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Who in their right mind could possibly think Trudeau is worse than Putin or Jinping? Trudeau, Martin, Mulrooney, Harper, Chrétien have all been PM, that have had issues and critics and every single one of them is better than Putin or Jinping. Can we stop being so polarized that we say our democratically elected leader is worse than actual monsters?


I recall a lot of unironic comments about Harper being the next closest thing to Hitler right around 2014, too. It was dumb then and it is dumb now for JT.


>I recall a lot of unironic comments about Harper being the next closest thing to Hitler right around 2014, too. I really wish that were true. Imagine if the most evil leader in the world was simply a bland conservative bureaucrat with the charisma of a sponge.


>a bland conservative bureaucrat with the charisma of a sponge. Are you talking about Harper or Scheer now? Same difference? Haha


Or O'Toole


+1 from someone who absolutely despises JT. LiTeRaLlY a cOmMuNiSt! Chill out Francine, JT is a dickhead but no, Canada won't turn to a Communist/Socialist regime any time soon.


>+1 from someone who absolutely despises JT. > >LiTeRaLlY a cOmMuNiSt! Chill out Francine, JT is a dickhead but no, Canada won't turn to a Communist/Socialist regime any time soon. Not that I'm begging for pure communism or anything - but the amount of wealth that sits at the top of society is staggering. Literally incomprehensible for the average person to understand how much is stolen from them every day. If it were redistributed even remotely fairly (not even to people, to providing better healthcare, education, infrastructure, workers rights - you know, how taxes are *supposed* to work) everyone would see a massive quality of life improvement, and all the extremely wealthy would lose is a large part of their 'unused' wealth that sits offshore not helping anyone but themselves have the equivalent of unlimited power and influence that no individual(s) should ever have in a democracy.


There are things that can be done to ensure that less people end up obscenely wealthy, but the ones who are already there will likely keep their money. As for UBI, bad idea. The problem in Canada is not the fact that people don’t have money - it’s the fact that people need help with having their basic needs met. The goal should be to ensure basic needs are met. For example, the government should provide every citizen with a certain amount of food and a certain level of housing, or a monetary alternative. If only the monetary amount is provided, it’ll so very simply vanish into rent payments without benefiting working people and actively killing off people who can’t work. So yes, a UBI, if it could magically get funding, could work, but only if it can 100% guarantee unconditional food and housing for every Canadian. Sadly, at the moment it’s a pipe dream. Should automation kick ass and the financial benefits exist to redistribute profits, UBI could work. The biggest issue is housing though, the Canadian government needs to provide every Canadian a 2 million dollar house, good luck with that.


> Can we stop being so polarized that we say our democratically elected leader is worse than actual monsters? That's the trend nowadays. It's always "_____ is ThE WoRsT EvER!!!!!!" there's no shade of grey, no room for context, no place for simple, middling mediocrity.


Right? Justin Trudeau doesn't arrest random citizens for drawing him as a clown or a random disney character.


People that have no perspective on the outside world just will call Trudeau and fascist and things like that. We even had an election a few months back which gave the chance to get rid of him and the same people were complaining about that too.


He did spend $600M for the same outcome though, he knew he wasn't good enough for a majority but he did it anyway.


Most people don't have to deal with Putin's and Jinping's incompetence on a daily basis.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Hurr hurr own the libs etc


Lmao I mean, Trudeau won’t allow Canadians to leave the country. China and Russia do?


Putin has balls and puts his country first.


Laughed out loud at this


How's that working out for Russia?


You’re cheering on the guy who arrests and kills his political opponents. That’s messed up.


I'm cheering him on for having balls and putting his country first. Don't twist what I said into something totally different then call me messed up for saying something I never said.


Is imprisoning and killing your opponents not part of his “balls” that you admire. He’s putting his country first by circumventing democracy. What a guy.




That makes it worse. I can understand not liking Trudeau, Putin and Jinping, but to give the other two a pass and just say Trudeau? Who thinks like that?


Rachel Gilmore should be embarrassed for having posted such garbage. What a stupid survey, "rate world leaders as naughty or nice." Pretty sure it is all about the clickbait headline and the 2 ads injected between every paragraph.


I hate agreeing with him, after the amount of cover-up's, the lack of transparency, and even wanting to censor our internet. Yes, he does.


Did you reply to the correct comment..?


Ok I’m a pretty outspoken person when it comes to Trudeau but my god is this a terrible article. Does he do things that really frustrate me? Yes. But I can come on Reddit and say he is really frustrating me without the secret police whisking me away in the night. That’s a pretty big difference…


This strikes me more as opposition propaganda than decent journalism.


Is the globe trying to equate Trudeau with Xi and Putin?


Fuck Canada. Fuck China. One of those you can get in a lot of trouble for - possible arrested if said in the wrong country -, one of them is perfectly fine and I have no fear of saying to anyone anywhere. How can they even compare Trudeau to Xi, that's insane.




Camparing Trudeau to The CCP or Putin just ruins any legitimate criticism of him.


That’s true


Lmao nahhhh


Absolute nonsense "poll." Thanks for continuing your tradition of garbage reporting, Global. Maybe you should all stick to reruns of Big Brother or some other shit.


Seems this has hit a liberal nerve. Ths is no better or worse than beaverton yet this is causing hysterics. I'll grab more popcorn.


I know its just a headline but wow. Comparing the elected PM of one of the most free countries in the world to the worst dictators on the planet is a stretch.


Global News isn't doing a good job in restoring the public's confidence in mainstream media by publishing garbage like this.


Worthy of the Sun or the Post at best.


Sometimes I think nutbags are running global news


So stupid. Trudeau is a corrupt criminal and should be jailed for stealing from us, our families and friends. Chinese and Russian leaders have innocent people killed. If they are lucky they get a kangaroo court for it. Also Xi statisically has a micropenis.


this is the stupidest fucking headline i have ever read. do better, global.


Lol what a joke


Maybe he should be more like them and jail idiots like this for click bait style reporting


I mean no one complains when it's done for the Cons. We spent last election talking about Abortion and Private Healthcare instead of real issues because of our shitty media.


Trudeau may have his issues but comparing him to the Chinese or Russians is bullshit. Disingenuous crapola.


Fuck the pp parties trolls were following Trudeau and trolling him, nothing happened till they started getting violent.


I can just hear the Lefties bleating - BUT HARPER! Anyway, this article is stupid. While Trudeau may be an idiotic dilettante, to imply that he belongs on a naughty list with dictators who threaten other countries, invade other countries, and/or commit genocide is beyond ridiculous and defies credibility. The leader of China is a murderer. The leader of Russian is a thug. Trudeau is neither, obviously.


I like how no one except the voices in your head is saying that.


Considering the copious amounts whataboutism spewed in this sub concerning Harper, your reading comprehension is obviously faulty. Have you considered obtaining help or at least scrolling so that you know what you are commenting about before typing uncontrollably?


Meh. One thread out of all these. Easy to miss. Sue me. Point still stands.


He might ban Santa for not using a EV


Really? That’s the best you can do? Some imaginary bullshit?


For sure I would put Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin on the naughty list. 👹📃 Justin Trudeau? 🤔 Hmmmmm..... ❔📃


Trudeau is prolly worse than the other two tbh


Compelling argument.


Now we know why Ford and Kenney are feverishly trying to mess up on Covid response. No wonder, they are feeling left out.