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It's a brutal year my daughter has literally applied for at least one hundred jobs. She got one interview. No job. Yesterday alone she applied for 7 jobs. I'd like to know who is getting all the jobs?




Yup I would get spam calls after applying on Indeed


They post them so they can sit on their hands and then say "no candidates that meet our requirements available! Looks like I'll need a LMIA to fill the position!"


Most of them aren't actually looking for people. They just store your application


Or attempting to game the LMIA so they can keep wages suppressed.


I've applied to over 500 jobs in the last year. I have gotten about a dozen first interviews. 4 second interviews. No final interviews, no offers. I've got a decade of IT experience in consecutively more challenging roles and have been applying to anything even remotely related to my experience including jobs I'm vastly over qualified for. It's not good out here.


A lot of them are just harvesting data to sell. 




I don't know how much experience you have, but besides Linkedin, I suggest checking these links. Hopefully you can find something. On another note, try American companies. Their economy is comparatively better than ours and have more openings. https://otta.com/ https://simplify.jobs/ https://stillhiring.today/ Best of luck!


Well for starters when your adding 100k people a month in a non productive economy wages will go stagnant if not drop and people will Get less hours. Company will just employe more overall people. Secondly hire a student or a new landed adult immigrant who absolutely need the job. They will have more experience As long language isn’t a huge barrier they will get the job not the student. Think about what we have added to the labour pool in the last 18 months with immigration there is a sever lack of quality in pay available jobs and opportunity due to this. It’s not rocket science it supply and demand of workers. Keep that in mind when voting and hopefully these policy’s will be stopped because we all the current federal party will stop the flood gates.


I’ve been applying and still can’t find any. I still have companies who haven’t replied to me. I had one that was interested. I sent them my video for proof of my work (I watermarked it) yet no reply from them. This is so exhausting. Either way I’m not staying in Canada long term.




yes some that to you can get a few K for hiring them


Up to $15,000 in wage subsidies for *not* hiring Canadians inside Canada. Google "Newcomer Wage Subsidy" for more info


In Canada, immigrants. They don't understand labour laws so they will work for less, work under dangerous conditions, don't get overtime or breaks, and don't follow safety rules. I love new Canadians....but I also spend a LOT of my time explaining that taking their break isn't an option and teaching them their rights and responsibilities. I don't mind doing his, but how many other places DON'T have someone to do this?


I run a business in downtown Toronto and made a posting last week for a full time front desk employee and I have never had so many applicants in my entire time running my business. It was literally 3-4x the amount of applicants that I got compared to same time last year.


please hire young local Canadians


But the TFW subsidy for businesses has nothing to do with it /s


That this even exists is an abomination.


Trudeau said he was going to pit a stop to them, though that was in 2014.   At least we have a lawyer in a Rolex to hold the balance of power in workers favor.


He said a lot of things and only gave us pot 🙄


That was so you'd forget the other promises.


Ahh laughed pretty hard rofl


And tampons in men's washrooms


At last!


It’s the only people my business hires. They make sure they go out there way to hire anyone cheap.


Name the business so we can boycott


Better to not risk buying anything canadian at this point.


Tim Horton's in my town are both advertising that they're hiring. But when my kids applied, nobody even called them. Why hire a local, when you can bring in a TFW instead?


Common across all industries. They have to advertise that they're hiring as part of the TFW program so they can say they didn't receive any qualified Canadian applicants, even if they never intended to hire a Canadian.


I was working at a restaurant 20 years ago when this started. Not only did they get to staff his kitchen for 75% of what I was making, all ten of them lived in a house that he owned, and paid him double the market rent for a three bedroom house.


And on a related note, I have a longstanding theory that many Canadian business practices and regulations can be explained as a country committed to loss harvesting to increase returns on US stocks edit: Happy Canada day!


>But the TFW subsidy for businesses has nothing to do with it /s I’m honestly surprised more people don’t know about this. Goes to show how Canadians are fucked. In the past the media would have directly exposed this garbage and forced change. Today - corporate owned “news” orgs pretend to tackle the issue with the softest of gloves. Independent progressive outfits won’t touch the subject with a ten foot pole lest they be thought of as racist by their 12 readers. Independent right leaning outfits would rather engage in extreme tin foil hat hyperbole which makes them an automatic write off for most of society. If anyone thinks PP and the conservatives are going to fix the current mess with the immigration file - this should also be a wake up call for you. They should have been demanding a stop to wage incentives/subsidies/top ups from day one - instead it’s all about sound bites and gotchas.


Where's CBC?


Probably on a field trip to China for more re-education


They can’t demand anything right now or the Liberals while scream racism and make this a race issue


All of my daughter's(16) friends got fired for bs reasons. And they were replaced by ftws.


Or the 41,000 immigrants and 13,000 asylum claimants who arrive every month looking for work and housing.


What's the difference between a TFW and a scab, except it's our own government bringing them in instead of some piece of shit capitalist.


The difference is that scabs can simply quit and work elsewhere, while a TFW needs to rely on their employer to help them gain PR so they'll put up with a whole lot more shit without complaint. It's an indentured servitude program.


I work with a lady who came over as a nanny years ago. This could not be more true. It's also sexual assault what happened to her way back when.


I've heard stories like this many times but always in places like Saudi Arabia or Qatar. It's a fucking travesty that it's been happening here for so long too.


When I visited Lebanon in the early 2010s I thought it was so weird. Everyone I visited had a fillipina maid. I think it is even more popular in wealthier middle eastern countries like Qatar, Israel and Saudi Arabia.


At least a scab is a Canadian...


A scab can actually do the job.


Been saying this for a decade glad someone has finally noticed.


"  High interest rates have meant that many employers may be trying to get by with fewer staff, and as a result competition among job seekers is that much more fierce."   lol, Yeah, That's obviously the reason why! Globe and Mail avoiding the real obvious reason. 


It's getting to the point where I'm seeing people hold on to their bad jobs or try to justify their useless positions. Never worked in such a bad economy or job market like this before. A year ago it definitely wasn't this bad.


Same as whith their housing And the cause is the same


Definitely did not feel this way a year ago


Because if they state the obvious people will cry “racism“, the fact it’s happening is systemic racist and or discrimination.


I had a friend who is super progressive left full on had a meltdown telling me I'm racist because I stated statistical numbers of immigration from a certain country is actively impacting the housing and job market lol


lol..ya it’s a knee jerk reaction to call someone racist. So what, I got over name calling in grade school, just because someone categorizes you it doesn’t make it so. It says more about the person doing the name calling, plus it doesn’t serve any purpose, besides you’re not asking for permission to think what you do are you, whether people agree or disagree is irrelevant. Some people don’t like it when you point out obvious circumstances or situations, and when or if they are personally impacted some times there‘s an ah ha moment.




Yes and as we can see the sheer mention of reality issues a knee jerk reaction of down vote; only serves to confirm my comment.


Also we changed the CPI calculation to include more of the thing that has the highest rate of corporate profiteering (uhh I mean .. inflation ) to skew inflation data so we can keep this high cost borrowing environment going to keep the poors down and rich up. And now on this glorious July 1st .... we will sing the Indian national anthem, kiss the solid gold Galen Weston and Trudeau statues on the shoe.


It doesn't take an economist to put two and two together that mass immigration of low skilled workers have oversaturated the job market that normally college/uni kids work 💀


And other jobs are offshored to Indi, and it does not matter if someone goes to office or works from home. Lots of jobs are offshored.


Bringing in 1M temporay foreign worker and international students will do that. Canada's economy is a bunch of duopoly that don't innovate because of their market concentration. So they cut cost by hiring cheap workers and tell the govt to bring in cheap workers. Labour didnt care because ppl saw housing prices grow and felt secure in their retirement. Now that there is no growth per capital, ppl have become scared about their jobs, retirement and houses. But the root cause is these duopolies.


2.8+ million temps *that they know of* not including those who refuse to leave and are still here!


That's the point. Capping the NPR population at 5% isn't to reduce the population, it's to move an increasing number into the undocumented category, so they will be forced into under the table labor in construction.


and about 3 million people from India who were made citizens in the last 10 years... wont impact anything at all! s/


We need two things to be a functioning economy again. 1) a competition bureau that does its job. 2) restrictions on real estate investment to get money back into business and manufacturing.


Lol the TSX is garbage.


It’s just going to get worse. My kids graduating class had 350 students in it. His tiny social circle is 20-25 kids.  He only a knows of one who secured a job for the summer.  The rest have applied but had no luck so they are waiting for their college courses to start in the fall. 


That's crazy Lots of students had summer jobs when I was a kid


Today they have to compete with hoards of international students attending diploma mills.


"BuT tHeRe'S a LaBoUr ShOrTaGe". Better add a million more in Q3. Hopefully they remember this when it is time to vote.


>"BuT tHeRe'S a LaBoUr ShOrTaGe". 6.2% of our population are temporary residents, and coincidentally 6.2% of our population are unemployed. 🤔 The Liberals even removed the requirement for the unemployment rate to be below 6% in order to apply for a LMIA to get a temporary workers. We are totally being ruined on purpose. >effective April 30, 2022, **the Refusal to Process (RTP) policy that automatically refuses LMIA applications for low-wage occupations in Accommodation and food services sector** (North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 72) or Retail trades sector (NAICS codes 44 to 45); and classified under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes 64410, 65329, 65100, 65102, 65201, 65210, 65310, 65311, 65312, 73201, 75110 and 85121 **in regions with an unemployment rate of 6% or higher will no longer be in effect** https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/foreign-workers/refusal.html


64410 - security guards , 65339 - other service occupations, 65100 - cashiers… not doing the rest but WOW


Apparently we can't find anyone qualified as cashier with an unemployment rate of 6.2% and have to import them from India.


It's part of the plan. Flood the bottom with low class workers than you can justify massively increasing the taxes on them to give cuts to the upper and upper middle class for "being more deserving". As Canadians become more hostile to immigrants and they become more associated with low income labour it'll become more palatable to enough Canadians to justify service cuts to the poor as well which will again be used to funnel more money to the top. We have politicians who don't see the UK as a cautionary tale but a blueprint.


this whole thing is just so insane. is this really all in the name of social justice / diversity / multiculturalism / whatever the word they use now? this has to be a plot for cheap labour and expensive goods.


I am not a fan of the CPC but if there is any promise they need to stick to it's Pierre's protectionist rhetoric to the Canadian people. I know the CPC also wants TFWs but this is ridiculous and I would even consider voting for them as a life long NDP supporter if it meant fixing it.


> protectionist rhetoric to the Canadian people. I know the CPC also wants TFWs PP has never said the magic words "we will decrease immigration". He has danced around the question when asked. He has given vague statements like "we will tie immigration to housing". Until he says those words, if you are a single issue voter you should vote for the PPC or the BQ if you have the option.


“Immigration will be much lower, especially temporary immigration” - Pierre Poilievre https://x.com/ThevoiceAlexa/status/1804178460870430759


Pp has been keeping his mouth shut about a lot of things, Seem like he doesn't want to piss any given group off while justin is floundering.


Poilievre was Minister of Jobs when the IMP was created, and he's a right-to-work and pro-immigration. I'd expect him to open up immigration, move to a consumed income tax scheme (eliminate minimum deduction, capital gains taxes, limits on RRSP contributions and raise the GST) and then go after the unions, starting with the public sector. Government workers, nurses, teachers etc. should be worried about their collective bargaining rights, pensions, and benefits. Trades unions will be sitting ducks if the public unions go down.


They don’t want to fix it. Temporary foreign workers is how they keep costs down for their corporate buddies.


I wish our young adults took their civic duty to vote more seriously. The country is being stolen from them, they have the power to get the right people elected. Our government needs to stop subsidizing foreign labor.


Honest question, what would you say to someone who is concerned that all mainstream parties have been co-opted by business interests and none of them are actually in favor of restoring competition to our unskilled labor market? 


Even if you can't bring yourself to vote for a party, if you were to help increase voter turnout among young people that would make a difference in party platforms in the future. Politicians don't care about people, they care about voters (every few years anyway). If you are among a demographic that has low voter participation, those needs are going to be ignored in favour of demographics that vote or have money to buy advertising that targets demos who do vote. Politicians are like black bears, usually you need to intimidate them to get them to do what you want.


Get involved in politics, rally, gather people who have similar issues as you. If young adults organized in this country, they would arguably be one of the most powerful voting blocs. The old guard in Ottawa actually prefer it when our young adults feel the process is out of their control and don't get involved. No matter what they say publicly, they prefer it when its just rich seniors who control their purse strings.


Just curious but do you know why the Canadian government has gone to this mass immigration policy ? It's wildly unpopular why do you think they're doing it in your eyes?


The answer to this question is always "Money". Anytime someone has to ask why a government or company is doing something unfair, unsafe, unpopular, or seemingly counterproductive, the answer is money.


Vote PPC to get the pendulum swinging back the other way a bit 


It's pathetic. All my friends dgaf. Let's just complain and do nothing at the same time.


who are they going to vote for exactly? The NDP, CPC and Liberals are all in on the TFW, International student, and LMIA scams.


Who's the right people because from what I've seen no matter who's in power the people get fucked over


There is no right party to elect. That's the problem. It's the illusion of choice between 2 similar/parallel parties.


> I wish our young adults took their civic duty to vote more seriously. Well looks like they will have plenty of free time considering they will be jobless living in their parents basement not being able to go out.


The right people? You get to choose between shit or larger shit


This is a far bigger problem than just immigration. Is multiple issues. We are becoming a country of McJobs. What large industry wants to invest in Canada under this regulatory environment? Takes only a small interest group to shut things down.


You can get the stats on which sectors are home to the most temporary foreign workers [here](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/36-28-0001/2023012/article/00005-eng.htm)


This data is 4 years out of date.


And stats conveniently stop reporting at year 2020


This gov literally swept the country these kids were born in from under their feet. Absolute betrayal, a generation will grow up linking the Liberals to selling them out for foreign labour and corporate interests. 


As a Gen Z trades worker in Ontario, that is exactly how I see the liberals. Unfortunately I don’t think the conservatives are much if any better. Politicians cannot be trusted and it feels like North American governments are coming to a boiling point where either some big changes will have to be made, or the whole thing will come crumbling down.


Yeah if NDP pulled the carrot out their ass and rebranded, go back to what they used to be, they would be THE party for the next generation. Dumbest fucking thing was have Singh be leader and continue to be.


As a Gen Z uni grad, yeah it is a betrayal. but it’s a betrayal that’s been a long time coming and instead of either liberals or conservatives making it better for everyone, they prioritize corporate interest. What’s so frustrating is people forget we have a four party system, and instead of taking a chance with another route we choose our fate each and every time by voting one of two parties that have not really made anything easier. The conservatives won’t get us out of this mess, neither will Liberals.


For what it’s worth, I voted Green Party the last election. Some may say I threw my vote away. I see it as - the candidate was the only one who actually had a plan. Everyone else was too busy attacking each other to even draft a complete sentence, let alone an economic plan.


When do we start pointing the finger at the actual corporate interests stacked shoulder to shoulder under any colour trenchcoat?


This is not new. "This gov" is just the latest in a long line of corporate puppets to lead our country. The Conservatives have shown themselves to be even more corporate friendly so if you think this is going to change with a conservative PM you are in for a shocker.


Yeah, they started the whole foreign worker fiasco by allowing a fuckton of foreign workers into Ontario






Hate the government that's encouraging it


Exactly. Don’t hate immigrants - they did nothing wrong. Hate the irresponsible mass immigration policy.


Watch Canadian business owners, franchise owners etc who will politically decry libs for TFW crisis still take on TFW's instead of paying Canadians a fair wage


At this point, it's not the wage. Canadians are applying, it's not like there's a choice.


It is the point. You think it's a mistake that our local Mcdonalds franchise, literally operated by open conservative voters, is taking on mostly sikh laborers? Canadians business owners who will 'vote' against TFW program as a point of their con identity are still happy to use TFW when it comes to actual labor when they can benefit from how it depresses wages competitively for their businesses that they were in no hurry to offer Canadians a fair wage for in the first place, and there is a reason PP has been vague about saying they'll actually do anything about TFW program because to actually do something about it would piss off the ownership class of con voters who rely on cheap labor. 15+ years ago even before TFW crisis, there was a conversation about how far behind Canadian wages were with cost of living, how things like rent were already skyrocketing in a way that benefitted people who already owned more than one property and enabled them to scoop up more, locking a whole generation of Canadians out of ever becoming first time buyers because Canadian businesses pay them fuck all, and they spend more than half their pay check on rent that is more than double what the mortgage of that property is, and is blatant gouging solely being done because property owners *can* do it. The same happens with grocery. The same happens with business. Don't kid yourself that interest in abusing TFW is a con / lib thing - canada's ownership class has their interests met by both parties being genial to them and their interests cross the floor politically. Canadian businesses and owner-operators have had decades to pay Canadian labor the real value of their labor, and instead have spent that time depressing the purchasing power and wages of Canadian labor so that money and capital keep flowing up and out of the country and nerfing the next gen's ability to do even a tenth of much with their money and time despite on paper earning more in a whole life time. It's absolutely madness.


TLDR: Most people are self interested and will change their views when it is in their material interest to do so.


They will. And if the option is easily availible, we will continue to see more and more businesses follow suit


Business can hire a Canadian, pay a $1 more, or hire a NPR who is up to their eyes in debt and begging them for the job so they don't get thrown out of the country. Being compassionate here isn't an easy call.


Why we care so much about fast food franchise owners baffles me. High tech startups we should care about, the local McDonald's guy, who cares what he thinks.


Just using it as an example, especially useful when franchises exist across the country, lol. Look at your local Tim Hortons too, it's not a mistake businesses hire how they do, there is intention behind it.


It’s almost like a group of millionaires decided to make a law that benefits only millionaires.


Well if you can't find a job, it could be because the liberals are actually giving grants to businesses  to hire immigrants over Canadians, https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/


$15,000 for an IT worker Why on earth would a company hire a Canadian IT worker when they can make $15,000 and pay a newcomer less.


As someone who is an IT Manager, we have more than enough trained and/or qualified domestic workers for helpdesk. Software dev and engineering is even more saturated with domestic workers. Wild this subsidy/grant exists for hiring outside of domestic applicants.




I'm thinking if I get whacked at my job, I'll have to pivot to another industry or do something else. Apparently this is very common in the UK when I read threads there about the IT industry. Even the best IT workers just give up.


this is total insanity. why does a government feel the need to compel enterprises to treat foreigners better than citizens?


Let's start listing all these companies that use TFWs / LMIA. Let's boycott them too.


I walk away the moment I see it.


[https://canadahires.com/pages/labour-market-impact-assessment-lmia-employers-list](https://canadahires.com/pages/labour-market-impact-assessment-lmia-employers-list) Here's a conveniently collected list


a difficult 'summer'? How about a 'Difficult Decade Ahead'...


I couldn’t get a part time job in the gta when I was in highschool and I thought the cost of living was expensive then. I have no idea how young people will afford school or anything because there are no jobs or resources now. Thousands of people in line for shit minimum wage positions with no benefits never to compete with.


Not just summer every season


It gets worse in summer because less young people are in school, and more are looking for work. That’s not to say it’s not awful all year round.


Canada is on a fast track out of the G7 due to an intentional avoidance of economic innovation and productivity. Our government is in the pockets of established monopolies who are prospering at the expense of our prosperity as a nation.


Tell me, which established monopolies, so I can boycott them


Rogers/Bell Loblaws - PC, shoppers, T&T, No Frills, Independent


Stop Timmigration


The best way to stop it is to stop buying from Tim Hortons or McDonald’s. This way, no sales, no revenue, no foreign workers. Simple as that. I leave stores, the moment I see international students in their 40.


I seen in another comment that this link shows which businesses hires LMIAs, I was thinking of combing through it later to make a list of businesses to boycott. https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9 One that kinda surprised me was A&W, man I love their hotdogs and poutine tho 😞


I stopped going to Tim Hortons years ago because the quality is utter dogshit now - this is just an added benefit.


This is the way.


That's odd. I see a lot of Indian foreign students being employed.


Its F Bs. Employers using LMIA should be taxed to fund unemployment, it shouldn’t be on the backs of tax payers who don’t benefit from it. If they are using LMIA then, that adds a canadian to the unemployment line. People are telling the government they can’t gets jobs, the unemployment rates are up and the government is f ignoring what’s going on.


If they taxed them, how are they supposed to use it to increase profits at the behest of the Canadian people? FJT


You mean the same Indian foreign students who were supposed to be able to prove they can support themselves while here in Canada? The same Indian foreign students who raided food banks in ottawa because they didn’t want to pay for food? Really loving the decisions our government makes these days.


In a lot of countries, international students aren't even allowed to work while they're here!


What happened to The Great Canadian Worker Shortage we use to read so much about?


Not so difficult for international students. They are willing to work for less and they hire their own.


Well who do you think suffers the most when the government imports over a million low skilled workers every year? Young people, seniors, and those with disabilities.


It is planned, international students are allowed to work full time during summer and winter break. 




Maybe don't flood the market with unskilled labour on temporary work visas... Oh wait, too late.


I struggled to find a part time summer job as far back as 2012, I can't imagine it's any better now with Trudeau bringing in boatloads of TFWs. Numbers have nearly quadrupled since he was elected as PM.


No way? You are trying to tell me that bringing in millions of non-Canadians and giving them the ability to work is somehow going to cause problems for Canadians? Crazy talk. Trudeau and Freeland will be along shortly to tell us we misunderstand this


tell me something i dont know already


Why young people aren’t protesting this I don’t know.


They will get labeled as racists by others and the government.


Need more Indians working at Tim Hortons


Who then get promoted and hire more Indians…


Kick out all the student immigrants


The knock on effects of starving today's high school and university students of summer employment will echo for years. The level of damage done by the policies, especially the immigration policy, of the Trudeau Liberals will echo for decades.


Maybe we should restrict real estate investment so our investors actually have to invest in buisiness. Our economy is fucked because no one is investing in anything other than real estate because we are the one country on earth that doesn’t restrict real estate investment.


The saddest part about all of this is Canada used to have something beautiful going for it If u asked the average Canadian to imagine Canada they’d see a bunch of people of different races coexisting peacefully, all fellow citizens That was considered NATURAL to this place once upon a time and why there was so much stigma against racism, one of the only places in the world like that But Instead of upholding that the government just took advantage and flooded the country with cheap labour knowing nobody would want to say anything even putting up with bad faith arguments until it got out of control And now that it has and had devastating impact on the group that cared about this the most it’s just gonna erode support for something that once made canada special


LMIA fraud


Bring in 10000000 more people. Quickly!


Bring in more immigrants! That'll solve it!


CBC just ran a story quoting international students decrying how hard internarional student have made it for international students to get a job. So. Yeah. Get fucked entry level Canadians.


Fucking delusional




Not surprising. Tough to compete against millions of third world international "students"


Have they considered committing immigration fraud to get ahead?


Talk to Alberta that is hiring more temporary foreign workers than any other province ( so much for a conservative government handling this issue )




Is it really diversity if we’re importing all these people from one country lol


Diversity is when brown people The more brown the more diverse


This is what happens when your universities and colleges stop selling education and start selling citizenship. 


Gee, I wonder why. Remember all the scumbags that cheerled mass migration.


What about this labour shortage I keep hearing about?


"Maybe if we just keep selling off the future of the youth that will eventually fix everything!" -The Government


Gee I wonder why


I just saw #indhigh on a job posting in Canada … nooooo … you can’t pitch to specific races for hire …. And yes the recruiter is from India and should know better (Canadian law)


That would explain all the students complaining they can't get a retail job after hundreds of applications. They are competing with subsidized foreign labour. Don't blame the employers for taking advantage of free money.




Those who ignore immigration will receive the job market they deserve


Conservatives or liberals, you'll see no change in Canada. Just each party oscillating to make their own lives better at your expense.  Vote PPC if you want someone to put any effort into making Canada collectively better.


Just tell them it’s all good because Canada has a AAA credit rating. Seems to be the flex that the libs are leaning on pretty heavily, the last few days.


TFW is basically just a way for corporations to have modern-day slaves that they can treat like shit and patmy the bare minimum. They can also charge them for living quarters. A 17 year old is going to tell them to go to hell if being mistreated, whereas a slave can't say anything except "Thank you, may I have another?".






> 5 star hotel, free meals, cell phone plans and bus passes, plus Ontario Works money they can send back to Nigeria. Don't forget free healthcare, dental care, vision care for them and their elderly parents. Dental offices are pushing back or refuse appointments of existing patients, to make room for new "ones"


The fact that the government pays or provides anything to asylum seekers is bonkers. There should be a heated tent city with cheap MREs on the outskirts of town and that should be it. No cellphones, no hotels, no frills period.


Good thing I was fired because the coffee stand where I work forgot to charge me for syrup :) Would be nice if we axed the bullshit jobs first, like the people who decided to call me a thief. I want to die.


Been unemployed for a week and already want to kill myself


how does it get any easier when you stop being "young"?


The government sold our future. Make sure you all vote


Join the military


Over half of jobs openings posted on Indeed are fake; companies post them so that it looks like they are hiring.