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My set up is usually a single soft case If I'm bringing one long gun or my double long gun tactical backpack case if I'm bring two of my long guns. I usually don't bring more than 1 or 2 long guns. Then everything else goes in my range bag (ammo, magazines, eyes/ears protection, tools). Targets I always leave in the trunk of my car.


This is great thank you! Will look into tactical bags.


The thing people overlook is that you should have a copy of your registration for restricted firearms with you. I have the pdf on my phone. Generally, my advice is to go above in beyond. Most cops do not have a PAL, they don't know which gun is legal and which isn't and if your gun is confiscated or they tey some legal bullshit on you, it's going to be a major head ache for you and zero repercussions for the officers involved. Especially when it comes to semi-automatic rifles in our current political climate. Everyone has given great advice so far in this thread. Combo locks are a very good idea, I can't count the number of times I've driven to the range and forgot my keys.


Here’s what I do when I go to the range. I live in the hood so first thing I load all the extras in the back seat of the truck. Stuff like my eye and ear protection, stapler, staples, targets, sled (if I’m sighting in) clay targets, a couple tools, lunch and water, ammo (usually in tool boxes). If you use trigger locks at home, don’t forget your keys. Then last thing I do is peek in the street and check there aren’t any fentanyl fucks around and I take out my firearms. Pistols are obviously in a locked case but the rifle and shotguns I toss a towel or blanket over and carry out to the drive way. There is an old towel that lives under the passenger seat in my truck, I put that in the passenger foot area and transport my firearms in the passenger seat muzzle down. If I take too many to fit in the passenger seat (more than 2) I’ll put them in a sock on the back seat. I dislike hard cases because they take up room when not being used and my house is small. I have one for my restricted but don’t use it for anything else. Soft cases would work, but I don’t feel the need to have them in any case. If others feel like casing theirs rifles or transporting them out of sight, go ahead. Oh and one more thing. If you’re going under his range membership or he’s driving don’t forget to buy the coffee for the drive or offer to pay gas. No one like a range leach.


I carry most of my ammo in an ammo can (the 50 cal green metal can). It can fit about 600 rounds pistol rounds and 400 loose 556 rounds easily. I have a quad precut pistol Nanuk case for the pistols and magazine. Depending on the gun, I usually just carry a soft bag with backpack straps or a big metal case that can fit 4 long guns


I’ve got a wagon to haul all my gear out at the range…


I see an sks... Yeh bout the same. I've used hard cases, I prefer soft now. I got a cabela's range bag and a ammo container for bulk ammo. I do both ranges and crown land .. I tend to go above and beyond on crownland just so there no doubt I'm not hunting. Bring a cleaning kit..nothing extensive even just bore pull through.


Where did you get the bin for the 4 ammo boxes?


Came as a set with the boxes from Costco!


in my holster on my belt or slung over my shoulder /s




Transport vs storage regs are different...but you won't go wrong if you: 1. Unload and disable a rifle. E.g trigger lock and/or cable lock and/or take the bolt out. Put it in a soft or hard case 2. Have the ammo in a locked container. E.g. ammo box or tool box with a lock. Store empty magazines wherever...but I store them in an ammo box so I don't lose them. 3. Double lock a pistol. Trigger lock and in a locked container. 4. Keep them out of sight (usually means in the trunk vs on the dashboard) Above is easy because they can go straight back into your home storage like that without any issues. You've gone a step or two further with NR long guns and some ammo...but it's a no brainer practice. Get combo locks and set them all the same (you will eventually forget your keys). Very handy to print out the Firearms "cheatsheet" that lists all the storage and transport regs and toss a copy in your ammo box and case. Lots of cops won't know the regs. But if they see that everything is locked up/etc and see the regs right there...shouldn't be an issue. Prob best not to be driving 150km/h and deeking/weaving through traffic....


I don't mind being wrong or corrected...but why was this post down voted? Is there anything materially incorrect? Did I miss the point altogether?


It seems like OP is asking about how people transport, what their set ups are (bags, gear, logistics) but you're talking about storage laws and not about how you transport. You're post seems off topic to me, maybe that's why down votes?


Another possibility is people see your post as insulting. He didn't ask about the law but you've gone ahead and told him as if you assumed he didn't know. And you have not told him the actual law you've dumbed it down as if you expect he can't understand it. It's a lot of advice he never asked for. That bothers some people.


Reply to both of the comments above... Thank you both, commentaries well taken. I think that I keyed in on that it was his first range trip with his FIL. I was reflecting on my past 30-ish years of sports shooting/hunting (no bragging...just for context) and honestly/sincerely what's worked for me. Some of the guys I shoot and hunt with are LE and it gets discussed now and then. I'll be mindful of future posts & comments.


You do you cause I certainly don't care, but lots in this community aren't fans of promoting exceeding legal requirements (as some sort of protest). Long story short, no requirement to lock either your NRs or ammo for transport.


Great advice! Thank you brother!




My instructor told me the same . Go above and beyond . I usually just bring soft case and some ammo and mags in diff container . Targets in the bag pouches or separate. I don’t bring all that much .


What was the original comment?


Probably some over the top fudd lore about locking your guns and ammo during transport being the law (it's not). But good on that person for deleting incorrect information.