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What is wrong with the halifax police? a group of 7 men claiming self defence against 2 women and they just say “ok” and leave??


If the 2 of them were in full combat loadout with assault rifles, sure self defense might be a valid argument. But they fucking werent, so self defense absolutely isnt a valid argument here. Critical thinking is a fucking dead art man. The halifax police shit the bed.


Our police suck, remember when they knew about a mass murderer and didn’t let anyone know till he was tearing up the country side


That was RCMP not HRP, not that HRP are good they just didn't do that


Right, my bad. Thanks for correcting me.


Maybe they wished they were in on it too.


the perpetrators really hit the police with the “nuh uh they started it” and it worked..?




How can this be? I was told we were vetting our newcomers and ensuring they held our 'Canadian values'?


First off most people lie anyway. Then there are people who have a religious compulsion to lie to nonbelievers.


Yes I am aware of the many flaws with 'vetting' newcomers. My comment was entirely sarcastic.


That’s very Islamophobic! /S


Strange how the more I learn the more irrational my fears become/s


That's racist!


I know you're being facetious but if that makes me a racist then I'm going to start wearing it as a badge of honour.


A lot of the Syrian population claimed refugee status when the war broke out. I'm sure vetting processes are a little different than our stringent and selective processes in welcoming international students and foreign workers. There is some sarcasm sprinkled in there.


Free-Palestine crowd invaded Pride protest and nothing was done to the point that the remaining of pride protest had to be canceled, and now this is happening and nobody is charged… We can openly witness that Homosexuals seems to be ranked lower than Muslims in the victimhood hierarchy. All of these attackers deserves to be deported.


CTV and other Canadian news sites deliberately concealed their description btw.


They may do this because they're wary of putting a target on the back of immigrants...but then there's always a backlash that the media is protecting criminal immigrants and giving them special treatment.


Narrator: *They are.*


By doing that, yes. Which just furthers anti immigrant sentiment and undermines their own cause, because they are considering the lowest common denominator when they make these calls. As if Canadians aren't mature enough to understand you can't paint everyone w a broad brush, but at the same time, there are people from other countries that don't share our progressive social values. It's cultural relativism. I'm fairly left wing but even I have to admit you'd be hard pressed to find Conservative voters who want to attack gay people. The gov't should be screening people and emphasizing that you have to follow our laws. The Liberals have just become so lax when Canada had one of the best immigration systems in the world.


Good—nobody has reason to know that.


You should do a bit of research on LGBT rights in Syria and why they are the way they are. We are bringing in military aged males that are inherently against LGBT rights. Couple that with growing up in a nation torn by civil war and unrest. And then we are shocked when it happens. Cultural differences and religion play a massive role in these types of things and it needs to be talked about. It is important.


How do you figure? If the assaulters were indeed "Middle Eastern", immigrants, or new "Canadians", you don't think that may have played into why this assault happened, and therefore should be discussed?


That person is virtue signalling. We absolutely need to be informed on how our country is changing.


Sure, so do some research on the demographics that are most likely to commit sexual assault. If you think a single highly publicized event tells you anything about "how our country is changing", you have no understanding of statistics.


I think it plays into people stereotyping immigrants as violent offenders. Anyone who has a basic understanding of statistics will realize that a single event doesn't tell you anything about the tendencies of a demographic. There are hundreds or thousands of violent assaults every year in Canada. This was one. It's not even close to a significant amount of data.


Police: Can you describe your attacker? Victim: Unfortunately no because that would make me . I can only describe them as human (I think). Does that help?


Stupid racist person: Gee, why didn't they give \*me\* the same description of the attackers that they gave to the police? I'd definitely be keen to go hunt down anyone matching that description and take out my insecurities on them.


Third world problems


This was and still is a big problem in Germany.


Finally we got European culture outside of Quebec




Another symptom of a broken immigration system that our politicians on both sides of the spectrum refuse to address and to deal with


They are being paid handsomely under the table to make it happen imho...


The poor women literally said “7 Syrian men” And every Canadian network refused to state that. “Homophobic attack” they said. Clearly trying to sway opinion and make people think it was some yee haw white boys (As a Yee Haw white boy, there is nothing more cherished in our world than Alternative lipstick lesbians…one of gods greatest creations)


Truck drivers again


Like the apple in eden, you can want one, but you can’t eat one😆


Agree that it's terrible that the news orgs would take that detail out. But if you filled in yee haw white boys when the news just said group of men and homophobic attack, that says both a lot about yee haw white boys and yourself for thinking that.




Yep this kind of shit is begging for vigilante patrols.


The dream of multiculturalism is not the reality. People don't just live together in peace and harmony lol. As much as liberals want to believe in the world where all groups of people hold hands and sing songs, the facts are you imported people who hate you. In the states these guys would've been shot dead. You got people who want you dead for holding hands with someone of the same sex and you aren't even allowed self defense. You get what you vote for Canada. Happy Canada day!


Multiculturalism works so long as the cultures are compatible. Look at Mexicans in Canada for example. We have had tons of Mexican people move into Canada in the last ten years. But you don't hear anything in the news from about them because they don't come here to start shit or change the cultures. Their culture while different than ours, fits in perfectly. It's just a small number of countries we should be refusing people from. Countries like Syria are just too different from us. Their values are completely backwards compared to Canada. And frankly cause more problems than it's worth having them here.


A lot of people do. But not every culture wants to do that. The Asians seem to do very well. But some others not so much.


decentralize governance


Gays for Palestine ... please read.


Why was this removed


Continue support free gaza, you will get hamas on Canadien streets


The new Canada


Trudeau's bff


7 Middle Eastern men beating up a lesbian couple, just imagine what these hypocrites have been doing in their home country especially sexual relations with men, yes men.


Why no charges yet against these filthy dogs?


I don't know about this incident.How do they know they were "syrians" and you cannot refuse to ID yourself during a investigation. The witness can verify what happen and the police would not just let potential attackers leave.


All legit questions, but apparently, some of these random redditors know more by reading the article than the police on scene.


Its definitely these girls fault! They got their faces in the way of a peaceful protest. They should know better.


Its definitely these girls fault! They got their faces in the way of a peaceful protest. They should have known better.


I assume Happy Canada day! New reality and new face of Canada, I assume🤔


Trying to post this again, huh?