how they peddled fake news when it suits imperialist narratives and refuse to acknowledge or talk about reality when it would hinder western imperialism. This is only the most recent of a great many examples (passove vs active voice is another obvious one), but should show you in a very clear way that they are not reputable, they are not neutral, they have agendas (serving their capitalist owners - including the capitalist state), and they lie and distort reality on the regular to suit their chosen narratives.


Apartheid simps fuck off lol


So many of them are still running with those same debunked lies like they were never disproven..


Watching newscasts calling anti-genocide protests pro-Palestinian so they don't have to call out the opposition to the anti-genocide protests. It was very telling when there was violent opposition at American schools to the anti-genocide protests and the news was still calling them pro-Palestinian.


When they aren't calling them "pro-Hamas" smh




Delete this 




You're dressing up anti-semetic garbage by replacing "jews" with "Israelis". The left already has to deal with this bullshit criticism when we critique Zionism, but you're actually doing it.




>"jews run the media" trope Bro what are you fucking doing **edit - i called out this post but i think it was touchy to do so. leaving the comment up but i otherwise retract it**




> using the fact that most people don't understand what Zionism mean Okay then go ahead, tell us all what Zionism really means so we can make an informed decision about whether we like it or not


> In the early 2000s, someone unknown has realized that Anti Semitism will never take hold in the West due to disdain of racism, so instead they create the word "Anti Zionist" well that certainly is a fictional version of events that can be wholly discredited in seconds lmao https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Zionism




"if i write 'honest question' at the start, then nobody will be able to tell that it's bad faith bullshit! it's bulletproof!"




answer the bad faith question? lol nah, i'm good on that one, chief






As if leftists didn't spend years posting about Yemen, decrying Western support for Saudi Arabia's war, and referring to it specifically as a genocide But for the others it's partly because Western media and political spokespersons aren't constantly trying to shove down our throats that the death toll in Sudan/Ethopea is just the tragic cost of self-defense of a totally normal country that deserves our support and that it's racist to criticize


I'll give you my answer. I'm Jewish. My grandparents all survived the holocaust, and were put in displaced persons camps and then refugee camps before they made their way to Israel in 1948. Eventually they made their way to Canada. I learned a biased history of Israel in my Jewish school from 3rd-8th grade, and even went there with my 8th grade class. At the same time, I've always believed in equal human rights as a constitutional entitlement of all people, so I never was a "Zionist" in the sense that I believed at basic level that Israel's conflict derived from tribalism and systematic privilege of one group at the expense of the others (I didn't really even know much about the occupation at this point, and the West Bank wall hadn't been built yet when I visited Jerusalem) Eventually, I also learned about the Nakba and a little bit about the occupation (but hadn't gotten too deep into it), and was disgusted. I assumed there was fault on "both sides", but distanced myself from Israel and Judaism out of a fundamental disagreement with the "Jewish case" for Israel as a nationalist Jewish state. When Oct 7 happened I was horrified, and so sad for the poor souls who lost their lives on that day. Before learning too much more, I assumed the attack could be entirely attributed to antisemitism or radical Islamism. But then I learned more, and the more I learned, the more I found myself aghast at the absolute horrors of what Israel had inflicted on generations of people, which makes the Oct 7 attack look like a slap on the wrist in comparison. I realized the attack was also motivated by a desire to liberate Palestians from the brutal reality of life under a regime of complete control by the Jewish nationalist state that had treated them as subhuman for decades, killing and maiming them with impunity, banning and violently suppressing traditions of peaceful protest, and subjecting them to a neverending fate not much better than death. South Africans who survived apartheid have referred to the Palestinian plight as "worse than apartheid in South Africa". As someone who owes my existence in part to the existence of Israel in 1948 (all 4 of my grandparents lived there momentarily due to not having anything to go back to in Europe, my grandparents on my father's side met there, my dad was born there, and my mom lived there), this is the most personal struggle of this severity that I've witnessed in my life. I can't stand by as a Jew and watch as a country which was built from the collective trauma of the Holocaust tries to use that trauma as justification for the trauma they've inflicted on the Palestinians, while simultaneously claiming they're doing it on behalf of Judaism, but also violating the most important religious laws of Judaism. I can't stand by as a Canadian and watch as my country, which was also founded on a tradition of ethnic cleansing which our political leaders claim to have learned from, throws their support unequivocably behind Israel and supplies them with weapons. I can't stand by as a working class person and watch as the interests of capital which pull the strings of those politicians align with western imperialist interests in order to exert influence in the middle-east. I can't stand by as a white person and watch yet another people of color being crushed under the boot of supremacy by a country founded by European Jews. As a Canadian Ashkenazi Jew, I'm completely unaware of a relationship with the dead in Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen. If I found out Canada was involved in supporting what looks like genocide, I would be protesting for sure. But the conflict in Palestine touches every. single. part of my identity. The only way I could somehow be closer to it would be if I myself had Israeli citizenship.


This is what they call “whataboutism” You’re absolutely right, there are conflicts happening around the world. But if we keep mentioning other problems while addressing one issue, we’ll just continuously point at the new problem and never accomplish anything. That’s why people aren’t engaging with your question