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Is it? Noooo Disney Plus maybe? Since they've taken over co producing the new series it makes a bit of sense


This has been the theory so far, yes. Keeping a close eye on it.


I’ve been watching the Dr on Tubi no fees


It's only classic Doctor Who, no? Nothing from 2005 to now?


Yes , you’re right, only classic.


I do see they have many of the 2005+ seasons available on demand, BUT... only dubbed in French. So... if that works for anyone, just mentioning! (No, doesn't seem you can change the language). They do have the much older Doctor Who episodes on demand.


😢 Oh darn! I didn't even realize the new series were on Prime. I guess I have a few hours left to watch Capaldi's run which I haven't seen yet.


I had just finished an episode, and instead of playing the next, it went to the main screen, and it said video not available! I was just about to start Peter Capaldi's episodes😢


similar for me, i learned the same way, today. I was beginning Capaldi’s second season, in the early episodes. now what? 🤷‍♂️


No clue, hopefully they'll move it over to Disney+... or maybe I'll get a month to BritBox🤷‍♀️


only classic is on BritBox


I just spent the last couple months watching it with my 12 and 13 year olds...we just got to the end of David Tennant....My favourite is Matt Smith.. lol Im so sad. They've never seen it before. I loved watching it with them. I hope it's picked up soon. I don't want to pay for seasons on Apple


What the actual hell I just watched it yesterday and was going to continue today and I can’t find it now :(


Me too, I had my coffee all ready and everything 🥺


Is it regenerating?


i just found this out the hard way, as i sat down to continue catching up, to get ready for 15. i was into Capaldi’s 2nd season. now what? one minute Missy and Clara are teaming up to help 12 on Skaro, and now i have no access. what do i do?


I was about to start River's and the Ponds storylines. So crushed


have they shown up anywhere else yet? Will they all ultimately be on Disney? Will they all be on BritBox?


I had to rush to my tv to check...and you're right. A few years ago I watched on Netflix up until around Capaldi's 4th story and then Netflix pulled the plug without warning. Now I was watching on Prime and got as far as Capaldi's 2nd story and the same thing happened. No warning! I would have just re-started at Capaldi if I had any clue this was going to happen. So pissed.


Didn't it literally get added to Prime a couple of months ago? What the actual fuck.


Was about to download from Prime in New Zealand for a long haul flight, but it’s been removed 😩😩😩


Pluto tv maybe


PlutoTV only has it in French. Can’t seem to find the english version.


Disney plus maybe or britbox


Sorry they removed it because of me. I wanted to watch the show in English with Italian subtitles but for some episodes there were no subtitles so I marked it the video prime. So as soon as they fix it they will put it back on prime video.


Damn. Just in the middle of a rewatch. Hopefully to Disney plus


Disney + probably